In study done Dr. MA Hasan, the Convenor of the War Crimes Facts Finding Committee traveled around the country, 'village to village', to uncover accurate information on the numbers of dead.
Hasan however thinks that 3 million is an ‘exaggerated’ number – with the real figure being closer to 1.2 million. He said to me: ‘We have identified 946 killing fields or mass graves. ... Our research suggests that for every one grave that we have found there are four others which have been built upon or are not accessible. That makes a total of about 5000 graves.’
He goes onto explain that from their experience the average number of bodies found in each mass grave is about 100.
‘If there are 5000 graves with 100 bodies in each that is 500,000. In addition, from talking to villagers throughout the country, we think that the number of bodies buried represents only about 30 per cent of the total number of deaths, with the remainder disposed of into the rivers. Most bodies were washed away. If we add these in the total comes about 1.2 million.’ He however said that the figure of deaths may be as high as 1.8 million.