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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

Shame on Punjabi Muslims that they couldn't keep the Eastern half united with the West.

Us Pakistanis gained half punjab but we not only lost the other half of Punjab but Kashmir too. Crying about Gurdaspur is like some losing 1 kilo of pure gold and then crying about 1 paisa. What a pathetic analysis? pathetic just pathetic.

Then if it wasn't enough of $hite, we killed, raped, and ethnically cleansed the W. Punjab from Sikhs and Hindus.

99% of Hindus and Sikhs in W. Punjab did not commit any crime against the fellow Muslims. Then why did we loot their factories, pillage their homes, and utterly annihilate innocent and soon-to-be Pakistani citizens?

Allah has punished us in the past for being Nazis to our non-Muslim countrymen, and we'll continually be punished unless we change our primitive tribal Islamists ways of dealing with ethnic minorities.

Any Pakistani crying for Kashmir must apologize from Hindus and Sikhs who got displaced from their ancestral homes, the towns and villages of their forefathers, and had to run for their lives.

Otherwise we'll be committing double speak and no one will believe us.

Oh sure, some one will say Hindus killed Muslims in E. Punjab. Indians cleansed E. Punjab. Before 1947, In British rule, there were 55% to 65% Muslims in E. Punjab. Majority of agri land was owned by small to medium sized Muslim farmers.

In few months of Hindu rule Indian Punjab went down to 0% Muslims. No farmer and land owner survived!

But this is not the competition in murder and death and rape and pillage. No I am talking about upholding values for humanity and justice and fairness to our fellow countrymen.

Forget about what the f'ing Mountbatten did or didn't do. That was so many decades ago.

What have we the Paks done since then?

Have we provided justice and security, love and respect to our fellow countrymen who happen to belong to minority religions and sects?

Nothing. Nada, zilch.

How on earth then we can claim this high and mighty voicing justice for people in some other county. How?????

It is time we think about our own actions.

Only then others will pay heed to what we have to say.


Sir, I thank you not for the facts in the above statements, which will anyways be denied by your countrymen, but to the courage to travel the least travelled path. It often takes a person a lot of will power to oppose the thought flow of the society around.
look you pak guys if you are not satisfied with what you got, too bad , the paper has been signed some 65 years ago.
kashmir was independent kingdom and maharaja was free to do wht he wanted . he chose india. british do not come into the picture. if you guys hadnt sent the mslim barbrians into kashmir, then harisingh would have like to stay independent just as you today want. he chose india but you are illegally occupying P0K, GB. please get out of there and problem solevd,.
look you pak guys if you are not satisfied with what you got, too bad , the paper has been signed some 65 years ago.
kashmir was independent kingdom and maharaja was free to do wht he wanted . he chose india. british do not come into the picture. if you guys hadnt sent the mslim barbrians into kashmir, then harisingh would have like to stay independent just as you today want. he chose india but you are illegally occupying P0K, GB. please get out of there and problem solevd,.
Pakistan is aware that, through Kashmir their Major river flows, and it is a great source of water. So this is one big reason for them to stay in Kashmir.

Since India has the most economical zones of Kashmir, where tourism plays an important role, Pakistan has terrorized it so that the tourism is reduced to 0.

next is the 1971 revenge which they looking for by separating Kashmir from India.

Pakistan is not going to step back, because 90% of their policies, have something to do with Kashmir.
Pakistan is aware that, through Kashmir their Major river flows, and it is a great source of water. So this is one big reason for them to stay in Kashmir.

Since India has the most economical zones of Kashmir, where tourism plays an important role, Pakistan has terrorized it so that the tourism is reduced to 0.

next is the 1971 revenge which they looking for by separating Kashmir from India.

Pakistan is not going to step back, because 90% of their policies, have something to do with Kashmir.

Yes and there is one more reason stopping them from backing down, If they back down, the terrorists will kill them.
Sir, I thank you not for the facts in the above statements, which will anyways be denied by your countrymen, but to the courage to travel the least travelled path. It often takes a person a lot of will power to oppose the thought flow of the society around.

Thank you for your kindness.

However I am not alone. Even in this thread if you would go through the umpteenth posts, you will find Pakistanis who have done much better job in stating the facts.

Similarly there are few Indian posters who ignore the hype and state the facts.

