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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

As usual we get side tracked and talk of pillage and rape by Indian troops or by the Frontier tribesmen. Both the Indians and my country get highly emotional on the Kashmir question.

The fact that Gurdaspur went to India thru Mountbatten bias happens to be true and corroborated thru other sources. Don’t know the reason, may be because Mountbatten expected to be the first Governor General of both India & Pakistan and The Quaid disappointed him by insisting that he would be the first Governor General of Pakistan instead. However Gurdaspur with India only helped India to keep hold of Kashmir but had no bearing on the instrument of accession signed by Raja Hari Sing Dogra.

Mountbatten did not steal Kashmir, if anyone did it was Sh. Abdullah who was the leader of National Conference (initially called Muslim Conference) the largest political party of Kashmir. Sh. Abdullah always wanted self-rule for the Kashmiris. This was not a communal party and would struggle for the rights of the oppressed, whether Hindu, Muslim or Sikh, with the same fervour.

Sheikh Abdulla reasserted that the struggle of Kashmiris was not a communal struggle. Party was initially called Muslim Conference but the name was later changed to national conference.

Naya Kashmir (New Kashmir) is the name given to the memorandum that Sheikh Abdullah submitted to Maharaja Hari Singh then ruler of Jammu and Kashmir State in 1944.

It was the outline of a plan to convert the Jammu and Kashmir state from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional democracy with the Maharajah remaining as the Head of the State as the Monarch is in Britain. A detailed economic plan for the development of Jammu and Kashmir State was a part of this memorandum. It was subsequently adopted by the National Conference as its manifesto. The "Naya Kashmir" plan proved to be immensely popular in Kashmir as it was the blueprint for a welfare state far in advance of its times.

Thus majority of Kashmiris including Muslims leaders such as Ch. Ghulam Abbas, Sh. Abdullah and Mulavi Abdul Rahim (Founders of the Muslim Conference) were not in favour of division on communal basis. Kashmir with Sh. Abdullah as her Prime Minister did in fact enjoy a special status with India, outfoxed by Nehru.

By a simple order by Constitutional Head of the State; Dr Karan Singh (son of the Raja Hari Singh) Sh. Abdullah was fired as a Prime Minister and Kashmir was made into a State as part of the federation of India. Sh. Abdullah was tried for conspiracy against India and imprisoned for 11 years.

There is also a very strong misconception among Pakistanis that 1948 UN resolution was in Pakistan’s favour. For the record UN Resolution adopted on August 13, 1948 is noted below:


Resolves to submit simultaneously to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following proposal


A. The Governments of India and Pakistan agree that their respective High Commands will issue separately and simultaneously a cease- fire order to apply to all forces under their control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir as of the earliest practicable date or dates to be mutually agreed upon within four days after these proposals have been accepted by both Governments.

B. The High Commands of Indian and Pakistan forces agreed to refrain from taking any measures that might augment the military potential of the forces under their control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (For the purpose of these proposals "forces under their control shall be considered to include all forces, organized and unorganized, fighting or participating in hostilities on their respective sides).

C.The Commanders-in-Chief of the Forces of India and Pakistan shall promptly confer regarding any necessary local changes in present dispositions which may facilitate the cease-fire.

D.In its discretions and as the Commission may find practicable, the Commission will appoint military observers who under the authority of the Commission and with the co-operation of both Commands will supervise the observance of the cease-fire order.

E.The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan agree to appeal to their respective peoples to assist in creating and maintaining an atmosphere favourable to the promotion of further negotiations.


Simultaneously with the acceptance of the proposal for the immediate cessation of hostilities as outlined in Part I, both Governments accept the following principles as a basis for the formulation of a truce agreement, the details of which shall be worked out in discussion between their Representatives and the Commission.

A. (l) As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

(2) The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavor to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

(3) Pending a final solution the territory evacuated by the Pakistan troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.

B. (1) When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals referred to in Part II A 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistan forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of their forces from the State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission

(2) Pending the acceptance of the conditions for a final settlement of the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian Government will maintain within the lines existing at the moment of cease-fire the minimum strength of its forces which in agreement with the Commission are considered necessary to assist local authorities in the observance of law and order. The Commission will have observers stationed where it deems necessary.

(3) The Government of India will undertake to ensure that the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will take all measures within their power to make it publicly known that peace, law and order will be safeguarded and that all human and political rights will be guaranteed.

