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How long will Russia last?

Mate....who cares of a ban...i am not here seeking pakistani citizenship....its a forum....If the mods are really active and not biased they ll see who started it first...i tell u...i hate dis chindis than pakis...

ALL - take my words, this commies arrogance will sink their ship...manufacturing is not a big deal....it was done by UK...then went to US and then Japan , Korea and now it is with China...soon other country will be more competative than china...and Commies will see wrath of over 100 billion ppl....

And one more thing, i am writing in dis forum during my spare time..but my chinese enemies in dis and other forum are being paid by commies to represent their govnt and hide human rights viloation

Jesus..it's hard to read your incoherent message with bad grammar. I think the British did a bad job on you.

No need for excuses..WE still know you are stupid. Manufacture is no big deal to sub-human Indian with an average of IQ 83 like you, and that is why you are 4 time poorer than a communist country.

You are too stupid to be my enemy. If i want an enemy like you, I would be at the zoo fighting with the chimps(hairy, smelly, stupid, and clean their butt with their left hand). :woot:

If you hate Pakistani and Chinese then why are you here? This is a Chinese sub-forum in a Pakistani defence forum.
Your link is 2006 retard...Owned!.. my link is 2010 and it poof your wrong.. What happen still no IT after 4 year..Give it up retard.. here a clue, if their IT were any good why -9% gdp grown last year?

And what does your link prove? It's no suprise that the Russian economy took a hit during the world economic recesion (and i myself mentioned that) but the GDP has again grown. And the Russian IT market is again growing and is forcast to continue to grow.

And the drop in the GDP is obviois, the Russian economy still mostly relies on exports, and when sectors such as steel production and or timber production drop so does the economy. It doesn't take an economist to figure that out, but it does take an neive идиот such as yourself to link droping exports to IT production which has a much smaller market then natural resouce exports and expect the IT market to balance out a drop of exports.

Anyways, here is a 2010 IT report link:

Russia Information Technology Report Q2 2010 - RUSSOFT & Outsourcing-Russia.Com


we forecast a return to growth for the Russian computer hardware market in 2010, following a sharp contraction in PC sales in 2009. According to our projections, the computer hardware market is forecast to recover to US$8.1bn in 2010, up from 2009's US$7.1bn but still short of 2008 levels, which will not be reached until 2012.

Data from Citibank suggested that retail spending on computers and software was up 55% in December 2009. Hardware spending will have support from a number of fundamental drivers including low PC penetration, rising incomes, government IT initiatives and industrial reform in many sectors. PC market compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the next five years is projected to be in the region of 14%, with spending reaching about US$11.3bn by 2014.


The domestic software market is projected at around US$3.1bn in 2010. Spending on software is forecast to return to positive growth territory, after demand was hit in 2009 by the much sharper decline in PC sales. Going forward, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15% to US$5.3bn by 2014, making Russia potentially one of the most significant global software market opportunities.
The domestic software market is forecast at around US$3.1bn in 2009. Although Russia has the fifth highest software piracy rate in the world (87%), we expect that government efforts to strengthen intellectual property protection will see this fall closer to average Eastern European levels, boosting the market. There are, unsurprisingly, regional disparities, with Moscow some way ahead of its closest rival St Petersburg in terms of enterprise resource planning (ERP) deployments.


we project an IT services market value of US$3.8bn in 2010, which will represent some recovery from 2009 when the market experienced a sharp contraction. The IT services opportunity is forecast to grow to around US$7.2bn by 2014 as the IT market gradually recovers from recent external shocks. The broader use of ICT in government and other sectors will ensure an upward market trajectory in the medium term. Systems integration is the largest IT services component, with as much as one-third of segment revenues and, together with implementation of hardware and software, probably account for about half of all IT services. However, more value-added services such as consulting and applications development are growing fast. Outsourcing is also on the rise, although below the levels in some other Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries.

The government's ambitious policy is that every locality in Russia should be provided with fixed-line telephony infrastructure, mobile phone coverage and internet by 2015. According to the Ministry of IT and Communications' target, every populated area in the country should be provided irrespective of its economic 'weight' and 'population'. IT and Communications Minister Reiman has described the 'digital divide' as a very challenging issue for all CIS countries and one that the Russian government was seeking to overcome.

