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The Failure of Sonia Gandhi

Let me tell you one thing Dude our country is not going to be fully developed by providing free food to peoples. Our country will develop when peoples will able to buy food and other basic need for themselves. And this is not going to happen with this bills. Because this bills benefits are not reaching to peoples who need it. I think our country should use this huge amount of money to increase small industries in villages and town that can provide employment to our peoples and our government should take this business to international so that the export of our country increases. I don't know where are you from but let me tell you in villages and small town peoples don't know about RTI or anything.
everybody knows about RTI now, trust me. If they dont their uncle who is a lawer, or chawkidar or sarpanch or somebody else does.
Giving minimum food support so that people can sustain themselves for now, so that they will dream about their kid's better future, which will mean better second generation, which will have less kids per household.. this is a virtuous chain reaction we should be trying, not wait for everybody to be miraculously rich.
India cannt afford western style hundreds of pound support but giving sustainance level foodgrains when we got record production of it and they are rotting in godown, seems fair to me.

Ok it means food inflation (only foodgrains are given btw not meat or vegetable), so slightly well off people indirect pay for poor. Whats wrong in that.
everybody knows about RTI now, trust me. If they dont their uncle who is a lawer, or chawkidar or sarpanch or somebody else does.
Giving minimum food support so that people can sustain themselves for now, so that they will dream about their kid's better future, which will mean better second generation, which will have less kids per household.. this is a virtuous chain reaction we should be trying, not wait for everybody to be miraculously rich.
India cannt afford western style hundreds of pound support but giving sustainance level foodgrains when we got record production of it and they are rotting in godown, seems fair to me.
You a Congress Fan Dude you can't understand this... I am from a village and i know the real truth. I want my country Socially and Economically fully developed. If this Free things will reach to needed peoples it will only make them lazy. I mean in big cities like Delhi is not getting full benefit of this bills. How can poor peoples from villages can take benefit from this. Congress is wasting billions of dollars for this and still millions of peoples are not getting benefit from this bills then what is the benefit. This billions of dollars should use in making in industries in villages and towns.
you can always argue why not spend all money in defence.. or all in infra building.. or all on NHS type service or all on benefits... the trick is to get the balance right.
hundreds of billions (dollars?) not spent really, its much less money spend over very long period of time. NREGA, which is a 100 day job gurantee scheme, does exactly what you suggested, build infrastructure like village road, by using the same labour.

The food security bill will ensure poor people get food grains at very low price. Whats wrong in that, its not exactly like goving giving them tons of money to spend. We have record foodgrain production every year and its rotting outside govt godowns in many cases.

The problem of food wastage needs to be dealt with by making the distribution system more efficient and this means better storage, roads and railways.

By having less waste, prices will come down and then more of the poor can afford market prices. Only then, the very destitute should be given government handouts.

This scheme is causing long-term economic damage for short-term political gains.

If it was just for making sure that the poor do not starve, then why are things like mobile phones given out?
pakistan is not an welfare state. UK is. India does not have that kind of money to spend (per head), so I wont wish that for now.
Sigh,Sorry to say but your iq is in negative.

2/3 majority is required for only some amendments, primary of which are election of President,changes in seventh schedule etc.

For scrapping FSB, only a amendment with majority of present and voting would be required.

Still it won't be done.
Bjp will be perceived as anti poor and will loose all subsequent elections.

In other words,the bill stays
Mrs Sonia Gandhi has assets wort 14 billion dollars, this money could have been used to build 2460 nuclear war heads
Mrs Sonia Gandhi has assets wort 14 billion dollars, this money could have been used to build 2460 nuclear war heads

While I think u are a nut job but I agree she could have that much money
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