C. (1) Upon signature, the full text of the Truce Agreement or communiqué containing the principles thereof as agreed upon between the two Governments and the Commission will be made public.


The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan reaffirm their wish that the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people and to that end, upon acceptance of the Truce Agreement both Governments agree to enter into consultations with the Commission to determine fair and equitable conditions whereby such free expression will be assured.

*The UNCIP unanimously adopted this Resolution on 13-8-1948.
Members of the Commission: Argentina. Belgium, Columbia, Czechoslovakia and U.S.A.


Kashmir state has for a long time enjoyed an independent or semi-independent status and historically distinct from India. (Indians please don’t quote ‘Rajatrangini’; I have that book in my library in English).

Even though Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked the valley in 1014, 1015 & 1021, Muslim rule in Kashmir did not start until 1338. Kashmir remained independent until annexed by Akbar in 1586.

It must be clearly understood by all my countrymen until such time that a referendum has taken place; and no one can be 100% certain what would be the outcome; it does not belong to India or to Pakistan but to the Kashmiris.

Only if we were expecting to occupy Kashmir by force, can it be said that Mountbatten stole Kashmir from Pakistan by making it difficult for Pakistan to conquer Kashmir. But in my honest opinion, Pakistan was never in a position to do so.

The fact that Operation Gibraltar failed miserably in 1965 to incite Kashmiris to throw off the Indian yoke; proves that it is not a forgone conclusion that Kashmiris will automatically opt for Pakistan.

I have been discussing this subject with the Kashmiris, and there are far too many in the UK, for the last 40 years. Believe me, a lot of them have no wish to join Pakistan and would rather have an independent Kashmir.

This is the bitter truth, whether you like it or not.

really a very educating post.:yahoo:
As usual we get side tracked and talk of pillage and rape by Indian troops or by the Frontier tribesmen. Both the Indians and my country get highly emotional on the Kashmir question.

The fact that Gurdaspur went to India thru Mountbatten bias happens to be true and corroborated thru other sources. Don’t know the reason, may be because Mountbatten expected to be the first Governor General of both India & Pakistan and the Quaid disappointed him by insisting that he would be the first Governor General of Pakistan instead. However Gurdaspur with India only helped India to keep hold of Kashmir but had no bearing on the instrument of accession signed by Raja Hari Sing Dogra.

Mountbatten did not steal Kashmir, if anyone did it was Sh. Abdullah who was the leader of National Conference (initially called Muslim Conference) the largest political party of Kashmir. Sh. Abdullah always wanted self-rule for the Kashmiris. This was not a communal party and
Sheikh Abdulla reasserted that the struggle of Kashmiris was not a communal struggle.


The fact that Operation Gibraltar failed miserably in 1965 to incite Kashmiris to throw off the Indian yoke; proves that it is not a forgone conclusion that Kashmiris will automatically opt for Pakistan.

I have been discussing this subject with the Kashmiris, and there are far too many in the UK, for the last 40 years. Believe me, a lot of them have no wish to join Pakistan and would rather have an independent Kashmir.

This is the bitter truth, whether you like it or not.

A masterly summary. Truly magisterial.
Yes and no Hindus were killed during partition in Karachi :disagree: we all know the state of minorities in Pakistan where Hindu dr's are killed and Hindus cant drink water from muslim wells.

Hindus and Sikhs were massacred by the wahabi jihadi dogs

The whole documentry also shows a indian hindu from lahore how he saw a mob stripping rapping and murdering muslim schoolgirls before 14th aug in delhi... it also shows how sikh mobs or JATHAS armed with looted or service weapons frm ww2 training and wipping our muslims ? how a hindus mother used to treat her muslim neighbours as untouchables...not touching the food they sent,how in lahore muslims couldnt drink from wells... how the muslims had become defensive and pacifists and lived in communities... mostly in rural areas.....where the divide was further wide...

Thanks to hindu and sikh swines!

In urdu there is a proverb "Tali donou hathoun say bajti hai"..... :argh:
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The whole documentry also shows a indian hindu from lahore how he saw a mob stripping rapping and murdering muslim schoolgirls before 14th aug in delhi... it also shows how sikh mobs or JATHAS armed with looted or service weapons frm ww2 training and wipping our muslims ? how a hindus mother used to treat her muslim neighbours as untouchables...not touching the food they sent,how in lahore muslims couldnt drink from wells... how the muslims had become defensive and pacifists and lived in communities... mostly in rural areas.....where the divide was further wide...

