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How Gandhi (Sonia n Rahul) family is plundering India

The same mentality people have been suffering from. What else do you think is cure to this corruption menace?Holding placards and doing sunday trips in maidaans in delhi. If corruption is to end someone must enter poltics and clean up this mess. And atleast he is trying to do it and people like us are too busy with our cosy lives.

i didnt say anything against entering politics but saying a party will eradicate corruption is complete non sence maybe baba ramdev in not corrupt but can anybody give me a guarantee that his party members will not be corrupt
Why? Afraid of having a developed world HDI like Kerala?

Unlike Kerala, in west bengal where communists have been ruling for 35 years and turned this state from one of the prosperous into one of the poorest.
I always used to think the inefficent bureaucracy ie the lethargic Babus have been responsible for the woes of our country. Recently a new species called as "Babas" have added up to the problems!
"Baba"-I guess the hint is enough
Well if you are still confused m not talkin abt the Baba Ramdevs.
kerala has a high HDI because the have the highest literacy rate in india 94% which is in no way the achievement of the communist government as there have been democratic government in power and communist political parties in india and in china are vastly different since in india the have to follow the democratic principles
As long as the legislation, property of the civil service must be open and check, at least 50% reduction in corruption Indians.
Which Indian political parties announced plans to do that? :azn:
450 Government Schemes, Programmes named after Nehru Gandhi Family

By A. Surya Prakash

Most of the central and state government programmes and schemes and national and state-level institutions which run on public money have been named after three members of the Nehru-Gandhi family. The Congress Party's desire to credit every social sector programme, every national institution and every national achievement to these three individuals - Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru - has reached vulgar proportions, especially after 2004.

I am one among the millions of citizens who has felt distressed at this gross attempt by a single family to usurp credit for all the good that has happened in India. The complete exclusion of great Indians in all walks of life-politics, social reform, science, armed forces, academia, sports etc - and even persons like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, Ravindranath Tagore - is a matter of concern for citizens across India. Apart from the gracelessness displayed by India's oldest political party, there are also legal and constitutional issues involving free and fair elections and a level playing field for all political parties. If every scheme is named after icons of the Congress Party, where is the level playing field that the Election Commission says it wants to ensure?

I have compiled the list of government schemes, projects, institutions etc and lodged a formal complaint with the Chief Election Commissioner in this regard on March 13, 2009.1 have urged him to issue a direction to the Union Government and all the state governments to remove the names of these individuals from all government schemes and to ensure that all programmes have politically neutral names like the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana started by the National Democratic Alliance government. The entire list of 450 government schemes, programmes etc is given as an Annexure to my complaint to the CEC.The main points raised in the complaint have been discussed in a two-part series published in several newspapers. It has also been reproduced in my website asuryaprakash.com. Those who want a soft copy of the entire list will find it on this website. In the following pages I have reproduced the two-part series, the letter to the CEC and the Annexure to my complaint containing the entire list. I feel that there is need for a national campaign to reverse this process and to honour the real Mahatmas and heroes of India.

Found this article worth for sharing. I know the names of few scheme which are named after Nehru-Ghandi family. Forget shemes even the only sea link in Bharat is perhaps also dedicated to their family.
top rank in corruption goes to all regional parties ( irrespective of the state), followed by Congress, BJP, Comm. [Commies are less corrupt not for their principles, but for their lack of smartness in looting, while other parties have mastered it]

My vote at any time my vote is for BJP. At least the top rung BJP leaders look promising (Arun, Sushma, Advani) - you should listen to their debates in parliament. Also you should watch the nautangi created by Parliament by the regional parties - Lalu, Mulayam, Mamta, DMK, ADMK, TDP etc. Absolute bshit
I always used to think the inefficent bureaucracy ie the lethargic Babus have been responsible for the woes of our country. Recently a new species called as "Babas" have added up to the problems!
"Baba"-I guess the hint is enough
Well if you are still confused m not talkin abt the Baba Ramdevs.

While Rahul phenomenon is primarily hyped up by TV channels, I see him to be "less harm" than any other politician in the country. I agree that he isn't the smartest , but at least his attention is not for looting the country. I'm OK with a less-smart-no-corrupt PM than a more-smart-more-corrupt PM.

BTW did we always have smart PM? ( Deve Gowda, PV Rao, even Moopanar - pan chewing dumb wit was once in race for PM)
While Rahul phenomenon is primarily hyped up by TV channels, I see him to be "less harm" than any other politician in the country. I agree that he isn't the smartest , but at least his attention is not for looting the country. I'm OK with a less-smart-no-corrupt PM than a more-smart-more-corrupt PM.

BTW did we always have smart PM? ( Deve Gowda, PV Rao, even Moopanar - pan chewing dumb wit was once in race for PM)
The sad part is many so called "educated" people are buying this hype. Rahul Gandhi is the same poorly educated, corrupt, bigoted (or pseudo secular the better way to put it) person. In short he is nothing different from your typically corrupt everyday politician except a better external packing. Tell me which factor in his agenda appealed as fresh? He is just intensifying the levels of votebank politics. Nothing new!!
The sad part is many so called "educated" people are buying this hype. Rahul Gandhi is the same poorly educated, corrupt, bigoted (or pseudo secular the better way to put it) everyday politician with a better external packing. Tell me which factor in his agenda appeled as fresh? He is just intensifying the levels of votebank politics. Nothing new!!

Agree(d) no factor in his speech/agenda is fresh or appealing, but which other person/party has great ideas for this nation? Which Party thinks on a vision of India 2020, rather than 5-year agenda of coming/retaining to power? Which party keeps nation ahead of its party. [ Was very disappointed when Manmohan cited - Coalition dharma to be important than nation. WTF!!!. You allowed the nation to be raped by DMK just to save your govt :-( ]

I'm not stating that he's the top politician and have already stated that he isnt a seasoned guy, but at least he belongs to a non-corrupt politician club, and we all know how few the membership in that club is.

So to reiterate my first point, he's less harm than average-politician-of-any-party
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