Just continue spreading tolerance and affection when you can. Things will get better one day. Ignore the fundoos on our side AND on your side too. There is hope, there is light. We just need to find it.

Sir, I thank you not for the facts in the above statements, which will anyways be denied by your countrymen, but to the courage to travel the least travelled path. It often takes a person a lot of will power to oppose the thought flow of the society around.

Hon Sir,

If you would like to know the facts about ethnic and communal riots in the subcontinent ask an old man like me who has seen it all. Here it is:

To be fair one has to admit that crimes of ethnic cleansing were committed on both sides. In fact Hindus Mahasabha, RSS and Sikh Akali Dal, were one of the first sectarian parties to indulge in murder of Muslims simply because of their faith. Most the ethnic parties were formed between 1915 and 1925. Mahasabha was the first political group to oppose Gandhi/Congress principle of nonviolence and secularism and promoted the idea of Hindu Rashtra or Hunduvta and was against holding the dialogues with Muslim League.

On the Muslim side Majlis e Ahrar was the Deobandi sectarian party and mostly against fellow Muslims whom they considered kafir. Ahrars opposed Muslim League (probably) because the Quaid was a Shia and also because Sir Mohammed Zafarulah Khan was a Qadiani and the Ahmadis were supporting Muslim League.

First major communal riots actually started in Calcutta on 16th August 1946 when general strike was called by the Muslim League and opposed by the Akhand Hindustan shouting Hindus. It is difficult to put the blame as who started the killings but it said that about 4,000 persons lost their live the very first day.

Apparently the decision of Unionist leader Khizar Hayat Tiwana to step down as Chief Minister of united Punjab and because Sikh leader Tara Singh fanned the hatred between Muslims and Sikhs along with the death of Sikh constable, was the spark that started a spree of pillage, arson and looting against Hindu and Sikhs in Lahore.

It is said that stabbing of a Muslim taxi driver by Sikh was the start of communal riots in Amritsar, where thousands of Muslims were massacred by the Sikhs.

It must be said that violence of the kind that was witness during the partition was unprecedented in the subcontinent history. Millions lost their lives just because of accident if birth in a different religion. There is absolutely be no justification for such kind behaviour by human beings.

Regret to say that neither Indians nor Pakistanis have learned to curb their inherent bestial instinct. Indian has witnessed mass killing of Sikhs in Delhi when Indra was killed by her Sikh body guard. Everyone is aware of the Gujarat massacre of Muslims following Babri Masjid incident. There have been communal riots in Jabalpur in 1960. There were riots in Moradabad in 1980. Caste riots are still prevalent in rural northern India.

In Pakistan, since there were no more Hindus/Sikhs left, communalism changed to sectarianism/ethnic riots. Anti Qadiani riots broke out in Punjab in Feb 1953 and Martial had to be imposed to bring peace. Again Deobandi/Wahabi parties such as JI & MaJlis Ahrar were mainly responsible. There have been language riots in Sindh in 1972. Who can forget 1971 events in East Pakistan?

With rise of Khomeini in Iran, Saudi financed Wahhabi organizations such as SSP and now TTP have sparked Shia killings. This goes on to this day with the target killing of Hazaras in Quetta and also of Shias in Kurram agency and in Gilgit. Iran financed Shia organizations that are targeting SSP leaders and bombing Sunni mosques.

No matter how objectively I try to look at the senseless killings of innocents in the subcontinent, and indeed the world over such as Nazi atrocities, Northern Ireland, many countries in Africa and massacre of Chinese in Indonesia, ethnic cleansing following the break- up of Yugoslavia; I realize that despite the fact human beings have been to the moon and back; a lot of them remain jungle dwelling savages underneath. More so if the hatred is fanned by the religious/ethnic bigots. Nearly all religions teach tolerance, but somehow I find that more outwardly religious the people are; more hard-line and ruthless their actions.