Internet usage is forecast to see robust growth over the remainder of our forecast period. However, the current tight credit markets are limiting the ease with which broadband operators are able to source muchneeded funds to invest in broadband network proliferation. Coupled with the economic uncertainty, this is creating a troublesome environment for operators to plan their investment decisions. That said, growth will still be strong - just not meeting its full potential.

Competition between the incumbent's holdings and alternative operators such as Comstar-UTS, Golden Telecom and Net By Net will continue to drive the sector forward. Continued expansion of networks, both fixed and wireless, should see penetration increasing in the regions, while uptake remains strong in the more urbanised areas. Alternative technologies such as WiMAX and fibre will also play their part in expanding the market, by introducing competition as well as offering services over a wider area.

your other link doesn't even work. either you are every nervous around me or you just stupid.

Here is a working link:

georgiandaily.com - Mistral: A Cold French Wind Blows East

And thus far it is you who has been proven to be "stupid".

I won't even bother with your other craps..You not even Russian. You don't even know anything about war history or economy, you just mouthing off like Indian.

That's because you got a public spanking and the best you can do is resort to weak *** name calling and racism. It obvious you lost the argument once you started dismissing my sources and calling me a liar because one of my links didn't work, which i immediately fixed.

This is how it goes, you claimed most of the Russian economy was based on exports---and i aggreed.

You claimed that most Russian weapons are Soviet copies; that is wrong and i proved it to be wrong by listing many new weapons, some of which are radically different from anything Russia had during the Soviet days.

You stated that one of my claims were 'BS", i posted a link that stated the exact thing i stated, thus it was not "BS".

You didn't belive me when i said Russia has had a strong and growthing IT sector, so i posted an artical, you, on the other hand, resorted to calling me a "retard" because the artical wasn't as recent as you liked, so i posted a 2010 report that confirmes what i have been saying and even more so by projecting future growth in many sectors of information technology.

Then you tried to take more cheap shots at Russia by pointing out that Russia purchased the Mistral as well as the Israeli drones (your point was clear--you tried to portray Russia to be incompetent), but i pointed out that the US has also purchased technology from abroad, including from Russia itself, thus your argument fell apart.

Then you started called me stupid because one of my links didn't work. However, i just gave a woking link.

LOLLOL, don't bother with ptldM3, he's Chinese but defends Russia since he was born there. No need to get angry at him.

Excuse me who are? And when did i ever say i was Chinese?
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Jesus..it's hard to read your incoherent message with bad grammar. I think the British did a bad job on you.

No need for excuses..WE still know you are stupid. Manufacture is no big deal to sub-human Indian with an average of IQ 83 like you, and that is why you are 4 time poorer than a communist country.

You are too stupid to be my enemy. If i want an enemy like you, I would be at the zoo fighting with the chimps(hairy, smelly, stupid, and clean their butt with their left hand). :woot:

If you hate Pakistani and Chinese then why are you here? This is a Chinese sub-forum in a Pakistani defence forum.

wow...what shot dude..:yahoo:..literally no one can challenge this...after all it was written by a Japanese born in china grown up in America ...what a joke...i mean you are a joke....:sniper:..wat a day now chindies are talking about English grammar...when we talk about it you say you still have that British in your culture and when you rascals talk funny English you say its a language of trade....i tell you u scoundrels will never change your attitude and your arrogance will sink you sooner than later..what an ashamed commie you are who are talking about British language in Pakistani forum. i ..lol...:rofl: :rofl:

I guess u must be learning English in US so that you can print “Made In China” on your junks...:azn:....
It's nice to a see a Chinese trolling Indian once in a while. I always knew Indians were handicapped, unable to produce anything we use here in the west, dwared, destitute, STD stricken, and finally emerged as a country only after colonization, but I didn't know they even had smaller penises...

First of all............the question of Indian emergence as a nation.

The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Homo sapiens as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago. The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE, was the first major civilization in India.

But you can consider Maurya Empire as the Birth of India. Link of map is given below where you can see (even without eyes) that almost whole undivided India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh) was ruled by one dynasty, i.e., Maurya.


