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How India’s QR-SAM has poured Cold water on Pakistan’s NASR

1) Yes, you are, for last 70 years, haven't been able to capture an inch of Indian Kashmir.

Well if that makes you feel good then sure :lol:

2) If its wasteland, then why do you people keep dying, trying to capture it?

It is a wasteland. Period. You can keep gloating over it

3) Already refuted

Nope. It isn't. But again if that makes you feel good then you can keep believing in that.

I think you should be aware of PA's doctrine of countering India's cold start with NASR.

Counter cold start doctrine is not based on Nasr, its part of that doctrine if Indians think its only based on Nasr then they will be surprise if they launched cold start against Pakistan as there are more deadly elements part of arsenal of PA.
Where do you expect to get the evidence from?

From your army, which categorically denied any Indian troops crossed the LOC that night, which you, yourself admit is a lie.
I did not admit it was a lie, I said at worst what occurred that night was what has normally occurred over the course of the past several decades, incursions by both sides.

Neither side typically advertised or acknowledged these attacks publicly, until the bhensa called Modi and his ranting and raving BJP came into power. Now, there are two possibilities here:

1. The attacks never occurred and were concocted by Modi and the BJP to save face

2. The attacks were nothing out of the ordinary, both India & Pakistan have conducted several of these 'surgical strikes' in the past, and the official line, by BOTH countries, has been to remain silent about it. In this particular case, India decided to exaggerate the whole incident so the BJP could make it look like it was doing something new and break with precedent to publicize the incident. Pakistan continued with precedent on these particular attacks, because they were nothing out of the normal and had to issue formal denials only because the Indian side put on a Bollywood tamasha about something routine.
I did not admit it was a lie, I said at worst what occurred that night was what has normally occurred over the course of the past several decades, incursions by both sides.

Neither side typically advertised or acknowledged these attacks publicly, until the bhensa called Modi and his ranting and raving BJP came into power. Now, there are two possibilities here:

1. The attacks never occurred and were concocted by Modi and the BJP to save face

2. The attacks were nothing out of the ordinary, both India & Pakistan have conducted several of these 'surgical strikes' in the past, and the official line, by BOTH countries, has been to remain silent about it. In this particular case, India decided to exaggerate the whole incident so the BJP could make it look like it was doing something new and break with precedent to publicize the incident. Pakistan continued with precedent on these particular attacks, because they were nothing out of the normal and had to issue formal denials only because the Indian side put on a Bollywood tamasha about something routine.

There are two fundamental questions here.

Fistly, did Indian troops cross the LOC that night or not? Regardless wether it was routine occurrence or not.

Secondly, did Pakistan army categorically claim, that Indian troops did not cross the LOC, that night ?

If answer to both these questions is Yes. Then obviously Pakistan army is lying.

There is a difference between about holding your silence about an event, you do not want to comment about and telling a bare faced lie and denying the incident ever happened. What Pakistan army did was the latter.
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It is not just India, both countries stand to lose more than just blood. And that is why Pakistan continues to say that war is not an option and should not be thrust upon Pakistan. Our Military capability is entirely defensive and we officially threaten no country of the world.

Let us not speak of conflicts because Pakistan Military has held its own, and then some, in many conflicts and battles. That the outcome of wars has not entirely been in our favour, politically, is a different matter altogether. And it has more to do with our internal Military/Political divide rather than anything India holds over us.

Sure, everything with Pakistan is with a asterix. But when it is India, it is absolute. Got it.
There are two fundamental questions here.

Fistly, did Indian troops cross the LOC that night or not? Regardless wether it was routine occurrence or not.
Pakistan says no, and there is no evidence any strikes along the lines of the Indian claims occurred.
Secondly, did Pakistan army categorically claim, that Indian troops did not cross the LOC, that night ?
I believe that is what Pakistan stated.
There is a difference between about holding your silence about an event, you do not want to comment about and telling a bare faced lie and denying the incident ever happened. What Pakistan army did was the latter.
In the absence of evidence, the Pakistani position is that it is the Indian government and Indian Army that are 'bare faced liars'.

