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How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

More like wearing chainmail armour when the opponent has a machine gun :disagree:

More like wearing a bullet proof vest and ballistic helmets in a gun fight while your opponent is running in naked.

Oh please. We all know Indian Armys ventures "resounding successes"....
Take one look at Tejas or Arjun.....

Equate an apple with an apple not with a siri paya.
Equate BMD with agni, prahaar, K15, pslv, prithvi etc.
Oh please. We all know Indian Armys ventures "resounding successes"....
Take one look at Tejas or Arjun.....
And whats wrong with those products...
Tejas is good enough to be point defense fighter with IOC 2... Manufacturing ongoing... Arjun under manufacturing... Does your word matter when Tejas would fire derby/R73 on PAF jet..
Not a single accident during development phase of Tejas.. Isn't that a accomplishment.. Go and ask @Oscar , he will tell you how good is Tejas... Am not saying that its God's gift to aviation, but its a product even PAF will respect as an opponent...
Ignorance is bliss my friend....

More like wearing chainmail armour when the opponent has a machine gun :disagree:
So make it platemail Armour.. simple:agree:
Oh please. We all know Indian Armys ventures "resounding successes"....
Take one look at Tejas or Arjun.....

Say that when you have even an ounce of an ability to even think of making ABMs.
More like wearing chainmail armour when the opponent has a machine gun :disagree:
make that plate mail armour ;)
More like wearing a bullet proof vest and ballistic helmets in a gun fight while your opponent is running in naked.
doesn't matter because both have RPGs. imagine

Only one failed out of eight - the rest were resounding successes.

The Nov 2012 test of India's BMD had a real missile and a simulated dud one launched simultaneously - the BMD picked up the real one and went on to destroy it and then it followed on to pick the second one and destroy that too.
the location of launch was known and the dimensions of the real warhead, pray do tell will this info be available in a real life nuclear exchange? and there won't be just two warheads
make that plate mail armour ;)

doesn't matter because both have RPGs. imagine

the location of launch was known and the dimensions of the real warhead, pray do tell will this info be available in a real life nuclear exchange? and there won't be just two warheads

You most likely did not get the context of my post.
the location of launch was known and the dimensions of the real warhead, pray do tell will this info be available in a real life nuclear exchange? and there won't be just two warheads

Why do you think it is necessary to know the exact location of the launch?
Why do you think it is necessary to know the exact location of the launch?
It's important not cumpulsory as The location of launch and the target location determine the flight path and intercept angle between the missile and the interceptor. If this is not know It becomes comparitively difficult for the BMD to intercept. (lets not get into complex physics)
In testing safety restrictions etc limit the flight path of both interceptor and target Ballistic missile to a predictable point
It's important not cumpulsory as The location of launch and the target location determine the flight path and intercept angle between the missile and the interceptor. If this is not know It becomes comparitively difficult for the BMD to intercept. (lets not get into complex physics)
In testing safety restrictions etc limit the flight path of both interceptor and target Ballistic missile to a predictable point

I'll make it simple for you to understand..

A BMD system consists of phased array radars that continually scans a sector of the sky for approaching objects. It characterizes them and, either automatically or via manual intervention, launches one or two interceptors against the missile. The interceptor itself is tracked by the radar and steering commands are automatically generated and transmitted in order to intercept the warhead within the atmosphere in the case of endo atmospheric intercepts and over the atmosphere in case of exo atmospheric intercepts. So it is not imperative to pin point to exact location of the incoming missile, when the missile enters the radar's theater - the radar tracks the missiles and determines the trajectory, velocity and type of missile and simultaneously it also guides one of more intercepting missiles.
You counter an ABM with AABM.
And you counter an AABM with an AAABM.
And an AAABM with an AAAABM. Pretty simple. :partay:
Most?Only one test was aborted-Because target missile deviated off course.
It deviated of cource and the Interceptor was unable to intercept.
Imagine a scenario where the cource of the missile is not know, multiple missiles, with MIRVs countermeasures deployed then calculate the chances of success
I'll make it simple for you to understand..