Can’t comment on other religions but being a Muslim I find it very painful when I see Muslims engaging is atrocities. Islam is supposed to be religion of peace but some of its followers have turned into a vindictive hateful creed. I am therefore inclined more and more towards Sufi Islam which is based on love and tolerance. Unfortunately, Ibne Timmiyya, Imam of the Wahabis, Salafin & Takfiris was dead against Ibne Arabi (Imam of the Sufis) and considered him a heretic. I would probably be killed by some Wahhabi/Deobandi/Taliban fanatic for my views.
Hon Sir,

If you would like to know the facts about ethnic and communal riots in the subcontinent ask an old man like me who has seen it all. Here it is:

To be fair one has to admit that crimes of ethnic cleansing were committed on both sides. In fact Hindus Mahasabha, RSS and Sikh Akali Dal, were one of the first sectarian parties to indulge in murder of Muslims simply because of their faith. Most the ethnic parties were formed between 1915 and 1925. Mahasabha was the first political group to oppose Gandhi/Congress principle of nonviolence and secularism and promoted the idea of Hindu Rashtra or Hunduvta and was against holding the dialogues with Muslim League.

On the Muslim side Majlis e Ahrar was the Deobandi sectarian party and mostly against fellow Muslims whom they considered kafir. Ahrars opposed Muslim League (probably) because the Quaid was a Shia and also because Sir Mohammed Zafarulah Khan was a Qadiani and the Ahmadis were supporting Muslim League.

First major communal riots actually started in Calcutta on 16th August 1946 when general strike was called by the Muslim League and opposed by the Akhand Hindustan shouting Hindus. It is difficult to put the blame as who started the killings but it said that about 4,000 persons lost their live the very first day.

Apparently the decision of Unionist leader Khizar Hayat Tiwana to step down as Chief Minister of united Punjab and because Sikh leader Tara Singh fanned the hatred between Muslims and Sikhs along with the death of Sikh constable, was the spark that started a spree of pillage, arson and looting against Hindu and Sikhs in Lahore.

It is said that stabbing of a Muslim taxi driver by Sikh was the start of communal riots in Amritsar, where thousands of Muslims were massacred by the Sikhs.

It must be said that violence of the kind that was witness during the partition was unprecedented in the subcontinent history. Millions lost their lives just because of accident if birth in a different religion. There is absolutely be no justification for such kind behaviour by human beings.

Regret to say that neither Indians nor Pakistanis have learned to curb their inherent bestial instinct. Indian has witnessed mass killing of Sikhs in Delhi when Indra was killed by her Sikh body guard. Everyone is aware of the Gujarat massacre of Muslims following Babri Masjid incident. There have been communal riots in Jabalpur in 1960. There were riots in Moradabad in 1980. Caste riots are still prevalent in rural northern India.

In Pakistan, since there were no more Hindus/Sikhs left, communalism changed to sectarianism/ethnic riots. Anti Qadiani riots broke out in Punjab in Feb 1953 and Martial had to be imposed to bring peace. Again Deobandi/Wahabi parties such as JI & MaJlis Ahrar were mainly responsible. There have been language riots in Sindh in 1972. Who can forget 1971 events in East Pakistan?

With rise of Khomeini in Iran, Saudi financed Wahhabi organizations such ads SSP and now TTP have sparked Shia killings. This goes on to this day with the target killing of Hazaras in Quetta and also of Shias in Kurram agency and in Gilgit. Iran financed Shia organizations that are targeting SSP leaders and bombing Sunni mosques.

No matter how objectively I try to look at the senseless killings on innocents in the subcontinent, and indeed the world over such as Nazi atrocities, Northern Ireland, many countries in Africa and massacre of Chinese in Indonesia, ethnic cleansing following the break- up of Yugoslavia; I realize that despite the fact human beings have been to the moon and back; a lot of them remain jungle dwelling savages underneath. More so if the hatred is fanned by the religious/ethnic bigots. Nearly all religions teach tolerance, but somehow I find that more outwardly religious the people are; more hard-line and ruthless their actions.

Can’t comment on other religions but being a Muslim I find it very painful when I see Muslims engaging is atrocities. Islam is supposed to be religion of peace but some of its followers have turned into a vindictive hateful creed. I am therefore inclined more and more towards Sufi Islam which is based on love and tolerance. Unfortunately, Ibne Timmiyya, Imam of the Wahabis, Salafin & Takfiris was dead against Ibne Arabi (Imam of the Sufis) and considered him a heretic. I would probably be killed by some Wahhabi/Deobandi/Taliban fanatic for my views.