What I was trying to say earlier is that even if one were to accept the farcical Indian claims (again, Pakistan categorically rejects the claims), such strikes have been the norm, by both countries, for decades, and definitely not something extraordinary like the BJP and Indian Army are making it out to be currently.

Sure, everything with Pakistan is with a asterix. But when it is India, it is absolute. Got it.
That is a complete mis-characterization of his comment, which was quite balanced.
There are two fundamental questions here.

Fistly, did Indian troops cross the LOC that night or not? Regardless wether it was routine occurrence or not.

Secondly, did Pakistan army categorically claim, that Indian troops did not cross the LOC, that night ?

If answer to both these questions is Yes. Then obviously Pakistan army is lying.

There is a difference between about holding your silence about an event, you do not want to comment about and telling a bare faced lie and denying the incident ever happened. What Pakistan army did was the latter.
Still trying convince us of your relevance I see @Osiris . kia burnol lagays apnay throbbing bunghole par @Osiris ?
Pakistan says no, and there is no evidence any strikes along the lines of the Indian claims occurred.

I believe that is what Pakistan stated.

In the absence of evidence, the Pakistani position is that it is the Indian government and Indian Army that are 'bare faced liars'.

What I was trying to say earlier is that even if one were to accept the farcical Indian claims (again, Pakistan categorically rejects the claims), such strikes have been the norm, by both countries, for decades, and definitely not something extraordinary like the BJP and Indian Army are making it out to be currently.

That is a complete mis-characterization of his comment, which was quite balanced.

Seeing that I am in a echo chamber, My response was quite balanced as well. If I may say that.

It doesn’t matter any past outcome was in favor for India, for Pakistan it’s always something else.

As many Pakistanis say, India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome to its favor.

However, Proof is in the pudding. So let Pakistanis shine in their echo chamber.
Seeing that I am in a echo chamber, My response was quite balanced as well. If I may say that.

It doesn’t matter any past outcome was in favor for India, for Pakistan it’s always something else.

As many Pakistanis say, India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome to its favor.

However, Proof is in the pudding. So let Pakistanis shine in their echo chamber.
your own countrymen and government officials are disputing your claim. so don't worry about convincing us, worry about convincing your own people and uhm, before you eat your pudding, may wanna take a closer look at it, it maybe that same poop you've been trying to feed your masses! ;)
Seeing that I am in a echo chamber, My response was quite balanced as well. If I may say that.

It doesn’t matter any past outcome was in favor for India, for Pakistan it’s always something else.

As many Pakistanis say, India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome to its favor.

However, Proof is in the pudding. So let Pakistanis shine in their echo chamber.
"It is not just India, both countries stand to lose more than just blood ...

...That the outcome of wars has not entirely been in our favour, politically, is a different matter altogether."

What part of the above two comments indicate that 'India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome in its favor', or that 'for Pakistan it's always something else'?
@Mav3rick was pretty clear in saying that war would be devastating for Pakistan and India both, and that past conflicts have not always been in Pakistan's favor.

Perhaps you should get out of your own 'echo chamber', where nothing aside from an acceptance of outright Indian dominance is the only thing that comes across as 'balanced & objective' to you.
"It is not just India, both countries stand to lose more than just blood ...

...That the outcome of wars has not entirely been in our favour, politically, is a different matter altogether."

What part of the above two comments indicate that 'India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome in its favor', or that 'for Pakistan it's always something else'?
@Mav3rick was pretty clear in saying that war would be devastating for Pakistan and India both, and that past conflicts have not always been in Pakistan's favor.

Perhaps you should get out of your own 'echo chamber', where nothing aside from an acceptance of outright Indian dominance is the only thing that comes across as 'balanced & objective' to you.
that is what the indian mindset that yearns for having its non-existent dominance accepted doesn't understand. The BEST case scenario that india and hope for now is MAD (mutually assured destruction). they haven't grasped the fact that they are up against the 3rd largest nuclear force in the world (denial perhaps) and constantly struggling and grappling to find ideas to somehow create a situation where they could achieve even a slight and a temporary advantage when they know full well that in the past, even when nukes were not even a part of the equation, they could never gain any such advantage even through conventional means with the exception of 1971 which was a civil war created by our own internal leaders.

