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How long can Pak sustain a war?

I think Pakistan will be involved with insurgency/counter insurgency at varying levels for at least two to three decades to come -- While Afghanistan may be an aggravating element, it is actually a set of internal issues that will propel these insurgencies in Pakistan - Why Pakistan and What is Pakistan are questions Pakistanis will have answer for themselves.
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During Kargil, PAK has only one week of Fuel left when ceasefire happened. Now once can guess how long pan can sustain war without getting disintegration. this fact is acknowledge by PAK govt itself and tell by them only.

The same reason they didnt release the kargil report, because they can't afford to show true picture.

Therefore its safe to ack that not more then week , pan can sustain conventional war. because in war , fuel is the most precious quantity.
Relevant to the discussion, I think a conventional war between India and Pakistan is a far cry. The threat of nuclear deterrents is sufficient to deter warmongers on both sides. In the rare occasion however, that we do go to war. I'd say Pakistan would be able to last 45 days. After the lessons learnt from 1999 and in keeping with India's Cold start doctrine, sufficient stocks of ammo and fuel have been procured to last for over a month while pressure is stepped up on the diplomatic front. During the Musharraf era, we had 45 days of stocked furnace oil as well but the present government has exhausted that supply.
I think the capacity to withstand a war for Pakistan is more than India ...No need to compare..The reason is obvious...Pakistan is going through war like environment since last 10 year...Indian public are not so habituated with it...It may be tough for India to sustain the momentum after 2 weeks of war...But any way believe me...21st century war will not be fought on the battlefield. Rather the war will be very much asymmetric....
Relevant to the discussion, I think a conventional war between India and Pakistan is a far cry. The threat of nuclear deterrents is sufficient to deter warmongers on both sides. In the rare occasion however, that we do go to war. I'd say Pakistan would be able to last 45 days. After the lessons learnt from 1999 and in keeping with India's Cold start doctrine, sufficient stocks of ammo and fuel have been procured to last for over a month while pressure is stepped up on the diplomatic front. During the Musharraf era, we had 45 days of stocked furnace oil as well but the present government has exhausted that supply.

Highly unlikely...I would say 15 days.I guess you know where your economy is today and world reputation.

But firstly Pakistan has learnt that fighting in a direct conventional war with India would mean defeat and that's why fighting indirectly for decades.

About diplomacy, In 1999 your dearest friend China told you to back off to the LoC and mighty mouse US saved you from total disgrace.Decade long WOT and recent OBL drama has cleared all the doubts in front of the world.Your diplomatic front today is at the weakest point in the history.
I think the capacity to withstand a war for Pakistan is more than India ...No need to compare..The reason is obvious...Pakistan is going through war like environment since last 10 year...Indian public are not so habituated with it...It may be tough for India to sustain the momentum after 2 weeks of war...But any way believe me...21st century war will not be fought on the battlefield. Rather the war will be very much asymmetric....

if they are going thru a war like environment then they will exhaust first coz most of there resources are cntinously in use .... it will exhaust soon .... now public has nothing to do with war..... currently usa is goving them heavy monetary aids and arms which is helping them in war.... during a conventional war with india ..... they wont get support from any country.... even china coz like always they will be the agressors..... but i dont see a war happening.... u will see in recent times when war with taliban ends.... u will see a complete shift in there anti - india policies..... coz the zeal for supporting terrorists has just faded in pakistani public..... PEACEFUL TIMES AHEAD
Given that, 25 days seems ambitious. The shrinking economy may give Pakistan only a few days of war fighting capability.

IBNLive : Surya Gangadharan's Blog : How long can Pak sustain a war?

This is called "Billi ko cheechron ke khuab!". Its good for Pakistan that Indian mindset is being fed with such analysis's.. in wars, the bigger surprises hurt more than bigger bangs. Pakistan has fought years long war with terrorists and its enemies and is determined to fight till the complete cleansing which may take another decade or so.

Worst minds are not the ones which does not have ability to learn, but those are the ones which learn, interpret it wrongly and then tend to forget everything to be relearned again - all to repeat the cycle all over again. That holds true for Indian media which is not just pathetic, it and its followers are sinfully stupid.
In the last three months, according to various Indian intelligence estimates, the Pakistani army has shifted three more units from the border with India to the tribal areas of Waziristan or FATA. This brings to 100 the total number of units now deployed in fighting Taliban insurgents.

To get a better sense of the size of these units, here's a breakup: Four division headquarters (a division is around 10,000 men) and 22 Brigade headquarters (a brigade is around 2,500 men). That brings the figure to 95,000 men of a total army of 700,000. It would be safe to assume the rest remain focussed on India. So the pitch by some quarters about the "changing Pakistani mindset" regarding India is to put it mildly misplaced.

How long could Pakistan fight a war (other than the one in Waziristan)? From published reports, it seems the Pak army had geared itself for a conflict ranging from 30 to 45 days. But reports in 2007 indicated that the top brass had revised those figures downward to 25 days. Meaning, it had sufficient stocks of arms, ammunition, food and fuel to last 25 days. This translated into:


-- Small arms/ammo = 90 days stocks

-- Mortar shells+anti-tank = 30 days stocks

-- Anti-Tank Guided Munitions = 15 days stocks
ARTILLERY (shells) +AIR DEFENCE (surface to air missiles) +AVIATION (bombs/ammo) = 30 days stocks

But Pakistan's ability to fight a war ultimately depends on its economy. It's been evident for many years that the Pakistani economy has been barrelling down the tube. Infusions of US aid have only given the illusion of growth. The continuance of that aid now looks doubtful given the downward graph in ties with Washington. Add to that a debilitating internal conflict, administrative collapse and political discord.

Given that, 25 days seems ambitious. The shrinking economy may give Pakistan only a few days of war fighting capability.

IBNLive : Surya Gangadharan's Blog : How long can Pak sustain a war?

That should be enough time to DISMANTLE the EVIL EMPIRE OF BHARAT.
Full scale war WILL HAVE A MASSIVE effect on Pakistan Probably far more than india..

Pakistans lack of strategic depth means the whole nation will be thrown into it accross the border length

being a purely defensive force the air war will be mainly over pak skies

a nava;l blockade will distrupt pak trade and supplies. Pak Navy is a realtively weak arm of their military


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