For your GK, it was one of the world's largest empires at that time. At its greatest extent, the empire stretched to the north along the natural boundaries of the Himalayas, and to the east stretching into what is now Assam. To the west, it reached beyond modern Pakistan, annexing Balochistan and much of what is now Afghanistan, including the modern Herat and Kandahar provinces. The Empire was expanded into India's central and southern regions by the emperors Chandragupta and Bindusara, but it excluded a small portion of unexplored tribal and forested regions near Kalinga (modern Orissa).

About Indian in West. Let us take example of world leader in progress, i.e., USA..........Here it goes....

There are 3.22 million Indians in the US (1.5% of the population)
  1. 12% of scientists in the US are Indians
  2. 38% of doctors(physicians, dentists, PhDs, etc) in America are Indian.
  3. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
  4. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
  5. 28% of IBM employees are Indians.
  6. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
  7. 13% of XEROX employees are Indians.

Look at the percentage of total population vs. the figures given below. Now dare to tell me your mother country, we can have it compared with India, and find out where you stands!!!

Mind you............The richest person in Britain Lakshmi Mittal is a British Indian with an estimated fortune of £10.8 billion in 2009.

A study by Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2007 found British Indians have among the lowest poverty rates among different ethnic groups in Britain second only to white British. Of different ethnic groups Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%), black Africans (45%) had the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), , white Other (25%) and white British (20%) had the lowest rates.

Sikhs are on average the wealthiest Indians, and the second wealthiest religious group after Jewish people, in the UK, with a median total household wealth of £229,000.

By the way, more Indian women are trafficked to Britain and Canada than any East Asian country. However, the average price here for each is much lower than ladies from other parts of the world, in some cities, even cheaper than dogs... One can only deduce that there aren't any value to the shaddy faces of Indians, either.

Gr8............What a great man you are........Making full use of the liberty and freedom of WEST (which you can't avail in your mother country) by making price sheet for the brothels rate of ladies from all parts of world. Gud job dude...........keep on going. You will ROSHAN (lighten, in case u don't understand Hindi/Urdu) your Mother's name one day; I have no doubts.

As far as Indian ladies..............Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years. No other country has won more than twice. To mind you, these titles not only count beauty but brain too...........I know it is hard for you, but..............:devil:

As far as Indian condition in Britain is concerned, I already mentioned above.

In Canada we treasure our pets more than Indians. Why do Indians brag about other countries having their women rapped anyways? The average Indian women craved for bigger Anglo penises since the 1800s...

Indians in Canada's prospective, some examples are:

  1. Nirmala Basnayake - rock singer (controller.controller)
  2. Sheela Basrur - former Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Deputy Minister of Public Health
  3. Nadira Begg - television journalist
  4. Glenda Braganza - actress
  5. Prita Chhabra - singer/songwriter and aids activist
  6. Cindy Daniel - singer
  7. Agam Darshi - actress and filmmaker
  8. Karen David - pop singer
  9. Deesha - R&B musician
  10. Monika Deol - former MuchMusic host and CIVT news anchor
  11. Ruby Dhalla - Liberal MP
  12. Nisha Ganatra - film director, film producer, writer and actor
  13. Sara Ghulam - Miss World Canada 2007
  14. Nina Grewal - Conservative MP, half (with Gurmant) of the first married couple to serve as MPs in the same session of Parliament.
  15. Mobina Jaffer - senator
  16. Ashley Anjlien Kumar - Actress, Choreographer, Dancer, Arts & Culture Promoter, Business-woman (President/Artistic Director of Sharara Entertainment Group Indian Performing Arts Studio, Edmonton, AB)

And the list goes on.........I only mentioned ladies of Indian Origin to open your eyes toward their status and level in Canada.

Now the million dollar question............you mentioned "we " above. Can you please elaborate what do you mean by we ? Which bread you belongs?...........Allocoprophagic or autocoprophagic? I believe you should be Chrysomya megacephala or something. Dare to disclose your true identity........."you are Canadian...........sure?"

Have guts Kid..........Country is the most important thing in one's life; not the religion, sex (male or female.......not what you are thinking, you machemerde), social or economic status. So respect your country, love your nation; and don't hide behind some other country's flag.

