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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

bro no. of killed in mahabharata as much as truth as much in islam 72 virgin hoor in jannat and adam eve story or earth is flat .by the way islamic rule was dark age of india .

We converted India to what India was.

You guys are trying hard to break up even what you currently have.

Good luck to you.

Then why can't Turks understand Urdu, nor they claim Urdu. :woot:

Ask the Turks.

They will tell you that they speak Turkish - however, they do understand the common words that are spoken.

Surprising that majority of Hindu Indian people do not speak Sanskrit.
I really dont understand how do you draw the conclusion that I am a Hindutvadi and even further more important,how that is of any significance here.I have presented an article that logically explains the origin of the language.If you find any flaw in the logic then why dont you point that ? If you are unable to take part in a logical discussion,then better shut your mouth,and let more intelligent people do the talking.

ha ha ha .....

The article did not present a logical explanation. It quoted some one's theory. Which history proves it to be wrong.

Try following your own advice.Try going back Saudi Arabia,where from Islam has originated.See if they embrace you with open arms.......

Nope. I am staying right here.

You go back to where you came from.
You have a misconception that Indian culture is Hindu Culture
Muslim culture dosent mean pakistani culture. As muslim is as Indian as a Hindu/Jain/SIkh/Christian
Effectively you inherit Indian culture

No we don't inherit Indian culture.

We have a Pakistani culture and we are proud of it.

The current India, which got its independence in 1947, is trying to seek its culture in old India's history.

Old India's history is here in Pakistan. The Indus Valley Civilization. We hold its cradle and we are the scions.

Who are you guys?
Ask the Turks.

They will tell you that they speak Turkish - however, they do understand the common words that are spoken.

Surprising that majority of Hindu Indian people do not speak Sanskrit.

How do you know.
Your argument that Islam is about arab culture does not hold water. Only one-eighth of the muslim population worldwide is Arab. And there is not much historical evidence to support your assertion that islam was spread by force in the sub-continent.
That is because Islam is a global religion and has attracted followers and converts from all over the world. Islam is compatiable with every culture and land.
Hinduism is more of a regional religion and has not attracted followers anywhere outside the sub-continent with the only exception of hare krishnas, who are very small in number. Throughout history, people have always converted out of hinduism and hinduism shares similarities with paganism.

Almost the entire history that the hindus claim as their own happened in the land called Pakistan. The Indus valley civilization almost in it's entirety was in Pakistan.

It pains the hindus when they see that the land of such historical and cultural significance to them is now in muslim hands FOREVER. Now hindus are less than 2% of Pakistan's population and in a few more decades there will be no trace of hinduism left in Pakistan!![/QUOTE]

Muslims will flourish in India. The state of minority mostly depends on the attitude and tolerence of the majority towards them. There is no wonder that the Hindus are in so less numbers.


What's your point.

How do you know.

Because I know that I know.
This is an unfair and biased perception. How can an Indian speak for the peoples of Pakistan and Bangladesh, let alone, he can not even speak for all of Indian people.

Shades of cultural Arabia in the manner is also a mis-perception. If being Muslim gives it an Arabian shade, yes Islam emanated from Arabia, so did Christianity and Judaism. By this analogy the Europeans also are also Arabians. By this analogy, Indonesian Hindus are actually Indians. C'mon, you are an intelligent bloke - where did you come out of such BS.

I am a Pakistani Indian…… | Pak Tea House
India can claim Indus civilization because it is hindu's heritage however at the same time you can not take Pakistan's heritage of Muslim developments in India. Take the entire Indus civil but Muslim heritage of India belongs to us.

U must be kidding??

You guys still deride those muslim settlers who left india for the newly created pakistan during the partition days as the "Mohajirs or refugees " in your land , but you want to claim the Muslim heritage of India for pakistan.
We converted India to what India was.

You guys are trying hard to break up even what you currently have.

Good luck to you.

Ask the Turks.

They will tell you that they speak Turkish - however, they do understand the common words that are spoken.