First off, I'm not worthy of the title you address me with.. from your narrative I think I might be of the age of your son.
All I can say is that fanaticism is present everywhere and should be rejected and fought against everywhere too. However to be just and reasonable one should know the history well which puts you in a position I can only envy.

Thanks for sharing this window which looks onto our history of hatred. If only that hatred was not present we would not have seen one of the biggest genocide the world has seen... and would have lived a life where the two nation theory would not have taken birth..

Yours Sincerely,

Hon Sir,

If you would like to know the facts about ethnic and communal riots in the subcontinent ask an old man like me who has seen it all. Here it is:

To be fair one has to admit that crimes of ethnic cleansing were committed on both sides. In fact Hindus Mahasabha, RSS and Sikh Akali Dal, were one of the first sectarian parties to indulge in murder of Muslims simply because of their faith. Most the ethnic parties were formed between 1915 and 1925. Mahasabha was the first political group to oppose Gandhi/Congress principle of nonviolence and secularism and promoted the idea of Hindu Rashtra or Hunduvta and was against holding the dialogues with Muslim League.

On the Muslim side Majlis e Ahrar was the Deobandi sectarian party and mostly against fellow Muslims whom they considered kafir. Ahrars opposed Muslim League (probably) because the Quaid was a Shia and also because Sir Mohammed Zafarulah Khan was a Qadiani and the Ahmadis were supporting Muslim League.

First major communal riots actually started in Calcutta on 16th August 1946 when general strike was called by the Muslim League and opposed by the Akhand Hindustan shouting Hindus. It is difficult to put the blame as who started the killings but it said that about 4,000 persons lost their live the very first day.

Apparently the decision of Unionist leader Khizar Hayat Tiwana to step down as Chief Minister of united Punjab and because Sikh leader Tara Singh fanned the hatred between Muslims and Sikhs along with the death of Sikh constable, was the spark that started a spree of pillage, arson and looting against Hindu and Sikhs in Lahore.

It is said that stabbing of a Muslim taxi driver by Sikh was the start of communal riots in Amritsar, where thousands of Muslims were massacred by the Sikhs.

It must be said that violence of the kind that was witness during the partition was unprecedented in the subcontinent history. Millions lost their lives just because of accident if birth in a different religion. There is absolutely be no justification for such kind behaviour by human beings.

Regret to say that neither Indians nor Pakistanis have learned to curb their inherent bestial instinct. Indian has witnessed mass killing of Sikhs in Delhi when Indra was killed by her Sikh body guard. Everyone is aware of the Gujarat massacre of Muslims following Babri Masjid incident. There have been communal riots in Jabalpur in 1960. There were riots in Moradabad in 1980. Caste riots are still prevalent in rural northern India.

In Pakistan, since there were no more Hindus/Sikhs left, communalism changed to sectarianism/ethnic riots. Anti Qadiani riots broke out in Punjab in Feb 1953 and Martial had to be imposed to bring peace. Again Deobandi/Wahabi parties such as JI & MaJlis Ahrar were mainly responsible. There have been language riots in Sindh in 1972. Who can forget 1971 events in East Pakistan?

With rise of Khomeini in Iran, Saudi financed Wahhabi organizations such ads SSP and now TTP have sparked Shia killings. This goes on to this day with the target killing of Hazaras in Quetta and also of Shias in Kurram agency and in Gilgit. Iran financed Shia organizations that are targeting SSP leaders and bombing Sunni mosques.

No matter how objectively I try to look at the senseless killings on innocents in the subcontinent, and indeed the world over such as Nazi atrocities, Northern Ireland, many countries in Africa and massacre of Chinese in Indonesia, ethnic cleansing following the break- up of Yugoslavia; I realize that despite the fact human beings have been to the moon and back; a lot of them remain jungle dwelling savages underneath. More so if the hatred is fanned by the religious/ethnic bigots. Nearly all religions teach tolerance, but somehow I find that more outwardly religious the people are; more hard-line and ruthless their actions.

Can’t comment on other religions but being a Muslim I find it very painful when I see Muslims engaging is atrocities. Islam is supposed to be religion of peace but some of its followers have turned into a vindictive hateful creed. I am therefore inclined more and more towards Sufi Islam which is based on love and tolerance. Unfortunately, Ibne Timmiyya, Imam of the Wahabis, Salafin & Takfiris was dead against Ibne Arabi (Imam of the Sufis) and considered him a heretic. I would probably be killed by some Wahhabi/Deobandi/Taliban fanatic for my views.


