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How to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF)?

Yes, yaar i feel you bro but lol sifarish bhi hay nah, just wondering so if i go into paf i cant come to america not even on a perminantn green card type of thing?
Yes, yaar i feel you bro but lol sifarish bhi hay nah, just wondering so if i go into paf i cant come to america not even on a perminantn green card type of thing?

You Can visit but not more then 2 to 3 days!!!! and PAF is more suspicious about a person with dual nationality and a person who is not Muslim!!! And they will be very very strict to you cuz you got a dual nationality......and one more thing!!! they wont let you marry an American girl.........these were the facts about AirForce and one thing I forgot is that Sifarish..........hahaha! anyways Good Luck to you!!!:bunny:
Ok guys enough of BS! Stop spreading shameless rumors.

Here's how it is:

Anybody with dual nationality can retain it till the day he is commissioned. Meaning thereby you could retain it during training but then the day you have to get commission you have to renounce it before that.

You can always visit US or whatever place. No onw would stop you, espacially if you your family there. There is something known as Leave Ex-Pakistan, which you can always avail. But yes getting the visa stuff would be your baby.

You can always marry an american girl, but then she has to be of Pakistani origin. i mean she has to be a Pakistani. Military allows you to marry only those girls who holds a DUAL nationality in countries having Dual Nationality Pact with Pakistan, there are 15 may be 16 countries in total that do it. The US, Canada, UK, Ireland are among them, search online for the remaining countries.

The Sirs who was saying Air Force keeps a special eye over dual nationality guys should know that when you would no more be a Dual nationality guy why would the PAF keep an 'eye' on you?

And lastly, if someone is so pained to leave his nationality, then i would suggest that he should better stay away from Pakistan armed Forces, because he would sure be kicked out during ISSB!

And the one having concerns over sifarish, buddy, i know why you were sorted out by the Board at the right time!

P.S. Why dont some PAFian reply these people...? i am with the Army, guys..:)
Alright so saying i do come to pakistan what is the physical shape i have to be in?
right now im in excelent shape, my physice is near perfect i can bench 240 and squat 370. i work out daily here in america, so what other physical condition do i have to prepare or and when does the recruiting start?
and if heihgt and weight matter im about roughly 5'10 and 175 iA till next year i want to push it to 185
GENERAL DUTIES (PILOT) BRANCH (Permanent Commission and Short Service
Fsc Course: PC 16-22 years
Graduate Course: SSC 18-30 years

what Fsc Course PC and Graduate Course SSc stands for????
what is difference between Fsc course and Graduate Course?both course become polite or what????

Please explain in detail
PC means... Permanent Commission.... Usually after Inter (FSc. FA)
SSC means... Short Service Commission....Usually after Graduation (BSc. BA. Engineering etc)
PC means... Permanent Commission.... Usually after Inter (FSc. FA)
SSC means... Short Service Commission....Usually after Graduation (BSc. BA. Engineering etc)

FA and BA is not allowed in PAF. Only science groups.
Hey Hey Hey!!!! do not miss guide the candidates!!! tell them what the Air Force is......Okay Before applying i was also told that in Air Force there isnt any Sifarish!!! but there is........and u know what??? the doctors of Airforce are just fuckin Idiots!!! that idiot said that i hav a low blood pressure but when another private doc checked my Bp it was normal!!! Air Force is nothing but a force of Sifarish!!!!! I didnt knew that AirForce would be THAT corrupt!!!!! and YOU do not know anything about Airforce!!! I know it better then you......So PISS OFF!!!!!
FA and BA is not allowed in PAF. Only science groups.

F.Sc done in combination of subject (physics computer science and maths) are they allowed for GDP????

four year BCS student are they allowed for SSC Short Service Commission GDP or only B.SC students ?????:what:
Hey Hey Hey!!!! do not miss guide the candidates!!! tell them what the Air Force is......Okay Before applying i was also told that in Air Force there isnt any Sifarish!!! but there is........and u know what??? the doctors of Airforce are just fuckin Idiots!!! that idiot said that i hav a low blood pressure but when another private doc checked my Bp it was normal!!! Air Force is nothing but a force of Sifarish!!!!! I didnt knew that AirForce would be THAT corrupt!!!!! and YOU do not know anything about Airforce!!! I know it better then you......So PISS OFF!!!!!

seen this attitude before i know so many who was before ISSB all the people saying Pakistan Army Zindabad but after rejection it they take to their heart and say army corrupt.
salam..i want to join PAF but i have come to know some rumors about the selection of gdp after fsc is now concluded?..somone plz tell me if this really happened cuz im in 12th rite noe
F.Sc done in combination of subject (physics computer science and maths) are they allowed for GDP????

four year BCS student are they allowed for SSC Short Service Commission GDP or only B.SC students ?????:what:

Yes you can apply for F.Sc course with physics, computers and maths. Physics is necessary. That is why FA is not allowed.

2 years B.Sc is allowed bt from a recognized university. 4 years is not necessary. But no full stop for 4 years studends. They can also apply.
salam..i want to join PAF but i have come to know some rumors about the selection of gdp after fsc is now concluded?..somone plz tell me if this really happened cuz im in 12th rite noe

Its a fake news. In August 09 they take a batch of GDP in FSc course. In december or january they may open FSc course again.
seen this attitude before i know so many who was before ISSB all the people saying Pakistan Army Zindabad but after rejection it they take to their heart and say army corrupt.

you both are right, I have seen many people who get rejected and then turn against the armed forces but at the same time, I feel bad too when hearing about this sifarish, its true that nowadays, PAF looks for nothing except big sifarish, I better go USAF where there is NO sifarish :usflag: :sniper: :pakistan:
Yes you can apply for F.Sc course with physics, computers and maths. Physics is necessary. That is why FA is not allowed.

2 years B.Sc is allowed bt from a recognized university. 4 years is not necessary. But no full stop for 4 years studends. They can also apply.

i know about b.sc= bachelor of science but what about BCS = bachelor of computer science???????

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