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How Gandhi (Sonia n Rahul) family is plundering India

I would not care about the oldies if they support the Bacha Ghandi. But what worries me is that equal number of youngsters are falling for his antics.

Just as Rahul Gandhi must in reality be Rahul Ghandi.

Cheating the ppl --- its all in the game.
I want to see the look on your face when he becomes the P.M of India it will be price less......:happy:
and how ramdev will clean the mess in India?

Well had you been in place of Baba Ramdev ji how would you have done that?

The obvious answer would be to unite more and more people with you. The same thing is being done by Baba Ramdev ji. Currently he is on mission of visiting each district of Bharat to unite more and more people. His mission of Bharat swabhiman started some time in mid of last year and till then no less than 2,00,000 people per day are attending his gatherings.

The people who attend his meetings not only include Hindus but people of all sects. He is popular among Sikhs so much that many Sikhs sants used to compare his mission with none other than the mission of Guru Gobind Singh ji. He is the only Hindu sant who had been called by the Muslim scholars/clerics of Deoband to address the mass gathering of Muslims in Deoband.
Among the people whom some say as Dalits he is so much famous that a frightened Mayawati have to urge Dalit people not to visit his gathering. The naxalite used to blind fold yoga teachers and take them to their place to learn and practice Yoga but also safely drop them too in same way.
Now the next Q. that will be in your mind why people get so much attracted to him?

Yes many of the people join him because they were benefited with his Yoga teachings. But I think most people have joined his missions because they find it in National interest. For ex.

• After the Independence of Bharat there at least 60 govt. and non govt. agencies have been formed and all of have come to a conclusion that there runs a parallel black economy in Bharat. Today the size of that black economy that exist within Bharat is estimated at 100000000000000 Rs (100 lakh crore:- almost double the size of Bharat’s GDP) (cautionary warning:-the money stashed away not included). This is that much money in which if all of sudden all of Bharat is destroyed all airports, railway station, power plants , school , colleges, hospitals etc. is destroyed than the Bharat can be build twice again.

Baba Ramdev says a simple think that govt. should recall the Currency and stop issuing notes above Rs 50. One who is having upto 10 lakh should be given the same amount back in shorter notes. Those who are having more than 10 lakh cash should give details as how they get this some money. On unsatisfactory explanation if that money is his hard earned and he has not paid the tax then tax should be deducted and rest of money should be given back (off course in shorter notes). Those who fail to provide reason (most likely case of politicians) for their money, there money should be taken over by govt. Now why will these people come, because their reputation is more important to them and they are not going to get anything in return of the money.

The soln. to that is every note issued has a serial no. It wouldn’t be hard to know which notes are not received, and as such small notes equivalent money can be added to govt. account.

This is just one of the many things suggested by Baba Ramdev ji. But I know you have jumped from first line to last line reading only bold words so not increasing the length and citing just one example.
I want to see the look on your face when he becomes the P.M of India it will be price less......:happy:

I forgot to add -- though many youngsters (I would say adolescents) fall for his antics, still that is not enough in number to make him the P.M.

I sincerely hope the Indian populace is better than that and deserves better than that.
last time i saw baba ramdev he was riding in a Rs 50+ lakhs BMW X5,i actually respected ramdev a lot but its has gone down from time to time.launching a political party is no way to eradicate corruption. i would be ashamed if he wins as he would be riding on the success of his yoga teaching ie- using the techniques perfected by real sadhu and saints for personal gain :angry:
can some please tell me if the post is neutral and is not politically motivated. we haveen what BJP did in those five years. their own presedent was caught on cam taking paltry Rs 1 lakh bribe. in my view good people and bad people exist in both the parties.

i have personally met rahul and priyanka. while rahul's genuinity impressed me he doesnt have political acumen. i wish priyanka play a bigger part in indian politics she is a a sharp lady and she nearly reminds me of my beloved Indira ghandhi. her sincerity is truly heart warming.
last time i saw baba ramdev he was riding in a Rs 50+ lakhs BMW X5,i actually respected ramdev a lot but its has gone down from time to time.launching a political party is no way to eradicate corruption. i would be ashamed if he wins as he would be riding on the success of his yoga teaching ie- using the techniques perfected by real sadhu and saints for personal gain :angry:

The same mentality people have been suffering from. What else do you think is cure to this corruption menace?Holding placards and doing sunday trips in maidaans in delhi. If corruption is to end someone must enter poltics and clean up this mess. And atleast he is trying to do it and people like us are too busy with our cosy lives.
@first post: haindava+kerlam is a RSS mouthpiece.

So ?? which media house in India is not politically biased ?

can some please tell me if the post is neutral and is not politically motivated. we haveen what BJP did in those five years. their own presedent was caught on cam taking paltry Rs 1 lakh bribe. in my view good people and bad people exist in both the parties.

Thats why they BJP is the lesser of the two evils. :lol:

i have personally met rahul and priyanka. while rahul's genuinity impressed me he doesnt have political acumen. i wish priyanka play a bigger part in indian politics she is a a sharp lady and she nearly reminds me of my beloved Indira ghandhi. her sincerity is truly heart warming.

:no::no: The word for that is 'naivety'.
I forgot to add -- though many youngsters (I would say adolescents) fall for his antics, still that is not enough in number to make him the P.M.

I sincerely hope the Indian populace is better than that and deserves better than that.

You overestimate us my friend. After all, we elected people who have given us our current president as well.
well u r free to differ. personal question. have u met them in person?

Mate it doesn't take a personal meeting to gauge if a person especially one who is touted to be the next PM is worthy for it.

BTW my friend's bro is from Lalit Narayan Mithila University and they have a first hand opinion of Rahul Ghandi. ;)
For all the Rahul "Gandhi" fans, I have a question!! Does anyone even knw about his qualification? This guy had a huge media launch years back projecting himself as some Management Guru "MBA"!! Like the ""Young", "well qualified", "fresh", "secular", "visionary" politician which we all dreamt of. And Barkha Dutt n co made sure that lots of people like Mr. Guns n Roses fell for such nonsense.
The truth is, Mr "Ghandhi" (not "Gandhi") is not even a graduate. He is a record drop out. (Dropped out from Stephens, cambridge, Harvard). We all witnessed his "secularism" when he comapred RSS to a terror outfit like SIMI.
He has no "fresh" agenda but is out to roll the same wheel of "Votebank Politics" (Appropriate word should be divide and rule)!!
In short the Raul Gandhi people like Guns n Roses worship is just an illusion created by NDTV. The real Rahul Ghandhi is a poorly educated, bigoted liar with no leadership sense(eg. Bihar).
I prefer BJP over Congress, but BJP should cut down on this anti Rahul Sonia Gandhi and the issue of her being of Italian origin. Its just pathetic. A national party of a country with 1.3 Billion people should have much more important issues on its agenda.

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