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How Palestinian Hate Prevents Peace

NO offence to anyone here but I really don't give a fig anymore. We have our own problems, Solomon is very clever, what he is trying to do i gauge just how many members on this forum are willing to turn a blind eye to the obvious encoragment of Israeli state on Palestinian lands, how easy it is to erode the most basic fundemental human rights from the Palestinian and Arab Israelis living in that sordid land and just how worked up we will get over the Interwebs.

Frankly in Pakistan, we have to worry about ourselves first... Charity begins at home, right? but that does not me that one turns a blind eye to rampant injustice, inhuman intolerance and willful neglect of fundamental human rights and the very essence of what it is to be human, to be FREE...

Don't really care what anyone thinks, i still believe that Israel deserves a right to exist just like any other nation, but all you see since the Nakba is excess, upon excess of Israel's defiance of human rights, international law and basic decency.

Israel, the only nation to challenge a stone throwing pubescent child with a Main Battle Tank. Very brave, son of Jerusalem... David would be turning in his grave looking at you!

yara believe me.

Palestinian leadership is no different than Jahaliyyah fil Islami (JI), and Tehrike Terrorist Pakistan (TTP).

Just like our JI and TTP, Palestinian leadership too is hell bent on creating fasad instead of roping in their extremists so everyone can come to some agreement.

60+ forking years have gone by and not a single Jinnah has risen among Palestinians who could say that I am going to accept and respect the international borders as currently laid out.

Then move on to develop and prosper the territory.

1948 Palestinian leadership wanted the borders based on 1800
1967 Palestinian leadership wanted the borders based on 1930
1973 Palestinian leadership wanted the borders based on 1967

And thats where they have remained stuck while losing more territory by the year.

Just look at fing Hammas leadership.

Oh Bhai you have no military power that can engage Israel in an open battlefield,

then why to fing throw these fire crackers?

and in turn get your people killed by F-16

Why forking why?

Because they are same as JI and TTP.

Living for the next rifle shot.

NO offence to anyone here but I really don't give a fig anymore. We have our own problems -
I'm dealing with Pakistani problems but from my point of view they are tied into Pakistani attitudes towards Israel. I may be wrong at that; to a hammer every problem looks like a nail. What I offer and post here is for Pakistanis to evaluate.

...what he is trying to do i gauge just how many members on this forum are willing to turn a blind eye to the obvious encoragment of Israeli state on Palestinian lands -
Not at all. I've pointed out many times that Pakistanis have history backward: the Israelis are the ones who pay for land or were granted it by the Caliph and League of Nations, while the Arabs are the ones who seek to kill for it or fake property claims.

Frankly in Pakistan, we have to worry about ourselves first... Charity begins at home, right?
If you are unwilling to stand up for the justice of Israel because the Arabs or more numerous or share religious beliefs closer to yours you are also going to be less willing to stand up for the rights of minorities at home - and Pakistan's history shows a minority can be invented on short notice by self-interested religious and political leaders.

Don't really care what anyone thinks, i still believe that Israel deserves a right to exist just like any other nation, but all you see since the Nakba is excess, upon excess of Israel's defiance of human rights, international law and basic decency.
I think you have it exactly backwards. You are not to blame, of course, for the misinformation crammed into your head by educators; but you're an adult now and have many information sources available to you that you didn't have before.

You are not the first Pakistani to be faced by this choice. My childhood neighbors, Pakistani diplomats, knew the truth. They did not consider it their duty to correct their countrymen and in fairness they had more immediate priorities, stopping the P.A.'s killing in E. Pakistan. But it was intolerance that was the enemy, intolerance that came from refusing to recognize that human beings of all stripes have inherent rights that must not be trammelled by force. One of these diplomats died shortly after Bangladeshi independence. They said it was a heart attack, but I saw him in his hospital bed: it was a broken heart, for even in winning independence he failed to confront what really mattered - and the opportunity was lost.
....P.A.'s killing in E. Pakistan. .

For any army a person who throws stones and fires bullets at them is enemy.

Check how Israeli army has to respond to the provocation.

Or you are following double standards here?
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I think you have it exactly backwards. You are not to blame, of course, for the misinformation crammed into your head by educators;

Thank you for pontificating. But i do not need educating, i have enough knowledge to see the truth for myself. Thank you :)

And if anyone wants to see the full documentary to understand and learn more about the conflict,
[media youtube]n3bxj1uvDXU[media]
[media youtube]mswcD6dz4Gk[media]

And if anyone wants to see the full documentary to understand and learn more about the conflict,
[media youtube]dwpvI8rX72o[media]

posting neo-Nazi $hit will not help anyone
posting neo-Nazi $hit will not help anyone
Please do explain how this is "Neo-Nazi $hit"?
It has a perfectly clear history of the conflict, especially the first video which is a segment from the full documentary, most of the people talking in it are Jews who are against Zionism or simply people who have actually opened up a history book that don't distort the past. So how is this classified as "Neo-Nazi $hit"? Because the thread is about "How Palestinian Hate Prevents Peace", and this is relevant to that article, because this "hate" did not come out of nowhere and isn't unfounded.