Respect every country...........weather Pakistan, India, China or US......I DO.:pdf:
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we won our war with the jap our record against them is 3 to 1..unlike Indian that was found by British on a tree and raped into a sub-human today. That's why your national language is English.

Gr8. You are very gud about history; I must admit. I believe you will be banned by now, but still want to appriciate your skills.

" India has the longest uninterrupted history of military defeats at hands of foreigners (the British, the Chinese, the Persian, the Pakistani, the Turks, and the Arab)." quote(airpowern)

But we defeated British even without using power. The Chinese..........yes, but we still possess South Tibet , Sikkim, and Dalai Lama:lol:

The Pakistani.................if you want consider they defeated us; OK, no problem.

" didn't i tell you that you live in a glass house and shouldn't be throwing stone? For god sake, you were raped by the British for 200 year.

British raped India.............agreed. On the same scale, Japanese raped China. But I don't look like British and I can bet my everything that you look like a Japanese. Can you tell me the reason?:taz:

"No I think he is a Indian. I used to debate with many Indian. They all have the same characteristic, and everyone knows Indian like to use the word "buddy."

along with the word "buddy" they like to bring up jap when debating with chinese. they like brag a lots of craps (example the best/better space, car, IT, military). They are clueless of the history the people they hated and clueless of their own history. Plus they are very delusional..

I believe "buddy" is a word of American origin. So, if an American is using buddy, you will consider him an India too. Gud; India is expanding.

Jesus. it's hard to read your incoherent message with bad grammar. I think the British did a bad job on you.

Look who is talking about Englilsh.......A Chinese!!!:rofl: Watch this...

Even your pilots can't speak English, which is MANDATORY for their job. Do you want to be in his plane? :hang2:

No need for excuses. WE still know you are stupid. Manufacture is no big deal to sub-human Indian with an average of IQ 83 like you, and that is why you are 4 time poorer than a communist country.

Manufacture is no big deal........Really? Now I got it how China is manufacturing so much.

Indian with an average of IQ 83...........You are wrong. Our average IQ is 81. But with this little IQ, India has one of the largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. Indian scientists make up 36 per cent of NASA's tech pool. So who need more IQ???

You are too stupid to be my enemy. If i want an enemy like you, I would be at the zoo fighting with the chimps(hairy, smelly, stupid, and clean their butt with their left hand).

It seems you have quite amazing love for chimpanzees. You even know what they do with their left hand. :tup: I hope this vast knowledge is only based on theory, not on practical.

When did I said that? maybe you'are too stupid to read. I already poof that you (ptldM3) are stupid..

Hey (ptldM3).........don't argue this intelligent and wise fellow with an IQ of 10000000.......may be more. He is so sharp that he chills his mangos in commode before eating them. Do you have that much IQ and brain to produce that kind of ideas? Only then you can argue with him. Everybody other that LolLol is stupid here.....So please keep quite.

You are an Indian behind a s/n, you should know what shame is. You don't know anything about Russia or their history. You just too ashame of being Indian. I would too If i was you. Noone wants to be with people with an IQ of 81, condom that is too big for their little dick, men on average shorter than other people women, and an country with more poor than Africa.

No........no Indian is ashamed of being Indian. One example is enough to open your eyes about Indian Image at world stage...........Indian ocean is the only ocean to be named after a country, i.e., India. :bunny:

little dick...........Congrats again on your study about Indian dicks and I hope you really enjoyed your practicals well. ;)

As far as the size is concerned, with this small dick (as you stated many times), we are the second most populated country in the world (after China of course; I believe they got small dicks as well). If we got bigger dicks, we would have f#ck the world off.:chilli:
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I think its the ones who argue.

I remembered a saying,"You are only a bigger idiot if you pay attention to another idiot" :coffee:


I think we are not short of idiots lately.:cheers:

Why this thread is still going on?
First of all............the question of Indian emergence as a nation.

The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Homo sapiens as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago. The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE, was the first major civilization in India.

But you can consider Maurya Empire as the Birth of India. Link of map is given below where you can see (even without eyes) that almost whole undivided India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh) was ruled by one dynasty, i.e., Maurya.


