My dear, when did I defend "The Qajar"? That is how a dictatorship ends if the nation does not stop it.
Aaammaa, I never accept Iran is so undeveloped in 2013, as a result of "The Qajar". When was Japan gameover in the WW2? When was Japan a shining star in world economy, again?
I accepted the responsibility of Turk dictators performance (although by that time Tabriz was the city where democracy demands were started.) "The Qajar" was up to 1925. Now it is 2013. 88 years have passed. My question is "will you accept the responsibility of Persian dictators performance?"
This is not about being a Turk doctator or Persian dictator.It's simply about dictatorship.No one is defending Pahlavi era.but we all know if Pahlavi had stayed, Iran would become a modern and a developed country... And a puppet.Qajars tended to keep people illeterate to stay in power and only cared about their Herems and 72 virgins.Pahlavi was a dictator, he wanted to make Iran modern, but he also suppressed people, and there was nothing blocking Iran from becoming a first world country since all the world powers closed their eyes on what his regime was doing to people and supported it by all means.Neither one was good.
I'd like to hear more from you. For this interpretation has been the convention in the U.S. for decades and I want to read a rebuttal.
I explained it above.Your country was supporting a police state, a dictatorship that served its interests in ME and also to keep Soviets out of ME with help of Turkey and Iran.There was no 'human rights' back then, no one criticized the Shah even for once in the west.That's why people, from Islamists to Communist,from believers to Atheists revolted against him and toppled him.As you see, it's a hypocrisy from your country's ruling government back then.Then,after the revolution, suddenly U.S started to care about humanity,women's right and democracy in Iran.That's why in Iran, even the strong regime opponets, don't trust U.S either, because of its double-sided actions against our country.
People didn't revolt against Shah because he was 'modernizing Iran', but they did it because he was an oppressor.
One interesting fact about attacking U.S embassy in '79 was U.S actions against Iranian people during Shah's time.That's not something you hear everyday in mainstream U.S media.Though I am still against that attack on U.S embassy and think it was a mistake,but there was a chain of events that led to this incident.From 1953 coup executed by CIA and toppling demoratically elected PM of Iran to closing its eyes on Shah's atrocities against his own people.If the '53 Coup had not happenned, most probably Iran wouldn't be an Islamic Republic today, but a constitutional monarchy and a democracy and also, a first world modern country.But in 1953,the course of Iranian history changed andIran became a dictatorship, a puppet under U.S influence.
You have no idea even after all these years, people still remember and talk about that coup and how it destroyed their country and as I said, what a regular U.S citizen sees in media, is how Iran wants to 'destroy the world' or how 'uncivilized Iranians are', without even noticing what has gone on this country in last kinda reminds me of the last scene of Gangs of New York,and how that imporatant people and incidents buried under history.
God, I love that movie, it's truly a masterpiece.