Knowing the history of the conflict is important.
Please do explain how this is "Neo-Nazi $hit"?
It has a perfectly clear history of the conflict, especially the first video which is a segment from the full documentary, most of the people talking in it are Jews who are against Zionism or simply people who have actually opened up a history book that don't distort the past. So how is this classified as "Neo-Nazi $hit"? Because the thread is about "How Palestinian Hate Prevents Peace", and this is relevant to that article, because this "hate" did not come out of nowhere and isn't unfounded.

Knowing the history of the conflict is important.

We can talk about zionism until the kingdom comes.

But considering this thread we must ask some questions.

Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1947. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1948. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1967. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1973. No! Palestinians did.

Thus Palestinian state had more than enough time to be realized and formed.

But Palestinian in particular and Arabs in general continued to reject it.

And every year of war and hateful incitement they continued to lose the territory.

This my friend is not shown in any video being posted by those who absolutely do not accept the Israel. And that's a shame.
We can talk about zionism until the kingdom comes.

But considering this thread we must ask some questions.

Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1947. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1948. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1967. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1973. No! Palestinians did.

Thus Palestinian state had more than enough time to be realized and formed.

But Palestinian in particular and Arabs in general continued to reject it.

And every year of war and hateful incitement they continued to lose the territory.

This my friend is not shown in any video being posted by those who absolutely do not accept the Israel. And that's a shame.

Because it wasn't in 1947 that the issue started. And if you believe that, then i advise you, friend, to pick up a history book. And/Or view that first video of the three i posted which told the terms of the proposals that you brought up, i would have rejected to that too. Its not about Palestine, its about Zionism. If they had gone and taken Uganda , which was another plan they had, i would have objected to that to. Just as anyone objected to the colonization of Africa, Apartheid and so on.

What about the Balfour declaration? And the roots of the conflict can be traced to the late 19th century. So saying that it started in 1947, 1948,1967 or 1973 is just turning a blind eye to the history of the conflict.

Is this relevant then?
or this?
and keep in mind that they are close friends, the second politicician even says that most of them believe in what he believes in but that just 5% of the politicians go out public with it.

etc and etc.
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Thank you for pontificating. But i do not need educating, i have enough knowledge to see the truth for myself. Thank you :)
How likely is that? If all your sources are Pakistani...you know that they don't tell the truth about Pakistan because you can experience that yourself. Do you really think the authorities have less compunction lying about places far away that Pakistanis are forbidden to visit on their passports?
Algebra and Algorithm are linked to one single person Abu Musa Alkhawarzami.

Algebra comes from jabr means to factorize (for solving quadratic equations)
Algorithm simply refers to a set of mathematical steps to solve a given problem.

His research in Baghadad was performed when Ayatullahs and Mullahs had not gotten hold of everything.

Once Ayatullahs and Mullahs became powerful, terrible version of Mullahtic Islam came

And science in Baghdad was dead in few decades.

Any follower of Ayatullahs and Mullahs today is in fact an anti-science person who has no right to claim anything from Abu Musa Alkhawarzami.

These days only jabr is being done is by Ayatullahs and Mullahs when they crush independent and free thought.
For many centuries algorithms have been developed by Europeans and these are the algorithms that run your phone, internet, airplanes, trains. Any effort to "Islamize" this term is simply pathetic.


and maybe your kind are higher in technology than Ayatollahs ....
and about algorithm and others sciences , basically others developed those science ... without some scientist like Islamic scientist , Western would need extra centuries to achieved what they achieved by now ....

We can talk about zionism until the kingdom comes.

But considering this thread we must ask some questions.

Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1947. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1948. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1967. No! Palestinians did.
Did Zionism reject Palestinian state in 1973. No! Palestinians did.

Thus Palestinian state had more than enough time to be realized and formed.

But Palestinian in particular and Arabs in general continued to reject it.

And every year of war and hateful incitement they continued to lose the territory.

This my friend is not shown in any video being posted by those who absolutely do not accept the Israel. And that's a shame.

if you have two sister( wife ) and some guy comes and kidnap one of them , will you accept his terms and make peace with him !?

and why you peaceful Pakistanis didn't accept your past defeat and still continue your enmity with Indians !?

Why Arabs should accept that some guys from EU and other places come and occupy their lands !?
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Neither is Israel a saint nor are Palestinians sinners. Both sides due to their intransigence will not willingly make equitable peace with each other as their concept of equity is so far apart from each other that their is hardly any common ground for genuine peace to happen.

The fact is that Israel is a reality and its proven its will and ability to exist and defend itself.

