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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

Lol.... I am just expressing my view, how does it make me a coward??

ok thats fine with me. Read my post once again to understand it better.

Islam is not a bad religion at all but it was not embraced by masses peacefully like people claim here. Invaders enforced it to majority through economic favours, through fears of prosecution,by applying taxes like Jiziyas.We are not living in Zia's pakistan where text book history & facts are manipulated, we know better about conversion techniques used by muslim rulers than you do.

But do you know DAR-UL-HARB & DAR-UL-ISLAM concepts?? Study a little about it and then lets discuss about it.

Its you who is living in the past because i have clearly said that TODAY Islam is the fastest growing religion in West among natives.
And I do not care how Islam was introduced to the region, I am just glad that I am not part of Hinduism which my ancestors practiced because they were dumb!
ha ha ha .......

Do you know how many were killed in Mahabharata, your religious epic. You want to discuss other epic wars in Hinduism - why did Lord Krishna go to Dawarka in the first place.

Please find out first and then discuss the killings and dark ages etc etc.
bro no. of killed in mahabharata as much as truth as much in islam 72 virgin hoor in jannat and adam eve story or earth is flat .by the way islamic rule was dark age of india .
Why???A mere 65 year old country thinks its official owner or everything that realtes to Islam which is itself 1400 year old??

We didnt asked for a seperate hindu state...Being a secular country India is meant for all hindus, muslims, christians, sikhs, etc.

Everything that heritage of Indian muslims or muslims born on our soil belongs to us. Is that difficult to understand ???

So think of Pakistan that just landed from planet mars and non of the heritage of the region belongs to us. Typical brain washed cry baby Indian.
Tommorow if i follow islam, i wont stop doing my daily routine, i wont stop living my normal life. the only thing will change is my faith and the way i worship god. Learn the defination and difference between RELIGION and CULTURE.
Only if you have a atom worth of useful braincell in you, you would know that culture changes with Islam.
Thank god im not a india and dont follow a religion of 4000+BC.
Lol...Because Hindu are self contained, they are not in race of increasing head counts to prove their superiority & advertising their religions like Marketing company do.
You either live under a rock or simply cant think from yourself. As we speak, minorities are persecuted by Hindus for leaving Hindusim.
Hinduism is not a religion which treats other religions or faith as wrong or sinful.
Thats because Hindusim is a wrong religion which can not prove any other religion wrong.
It doesnt have religious verses which ask devotees to convert non-hindus & promise them rewards in jannat or swarga.
Your argument is not even worth of an atom. Islam does emphasizes on proving other religion wrong however their is not a single verse which commands to convert people by sword. expecting a out of context verse in your rants.
Neither it believes that ALMIGHTY GOD is one & only he needs to worshipped on contrary it believes there are 100s of way to reach God.
Exactly, thats the reason why im glad I do not worship human and animal gods.
Also Hindu believes every human being is born as Hindu, he baptized to islam or christianity after his birth.
Im am glad Im not a Hindu :)
OK. You go and live with your understanding.

Keep believe in the muck that you actually believe in.

You are a Hindutvadi nobody with bigotry filled mindless thinking- remain one.

I really dont understand how do you draw the conclusion that I am a Hindutvadi and even further more important,how that is of any significance here.I have presented an article that logically explains the origin of the language.If you find any flaw in the logic then why dont you point that ? If you are unable to take part in a logical discussion,then better shut your mouth,and let more intelligent people do the talking.
Hinduism was not part of India and it was a foreign faith brought in by Foreigners.

Therefore, you need to go back from where you came. Because you just don't belong here and you can't even claim to be Indians.

We Pakistanis are the true sons and daughters of the soil. And Islam is our religion. You don't like it, go back to where you came from.

Try following your own advice.Try going back Saudi Arabia,where from Islam has originated.See if they embrace you with open arms.......
i think most of the culture comes from the Mughals, who were muslims. so technically there is no indian culture (apart from religion off course) the true "indian" culture comes from Mughal muslims(customs, religious, clothing, food, architecture, and even language, etc) which can now be seen mostly in Pakistan and india for that matter.

You have a misconception that Indian culture is Hindu Culture
Muslim culture dosent mean pakistani culture. As muslim is as Indian as a Hindu/Jain/SIkh/Christian
Effectively you inherit Indian culture
India can claim Indus civilization because it is hindu's heritage however at the same time you can not take Pakistan's heritage of Muslim developments in India. Take the entire Indus civil but Muslim heritage of India belongs to us.
India claim IVC because we inherit that culture
And we also claim Mughal Culture because We inherit their culture
Pakistanis have misconception that Indian Culture is Hindu Culture
Your argument that Islam is about arab culture does not hold water. Only one-eighth of the muslim population worldwide is Arab. And there is not much historical evidence to support your assertion that islam was spread by force in the sub-continent.
That is because Islam is a global religion and has attracted followers and converts from all over the world. Islam is compatiable with every culture and land.
Hinduism is more of a regional religion and has not attracted followers anywhere outside the sub-continent with the only exception of hare krishnas, who are very small in number. Throughout history, people have always converted out of hinduism and hinduism shares similarities with paganism.

Almost the entire history that the hindus claim as their own happened in the land called Pakistan. The Indus valley civilization almost in it's entirety was in Pakistan.

It pains the hindus when they see that the land of such historical and cultural significance to them is now in muslim hands FOREVER. Now hindus are less than 2% of Pakistan's population and in a few more decades there will be no trace of hinduism left in Pakistan!![/QUOTE]

Muslims will flourish in India. The state of minority mostly depends on the attitude and tolerence of the majority towards them. There is no wonder that the Hindus are in so less numbers.
definitely not even near about that islam killed . There is always difference between warrior and barbarians , Barbarians kill innocent people , rape women , destroy culture, . everything is fair in islam with non-muslims even rape is allowed.

The number killed in the Mahabharata War

April 9, 2009 — Hariprasad

My previous article on the Akshouhini gave rise to some interesting discussions in the comments section. Sri Chiraan rightly pointed out that the actual number of people who participated in the war had to be much more. It was, after all, the “Maha”bharata war!

I recalled reading in the Tatparya Nirnaya that the number 18 Akshouhinis was just the core army. The actual army *had* to be much bigger! So I got down to doing some research on this and yes, the Bhaarata has captured this detail as well. We find details of the actual fatalities (and survivors) in the war in the Stri Parva. The Pandavas, along with Krishna, come to meet Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. At one point, Dhritharashtra asks Yudhishthira if he knows the number of people dead and number of survivors. The numbers that Dharma reveals are

• Fatalities : 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000!!!
• Survivors : 240,165

Today’s world population is 6 billion, 700 odd million. Even in today’s terms, about 25% of the population got wiped out in the war!

This piece of information is in the Stri Parva (11th Parva) of the Mahabharata. I reproduce below the original shloka(s) and Ganguly’s translation of the same.

dashayutanam ayutam sahasrani cha vimshatihi |
kotyah shashtishcha shat chaiva ye asmin rajamrudhe hataha ||
alakshyaanam tu veeraanam sahasraani chaturdasha |
dasha chaanyani rajendra shataam shashtis cha pancha cha ||

“One billion 660 million and 20,000 men have fallen in this battle. Of the heroes that have escaped, the number is 240,165″

Truly, the war was a Maha Yuddha!

The number killed in the Mahabharata War « Anandatirtha Prathishtana
definitely not even near about that islam killed . There is always difference between warrior and barbarians , Barbarians kill innocent people , rape women , destroy culture, . everything is fair in islam with non-muslims even rape is allowed.

You will not last long if you start hurting religious sentiments of others. Be warned!!!!!!!!!!

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