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How long will Russia last?

LOLLOL talk more like Rahul Indian and some other insane Indian member. He is different than schinese, who at least make some sense and not totally :flame:

Its most likely that LOLLOL is not Chinese. If that is the case, he is most likely a disguise from a particular background and nationality.

hey buddy but what about changing ur flag to chinese...
This is how i meant it, if you think Russia i so weak why doesn't any dare to take advantage and try us?

What's there to take advantage of? Russia is a waste land that freeze your butt off.

I told you that the Russian GDP started to decline in 2008 because of the world economic crisis, but it started to rise again in 2010.

This is the trend in the Russian GDP:

File:Russian economy since fall of Soviet Union.PNG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your link support me, and it doesn't have anything do with your argument. You're a resources exporter that's a fact!

"Russia's economy is still stuck in its dependence on energy, sending natural gas to Europe and petroleum to the world. The economy boomed for a decade, raising Russian confidence, but a 7.9 per cent economic contraction last year prompted Medvedev to look for new industry engines."

Can technology save Russia's economy?

Russia has a 6% share of the most profatable companies in the world. In fact, the second most profatable company in the world is located in Russia.

BTW tell me no US or Chinese companies have ever barrowed from Russia....
That's the biggest BS I've read along time.

No you have the red face. When did the Soviet Union have stealth drones, or stealth aircraft? When did they have anything similar to the KA-52 or Yak-130 or S-400? How did Russia copy Soviet ships and submarines when they have totally different designs, capabilities and electronics?
What the hell are you talking about. You need to copy Georgia lost drone that they bought from Israel. You can't even make a ship, you have to buy it from French.

"MOSCOW, November 13 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian General Staff has decided to buy unmanned planes from Israel over the next two to three years, a lawmaker in the lower house's defense committee said Thursday. "
Russia to buy pilotless aircraft from Israel over 3 years - MP | Russia | RIA Novosti

"Russia wants to buy a French helicopter-carring warship, a top general said Aug. 26. Such a purchase would deviate from the Soviet-era principle of producing every piece of military equipment - from pistol cartridges to ballistic missiles - domestically."

"Yes that's why the US purchased Soviet junk to power its Atlas rockets, and that's why the Lockheed Martin had Russian advisers to help them with the VSTOL in the F-35.

Human waves? I t didn't seem like Russia had much of a problem destroying Georgia in only five day. It should be noted that Georgia had equipment from the US, Israel, and Turkey as well as upgraded Soviet equipment with Israeli systems. BTW the Georgians were US trained.

And in the end Russia only lost 67 men a number of those were peice keepers killed when Georgia attacked South Ossetia and shelled their camp when they were sleeping. So much for human waves"

Yeah Russia should be proud picking on superpower Georgia..Look at the US tech vs Russian junks..f-15 have a 100% kill ratio against Russian junks am I correct? :yahoo:

anyone that uses Russian junks have to depend on human wave tactic..Look at the korea war, vietnam war, and ww2.
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what's your openion on china buying that russian junk fighter engines,flankers etc?just to help poor russia from economic collapse?
what's your openion on china buying that russian junk fighter engines,flankers etc?just to help poor russia from economic collapse?

Because China doesn't have any choice. Use those junks and die in million of men or fight with stick and stone. You think china would buy those junks if it wasn't for Eu and US arms embargo?
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Moreover, Russia doesn't have a competitive advantage to focus on development of a high technology economy. It spends little of its GDP, comparatively speaking, on research and development. According to the number of patents issued by the United States Patents Office to residents of foreign countries, Russia registered 904 over the past five years; Belgium with one-fourteenth the population of Russia, registered four times as many. Many Russian scientists and engineers have emigrated to more promising prospects overseas (including, fortunately, many smart ones to the United States), leaving Russia suffering still from a brain-drain. Russia's economic advantage, for better or worse, is in natural resources, and most Russian businessmen know that.

When the price of oil plummeted in 2008-09 and Russia's GDP dropped by nearly eight percent last year, Medvedev sought to energize his modernization drive by emphasizing the need for development of a high technology sector. The price of oil has bounced back, albeit not to the highs of two years ago, and pressure to diversify has decreased correspondingly. But Medvedev has not given up and has made Skolkovo the centerpiece of his agenda.

russia is a resource exporter..my point proven right again
Modernizing Russia?s economy... and politics - By David J. Kramer | Shadow Government
What's there to take advantage of? Russia is a waste land that freeze your butt off.

What a stupid question, than again i seen it coming. Russia is one of the richest countries in natural resources.

Your link support me, and it doesn't have anything do with your argument. You're a resources exporter that's a fact!

"Russia's economy is still stuck in its dependence on energy, sending natural gas to Europe and petroleum to the world. The economy boomed for a decade, raising Russian confidence, but a 7.9 per cent economic contraction last year prompted Medvedev to look for new industry engines."