First off, I'm not worthy of the title you address me with.. from your narrative I think I might be of the age of your son.
All I can say is that fanaticism is present everywhere and should be rejected and fought against everywhere too. However to be just and reasonable one should know the history well which puts you in a position I can only envy.

Thanks for sharing this window which looks onto our history of hatred. If only that hatred was not present we would not have seen one of the biggest genocide the world has seen... and would have lived a life where the two nation theory would not have taken birth..

Yours Sincerely,
Hon Sir,

If you would like to know the facts about ethnic and communal riots in the subcontinent ask an old man like me who has seen it all. Here it is:

To be fair one has to admit that crimes of ethnic cleansing were committed on both sides. In fact Hindus Mahasabha, RSS and Sikh Akali Dal, were one of the first sectarian parties to indulge in murder of Muslims simply because of their faith. Most the ethnic parties were formed between 1915 and 1925. Mahasabha was the first political group to oppose Gandhi/Congress principle of nonviolence and secularism and promoted the idea of Hindu Rashtra or Hunduvta and was against holding the dialogues with Muslim League.

On the Muslim side Majlis e Ahrar was the Deobandi sectarian party and mostly against fellow Muslims whom they considered kafir. Ahrars opposed Muslim League (probably) because the Quaid was a Shia and also because Sir Mohammed Zafarulah Khan was a Qadiani and the Ahmadis were supporting Muslim League.

First major communal riots actually started in Calcutta on 16th August 1946 when general strike was called by the Muslim League and opposed by the Akhand Hindustan shouting Hindus. It is difficult to put the blame as who started the killings but it said that about 4,000 persons lost their live the very first day.

Apparently the decision of Unionist leader Khizar Hayat Tiwana to step down as Chief Minister of united Punjab and because Sikh leader Tara Singh fanned the hatred between Muslims and Sikhs along with the death of Sikh constable, was the spark that started a spree of pillage, arson and looting against Hindu and Sikhs in Lahore.

It is said that stabbing of a Muslim taxi driver by Sikh was the start of communal riots in Amritsar, where thousands of Muslims were massacred by the Sikhs.

It must be said that violence of the kind that was witness during the partition was unprecedented in the subcontinent history. Millions lost their lives just because of accident if birth in a different religion. There is absolutely be no justification for such kind behaviour by human beings.

Regret to say that neither Indians nor Pakistanis have learned to curb their inherent bestial instinct. Indian has witnessed mass killing of Sikhs in Delhi when Indra was killed by her Sikh body guard. Everyone is aware of the Gujarat massacre of Muslims following Babri Masjid incident. There have been communal riots in Jabalpur in 1960. There were riots in Moradabad in 1980. Caste riots are still prevalent in rural northern India.

In Pakistan, since there were no more Hindus/Sikhs left, communalism changed to sectarianism/ethnic riots. Anti Qadiani riots broke out in Punjab in Feb 1953 and Martial had to be imposed to bring peace. Again Deobandi/Wahabi parties such as JI & MaJlis Ahrar were mainly responsible. There have been language riots in Sindh in 1972. Who can forget 1971 events in East Pakistan?

With rise of Khomeini in Iran, Saudi financed Wahhabi organizations such ads SSP and now TTP have sparked Shia killings. This goes on to this day with the target killing of Hazaras in Quetta and also of Shias in Kurram agency and in Gilgit. Iran financed Shia organizations that are targeting SSP leaders and bombing Sunni mosques.

No matter how objectively I try to look at the senseless killings on innocents in the subcontinent, and indeed the world over such as Nazi atrocities, Northern Ireland, many countries in Africa and massacre of Chinese in Indonesia, ethnic cleansing following the break- up of Yugoslavia; I realize that despite the fact human beings have been to the moon and back; a lot of them remain jungle dwelling savages underneath. More so if the hatred is fanned by the religious/ethnic bigots. Nearly all religions teach tolerance, but somehow I find that more outwardly religious the people are; more hard-line and ruthless their actions.