For your GK, it was one of the world's largest empires at that time. At its greatest extent, the empire stretched to the north along the natural boundaries of the Himalayas, and to the east stretching into what is now Assam. To the west, it reached beyond modern Pakistan, annexing Balochistan and much of what is now Afghanistan, including the modern Herat and Kandahar provinces. The Empire was expanded into India's central and southern regions by the emperors Chandragupta and Bindusara, but it excluded a small portion of unexplored tribal and forested regions near Kalinga (modern Orissa).

About Indian in West. Let us take example of world leader in progress, i.e., USA..........Here it goes....

There are 3.22 million Indians in the US (1.5% of the population)
  1. 12% of scientists in the US are Indians
  2. 38% of doctors(physicians, dentists, PhDs, etc) in America are Indian.
  3. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
  4. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
  5. 28% of IBM employees are Indians.
  6. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
  7. 13% of XEROX employees are Indians.

Look at the percentage of total population vs. the figures given below. Now dare to tell me your mother country, we can have it compared with India, and find out where you stands!!!

Mind you............The richest person in Britain Lakshmi Mittal is a British Indian with an estimated fortune of £10.8 billion in 2009.

A study by Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2007 found British Indians have among the lowest poverty rates among different ethnic groups in Britain second only to white British. Of different ethnic groups Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%), black Africans (45%) had the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), , white Other (25%) and white British (20%) had the lowest rates.

Sikhs are on average the wealthiest Indians, and the second wealthiest religious group after Jewish people, in the UK, with a median total household wealth of £229,000.

Gr8............What a great man you are........Making full use of the liberty and freedom of WEST (which you can't avail in your mother country) by making price sheet for the brothels rate of ladies from all parts of world. Gud job dude...........keep on going. You will ROSHAN (lighten, in case u don't understand Hindi/Urdu) your Mother's name one day; I have no doubts.

As far as Indian ladies..............Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years. No other country has won more than twice. To mind you, these titles not only count beauty but brain too...........I know it is hard for you, but..............:devil:

As far as Indian condition in Britain is concerned, I already mentioned above.

Indians in Canada's prospective, some examples are:

  1. Nirmala Basnayake - rock singer (controller.controller)
  2. Sheela Basrur - former Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Deputy Minister of Public Health
  3. Nadira Begg - television journalist
  4. Glenda Braganza - actress
  5. Prita Chhabra - singer/songwriter and aids activist
  6. Cindy Daniel - singer
  7. Agam Darshi - actress and filmmaker
  8. Karen David - pop singer
  9. Deesha - R&B musician
  10. Monika Deol - former MuchMusic host and CIVT news anchor
  11. Ruby Dhalla - Liberal MP
  12. Nisha Ganatra - film director, film producer, writer and actor
  13. Sara Ghulam - Miss World Canada 2007
  14. Nina Grewal - Conservative MP, half (with Gurmant) of the first married couple to serve as MPs in the same session of Parliament.
  15. Mobina Jaffer - senator
  16. Ashley Anjlien Kumar - Actress, Choreographer, Dancer, Arts & Culture Promoter, Business-woman (President/Artistic Director of Sharara Entertainment Group Indian Performing Arts Studio, Edmonton, AB)

And the list goes on.........I only mentioned ladies of Indian Origin to open your eyes toward their status and level in Canada.

Now the million dollar question............you mentioned "WE" above. Can you please elaborate what do you mean by WE? Which bread you belongs...........Allocoprophagic or autocoprophagic? I believe you should be Chrysomya megacephala or something. Date to disclose your true identity........."you are Canadian...........sure?"

Have guts Kid..........Country is the most important thing in one's life; not the religion, sex (male or female.......not what you are thinking, you machemerde), social or economic status. So respect your country, love your nation; and don't hide behind some other country's flag.

Respect every country...........weather Pakistan, India, China or US......I DO.:pdf:

There are 3.22 million Indians in the US (1.5% of the population)
12% of scientists in the US are Indians
38% of doctors(physicians, dentists, PhDs, etc) in America are Indian.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are Indians.