Thanks to hindu and sikh swines!

In urdu there is a proverb "Tali donou hathoun say bajti hai"..... :argh:
tell that to Shikh Zaid hamid uz zaman ur rahman almaliki chain kuliki
please close the thread, it has become a trollolo
As usual we get side tracked and talk of pillage and rape by Indian troops or by the Frontier tribesmen. Both the Indians and my country get highly emotional on the Kashmir question.

The fact that Gurdaspur went to India thru Mountbatten bias happens to be true and corroborated thru other sources. Don’t know the reason, may be because Mountbatten expected to be the first Governor General of both India & Pakistan and the Quaid disappointed him by insisting that he would be the first Governor General of Pakistan instead. However Gurdaspur with India only helped India to keep hold of Kashmir but had no bearing on the instrument of accession signed by Raja Hari Sing Dogra.

Mountbatten did not steal Kashmir, if anyone did it was Sh. Abdullah who was the leader of National Conference (initially called Muslim Conference) the largest political party of Kashmir. Sh. Abdullah always wanted self-rule for the Kashmiris. This was not a communal party and would struggle for the rights of the oppressed, whether Hindu, Muslim or Sikh, with the same fervour.

Sheikh Abdulla reasserted that the struggle of Kashmiris was not a communal struggle. Party was initially called Muslim Conference but the name was later changed to national conference.

Naya Kashmir (New Kashmir) is the name given to the memorandum that Sheikh Abdullah submitted to Maharaja Hari Singh then ruler of Jammu and Kashmir State in 1944.

It was the outline of a plan to convert the Jammu and Kashmir state from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional democracy with the Maharajah remaining as the Head of the State as the Monarch is in Britain. A detailed economic plan for the development of Jammu and Kashmir State was a part of this memorandum. It was subsequently adopted by the National Conference as its manifesto. The "Naya Kashmir" plan proved to be immensely popular in Kashmir as it was the blueprint for a welfare state far in advance of its times.

Thus majority of Kashmiris including Muslims leaders such as Ch. Ghulam Abbas, Sh. Abdullah and Mulavi Abdul Rahim (Founders of the Muslim Conference) were not in favour of division on communal basis. Kashmir with Sh. Abdullah as her Prime Minister did in fact enjoy a special status within India until outfoxed by Nehru in 1953.

By a simple order by Constitutional Head of the State; Dr Karan Singh (son of the Raja Hari Singh) Sh. Abdullah was fired as a Prime Minister and Kashmir was made into a State as part of the federation of India. Sh. Abdullah was tried for conspiracy against India and imprisoned for 11 years.

There is also a very strong misconception among Pakistanis that 1948 UN resolution was in Pakistan’s favour. For the record UN Resolution adopted on August 13, 1948 is noted below. Please read Part III carefully.


Resolves to submit simultaneously to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following proposal


A. The Governments of India and Pakistan agree that their respective High Commands will issue separately and simultaneously a cease- fire order to apply to all forces under their control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir as of the earliest practicable date or dates to be mutually agreed upon within four days after these proposals have been accepted by both Governments.

B. The High Commands of Indian and Pakistan forces agreed to refrain from taking any measures that might augment the military potential of the forces under their control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (For the purpose of these proposals "forces under their control shall be considered to include all forces, organized and unorganized, fighting or participating in hostilities on their respective sides).

C.The Commanders-in-Chief of the Forces of India and Pakistan shall promptly confer regarding any necessary local changes in present dispositions which may facilitate the cease-fire.

D.In its discretions and as the Commission may find practicable, the Commission will appoint military observers who under the authority of the Commission and with the co-operation of both Commands will supervise the observance of the cease-fire order.

E.The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan agree to appeal to their respective peoples to assist in creating and maintaining an atmosphere favourable to the promotion of further negotiations.


Simultaneously with the acceptance of the proposal for the immediate cessation of hostilities as outlined in Part I, both Governments accept the following principles as a basis for the formulation of a truce agreement, the details of which shall be worked out in discussion between their Representatives and the Commission.

A. (l) As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

(2) The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavor to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

(3) Pending a final solution the territory evacuated by the Pakistan troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.

