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How long will Russia last?

I don't know any Chinese 5th gen air crafts that can be compared to Russia,
Chinese air force is huge in numbers but equally degraded in quality.
IAF is better than Chinese in terms of quality,cuz our air crafts are mainly Russian or American,don't say that China is superior to them!:lol:

Buddy this is not a d*** measurement thread:hitwall:
There are 3.22 million Indians in the US (1.5% of the population)
12% of scientists in the US are Indians
38% of doctors(physicians, dentists, PhDs, etc) in America are Indian.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are Indians.

I dont have any problem with people from India being in the professions above, but the figures are just not true, the USA does not list people in professions by nationality. But these figures are kind of an urban internet legend with out any basis in fact..

Good Example:

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - US - World - The Times of India

Brother..............these facts first got published in German print media; sorry unable to find any cutting from that, but only the reference. Link is below....

Wussten Sie, dass diese über Indien? | Online Artikle

Translated version is:
Google Translate

Some other sources about Indian in US; if you are interested.

The Golden Diaspora - TIME

Public papers of the Presidents of ... - Google Books

Russia will join NATO, its just a matter of time.

And what will they get from it??? Joining NATO means following USA. and they will not do this in any situation.

Gain = 0

Loss = Pride, their image, and value at world stage.

So Russia in NATO..............Na To (means No Way in Hindi).:smokin:
Even Russia are not closeing down their internet because of they are scared of the Russian People.

20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square protests

"For reason which everyone knows, and to suppress our extremely unharmonious thoughts, this site is voluntarily closed for technical maintenance between 3 and 6 June 2009..." Dusanben.com (translation) Coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of the government suppression of the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, the government ordered internet portals, fora and discussion groups to shut down their servers for maintenance between 3 and 6 June.[44]

In order to improve the internet content and provide a healthy environment for our netizens, we have designated 3 to 6 June as the national server maintenance day. This move is widely supported by the public

“”–Chinese censors, South China Morning Post[44]The Guardian reported that in excess of 300 Chinese sites had "posted increasingly blasé maintenance messages on the anniversary". A number of websites, such as Fanfou and WordKu.com, made a veiled protest at state censorship by referring to the date sarcastically as "Chinese Internet Maintenance Day".[45] The day before the mass shut-down, Chinese users of Twitter, Hotmail and Flickr, among others, reported a widespread inability to access these services.

Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You notice how desperate the Chinese on this forum have become to shut me up,
and all I am doing is expressing my extremely unharmonious thoughts.

national server maintenance day. :rofl::rofl: Thats gr8 :rofl::rofl: I Can't stop laughing :rofl::rofl:

Coinciding with the Tiananmen Square twentieth anniversary.............it is just a coincidence; so plz don't get suspicious!!!

national server maintenance day. :rofl::rofl: Sorry, I can't control!!!
Brother..............these facts first got published in German print media; sorry unable to find any cutting from that, but only the reference. Link is below....

Wussten Sie, dass diese über Indien? | Online Artikle

Translated version is:
Google Translate

Some other sources about Indian in US; if you are interested.

The Golden Diaspora - TIME

Public papers of the Presidents of ... - Google Books


I sure hate to bust your bubble but those satistics are not true, they are not even close.
national server maintenance day. :rofl: Thats gr8 :rofl::rofl: I Can't stop laughing :rofl:
Coinciding with the Tiananmen Square twentieth anniversary.............it is just a coincidence; don't be so suspicious.

national server maintenance day. :rofl::rofl: Sorry, I can't control!!!!!

Sure it was, :azn:
I sure hate to bust your bubble but those satistics are not true, they are not even close.

OK.........I will accept it as you are an American and you must know better about Indo-Americans in USA than me. But still, they are in great shape.........isn't that true???:smokin:

Don't worry about bursting the bubble.......I don't want to submit or support anything which is not true.
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OK.........I will accept it as you are an American and you must know better about Indo-Americans in USA than me. But still, they are in great shape.........isn't that true???:smokin:

Yes that is 100 percent true, I am very impressed by the quality of immigrants we get from Indian and Pakistan. Lot of americans I would like to trade for them.
didn't i tell you that you live in a glass house and shouldn't be throwing stone? For god sake, you were raped by the British for 200 year.

Oh really..........But we don't look like British.............and YOU ALL LOOK LIKE JAPANESE...........WHY???

:victory::yahoo::bunny::flame::taz::bounce: :chilli:


The English confrontation with Indian rockets came in 1780 at the Battle of Guntur. The closely massed, normally unflinching British troops broke and ran when the Indian Army laid down a rocket barrage in their midst. (Reproduced from a painting by Charles Hubbell and presented here courtesy of TRW Inc. and Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio).
I don't know any Chinese 5th gen air crafts that can be compared to Russia,
Chinese air force is huge in numbers but equally degraded in quality.
IAF is better than Chinese in terms of quality,cuz our air crafts are mainly Russian or American,don't say that China is superior to them!:lol:

U have been trollin since u registered at PDF...... and ur knowledge about defence is highlighted!How damn wise u are.:tdown::bunny:
Originally Posted by LOLLOL View Post
didn't i tell you that you live in a glass house and shouldn't be throwing stone? For god sake, you were raped by the British for 200 year.

Oh really..........But we don't look like British.............and YOU ALL LOOK LIKE JAPANESE...........WHY???

thats what i call killer reply:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Wow, this stupidity... it's truly amazing.

why now ur a$$ is burning:lol:
well, i only have to say - we don't speak japanese.

but all the elite indians speak english from birth. why is that?

britain raised many indians to speak english and act as intermediate between boss and ruled.

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