Frankly, if I was an indian (and thank GOD All Mighty I'm not, #ThankYouJinnah), I would concentrate more on creating or finding bhutto and mujib type assets within Pakistan instead of wasting time on somehow gaining a military edge over Pakistan which just an impossibility.
I did not admit it was a lie, I said at worst what occurred that night was what has normally occurred over the course of the past several decades, incursions by both sides.

Neither side typically advertised or acknowledged these attacks publicly, until the bhensa called Modi and his ranting and raving BJP came into power. Now, there are two possibilities here:

1. The attacks never occurred and were concocted by Modi and the BJP to save face

2. The attacks were nothing out of the ordinary, both India & Pakistan have conducted several of these 'surgical strikes' in the past, and the official line, by BOTH countries, has been to remain silent about it. In this particular case, India decided to exaggerate the whole incident so the BJP could make it look like it was doing something new and break with precedent to publicize the incident. Pakistan continued with precedent on these particular attacks, because they were nothing out of the normal and had to issue formal denials only because the Indian side put on a Bollywood tamasha about something routine.

Ever since the "bhensa" Modi and the ranting and raving BJP came to power, there's not been a single bomb blast or terrorist attack in our cities. Otoh, during UPA rule, we had terror attacks every other year.

The "bhensa" has a lot of Pindi boys crapping their pants. That's good enough for us.

Ever since the "bhensa" Modi and the ranting and raving BJP came to power, there's not been a single bomb blast or terrorist attack in our cities. Otoh, during UPA rule, we had terror attacks every other year.

The "bhensa" has a lot of Pindi boys crapping their pants. That's good enough for us.

Aren't those pindi boys beheading your sainiks and pumping in fighters in kashmir n a daily basis? isn't exactly what your bhensa modi keeps crying about? looks like it's the delhi girls that have been getting premature menses!
your own countrymen and government officials are disputing your claim. so don't worry about convincing us, worry about convincing your own people and uhm, before you eat your pudding, may wanna take a closer look at it, it maybe that same poop you've been trying to feed your masses! ;)

"It is not just India, both countries stand to lose more than just blood ...

...That the outcome of wars has not entirely been in our favour, politically, is a different matter altogether."

What part of the above two comments indicate that 'India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome in its favor', or that 'for Pakistan it's always something else'?
@Mav3rick was pretty clear in saying that war would be devastating for Pakistan and India both, and that past conflicts have not always been in Pakistan's favor.

Perhaps you should get out of your own 'echo chamber', where nothing aside from an acceptance of outright Indian dominance is the only thing that comes across as 'balanced & objective' to you.

Ever since the "bhensa" Modi and the ranting and raving BJP came to power, there's not been a single bomb blast or terrorist attack in our cities. Otoh, during UPA rule, we had terror attacks every other year.

The "bhensa" has a lot of Pindi boys crapping their pants. That's good enough for us.

Bhensa has done jack shite - once Mumbai occurred there was a major crackdown by Pakistan on groups like the LeT to prevent any such thing from happening, which also coincided with the crackdown (in the Tribal Areas, Balochistan & Punjab) against the TTP and affiliated groups. The latter crackdown had a significant impact because these groups were interlinked and TTP controlled areas especially provided sanctuary and training grounds for a host of other groups.

None of the above had anything to do with Bhensa.

Once again,

"It is not just India, both countries stand to lose more than just blood ...

...That the outcome of wars has not entirely been in our favour, politically, is a different matter altogether."

What part of the above two comments indicate that 'India does not have any capability to bring about any outcome in its favor', or that 'for Pakistan it's always something else'?

@Mav3rick was pretty clear in saying that war would be devastating for Pakistan and India both, and that past conflicts have not always been in Pakistan's favor.

Perhaps you should get out of your own 'echo chamber', where nothing aside from an acceptance of outright Indian dominance is the only thing that comes across as 'balanced & objective' to you.
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