B. (1) When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals referred to in Part II A 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistan forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of their forces from the State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission

(2) Pending the acceptance of the conditions for a final settlement of the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian Government will maintain within the lines existing at the moment of cease-fire the minimum strength of its forces which in agreement with the Commission are considered necessary to assist local authorities in the observance of law and order. The Commission will have observers stationed where it deems necessary.

(3) The Government of India will undertake to ensure that the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will take all measures within their power to make it publicly known that peace, law and order will be safeguarded and that all human and political rights will be guaranteed.

C. (1) Upon signature, the full text of the Truce Agreement or communiqué containing the principles thereof as agreed upon between the two Governments and the Commission will be made public.


The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan reaffirm their wish that the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people and to that end, upon acceptance of the Truce Agreement both Governments agree to enter into consultations with the Commission to determine fair and equitable conditions whereby such free expression will be assured.

*The UNCIP unanimously adopted this Resolution on 13-8-1948.
Members of the Commission: Argentina. Belgium, Columbia, Czechoslovakia and U.S.A.


Kashmir state has for a long time enjoyed an independent or semi-independent status and historically distinct from India. (Indians please don’t quote ‘Rajatrangini’; I have that book in my library in English).

Even though Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked the valley in 1014, 1015 & 1021, Muslim rule in Kashmir did not start until 1338. Kashmir remained independent until annexed by Akbar in 1586.

It must be clearly understood by all my countrymen until such time that a referendum has taken place; and no one can be 100% certain what would be the outcome; Kashmir does not belong to India or to Pakistan, but to the Kashmiris.

Only if we were expecting to occupy Kashmir by force, can it be said that Mountbatten stole Kashmir from Pakistan by making it difficult for Pakistan to conquer Kashmir. But in my honest opinion, Pakistan was never in a position to do so.

The fact that Operation Gibraltar failed miserably in 1965 to incite Kashmiris to throw off the Indian yoke; proves that it is not a forgone conclusion that Kashmiris will automatically opt for Pakistan.

I have been discussing this subject with the Kashmiris, and there are far too many in the UK, for the last 40 years. Believe me, a lot of them have no wish to join Pakistan and would rather have an independent Kashmir.

This is the bitter truth, whether you like it or not.

Agree with you sir , however , the wishes of the People of Ladakh and Jammu also can not be ignored. They have always shown the desire of a complete union with India . The desire for an indipendent state is limited only to the Kashmir valley and hence only the wishes of the people of the Valley can not dictate the fate of the whole of Kashmir .The mismatch is not only between the ambitions of Kashmiris and Indians but also between people within Jammu and Kashmir itself .

i don't even understand how this state came into being , the three divisions of Jammu , Kashmir Valley and Ladakh are so different from each other .
The 200,000 Kashmiris you have butchered are not Punjabi Taliban , my friend. They are from Sirinagar valley and are Kashmiris. I think you need to come out of Denial, Son.
why are u bullshitting in the whole thread..from the starting...without even a single source..then claiming innocence that your are doing it for pure academics purpose...
u smell rats a$$

secondly No Kashmir for you..not now, not tomorrow...NEVER...get this straight through your thick skull...and close this thread:hitwall:
Kashmir stolen by Pakistani
Kashmir was name of the place where rishi kashyapa medited several thousand centuries ago. Kashyapa one day decided to have a bath. While bathing he looked up and found a pakistani stealing his kashmiri shawl . Kashyapa beat the pakistani away with a bat.Kasyapa became very happy and in memory of the bat that came to his help he named the mount where the battle took place Mt Batten
Its a well known fact that mouthbaton was always baised towards hindus and was 2 faced. Nehru's illegitimate relations with
muthbatons wife is a historical fact. He was a smart a$$ no doubt , used the kings wife to get his work done. And mouthbaton
was a shameless british crook and so no surprise there. Raja harising was a hindu and so according to partition principles, he
can not give kashmir to India. Kashmir being a muslim majority technically goes to PAK and fag0t nehru,muthbaton and harising
trio stole it. Apart from kashmir, pujab and whole of bengal should have went to PAK as well since those were overwhelming
muslim majority but hipocrisy of hindus knows no bounds. Muslim majority states of tripura, district of Karimganj in sylhet was
given to India even after PAK got it by referendum. Not to forget lawkideep which was also muslim majority. In short indian
congress with the help of 2 faced british , got more than they deserved, they even rigged referendumvotes in many districts
to to annex those to bharmin india.
Its a well known fact that mouthbaton was always baised towards hindus and was 2 faced. Nehru's illegitimate relations with
muthbatons wife is a historical fact. He was a smart a$$ no doubt , used the kings wife to get his work done. And mouthbaton
was a shameless british crook and so no surprise there. Raja harising was a hindu and so according to partition principles, he
can not give kashmir to India. Kashmir being a muslim majority technically goes to PAK and fag0t nehru,muthbaton and harising
trio stole it. Apart from kashmir, pujab and whole of bengal should have went to PAK as well since those were overwhelming
muslim majority but hipocrisy of hindus knows no bounds. Muslim majority states of tripura, district of Karimganj in sylhet was
given to India even after PAK got it by referendum. Not to forget lawkideep which was also muslim majority. In short indian
congress with the help of 2 faced british , got more than they deserved, they even rigged referendumvotes in many districts
to to annex those to bharmin india.