I never said Russia whasn't, but what i did say is that the IT sector as well as other technology based fields are growing in Russia.

Can technology save Russia's economy?

That's the biggest BS I've read along time.

Here is a link buddy.

The World's Most Profitable Companies

What the hell are you talking about. You need to copy Georgia lost drone that they bought from Israel.

It's called examing the enemies technology, and the US did that all the time with Soviet equipment.

You can't even make a ship, you have to buy it from French.

Wrong, Russia has build countless ships, the reason they purchased the Mistal was because the military felt that they needed a Mistral class ship urgently. Russian generals said they could have landed troops in Georgia much quicker if they had something like the Mistral.

If Russia were to build a Mistral type ship it would take years, firstly they would need to design the ship, then they would need to modify or build a new port, then they would need to get the legistics this includes assembling a team of builders as well as equipment, then they would have to build it, and only after it's build can they take in out to sea trials and commision it.

Not only that but Russia wanted technology transfer from the Mistral, so alot of it had to do with obtaining technology which is what every country tries to do. And in the end it just made more sence purchasing a ready made ship then going through all of the time and trouble of building them from scratch.

And The US has also purchased forign equipment for its use so you fail.

"MOSCOW, November 13 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian General Staff has decided to buy unmanned planes from Israel over the next two to three years, a lawmaker in the lower house's defense committee said Thursday. "
Russia to buy pilotless aircraft from Israel over 3 years - MP | Russia | RIA Novosti

Again this was to obtain technology and again this is something the US did with Soviet equipment all of the time. Russia has also neglected drone development so it made sense to purchase drones from Israel which is know to make some of the best.

Yeah Russia should be proud picking on superpower Georgia..Look at the US tech vs Russian junks..

Yea same with the US.

f-15 have a 100% kill ratio against Russian junks am I correct? :yahoo:

The F-15 is empressive but many of the kills were against outdated Soviet aircraft flown by very poorly trained Arabs, and a number of those kills weren't even fighters but ground attack.

BTW in mock combat the F-15 has been shot down by SU-30's many times.

Also take the Mig-29, it hasn't done well against American fighters because most Mig-29's were outdated as well as piloted by Arabs but when a professional airforce like the Germans had the Mig-29 it constantly beat F-16 and F-18's in mock combat.

You are also forgetting that the US has always has awacs as well as powerful jammer aircraft to take away any advantage the Arabs had, the US also bombed radar stations which the Arabs relied on, that and you add in the fact that the Arabs were really bad pilots and you have a one sided battle.

anyone that uses Russian junks have to depend on human wave tactic..Look at the korea war, vietnam war, and ww2.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: OMG you're a joke.

The Koreans had nothing more than rifles and it was their choice to charge in human waves.

The Vietnamese never charged in human waves they were alway silent and relied on ambush tactics. We all know how that turned out dont we?

And in WW2 human wave tactics were nornal tactic on all sides.
Because China doesn't have any choice. Use those junks and die in million of men or fight with stick and stone. You think china would buy those junks if it wasn't for Eu and US arms embargo?

So you are basically saying that the Chinese can only fight with sticks and stones because they are incompetent and unable to produce decent weapons?

No wonder most Chinese as well as Pakistanis are embaressed by you, even Chinese Americans are ashamed of you.

And you know how Indians and Russians feel about you...
The Koreans had nothing more than rifles and it was their choice to charge in human waves.

Nobody used human wave tactics in Korean war, Nobody used human wave tactics in WW2 also. Except for some of the Japanese commanders doing BANZAI charges.

The reason why the North Koreans and Chinese took so many casualties was because they had no artillery, no tanks, no aircraft. They had nothing but grenades, rpgs and semiautomatic rifles. They managed to push the USA forces back by discipline and tactics.

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN aerial reconnaissance had difficulty sighting PVA units in daytime, because their march and bivouac discipline minimized aerial detection.[33]:102 The PVA marched "dark-to-dark" (19:00–03:00hrs), and aerial camouflage (concealing soldiers, pack animals, and equipment) was deployed by 05:30hrs. Meanwhile, daylight advance parties scouted for the next bivouac site. During daylight activity or marching, soldiers were to remain motionless if an aircraft appeared, until it flew away;[33]:102 PVA officers might shoot security violators.[41] Such battlefield discipline allowed a three-division army to march the 286 miles (460 km) from An-tung, Manchuria to the combat zone in some 19 days. Another division night-marched a circuitous mountain route, averaging 18 miles (29 km) daily for 18 days.[41]

