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How long can Pak sustain a war?

So one unsubstantiated news piece is your best bet? Pity. Why wasn't protocol followed after this man's arrest? Was the Pakistani consulate reached? Was he interviewed by the consulate? Was his police record imported from Pakistan? Were arrangements for extradition or incarceration in home country arranged for? Did the family claim Habeas Corpus? Lots of lose ends, but you won't understand logic, you know too well to understand logic.

As for the voice samples, Indians have been less than co-operative in all fields. If we had an interview with Kasab, we could have secured proof to prosecute Hafiz Saeed, but it was never granted and India still wants the death penalty for Hafiz Saeed, but on what grounds, might I ask? We need a confession from the accessory to murder under supervision of the commission to prosecute him. India denies interview, Hafiz Saeed walks a free man. That's modern law, it's not about what you know, it's what you can prove.


C'mon! Gimme a break. Whom are you lying to?

Who do you think we are dealing with here?

Everything you are saying now has been tried and every single time your folks obfuscate the entire process soooooooooooo much that in the end we are left with no option other than to let them rot in jail or encounter them.

Is it a secret that the 5 hijackers from IC-814 in Kandahar went to quetta by road with Masood Azhar, the hijack bounty, sucking on their titties.

We're still waiting for the voice samples of 26/11 accused as you had promised to give. But you know what, what's the point. If you guys were so humane as to help us find the butchers of our people, you'd never send them here in the first place.

In fact, all this while we were silly to expect help from the very guys who push these people into India under covering fire of their guns. :lol:

Sometimes I feel whatever's been happening in your country of late is nothing but your Karma.

C'mon! Gimme a break. Whom are you lying to?

Who do you think we are dealing with here?

The burden of proof lies on the party making the accusation. :lol:

Which in this case is India. But India STILL has not been able to prove that the Pakistani government was behind the 26/11 attacks.
You have elaborated here quite well, but you have not taken into account the scenario of Indian naval blockade on Pakistan which is highly likely since it gave dividends to India in 1971 & also the Indian navy threatened about the same in 1999 kargil conflict,

I've done exactly that, any Indian Naval blockade will be gradual and cannot extend immediate to block the alternate ports of Gwadar, Ormara or the Smuggled route across the Iranian border.
The effect of the blockage will also be gradual, first stopping the supply of heavy equipment such as Tanks, Artillery etc.
Then it will effect the rate of flow of refined petroleum products into the country as it threatens ships approaching the alternate ports. Finally , all major arms and ammunition shipment via the sea will stop and only sporadic support via land routes will arrive.

During the Kargil conflict, Pakistan' fuel reserves were already low due to local shortages after the 1998 tests and siphoning off strategic reserves to keep the market price low. There was NO fuel usage as such by the NLI infiltrators..so the shortage extended to the Kerosene reserves only..there was enough high speed diesel for over 20 days.


C'mon! Gimme a break. Whom are you lying to?

Who do you think we are dealing with here?

Everything you are saying now has been tried and every single time your folks obfuscate the entire process soooooooooooo much that in the end we are left with no option other than to let them rot in jail or encounter them.

Is it a secret that the 5 hijackers from IC-814 in Kandahar went to quetta by road with Masood Azhar, the hijack bounty, sucking on their titties.

We're still waiting for the voice samples of 26/11 accused as you had promised to give. But you know what, what's the point. If you guys were so humane as to help us find the butchers of our people, you'd never send them here in the first place.

In fact, all this while we were silly to expect help from the very guys who push these people into India under covering fire of their guns. :lol:

Sometimes I feel whatever's been happening in your country of late is nothing but your Karma.

Which of these is a direct counter argument to what has been posted.
You are in complete denial of what has been stated and are taking it only in the narrow vision of "Pakistan is guilty" and no less. Which is where your smiley shows that you have no purpose here other than to mock and taunt.
Which then leads to any lack of efforts being made by your UPA government and intel agencies of providing proof being automatically exonerated in your though process.
Point taken.

The sensationalism is there.

However, how you guys are trying to hide behind that sensationalism does not undo your crimes.

We are sorry that we are a cell phone dealer or a security guard.

BTW no one provided the link which i requested. I really want to read those reports.

C'mon! Gimme a break. Whom are you lying to?

Who do you think we are dealing with here?

Everything you are saying now has been tried and every single time your folks obfuscate the entire process soooooooooooo much that in the end we are left with no option other than to let them rot in jail or encounter them.

Yet you are still always unable to prove their identities. It's either intelligence failure or sensationalism. Your pick. You can't blame it on us if your own authorities fail to follow clearly defined protocol.

Is it a secret that the 5 hijackers from IC-814 in Kandahar went to quetta by road with Masood Azhar, the hijack bounty, sucking on their titties.

Honestly, they did not inform me of their travels or their homosexual tendencies, so I am at a loss here.

We're still waiting for the voice samples of 26/11 accused as you had promised to give. But you know what, what's the point. If you guys were so humane as to help us find the butchers of our people, you'd never send them here in the first place.

