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How Palestinian Hate Prevents Peace

If you look deep in to history everyone's forefathers at some point and time were guilty of what you wrote but what does it matter now? And whats the point of mixing Pakistan's problems with the enmity between Jews and Arab Muslim's. If anything all that many Pakistani's do is to make copious noise about Israel and thats about it.
We can't do so much about what decisions our ancestors made in the past but we can make our own decisions today - including throwing off the ideological baggage carried by our forefathers. Give up the blind unjustifiable hatred and embrace a values system that elevates individual human rights. Acknowledge that while Islam preaches many things about tolerating non-Muslims in practice Muslims haven't lived up to such a standard for centuries and hence have no moral right to impose their bigotry and rule upon others who follow a better way.
Lets take the pain of deporting all Pallys to concentration camps and tell them "work sets you free".
@Solomon2 this blaming the victim really pulls no weight, my friend. Israel is the more powerful state and is responsible for imposing much of the restrictions on the Palestinains. So really?
It is a lame attempt to justify their inhuman actions.When one's hands are covered with blood of innocent,then what do you expect them to do?
A murderer do always try to justify his action,and best strategy that murderer normally does is to demonize 'victim'.
I really wonder that when they will realize and learn and do make sincere attempts to establish peace,but my such expectations are indeed described as living in fool's paradise.
Pakistanis are slaves of Irani Ayatullahs and Saudi Mullahs (depending on their sect), so we are pathetic in science too.

Oh and the theories about algorithms are useless. I told you exactly what the history of algorithm is.

It was used by Mohammad Musa Alkhawarzmi to solve quadratic equation. But he never called it "algorithm". He simply called it mathematics. It was Europeans who wanted to honor Mohammad Musa so they called anything an algorithm that consisted of a series of mathematical steps to solve a problem.

But you won't know. Perhaps you never studied science. And even if you did, it was probably some rote memorization of books.

So please use your head before regurgitating falsehood.

Now tell me, why would Europeans need 200 years to learn how to use factorization (Algebra) to solve a quadratic equation?


If a humble guy from Alkhawarzan could sit in a Baghdad building in 830 AD and figure out factorization, why would it take someone sitting in Rome not to do the same soon after the first renaissance?

Many Mullahs and Ayatullahs make claims about science without ever knowing the basics of Algebra.


You are comparing land with wives. hahahaahaha.

So everytime someone sells their house and moves to another city, they sell their wife?


Oh and learn a bit about Pakistan vs. India tussle. Don't be an idiot pathetic historian. Being an Iranian used to mean educated and enlightened. However you are giving a poor example. Read Mr. Read!

India is like Arabs who dominate areas next to a tiny Pakistan.

Pakistan is like Israel who was never accepted by the huge neighbor.

So we still fight on for our survival just like Israel.

1- Pakistanis are not slaves , but look like they have some Pakistani who haven't any faith on their country ... and that why they reached to this point ....

2- so why they couldn't learn it in their Greeks and Roman empire !? they lasted more than 1000 years .... or maybe Roman and Byzanthian weren't belong to EU history ....

3- so when you can't answer , you begin to mock others and insult them !?

4- it was an example , not comparing .... at least go and educated yourself to understand the difference between example and comparing ...

and don't fool yourself , they only bought some land in beginning and after that , they used force ...

5- so you beat the craps out of India .. is this your history !?

6- India is not like Arabs ( they never loss to Pakistan , unlike Arab and their famous war with Israel .... although , if Arabs hadn't internal problem and some traitors among themselves and weren't that arrogant they could smash those little Zionists ... ) and for sure Pakistan is not like Israel ...

You show your point here , you think Pakistan=Israel , India=Arabs and that why you are so biased and unfair ...

2- so why they [Europeans] couldn't learn it in their Greeks and Roman empire !? they lasted more than 1000 years .... or maybe Roman and Byzanthian weren't belong to EU history ....

6- India is not like Arabs ( they never loss to Pakistan , unlike Arab and their famous war with Israel .......

Ignoring childish rhetoric.

On your bullet #2

Both Muslims and Europeans made scientific discoveries based on rationaslism of Greeks and Romans.

--- Muslim/Middle Eastern discoveries started when they employed rational thought as per Greeks/Romans.
--- Muslim/Middle Eastern discoveries ended when they stopped following Greeks/Romans and started employing irrational thought as per Islamist teachings (Read Ghazali for details).

On your bullet #6

Indians may not have lost big wars like in 1965 or 1971, but many Indians think like Arabs when they say Pakistanis took away piece of Hindu ancestral lands (just like Israelis took away Arab ancestral lands as per Arab and Iranian irrational philosophy) .

I hope you get it now.

Do you know, the Zionist troll division pays people to post on different forums around the world to defend Israel?
@OP, And the settlers in Israel are peace loving hippies planting trees and teaching Yoga...yeah...No.
The problem with that approach, from my point of view, is that the values system that messes up Pakistan pre-dates Pakistan itself. It originated in denying the rights of the Jews to re-settle Palestine. To do that your forefathers had to subsume human rights, forfeit property rights, deny truthful evaluation of facts, etc., all in the cause of religious bigotry. Then you act upon this warped values system by interacting with the world around you. Hence the problems with minorities, the criminality, the justice system where no one feels moral compunctions about lying under oath, rule-by-law rather than rule-of-law, and so on.

All problems could move toward improvement by revamping the values system. However, that automatically legitimizes Israel and of course compels one to change the view of Arabs completely. Maybe the view of Islam, too. And, of course, it's embarrassing for the emperor to admit he has no clothes. Hence the resistance of Pakistanis who know better and could work to correct their country's faults to changing their society for the better.