I dont have any problem with people from India being in the professions above, but the figures are just not true, the USA does not list people in professions by nationality. But these figures are kind of an urban internet legend with out any basis in fact..

Good Example:


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3 Questions:

(1) Why is this on China Defense section?

(2) Why is ao333 quoting some Neocon Propaganda article?

(3) Why not talk about other countries that are much closer to collapse?

Is it because another member started a thread on a Russian scholar who predicted USA will disintegrate into 5 pieces by 2010-2012? The USA will not breakup as he predict, rather there will be a de-facto population change favoring Mexicans and Hispanics -- after which Aryan Supremacists groups like the Minuteman will increase their ethnic cleansing. Do you know thousands of Mexicans have been brutally gunned down at the Mexican-USA border by the Minuteman and BSF???

Reality Check Migrant deaths along the Mexico – United States border
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Migrant deaths along the Mexico ? United States border - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all, we needed to get nuclear weapons and the only way we could acquire them was with US funding of Mujahideen, we funneled all the money to our expensive nuclear program.

So whatever come as it may, we have to fight it. Also remember that millions of Afghani's ran towards Pakistan asking for our help and if your own brother is suffering, we will fight the greatest foe for him. We did it because ISI is a pashtun dominated agency, they felt that their cousins and brothers were being slaughtered in Afghanistan and jumped in to save them. We also remember USSR's role in breaking up Pakistan and had to do all that we can to equalize.

We are suffering now, only because of USA and its narrow decisions. They were given many chances for extradition of Osama, who has died many years ago. But US went in and killed many people while double dealing with local terrorist groups to attack countries like Iran.

Most, if not all terrorist who are alive have been caught or killed, only remaining ones are still in afghanistan and NATO itself cannot do anything about it and has to threaten us, just like USSR did.

Isnt that stealing, if you are given money for one thing and use it for another, are you saying Pakistan is a thief.
I have been to Russia, I like the Russian People, they good honest decent people, the are tough, they had to be to survive communism. There is some racism in Russia.

Last year the Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy conducted a survey which indicated that 60 percent of Africans living in the city had been subject to racially motivated violence. Virtually all those surveyed reported at least one incident in which they were verbally assaulted.
Dispatches from Moscow: Racism and Hope in Russia | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog

As far as China is concerned, Russia has a long border with China, lot of Chinese live on the Russian side of that border and more and more Chinese move across that border into Russia every day. Russia needs manpower to make up for a declineing population and the Chinese work hard and cheap.

Russia has immense natural resources and a small population, Chinese have a very large population and few natural resources, the Chinese now have a large population of Chinese on the Russian side of the border.

How would like to have long border with China, a lot of natural resouces and low population with more Chinese comming across that border every day. What usually happens in that situation.

I expect Russia to join NATO, they would be fools not too.

The Russians are tought they will survive.
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I have been to Russia, I like the Russian People, they good honest decent people, the are tough, they had to be to survive communism. There is some racism in Russia.

Last year the Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy conducted a survey which indicated that 60 percent of Africans living in the city had been subject to racially motivated violence. Virtually all those surveyed reported at least one incident in which they were verbally assaulted.
Dispatches from Moscow: Racism and Hope in Russia | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog

As far as China is concerned, Russia has a long border with China, lot of Chinese live on the Russian side of that border and more and more Chinese move across that border into Russia every day. Russia needs manpower to make up for a declineing population and the Chinese work hard and cheap.

Russia has immense natural resources and a small population, Chinese have a very large population and few natural resources, the Chinese now have a large population of Chinese on the Russian side of the border.

How would like to have long border with China, a lot of natural resouces and low population with more Chinese comming across that border every day. What usually happens in that situation.

I expect USSR to join NATO, they would be fools not too.

The Russians are tought they will survive.

Captain, USSR to join NATO? are you on drugs or simply because of your illiterate problem?, i am afraid USSR no longer exist
Captain, USSR to join NATO? are you on drugs or simply because of your illiterate problem?, i am afraid USSR no longer exist

I can not help laughing too... Even Russia joining NATO will be the last thing that Russian leaders do before someone shoot them in the head.

Russia is not even happy when its formal USSR republic get offered NATO membership.

NATO?Russia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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