Surprising that majority of Hindu Indian people do not speak Sanskrit.

The Turks can't understand Urdu because Urdu is a lot of loan words bolted onto an Indo-Aryan language. Neither can they understand Urdu, nor can Urdu speakers understand

About majority of Hindu Indians not speaking Sanskrit, the framing of the group shows basic ignorance. Only those whose languages are derivatives of Sanskrit, or rather, of Prakrit might be taunted in this immature fashion. Those Hindu Indians speaking Telugu, Kannada, Tulu, Tamil and Malayalee are just as likely to speak Sanskrit as an Uzbek or a Turkmen.

No derived language speaker speaks the original language. Ask the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Rhaeto-Romans and Romanians why they cannot speak Latin, and they will give the fool asking a knot in the head.
what is indian culture? it's a mixture of every thing that came from outside and local culture. Muslims had a huge influence on Indian society which hindus like to deny, after all muslims ruled india for almost a 1000 years.

A good article indeed, expressing a point of view.

I sit in a group of friends who have different perceptions and views about Pakistan and India. It indeed is a marvelous mix. Most of them however, have never even been to India in their entire life. We all have met Indians from different parts of India in foreign countries and have a great regard for them. Many are good friends.

For most of us, India is a foreign country, some of whose people speak similar language. The culture that we see on Indian TV is almost completely alien to most of us except for some similarity in spoken language. And despite this, many people both Indian and Pakistani, say on the TV that we are the same people having the same culture. This indeed surprises us.

And when I see the Indians here who also have never been to Pakistan, say the same thing, I don't understand it - why do we say this when we are from two different entities. What is the reason for saying this. Why don't we respect each other for who we are rather than who we were.

Because we belong to different countries, we perceive our history differently. I don’t claim that because Muslims ruled India once, the whole of India should be mine. However, when I hear Indian views on PDF and on many other Indian forums, it really amuses me. And these views are overwhelmingly expressed by Indian Hindus.

Is there a loss that hurts them, is it a complex about their identity or the crisis therein, is it that they have found the India they wanted to rule after all this time, not in the manner they had hoped for, are they looking for an India of Chadragupt era – what is it that the current Indian Hindus seek from the present India, and what do they want the present India to become in future. It is very interesting to hear their different views.

If it impinges me and my identity – I am going to fight back. I am here to stay as me and no amount of India’s perceived Hindu history is going to change that.
The Turks can't understand Urdu because Urdu is a lot of loan words bolted onto an Indo-Aryan language. Neither can they understand Urdu, nor can Urdu speakers understand

About majority of Hindu Indians not speaking Sanskrit, the framing of the group shows basic ignorance. Only those whose languages are derivatives of Sanskrit, or rather, of Prakrit might be taunted in this immature fashion. Those Hindu Indians speaking Telugu, Kannada, Tulu, Tamil and Malayalee are just as likely to speak Sanskrit as an Uzbek or a Turkmen.

No derived language speaker speaks the original language. Ask the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Rhaeto-Romans and Romanians why they cannot speak Latin, and they will give the fool asking a knot in the head.

I agree with you. But the manner in which such views are expressed is indeed demeaning. It smacks of subservience and I being from a different sovereign country can not ever accept such a tone or tenor.

I have read Indian history and some other related text books. To me, it is indeed an amusing depiction of India's history. These books create a false impact about India's old glory and gives me to understand that Indians are being taught since childhood that because IVC etc and other geographical parts adjoining India are basically Indian and their depiction is geographically proven in Vedas etc, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, including the Sri Lankans are occupiers of Indian lands. And it implicates that these lands should be included in India at all costs.

The linguistic similarities are also propounded to highlight the same aspects.

I don't accept this and never will. The sooner most Indian Hindus realize this, it will be better for all of us.
I agree with you. But the manner in which such views are expressed is indeed demeaning. It smacks of subservience and I being from a different sovereign country can not ever accept such a tone or tenor.