We asked for an interview with Kasab and were prepared to EXTRADITE Hafiz Saeed if a confession was obtained. However, it seems your authorities are least interested in bringing the perpetrators of 26/11 to justice.
Secondly, if you have proof of state sponsorship of the 26/11 attacks, then kindly provide it. Otherwise live with the fact that your intelligence and maritime surveillance apparatus failed.

In fact, all this while we were silly to expect help from the very guys who push these people into India under covering fire of their guns.

And around we go! Isn't the lack of proof for this silly accusation the primary reason we are in this argument in the first place?
Like I said, put the proof where your keyboard is.

Sometimes I feel whatever's been happening in your country of late is nothing but your Karma.

Possibly, however, we've been good boys and luck will eventually provide us a break.
Which of these is a direct counter argument to what has been posted.
You are in complete denial of what has been stated and are taking it only in the narrow vision of "Pakistan is guilty" and no less. Which is where your smiley shows that you have no purpose here other than to mock and taunt.
Which then leads to any lack of efforts being made by your UPA government and intel agencies of providing proof being automatically exonerated in your though process.

This is funny. You expect to find 'proof' on the internet.

Why ask me, man? Go and ask your government. We have given all the proof we could. The next leg of investigation needs to be taken up in your country. Who's stoppin' ya? You haven't even given us the voice samples you had yourself promised. So stop with this facade of "Oh we so empathise with your tragedy, give us proof and we will act". Stop it already. Your now putting shame to shame.

The proof we had was enough to get your organisations and people banned in the UN. Even your all-weather-ally could not support you. So strong was the proof.

The Americans accepted it.

The British accepted it.

The French accepted it.

The Russians accepted it.

The Chinese had to accept it.

If you still wanna say 'I want proof, I want proof' with that audacious grin on your visage, feel free to waste your time but I can't give you liberty to waste mine.

You are not doing anything better than putting just another facade of your establishment's obfuscating self on display...yet again.
This is funny. You expect to find 'proof' on the internet.

Why ask me, man? Go and ask your government. We have given all the proof we could. The next leg of investigation needs to be taken up in your country. Who's stoppin' ya? You haven't even given us the voice samples you had yourself promised. So stop with this facade of "Oh we so empathise with your tragedy, give us proof and we will act". Stop it already. Your now putting shame to shame.

The proof we had was enough to get your organisations and people banned in the UN. Even your all-weather-ally could not support you. So strong was the proof.

The Americans accepted it.

The British accepted it.

The French accepted it.

The Russians accepted it.

The Chinese had to accept it.

If you still wanna say 'I want proof, I want proof' with that audacious grin on your visage, feel free to waste your time but I can't give you liberty to waste mine.

You are not doing anything better than putting just another facade of your establishment's obfuscating self on display...yet again.

And yet.. there is no proof to provide justice.
No recordings, no statements.. nothing.
Just a face that is said to be connected.
You are not doing anybody a favour by not giving that proof.
Which is why ***** like Saeed will continue to roam around free because the Judiciary cannot get any actionable proof from their Indian counterparts...and it is only people like Saeed that will be left grinning at India.
This is funny. You expect to find 'proof' on the internet.

Why ask me, man? Go and ask your government. We have given all the proof we could. The next leg of investigation needs to be taken up in your country. Who's stoppin' ya?

The proof we had was enough to get your organisations and people banned in the UN. Even your all-weather-ally could not support you. So strong was the proof.

The Americans accepted it.

The British accepted it.

The French accepted it.

The Russians accepted it.

The Chinese had to accept it.

If you still wanna say 'I want proof, I want proof' with that audacious grin on your visage, feel free to waste your time but I can't give you liberty to waste mine.

You are not doing anything better than putting just another facade of your establishment's obfuscating self on display...yet again.

Oscar and me have been ver clear about this since the first post, but since you show a complete failiur to comprehend our point of view, I'll break it down for you:

Commission+Access to Kasab= Here's your scumbag.

Simple as that, however, Kasab is in your custody, so the ball is in your court. You don't allow us to interview him, thus we are unable to prosecute Hafiz Saeed.
why pakistani people always think about war,they always says jang hogi jang hogi gazwa-e-hind hoga,stop guys be peacefull
pakistan will last exactly zero days; musharraf filled the leadership echelons with incompetents and over three plus COAS terms destroyed leadership down to brigade level. up to battalion level much brave resistance may be expected but above that incompetence will reign supreme and all organized resistance will collapse within one day.. only mopping up will remain after that...
the rank and file is demoralized by the incompetence of all national institutions......
INDIAN- " Pakistan sponsors terrorism in india"

PAKISTANI- " U indians are miserable , u blame us for everything bad in ur cntry...... ha ha ha"

INDIAN- " Indians are brave people"

PAKISTANI- "" 5 pakistanis kept ur city hostage for many days and u call urself brave..... see what will happen when we send the whole army"


This is not the only instance where some misguided Pakistani (a lot of them on this forum) take pride on the actions of Muslim terrorists...
My statement was correct. Frankly I couldn't care less at your attempts to obfuscate the issue with "interior ministers" or other BS.

I'll say it again:

"Then why has not one single country in the ENTIRE world officially said that the Pakistani government is behind the 26/11 attacks? Let alone the UN?"

Are u out of ur brain?
So the ISI is not in govt control?
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