God, how can you lie so confidently?

Dint you read the whole thread?
Agree with you sir , however , the wishes of the People of Ladakh and Jammu also can not be ignored. They have always shown the desire of a complete union with India . The desire for an indipendent state is limited only to the Kashmir valley and hence only the wishes of the people of the Valley can not dictate the fate of the whole of Kashmir .The mismatch is not only between the ambitions of Kashmiris and Indians but also between people within Jammu and Kashmir itself .

i don't even understand how this state came into being , the three divisions of Jammu , Kashmir Valley and Ladakh are so different from each other .

Jammu was the original seat of Dogras. Gulab Singh was one of the minor princes of the ruling clan. Gulab Singh enlisted in the Sikh Army after Ranjit Singh annexed Jammu. For his services as commander of the Dogra contingent, Ranjit initially appointed Gulab Singh as governor over Jammu. He was confirmed as Raja of Jammu after the death of his cousin Kishore Singh in 1822.

Gulab Singh took active part in wars against the Afghans and became the senior Sikh Army Commander in the North West after the death of Hari Singh Nalwa. Kargil, Baltistan and Ladakh were conquered by General Zorawar Singh, commander of Dogra army and loyal to Gulab Singh on behalf of the Sikh Empire between 1836 and 1840.

After the death of Ranjit Singh in 1839, Gulab Singh and his brothers Dhayan Singh & Suchet Singh were heavily involved with the British. It was rumoured that during the chaos following the death of Ranjit Singh, Gulab Singh had spirited away most of the treasury of Lahore court to Jammu.

There is little doubt that it was the intelligence provided by him about the disposition of Khalsa troops that British were able to defeat the Sikhs. Under the treaty of Lahore of 1846, Sikh State lost Jammu, Kashmir, Hazara, the territory to the south of the river Sutlej and the forts and territory in the Jalandhar Doab between the rivers Sutlej and Beas .

Gulab Singh became independent Raja of Jammu. Also, all the lands in Kashmir including Kargil, Baltistan and Ladakh that were under Sikh control, were sold to Gulab Singh for a sum of 75 lac Nanakshahi rupees, partly as a reward of his services to the British Crown. This made Gulab Singh Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir.

That is how ethnically different regions of Baltistan, Ladakh, Kashmir valley and Jammu became part of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Its a well known fact that mouthbaton was always baised towards hindus and was 2 faced. Nehru's illegitimate relations with
muthbatons wife is a historical fact. He was a smart a$$ no doubt , used the kings wife to get his work done. And mouthbaton
was a shameless british crook and so no surprise there. Raja harising was a hindu and so according to partition principles, he
can not give kashmir to India.

If you had been paying attention, you would have learnt that

(1) there were no 'partition principles';
(2) the princely states were free to do what they wanted, as they were not part of British India, and Kashmir was a princely state;
(3) Maharaja Hari Singh's religion had nothing to do with the issue.

Unfortunately, you seem to have ignored everything about this discussion except the title.

Kashmir being a muslim majority technically goes to PAK and fag0t nehru,muthbaton and harising
trio stole it.

Kashmir's religious composition had nothing to do with it, because it was independent from August 15 onwards, a sovereign kingdom under the Maharaja, who was free to do what he wanted.

Secondly, you seem to have ignored Niaz's brilliant exposition where he explained in terms that all but the terminally stupid would understand that the popular leader of Kashmir, Sheikh Abdullah, supported the Congress, and supported the Maharaja's decision.

Apart from kashmir, pujab and whole of bengal should have went to PAK as well since those were overwhelming
muslim majority but hipocrisy of hindus knows no bounds. Muslim majority states of tripura, district of Karimganj in sylhet was
given to India even after PAK got it by referendum.