People's Volunteer Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Similar to Europeans during the Mongol invasions, the popular perception believed that Chinese victories were due to simple human wave tactics. In fact, Chinese forces used rapid attacks on the flanks and rear and infiltration behind UN lines to give the appearance of vast hordes. This, of course, was augmented by the Chinese tactic of maximizing their forces for the attack, ensuring a large local numerical superiority over their opponent.[8][9] The initial Chinese victory along the Yalu River was a great morale booster for the PVA and the first Chinese victory over the West in modern times. However, by late 1951, overextended supply lines and superior UN firepower had forced a stalemate. The North Koreans that invaded in 1950 had been much better supplied and armed by the Soviets than the Chinese Army had been. The main arms of the PVA were captured Japanese and KMT arms,[10]

Historian and Korean War veteran Bevin Alexander had this to say about Chinese tactics in his book How Wars Are Won:

"The Chinese had no air power and were armed only with rifles, machineguns, hand grenades, and mortars. Against the much more heavily armed Americans, they adapted a technique they had used against the Nationalists in the Chinese civil war of 1946–49. The Chinese generally attacked at night and tried to close in on a small troop position — generally a platoon — and then attacked it with local superiority in numbers. The usual method was to infiltrate small units, from a platoon of fifty men to a company of 200, split into separate detachments. While one team cut off the escape route of the Americans, the others struck both the front and the flanks in concerted assaults. The attacks continued on all sides until the defenders were destroyed or forced to withdraw. The Chinese then crept forward to the open flank of the next platoon position, and repeated the tactics."

Roy Appleman further clarified the initial Chines tactics as:

"In the First Phase Offensive, highly skilled enemy light infantry troops had carried out the Chinese attacks, generally unaided by any weapons larger than mortars. Their attacks had demonstrated that the Chinese were well-trained disciplined fire fighters, and particularly adept at night fighting. They were masters of the art of camouflage. Their patrols were remarkably successful in locating the positions of the U.N. forces. They planned their attacks to get in the rear of these forces, cut them off from their escape and supply roads, and then send in frontal and flanking attacks to precipitate the battle. They also employed a tactic which they termed Hachi Shiki, which was a V-formation into which they allowed enemy forces to move; the sides of the V then closed around their enemy while another force moved below the mouth of the V to engage any forces attempting to relieve the trapped unit. Such were the tactics the Chinese used with great success at Onjong, Unsan, and Ch'osan, but with only partial success at Pakch'on and the Ch'ongch'on bridgehead."[11]

Historian Bruce Cumings noted that when Chinese soldiers and officers saw how Americans fought the war, they were surprised by how freely the Americans would resort to what they considered to be excessive and unnecessary force. One Chinese soldier stated that if the Americans encountered a single sniper hiding in a village or house, they would invariably call in massive artillery and air attacks, destroying the entire village and killing everyone in it. He asked, "Why do they do this instead of simply sending in soldiers to kill the sniper?" American superiority in military hardware had profound consequences for the Korean people on the peninsula as well as the soldiers fighting the war.
LOLLOL talk more like Rahul Indian and some other insane Indian member. He is different than schinese, who at least make some sense and not totally :flame:

Its most likely that LOLLOL is not Chinese. If that is the case, he is most likely a disguise from a particular background and nationality.

All posts which slanders India,always makes sense to you,don't they :azn:
Because China doesn't have any choice. Use those junks and die in million of men or fight with stick and stone. You think china would buy those junks if it wasn't for Eu and US arms embargo?

This is not true, China buys arms from everybody wiling to sell.

The PLA still follow the theories of GREAT LEADER MAO ZEDONG. Mao Zedong saw through history why China lost to imperialisation was because China thought they were superior while the europeans stole/learned technology from people all over the world and combined them.

Mao Zedong say to get some of every weapon from any country, even if the weapon was inferior and reverse engineer it. Today the chinese adopt this to every aspect of technology not just weaponry, If not for the embargo China will buy weapons from Europe, USA and Russia.

China just buys many weapons from Russia because Russia wants to recoup the reasearch cost even though they desire only 1 or 2 copies.
first you asked a stupid question that doesn't made any sense. You now making stuff up and changing subject and posting link that support my point of view. I starting to think you an Indian hiding behind the s/n only Indian with an average IQ 81 can be this stupid.

I never said Russia whasn't, but what i did say is that the IT sector as well as other technology based fields are growing in Russia.

Well guess what dummy, you never posted a link to support you on any IT craps. you pull stuff out of your butt when being debunked. I post my link that show that wasn't true. Learn to read red face.

Here is a link buddy.

The World's Most Profitable Companies

yeah buddy(only Indian use "buddy"), your link backs up my point.. It's a resource company making money and backing my point that Russia is a resource exporter.

Wrong, Russia has build countless ships, the reason they purchased the Mistal was because the military felt that they needed a Mistral class ship urgently. Russian generals said they could have landed troops in Georgia much quicker if they had something like the Mistral.