I have read Indian history and some other related text books. To me, it is indeed an amusing depiction of India's history. These books create a false impact about India's old glory and gives me to understand that Indians are being taught since childhood that because IVC etc and other geographical parts adjoining India are basically Indian and their depiction is geographically proven in Vedas etc, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, including the Sri Lankans are occupiers of Indian lands. And it implicates that these lands should be included in India at all costs.

The linguistic similarities are also propounded to highlight the same aspects.

I don't accept this and never will. The sooner most Indian Hindus realize this, it will be better for all of us.

So, your point is that Indians can't claim heritage of Sindhis and Punjabis when they are the part of Indian population. Khan baba you have wierd logic.
So, your point is that Indians can't claim heritage of Sindhis and Punjabis when they are the part of Indian population. Khan baba you have wierd logic.

Let those people claim what they want their heritage to be after creation of current India in 1947. Children of the people who moved from Pakistan's Sindh or Punjab may not draw their heritage from where their parents moved from.

Don't claim that because some people moved from old India, a thousand some years ago to Indonesia and converted some or all to Hinduism, they have an Indian heritage.
I agree with you. But the manner in which such views are expressed is indeed demeaning. It smacks of subservience and I being from a different sovereign country can not ever accept such a tone or tenor.


Because you resent the tone, you reject the substance. What can be more unsound than that?

I have read Indian history and some other related text books. To me, it is indeed an amusing depiction of India's history. These books create a false impact about India's old glory and gives me to understand that Indians are being taught since childhood that because IVC etc and other geographical parts adjoining India are basically Indian and their depiction is geographically proven in Vedas etc, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, including the Sri Lankans are occupiers of Indian lands. And it implicates that these lands should be included in India at all costs.

It is difficult to comment on that.

This may sound condescending and arrogant, but there is no way of controlling what rubbish is written, even less so, what rubbish people take up to read. There are no **** filters on written martial, otherwise you would not have the spread of internet Hindus with their access to seriously dangerous sources of misiniformation. I am concerned here with the opposite end, the pro-Islam end.

Also I was not able to comprehend your last two sentences. They sound like sweeping oversimplifications, but it is difficult to understand the objections.

The linguistic similarities are also propounded to highlight the same aspects.

I don't accept this and never will. The sooner most Indian Hindus realize this, it will be better for all of us.

Again, as an Indian agnostic, but one opposed to all religions, I am unable to understand the argument.
A good article indeed, expressing a point of view.

I sit in a group of friends who have different perceptions and views about Pakistan and India. It indeed is a marvelous mix. Most of them however, have never even been to India in their entire life. We all have met Indians from different parts of India in foreign countries and have a great regard for them. Many are good friends.

For most of us, India is a foreign country, some of whose people speak similar language. The culture that we see on Indian TV is almost completely alien to most of us except for some similarity in spoken language. And despite this, many people both Indian and Pakistani, say on the TV that we are the same people having the same culture. This indeed surprises us.

And when I see the Indians here who also have never been to Pakistan, say the same thing, I don't understand it - why do we say this when we are from two different entities. What is the reason for saying this. Why don't we respect each other for who we are rather than who we were.

Because we belong to different countries, we perceive our history differently. I don’t claim that because Muslims ruled India once, the whole of India should be mine. However, when I hear Indian views on PDF and on many other Indian forums, it really amuses me. And these views are overwhelmingly expressed by Indian Hindus.

Is there a loss that hurts them, is it a complex about their identity or the crisis therein, is it that they have found the India they wanted to rule after all this time, not in the manner they had hoped for, are they looking for an India of Chadragupt era – what is it that the current Indian Hindus seek from the present India, and what do they want the present India to become in future. It is very interesting to hear their different views.

If it impinges me and my identity – I am going to fight back. I am here to stay as me and no amount of India’s perceived Hindu history is going to change that.

I read this after I read #643, and COMPLETELY agree with this.

Frankly, #643 was not well-structured. This is, and it is lucid and logical.

You asked about what Hindus seek from present India. I cannot answer for the Hindus, but in a separate post, hope to outline what the present India should become in future, from the point of view of an Indian.

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