There was no referendum.

Not to forget lawkideep which was also muslim majority.

Are you referring to Lakshwadeep, or the Laccadive Islands? These were not partitioned by the Radcliffe Commission, and passed to India along with the rest of the Madras Presidency.

In short indian congress with the help of 2 faced british , got more than they deserved, they even rigged referendumvotes in many districts to to annex those to bharmin india.

There was no referendum.

Where do you get your facts from?
Jammu was the original seat of Dogras. Gulab Singh was one of the minor princes of the ruling clan. Gulab Singh enlisted in the Sikh Army and after Ranjit Singh annexed Jammu. For his services as commander of the Dogra contingent, Ranjit initially appointed Gulab Singh as governor over Jammu. He was confirmed as Raja of Jammu after the death of his cousin Kishore Singh in 1822.

Gulab Singh took active part in wars against the Afghans and became the senior Sikh Army Commander in the North West after the death of Hari Singh Nalwa. Kargil, Baltistan and Ladakh were conquered by by General Zorawar Singh, commander of Dogra army and loyal to Gulab Singh on behalf of the Sikh Empire between 1936 and 1940.

After the death of Ranjit Singh in 1939, Gulab Singh and his brothers Dhayan Singh & Suchet Singh were heavily involved with the British. It was rumoured that during the chaos following the death of Ranjit Singh, Gulab Singh had spirited away most of the treasury of Lahore court to Jammu.

There is little doubt that it was the intelligence provided by him about the disposition of Khalsa troops that British were able to defeat the Sikhs. Under the treaty of Lahore of 1846, Sikh State lost Jammu, Kashmir, Hazara, the territory to the south of the river Sutlej and the forts and territory in the Jalandhar Doab between the rivers Sutlej and Beas .

Gulab Singh became independent Raja of Jammu. Also, all the lands in Kashmir including Kargil, Baltistan and Ladakh that were under Sikh control, were sold to Gulab Singh for a sum of 75 lac Nanakshahi rupees, partly as a reward of his services to the British Crown. This made Gulab Singh Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir.

That is how ethnically different regions of Baltistan, Ladakh, Kashmir valley and Jammu became part of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

Succinctly put, Sir.

Just to correct the dates, they should be 1836, 1840 and 1839. I thought Zorawar Singh died in 1841, during a disastrous invasion of Tibet.
Shame on Punjabi Muslims that they couldn't keep the Eastern half united with the West.

Us Pakistanis gained half punjab but we not only lost the other half of Punjab but Kashmir too. Crying about Gurdaspur is like some losing 1 kilo of pure gold and then crying about 1 paisa. What a pathetic analysis? pathetic just pathetic.

Then if it wasn't enough of $hite, we killed, raped, and ethnically cleansed the W. Punjab from Sikhs and Hindus.

99% of Hindus and Sikhs in W. Punjab did not commit any crime against the fellow Muslims. Then why did we loot their factories, pillage their homes, and utterly annihilate innocent and soon-to-be Pakistani citizens?

Allah has punished us in the past for being Nazis to our non-Muslim countrymen, and we'll continually be punished unless we change our primitive tribal Islamists ways of dealing with ethnic minorities.

Any Pakistani crying for Kashmir must apologize from Hindus and Sikhs who got displaced from their ancestral homes, the towns and villages of their forefathers, and had to run for their lives.

Otherwise we'll be committing double speak and no one will believe us.

Oh sure, some one will say Hindus killed Muslims in E. Punjab. Indians cleansed E. Punjab. Before 1947, In British rule, there were 55% to 65% Muslims in E. Punjab. Majority of agri land was owned by small to medium sized Muslim farmers.

In few months of Hindu rule Indian Punjab went down to 0% Muslims. No farmer and land owner survived!

But this is not the competition in murder and death and rape and pillage. No I am talking about upholding values for humanity and justice and fairness to our fellow countrymen.

Forget about what the f'ing Mountbatten did or didn't do. That was so many decades ago.

What have we the Paks done since then?

Have we provided justice and security, love and respect to our fellow countrymen who happen to belong to minority religions and sects?

Nothing. Nada, zilch.

How on earth then we can claim this high and mighty voicing justice for people in some other county. How?????

It is time we think about our own actions.

Only then others will pay heed to what we have to say.

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