If Russia were to build a Mistral type ship it would take years, firstly they would need to design the ship, then they would need to modify or build a new port, then they would need to get the legistics this includes assembling a team of builders as well as equipment, then they would have to build it, and only after it's build can they take in out to sea trials and commision it.

Not only that but Russia wanted technology transfer from the Mistral, so alot of it had to do with obtaining technology which is what every country tries to do. And in the end it just made more sence purchasing a ready made ship then going through all of the time and trouble of building them from scratch.

And The US has also purchased forign equipment for its use so you fail.

wrong fool, Soviet union was the one that build ship! I told you already. Russia is a resources exporter nothing else. My link backs me up already while you mouthing and making stuff up as you go.

Again this was to obtain technology and again this is something the US did with Soviet equipment all of the time. Russia has also neglected drone development so it made sense to purchase drones from Israel which is know to make some of the best.

What? you read the link or you just mouthing off..the link said Russia is buying weapons from Israel and you talking about America obtain technology from Soviet? to different subject..you can't even understand both.

Yea same with the US.

When did America fought with Georgia fool?

BTW in mock combat the F-15 has been shot down by SU-30's many times.

mock combat? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well you are a fool..Who give a damn about mock combat when it's in the history book that Soviet junks got raped?

OMG you're a joke.

The Koreans had nothing more than rifles and it was their choice to charge in human waves.

The Vietnamese never charged in human waves they were alway silent and relied on ambush tactics. We all know how that turned out dont we?

And in WW2 human wave tactics were nornal tactic on all sides.

rifles only? you are stupid..they use Soviet jet fighters during the Korea war.. It's call the beginning of the jet war one of the major battle in world history..Ever heard of dummy? US first jet vs Soviet jet.

Vietnam lost over 2 million using human waves. They were running into us bases and got out match at the end. Check the source on human wave

here the link you fool...What is a Human Wave Attack?

Now i'm starting to question your nationality.
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So you are basically saying that the Chinese can only fight with sticks and stones because they are incompetent and unable to produce decent weapons?

No wonder most Chinese as well as Pakistanis are embaressed by you, even Chinese Americans are ashamed of you.

And you know how Indians and Russians feel about you...

When did I said that? maybe you'are too stupid to read. I already poof that you are stupid..

You are an Indian behind a s/n, you should know what shame is. You don't know anything about Russia or their history. You just too ashame of being Indian. I would too If i was you. Noone wants to be with people with an IQ of 81, condom that is too big for their little dick, men on average shorter than other people women, and an country with more poor than Africa.
This is not true, China buys arms from everybody wiling to sell.

The PLA still follow the theories of GREAT LEADER MAO ZEDONG. Mao Zedong saw through history why China lost to imperialisation was because China thought they were superior while the europeans stole/learned technology from people all over the world and combined them.

Mao Zedong say to get some of every weapon from any country, even if the weapon was inferior and reverse engineer it. Today the chinese adopt this to every aspect of technology not just weaponry, If not for the embargo China will buy weapons from Europe, USA and Russia.

China just buys many weapons from Russia because Russia wants to recoup the reasearch cost even though they desire only 1 or 2 copies.
Of course China willing to buy from anyone that willing to sell but US and EU have an arms embargo on China.
When did I said that? maybe you'are too stupid to read. I already poof that you are stupid..

You are an Indian behind a s/n, you should know what shame is. You don't know anything about Russia or their history. You just too ashame of being Indian. I would too If i was you. Noone wants to be with people with an IQ of 81, condom that is too big for their little dick, men on average shorter than other people women, and an country with more poor than Africa.

Oh really...you commie kept...I guess average Indian dick is larger than average Chinese national cittizen height....your wo men must still be sleeping with Japanese for satisfaction as most of you are neither having enough thing to satisfy your woman nor you have time from your junk producing factories...

MODS- This commie basxxxd...provoked this response..if you cant take any action...be ready to accept fiting response from us...
Oh really...you commie kept...I guess average Indian dick is larger than average Chinese national cittizen height....your wo men must still be sleeping with Japanese for satisfaction as most of you are neither having enough thing to satisfy your woman nor you have time from your junk producing factories...

MODS- This commie basxxxd...provoked this response..if you cant take any action...be ready to accept fiting response from us...

yeah, china communist is richer than you and live longer than you.

here is your dick, keep bragging.

here Indian midget..


China 173cm (5.85 ft) (2008 Measured)
Indian 1.645cm (5 ft 5 ft) (2007 Measured)

No, but your women still sleeping with our men after what we did to your people in 1962.

The junks that low IQ 81 Indian don't know how to produce. That is why you 4 time poorer than us communist.

MODS- This commie basxxxd...provoked this response..if you cant take any action...be ready to accept fiting response from us.

talking tough for someone that lives in a glass house.
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