The fact is that Israel cannot pretend the Palestine people dont exist. Much as Israel may wish to be done away with them it will not happen.

Yes we can forever look up history and each side will have their legitimate claims but what is important is the only hope for peace for the future is for both Israel and a Palestine state to co-exist. Sadly this is unlikely to happen anytime in the future.

As for Pakistan, IMHO it should focus on resolving its own debilitating issues rather than picking fights and choosing sides with other countries.
As for Pakistan, IMHO it should focus on resolving its own debilitating issues rather than picking fights and choosing sides with other countries.
The problem with that approach, from my point of view, is that the values system that messes up Pakistan pre-dates Pakistan itself. It originated in denying the rights of the Jews to re-settle Palestine. To do that your forefathers had to subsume human rights, forfeit property rights, deny truthful evaluation of facts, etc., all in the cause of religious bigotry. Then you act upon this warped values system by interacting with the world around you. Hence the problems with minorities, the criminality, the justice system where no one feels moral compunctions about lying under oath, rule-by-law rather than rule-of-law, and so on.

All problems could move toward improvement by revamping the values system. However, that automatically legitimizes Israel and of course compels one to change the view of Arabs completely. Maybe the view of Islam, too. And, of course, it's embarrassing for the emperor to admit he has no clothes. Hence the resistance of Pakistanis who know better and could work to correct their country's faults to changing their society for the better.

@Anaoshak: videos that purport to tell "why" are generally time-wasters. Write it out cogently or surrender.
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and maybe your kind are higher in technology than Ayatollahs ....
and about algorithm and others sciences , basically others developed those science ... without some scientist like Islamic scientist , Western would need extra centuries to achieved what they achieved by now ....


Pakistanis are slaves of Irani Ayatullahs and Saudi Mullahs (depending on their sect), so we are pathetic in science too.

Oh and the theories about algorithms are useless. I told you exactly what the history of algorithm is.

It was used by Mohammad Musa Alkhawarzmi to solve quadratic equation. But he never called it "algorithm". He simply called it mathematics. It was Europeans who wanted to honor Mohammad Musa so they called anything an algorithm that consisted of a series of mathematical steps to solve a problem.

But you won't know. Perhaps you never studied science. And even if you did, it was probably some rote memorization of books.

So please use your head before regurgitating falsehood.

Now tell me, why would Europeans need 200 years to learn how to use factorization (Algebra) to solve a quadratic equation?


If a humble guy from Alkhawarzan could sit in a Baghdad building in 830 AD and figure out factorization, why would it take someone sitting in Rome not to do the same soon after the first renaissance?

Many Mullahs and Ayatullahs make claims about science without ever knowing the basics of Algebra.


if you have two sister( wife ) and some guy comes and kidnap one of them , will you accept his terms and make peace with him !?

and why you peaceful Pakistanis didn't accept your past defeat and still continue your enmity with Indians !?

Why Arabs should accept that some guys from EU and other places come and occupy their lands !?

You are comparing land with wives. hahahaahaha.

So everytime someone sells their house and moves to another city, they sell their wife?


Oh and learn a bit about Pakistan vs. India tussle. Don't be an idiot pathetic historian. Being an Iranian used to mean educated and enlightened. However you are giving a poor example. Read Mr. Read!

India is like Arabs who dominate areas next to a tiny Pakistan.

Pakistan is like Israel who was never accepted by the huge neighbor.

So we still fight on for our survival just like Israel.
The problem with that approach, from my point of view, is that the values system that messes up Pakistan pre-dates Pakistan itself. It originated in denying the rights of the Jews to re-settle Palestine. To do that your forefathers had to subsume human rights, forfeit property rights, deny truthful evaluation of facts, etc., all in the cause of religious bigotry. Then you act upon this warped values system by interacting with the world around you. Hence the problems with minorities, the criminality, the justice system where no one feels moral compunctions about lying under oath, rule-by-law rather than rule-of-law, and so on.

All problems could move toward improvement by revamping the values system. However, that automatically legitimizes Israel and of course compels one to change the view of Arabs completely. Maybe the view of Islam, too. And, of course, it's embarrassing for the emperor to admit he has no clothes. Hence the resistance of Pakistanis who know better and could work to correct their country's faults to changing their society for the better.

@Anaoshak: videos that purport to tell "why" are generally time-wasters. Write it out cogently or surrender.

Islam doesnt exist because of some purported denial of Israel or Jews or even Christians for that matter. Some Muslim's may fall in that category but the same can be said about some Jews or Christians etc.

If you look deep in to history everyone's forefathers at some point and time were guilty of what you wrote but what does it matter now? And whats the point of mixing Pakistan's problems with the enmity between Jews and Arab Muslim's. If anything all that many Pakistani's do is to make copious noise about Israel and thats about it.

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