@Anaoshak: videos that purport to tell "why" are generally time-wasters. Write it out cogently or surrender.
Some people might not find them to be time-wasters, on one of them you have an Israeli politician, who is a close friend to Netanyahu, saying that most of the Israeli politicians think the way he does but they don't go public with it. On the other hand, you have the Prime Minister of Israel boasting of how he destroyed the peace accords , started to "conquer" and how he can control America and do what he wants.
Sort of relevant. And don't even get me started on the settlements,ethnic cleansing etc.
The previous videos i posted, however show the past of the conflict and some of the present problems that prevents Peace.
We can't do so much about what decisions our ancestors made in the past but we can make our own decisions today - including throwing off the ideological baggage carried by our forefathers. Give up the blind unjustifiable hatred and embrace a values system that elevates individual human rights. Acknowledge that while Islam preaches many things about tolerating non-Muslims in practice Muslims haven't lived up to such a standard for centuries and hence have no moral right to impose their bigotry and rule upon others who follow a better way.

Yes I would agree to a certain extent, there should be no need for hatred between people, any people, and also in practice there are some Muslim's who dont live up to the standards set by their religion.

But the same is true of all other religions. What you see manifesting today among Muslim's is but a tiny minority. Wrong for sure, to be condemned for sure, but still tiny compared to the total number of Muslim's and the diverse backgrounds they belong to.

Its not easy to change behavior of large groups of diverse people. That realm belongs only to Hollywood. Look at the Israel Arab conflict. Compared to the total world population the Israeli Arab population fighting with each other is insignificant but look at the effect it has had on the world, its politics, its economics, on terror, etc. Have they changed their attitudes towards one another?

Finally, as for the right of anyone to have a moral right to impose their standards on others, firstly the moment you want to impose its akin to forcing which will never work, secondly, the only way IMHO to effectively preach your standards is to live by by them before you can expect others to accept and follow, and lastly, doesnt this also remind you of the overzealous christian missionaries who terrorized whole populations/countries/continents in the past all the name of God?
Yes I would agree to a certain extent, there should be no need for hatred between people, any people, and also in practice there are some Muslim's who dont live up to the standards set by their religion...Its not easy to change behavior of large groups of diverse people. That realm belongs only to Hollywood.
Hollywood can turn large groups of people into Star Wars fans but such success depends upon a favorable audience reception and to do that filmmakers conform to a culture's or sub-culture's norms rather than establishing new ones. If America of the 1970s had not been an environment that favored "the rebel" over the "establishment" Star Wars might well have flopped, or else never have been made. Star Wars creator George Lucas majored in mythology, not history or journalism or political science.

Occasionally Hollywood produces serious films like "Shoah". You tell me what impact these films have made in your culture.

I think you'll admit that Mohammed and his successors had much success in changing peoples' behavior. They did not need Hollywood to do so, right?

Look at the Israel Arab conflict. Compared to the total world population the Israeli Arab population fighting with each other is insignificant but look at the effect it has had on the world, its politics, its economics, on terror, etc.
I think many European leaders conceived of the Jewish State in terms of its strategic importance: the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, providing a distant fulcrum of conflict and holding back the hordes from Asia, employed to protect European interests, as in the 1956 Sinai Campaign to take control of the Suez Canal away from Egypt. This strategy failed when the U.S. intervened on the side of the Arabs and DeGaulle claimed after the Six-Day War that Jews are ""an elite people, self-assured and domineering," and possessed of "a burning ambition for conquest"", thus clearing the way for improved relations with Arab countries and cheap labor via Arab immigration into France.

Finally, as for the right of anyone to have a moral right to impose their standards on others, firstly the moment you want to impose its akin to forcing which will never work, secondly, the only way IMHO to effectively preach your standards is to live by by them before you can expect others to accept and follow, and lastly, doesnt this also remind you of the overzealous christian missionaries who terrorized whole populations/countries/continents in the past all the name of God?
Do you recall why Indians stopped burning widows?
I think you'll admit that Mohammed and his successors had much success in changing peoples' behavior. They did not need Hollywood to do so, right?

Correct but this was done over scores of years and the personality/moral/lifestyle examples of the early Muslim leader also made a large contribution to this success, Pakistan is still a young state without any effective moral

Hollywood can turn large groups of people into Star Wars fans but such success depends upon a favorable audience reception and to do that filmmakers conform to a culture's or sub-culture's norms rather than establishing new ones. If America of the 1970s had not been an environment that favored "the rebel" over the "establishment" Star Wars might well have flopped, or else never have been made. Star Wars creator George Lucas majored in mythology, not history or journalism or political science.

This is a totally different topic and would love to discuss with you someday but not today, this sort of reminds me of the people who claim violence on TV causes all the real life violence, perhaps true in isolated cases but thats about it.

Do you recall why Indians stopped burning widows?

As far as my limited knowledge of history goes the ban was gradually imposed by the European powers ruling India at that time and along with the support of some influential local Hindu religious leaders. If the point is that Christian missionaries did some good, yes I agree, but their list of atrocities far far exceed the good they may have done. But that is all history, all religions have this sort of history lurking on their conscience.

I think many European leaders conceived of the Jewish State in terms of its strategic importance: the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, providing a distant fulcrum of conflict and holding back the hordes from Asia, employed to protect European interests, as in the 1956 Sinai Campaign to take control of the Suez Canal away from Egypt. This strategy failed when the U.S. intervened on the side of the Arabs and DeGaulle claimed after the Six-Day War that Jews are ""an elite people, self-assured and domineering," and possessed of "a burning ambition for conquest"", thus clearing the way for improved relations with Arab countries and cheap labor via Arab immigration into France.

Would love to discuss the origins of the present day Israel (the state) maybe a separate thread would be a good idea.

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