Can’t comment on other religions but being a Muslim I find it very painful when I see Muslims engaging is atrocities. Islam is supposed to be religion of peace but some of its followers have turned into a vindictive hateful creed. I am therefore inclined more and more towards Sufi Islam which is based on love and tolerance. Unfortunately, Ibne Timmiyya, Imam of the Wahabis, Salafin & Takfiris was dead against Ibne Arabi (Imam of the Sufis) and considered him a heretic. I would probably be killed by some Wahhabi/Deobandi/Taliban fanatic for my views.

For the bold part, I would have to go back to the History when Aurangzeb exploited and discriminated Hindus, Invaders Like Mauhammad Ghauri, including Mughals etc, all these people did not have a very good impression in the hearts of Natives. You should also consider that part. Fearing the Islamic leadership would not be accepted by Hindus after what their Great Grandparents had gone through, and why should they? If you could justify me this, I would be ready to accept Islam.

Coming to Gujarat Riots and etc and all, they were all the repercussions what the Minority tried to achieve through Violence in their dominating area in India. You should be also aware of how those riots started.

So there is indeed no comparison and you cannot expect a box of sugar If you gift poison to the latter. Still in India the people accept each other, WE have Public Holiday for EID, DiWALI, GURU NANAK Birthday, Mahavir Jayanti , Christmas, and Buddh Purnima. Do you have such in Pakistan?
For the bold part, I would have to go back to the History when Aurangzeb exploited and discriminated Hindus, Invaders Like Mauhammad Ghauri, including Mughals etc, all these people did not have a very good impression in the hearts of Natives. You should also consider that part.
Sad. Indeed Sad. How else do one describe our reaction, whenever faced with historic facts.

Fearing the Islamic leadership would not be accepted by Hindus after what their Great Grandparents had gone through, and why should they? If you could justify me this, I would be ready to accept Islam.
Fear ? .... Why, it was pure barbarism on both side of the fence. Fear does not make you kill innocent's... Only hatred does.

Coming to Gujarat Riots and etc and all, they were all the repercussions what the Minority tried to achieve through Violence in their dominating area in India. You should be also aware of how those riots started.
Point here is not about mass hysteria. But why did the system fail the very people who had voted for the modern day Nepo?... A society which failed its citizen's is no society.

you cannot expect a box of sugar If you gift poison to the latter.
So what do you suggest ? .... Obliterate whom so ever we hate? ... Parry those who are too weak to fight for his right in our republic?

Does it not bother you .... when we complain about corruption in our society, high handedness of our police men, no social welfare ... yet, we covet this very same people when they violate our constitution to serve their own flavor of Justice to the riot victims ?.... Should'nt we be ashamed of saying "Dont expect Sugar for Poison" to our fellow citizens who were killed just because you and me never stood up for them, we stood silent and watched this butchers dream of becoming Prime Minister of our Country. We expect to be treated fair. But we wont afford same to our minorities?

We need to ashamed, Sir, not vindictive.
For the bold part, I would have to go back to the History when Aurangzeb exploited and discriminated Hindus, Invaders Like Mauhammad Ghauri, including Mughals etc, all these people did not have a very good impression in the hearts of Natives. You should also consider that part. Fearing the Islamic leadership would not be accepted by Hindus after what their Great Grandparents had gone through, and why should they? If you could justify me this, I would be ready to accept Islam.

Learn from history, but bear in mind that the Sins of the Fathers are not the Sins of the Sons.

In this case, Muslim victims were in all likelihood not even descendants of the invaders.

One should be clear-eyed, however, about the pernicious effects of indoctrination into misguided ideologies.
No it is Indian army who want to kill Pakistanis and are doing it via their proxies...ie. BLA TTP
Stop lying. Both terrorist organizations are products of RAW and are killing ONLY Pakistani soldiers.

Unfortunately, motherfucker Iftikhar ch. released this terrorist..

just tell me the number of videos and news articles u want about PAKISTANI TERRORISTS captured or killed while crossing the LOC...i just need the number from u...n mind u...u wont have the right to say that its fake coz u have posted something from pakistani media
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Every Pakistani knows the amount of RAW activities in Pakistan and their role in these bomb blasts in Pakistan.
Every Pakistani knows the amount of RAW activities in Pakistan and their role in these bomb blasts in Pakistan.
then I should say that RAW is the worst inteligence agency if its activities are known by every Pakistani.
please prove your evidence in International court and we will dismantle RAW.
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