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How can we stop Bangladeshis being killed near the border with India by BSF

Because Pakistan also smaller than India, pakistanis can contribute what goes on their border and if there is a problem at the border how Pakistanis solve the matter?

Pakistani smugglers shot dead by BSF. Pakistan acknowledges that they need to stop smuggling instead of blaming India, so they don't say a word. About time you started fixing your problems and stopped worrying about human rights of smugglers.
Sorry! No trolling though.

Your opening comment itself might be considered trolling. Do you think you can write a completely one-sided comment like yours, wrap it up in the flag of religion and preach hatred, and get away with it?

Shame on you!

The "trollface", or "coolface", first appearing in 2008, is often used to indicate trolling in contemporary internet culture.[1] Modern usage of the word itself dates from 1980s.

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".
How can we stop Bangladeshis being killed near the border with India by BSF?- Um, how about you guys stop passing the blame and police YOUR side of the border properly so no BD civilians can meet this fate. How about you build a fence on your side? If your forces were doing THEIR JOBS then no BD civilain would ever have to meet a BSF agent. Is constantly gets overlooked why should Idnia be doing all the hard work, all the expense and all the criticism for protecting the country? A young BSF agent on patrol has no idea what he is facing when he encounters a BD civilian they could be heavily armed smugglers, ISI-backed terrorists or an unarmed migrant. You will see 9/10 the BSF show upmost restraint and use of deadly force as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted but why let this situation arise? Keep them away from the Indian border and I guarantee the killings will stop.
Your opening comment itself might be considered trolling. Do you think you can write a completely one-sided comment like yours, wrap it up in the flag of religion and preach hatred, and get away with it? Shame on you!

The "trollface", or "coolface", first appearing in 2008, is often used to indicate trolling in contemporary internet culture.[1] Modern usage of the word itself dates from 1980s.

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".

Well put, needs no further elaboration.

The problem of killings along the IB is serious and completely avoidable.

The BSF would not do so if people did not sneak across illegally. What is expected of the border guards of any nation ? Their primary job is to prevent illegal crossings of any kind.

The answer is self evident.

The BD border guards must aggressively stop those crossing .
You want to stop BSF killing Bangladeshi Citizens ?

Follow the " Eye for Eye " Policy.

Everytime BSF kills a BD Citizen, Kill a BSF Jawan.

That will put an end to this nonsense real fast. Gauranteed.
a girl that was killed while crossing fenced border from indian side to bangladeshi side of border during dark night...shame on father who forced her to cross the fence at night...BSF did its job by shooting at illegal activity at border...i wont say BSF has not done bad things in other cases along bangladeshi border but stop making issue of this little girl who was killed by her own father..

I think if india starts war, we have to respond to protect our country. We have to recruit public capable males and females. Then under the leadership of army and other military agencies like Ansar, the general public will fight beside the professionals. They have to spread try to spread with heavy armament walking or by air or by tanks, spread the war into India. In that way when both countries will lose the heavy natural resources and manpower, they will stop and killing of bangladeshis will stop too. Now read carefully I said if India starts war against bangladesh then only then only Bangladesh will respond

this is not only obvious but ridiculous too...India is not stupid to ride the sinking ship like BD..
Although i agree its mistake of bangladeshi people who try to sneak in illegally into the indian side

I Dont agree BSF killing them instead tey should use non lethal weapons
But one more fine idea which was posted already by a Indian memnber Catch them and make them work for free near borders for very long and then let them go so by tat way tey will learn the lesson
It is tough to understand why Bangladeshi is leaving own country and living in India as illegal Immigrant…And Thousands are waiting to get in somehow…And the funny part is …they are expecting a good life in India without any question asked.
PLease indians keep out of this thread because you have nothing to contribute here.

Because Pakistan also smaller than India, pakistanis can contribute what goes on their border and if there is a problem at the border how Pakistanis solve the matter?

Here's My Idea:

Prophet Muhammad (S) ordered muslims in his last sermon that they should not allow to be oppressed.

When Bangladesh was created, from then on bangladeshis being killed (according to a bangladeshi). The most horrific is that a teen girl killed and cling on the fence on the border of bangladesh and india in 2010. Now, smugglers are killed by BSF. they say only Bangladeshis are smugglers. It is unrealistic to have smugglers of one country, so, Indians are also coming to bangladesh illegally too. Another thing I want to mention. BSF entered in bnagladesh territory and kidnapped male and female. There is not only killing but rape too.

So here's my solution. Like BSF, BDR (I forgot the current name) will now also start to kill any indians in bangladesh territory or near the border. But, BDR should not go into the territory of India.

Reaction: Now the kafirs, atheist, secular minded and ultra modern etc. etc. will go against it, because of the fear of a war. Anybody who is muslim should believe that win in a war does not come with how modern your weaponary is or how many soldiers you have even though Allah told us to have modern weaponary of time. In comes from the order of Allah to all Muslims, the most wise. I think if india starts war, we have to respond to protect our country. We have to recruit public capable males and females. Then under the leadership of army and other military agencies like Ansar, the general public will fight beside the professionals. They have to spread try to spread with heavy armament walking or by air or by tanks, spread the war into India. In that way when both countries will lose the heavy natural resources and manpower, they will stop and killing of bangladeshis will stop too. Now read carefully I said if India starts war against bangladesh then only then only Bangladesh will respond

Hey...who are you to say that Indian should not be allowed to post here....Dude..this is internet..not your mullah education that you will say who can join and who can not join...
We have so many illegal BD migrants living in India, that the BSF is under tremendous pressure from all quarters to put a stop to this intusion . So when push comes to shove they adopt violent methods. Their methods are definitely wrong but why give them an opportunity to use it?
I do not understand why the question of immigration comes when India is such a free country. No one will bother you here, just come legally. I don't believe that security forces are doing a great job killing innocent people. Its unquestionable people cross border for work, new life, getting away from problems but Bangadesh citizens need to understand that this gives an opportunity to smugglers in exchange of goods. It also gives BSF a valid reason to fire at will. It is understandable. I can't slap your dog and complain that it bites at the same time, isn't it?

Either you are ignorant or ill-informed Madarsa guy , son..
1. India has given strict order not to use bullet against Bangla ppl 2 year back (Unless its threat to there life.)
2. Since last one year the death is come down, Please see Human right watch report.
3. India and BD are working on to resolve many issue.

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