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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

How about bombing their shelters in afghanistan... assasinating brahamdagh and telling the uae n other gulf countries to get their act together?

Bombing at their shelters in Afghanistan???????????? are u insane???? doing that u are setting a precedent for india to do the same in Pakistan regarding Hafiz Saeed... don't u think????
You are precise, not to forget the whole madrassas are influenced by saudi sects, forced and their crippled ideology.

But why is it Saudi Arabia is able to control it's clergy and Pakistan is not
We are drifting from the topic a little bit here.

I'll correct my course apologies, thoughts are it is related to Pakistan's integrity that certain ideologies being imported or forced upon.
Let us accept that we were deluded since '47 and there's no such thing - by God absolutely none as Ummah ! Yes , they need to be informed , prepared , see the true faces of the people they respect most and take action ... Yes , the King's wont , remember it is the gifted kingdoms by the British for betraying Ottoman Turks so they really do not care about anything but the safety of their throne and money ... King Fahd once said " After Allah , we trust in USA " ... People didn't understand back then , possibly they may have figured it out by now ...

Exactly! That is what I was thinking. These Gulf states came into being for being treacherous to fellow Muslims of Ottoman Turks. Why will they spare us? Treachery is in their genes.

These states only work for their small interests. God willing when we have a good economy, these Gulf states are not powerful enough to counter us. You only to provide them expensive booze, a few girls and some expensive cars. such is their worth and their depravity.
Diplomatically, Pakistan can't make them stand down as many Pakistanis resides in these countries not the other way round. Loss of remittances is also an issue.

Don't know about KSA, but KSA has been ally of US and especially this time as US stance against Iran is in favor of KSA. As far as India is concerned, KSA wants to increase its ties so I think India will ask them to stay out the equation, so will US.

Chinese are too intelligent to get into this matter. They will only appear in the scenario if access to Gulf through Gwadar is in danger. So they may ask these countries, but at the same time can't dictate them terms as China also needs these states.

Working with Iran is much better idea. But any closeness to Iran will be against West's interest. Getting isolated like Iran is the last thing Pakistan wants.

With this post you cleared me doubts that you actually deserve to be a Think Tank in this awesome site!
Why have I started to think that Pakistan is running out of friends fast ? ... Even the most trusted of our partners have formed alliances with our enemies ( Hint : KSA ) ... We are being isolated rapidly than the general populace can even imagine kind of becoming another NK or Iran ! With a situation like these , I am not optimistic that we can do anything to stop them ...

Dubai offers a microphone to, Akhat Mengal.
Puny ant colonies........ once the party starts, we shall see how fast they, in their "dishdasha/kandura" run to their masters in West. :D
Pakistan faces no threat from the gulf! reason is simple we NEED the gulf for job market & aid. they are progressing fast and maybe in a couple of decades might be the economic center of the world. countries like bahrain,qatar,Uae are leaping ahead in terms of moving forward!

while we are regressing!
This so-called threat is the result of our negligence towards educating our youth, implementing progressive policies and failing to enhance our economy.
Once we start focusing on those issues and strengthen our position inthe region, these Gulf states would once again fall in line.
Very interesting stuff. But why would UAE do that? What interest do they have to destabilize Pakistan? So I am suspicious.Regarding Qatar, a few information needs to be known. Hamad al-Thani is a lunatic fat man who has deep psychological issues. His wife(her name banana!) convinced him of overthrowing his own father and take the rule for him self. If a man betrays his own father he can't be trusted. Since SA sided with the father initially, he declared a secret jihad on SA from that day on. In fact there was a recent tape leaked by Libyan rebels where his foreign affairs minister(and brother in-law) was scheming with Qaddafi to BREAK UP Saudi Arabia and over throw the ruling family(He asked the Brits for help but they essentially told him to **** off). You can see it on youtube. He is paranoid with inferiority complex. As for Bahrain, I simply can't imagine them doing anything like that. They are too weak and fragile to play this game. Its simply inconceivable. UAE maybe but why?
Saudi Arabia doesn't have that much control over most of them, except for Bahrain. I listed the reason for Qatar, and UAE likes to think of it self as on equal terms with us, so they always try to overcompensate. Kuwait is weary about us, since we have a huge influence over their Sunni population. Oman nobody knows what the **** is going on with them, we basically have to drag them to GCC meetings.
The only reasonable way to solve this problem is we annex these insignificant "countries", that is if the U.S stays out of it and minds her own business.

To answer that part only;

Pakistan via it's ports ( Gawadar ) provides a shorter and cheaper route to energy ( Central Asian sourced ) than Dubai does to Middle Easts.
Plus, all the ships don't have to pass through the gulf of hormouz and deal with Iran etc.
In addition, Pakistan provides a base for furhter mineral resources, industrial base, and engineers.

Simple economics;

As for Qatar; they are too small geographically for a GDP as high as theirs.
Qatar's gas plan was based on a simple decission " We will not export fuel as such, we will export petroleum products "

Beillaint idea, but it has made them too rich for their own good !
As i have gone thread this thread, it's clear to me that at least most of us here, recognize who the enemy is and what ideology they are using against us and why -- but what I have not come across is how is this threat to be countered -- UAE is a tourist destination, it would be awful if bombs went off in their peaceful streets, and of course the Sodies too do not seem to realize that turn about is fair play.

How should we proceed, how do we actually counter the threat?
As i have gone thread this thread, it's clear to me that at least most of us here, recognize who the enemy is and what ideology they are using against us and why -- but what I have not come across is how is this threat to be countered -- UAE is a tourist destination, it would be awful if bombs went off in their peaceful streets, and of course the Sodies too do not seem to realize that turn about is fair play.

How should we proceed, how do we actually counter the threat?

well I agree too there are hidden motives of some gulf nations which are harmful for pakistan but again I would say its not them who are the real culprits.They themselves are just the mere pawns and are being used as pleased by invincible hands who first broke ottoman empire and made all these little states to succeed in their agenda's...And its them not these gulf states who made this map decades ago....So instead of planning to Bomb dubai or other ways to deal them think about someway to deal these maniacs who area after your integrity in real way and possess all means to do so as well...And they are right on track uptill now...

think about someway to deal these maniacs who area after your integrity in real way and possess all means to do so as well...And they are right on track uptill now..

If they are hands of the real enemy - lets us first render those hands irreparable, out of commission

If they are hands of the real enemy - lets us first render those hands irreparable, out of commission
It does make sense partly but we damage just our brothers as you may say al-saud are the traitors then punishing whole of KSA for their sins wont be justified and same goes to UAE,Bahrain and qatar...Plus these are not the only hands once we get engaged with them the friends from east would come with their full force so its not easy...
Putting aside all sects we need to be united under one label and that should be Allah is the greatest and is the only ONE...We can then think about ways to keep our integrity intact and progress with respect..
And one more thing you dint mention so let me do the honors...Its not only KSA,UAE and other gulf states unfortunately Iran has been supporting unrest in balochistan previously and have given our arch rival india chabhar port to set her firm footprints in not only afghanistan but also till Car's...

So we cant fight alone with bombs with everyone we need to be rational and focused and use diplomacy where it can work, secret ops where they can work and then full fledge force where that is required but before that we need to be united ..If we will be divided like shias,sunnis,wahabis,punjabi,baloch,pathan etc we are not going anywhere but where our enemies wants us to be .....
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