Present engagements are haram because you say so? I beg to differ specially when the other side is targeting civilians to avenge military operations (which started because of the fitna of TTP).
Whilst I wholeheartedly agree that targeting civilians is haram I also maintain that the the actions of the secularist government of Pakistan is also haram.The government is acting at the behest of the U.S and the fitna started when they decided to prevent the Mujahideen from fulfilling the obligation of Jihad against the americans across the border in Afghanistan,This is the crux of the matter and the whole reason why this whole situation has developed into what it has.
Sharia is the right of all of the people of Pakistan, but why are only the Taliban allowed to push their agenda and version on the rest of the muslims of Pakistan? Is it not clear to everyone that while Pakistanis and even the Pakistani armed forces are practicing muslims, they have differences with the manner in which a specific brand of Islamic interpretation (Salafi) is being shoved down their throats?
Well if you agree that the sharia is the
right of all the people of Pakistan then why is there so much hostility toward those who seek to bring about its implementation? Here I'm not referring to the TTP who's methodology you disagree with, but it appears that any group which calls for sharia to be brought about in Pak even if they call for non violent means, is detested and labeled as terrorist etc by the secular elitists who have the most to lose from the application of the sharia.
What is haraam is to destabilize a Muslim land by the use of gun. What needs to be understood here is that in Pakistan, it is essentially the wahabiyaat and salafi ideology coming to head with the beliefs of the ahle-sunna wal-jammat who do not believe in taking up the gun to settle issues with the leadership regardless of how corrupt they may be. By doing so, there is a greater danger to the Muslims of the land and as such it is not acceptable.
Fist of all lets get away from labels such as salafi, wahabi,ahle sunnah,such labels are just that, labels.Lets first look at what the actual ideology of these groups is what they are calling for and whether it is in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
The reason we see such extremism in Pakistan by those calling for Islamic rule is because those that oppose them (the secular elite) are very extreme in their opposition to Islam.They fear that their comfortable corrupt lifestyles will be abolished in the event of an Islamist take over,they have the most to lose in a society where justice and equal rights for the everybody including those at the bottom of the social ladder are enforced.
I am a sunni and firmly believe that if there is injustice or other morality issues, picking up the gun is not the way to resolve it. The Sauds under the influence of ibn Wahab took the exact same route by uprooting the ottomans when they should have worked it from inside and let the khilafa around. Yet they simply thought they were smarter and better Muslims than all of the others and we see what we see now.
What is the method for bringing about Islamic rule when such change is vehemently and violently opposed, according to you and your "sunni" ideology then? Bring proof from Islamic sources, quote the Quran and Ahadith. Do you have an alternative? Do you realise that working for Islamic rule where the Hukm of Allah rules the land is an obligation for Muslims?
Pakistanis (and the Armed Forces inclusive) are realizing the impact of this salafi/takfiri mentality in Pakistan.
Again lets leave aside labels, lets first agree
that it is an obligation for Muslims to work to bring about the implementation of the Sharia,do you agree to this?
The issue of shahadaa is better left for another time. If you believe the other side is on the right, then I have absolutely no doubt that the Pakistan Army is also on the right. Its a matter of interpretation and the Muslims of Pakistan have yet to be convinced that the interpretation of the taliban is the right one.
The reason why the Taliban have the support they do is because there seems to be no viable alternative in Pakistan,
if their goal is to have the sharia implemented then there is no doubt that this goal in and of itself is a good one and in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
Here I'm not talking about methodology but the actual goal itself.
What is important is that we realise that the only way of life acceptable to Allah is Islam,and this includes the ruling system and not just individual rituals of worship etc.
In order for us to move away from extremism we need to have alternatives that offer a means for the Muslims of Pakistan to achieve the Islamic goals/ideals.
There needs to be an Islamic revolution, but the sad fact is that there are those (corrupt secular elitists) who will oppose it and this will again lead people to seek violent means.