A BMD system consists of phased array radars that continually scans a sector of the sky for approaching objects. It characterizes them and, either automatically or via manual intervention

Both prone to error incase of a real life scenario.
And as you may know there is little room for error

launches one or two interceptors against the missile. The interceptor itself is tracked by the radar and steering commands are automatically generated and transmitted in order to intercept the warhead within the atmosphere in the case of endo atmospheric intercepts and over the atmosphere in case of exo atmospheric intercepts. So it is not imperative to pin point to exact location of the incoming missile, when the missile enters the radar's theater - the radar tracks the missiles and determines the trajectory, velocity and type of missile and simultaneously it also guides one of more intercepting missiles.
Do you know to what little extent (angle) interceptor can maneouver given the high speed of the missile . Interception angle is very narrow. So it is Important to have some idea of the flight path of the BM, so location is relevant also A ballistic missiles speed and altitude leave little room for error by the defender,
off course.
It deviated of cource and the Interceptor was unable to intercept.
Imagine a scenario where the cource of the missile is not know, multiple missiles, with MIRVs countermeasures deployed then calculate the chances of success

It was not unable to intercept,it wasn't even launched,the launch was aborted immediately

About the next part

Pointing out that in a missile threat scenario, defensive action has to be super fast, and accordingly, the Interception system is fully automated, requiring no human intervention.

“Under the present system, the interceptor missiles are on ‘Hot Stand-by mode’ and can take-off within 120 seconds of the detection of the incoming missile by the tracking radars,” he said adding that it automatically keeps track of the target and calculates the best possible point to destroy it.
Dr Saraswat said that the new seeker in the Interceptor enabled the missile to match the maneuvers of a hostile missile – like the zig zag movement of the Russian Topol missile.
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It deviated of cource and the Interceptor was unable to intercept.
Imagine a scenario where the cource of the missile is not know, multiple missiles, with MIRVs countermeasures deployed then calculate the chances of success

So it is Important to have some idea of the flight path of the BM, ,

Do you know to what little extent (angle) interceptor can maneouver given the high speed of the missile, Interception angle is very narrow.

The interceptors will have a ring laser gyro-based inertial navigation sensor which will provide mid course corrections and trajectory shaping aided by terminal guidance sensors. The endo atmospheric interceptors will have a maneuverability of 2 G while the exo atmospheric interceptors will have a maneuverability of 30 G's.

Both prone to error incase of a real life scenario.
And as you may know there is little room for error

OK, let me give you a lesson on what is a BMD system - I'll keep it simple and brief.

A BMD is a system consisting of the following.

1. A early warning system - consists of AEW&C's, a satellite based missile monitoring system (MSS).

2. A layered air defence command, control and communications network. (e.g. IACCCS)

3. A host of LRTR's - long range tracking phased array radars of upto 1500 km's. (e.g. Greenpine, Swordfish)

4. A host of LRSR's - long range surveillance radars.

5. A host of multi-functional fire-control radars (MFCR).

6. The interceptor vehicles - Endo and Exo (several batteries).

7. A battle management, command, control, communications and intelligence center.

Once the hostile BM launch is detected through sats or aew&c's, the target vectors are coordinated by the SATCOM to the LRTR's to acquire the targets. The transporter - erector - launcher's of the interceptor missiles are activated on "hot stand mode", simultaneously the MFCR's take over and calculate the interception range, velocity, trajectory and distance. The interceptors are fired and the MFCR's along with inertial guidance systems on the interceptors guide the interceptors towards the targets.

so location is relevant also A ballistic missiles speed and altitude leave little room for error by the defender

Interception range will be from a few meters to 200 KM's high altitude, the speed of the interceptors range from mach 5 to mach 11.
Once the hostile BM launch is detected through sats or aew&c's,
It takes very little time for it to reach a point where the infrared early-warning satellites can detect the hot exhaust from its engines. yes, yes... I read the ABC :D .
Several sattelites detect the rocket, they can crudely track it in three dimensions by stereo-viewing. However, the satellites can only see the hot exhaust from the rocket's engines, so their tracking ends abruptly when the engines shut down.

the target vectors are coordinated by the SATCOM to the LRTR's to acquire the targets. The transporter - erector - launcher's of the interceptor missiles are activated on "hot stand mode", simultaneously the MFCR's take over and calculate the interception range, velocity, trajectory and distance. The interceptors are fired and the MFCR's along with inertial guidance systems guide the interceptors towards the targets.

after few minutes of engine shutdown the rocket's upper stage and the just released warhead and decoys rise above the horizon, where they can be tracked by these radars.
These radar systems originally planned for this task operate on a very short wavelength, which allows them to identify objects to an accuracy of 10 to 15 centimeters from a thousand kilometer away. This makes it possible to observe distinct reflections from different surfaces -- even the seams on an object as it tumbles through space. The spacing and intensity of these signals, and the way their echoes vary as the orientation of a target object changes, can in some circumstances be used to determine which object is a warhead and which a decoy.
we could alter the reflections from decoys and warheads by covering surfaces and seams with wires, metal foil or radar-absorbing materials. we will deploy decoys and warheads close together and in multiple clusters. Under these conditions, even if the radar could initially identify a warhead among all the decoys, it can't track it accurately enough to predict the relative locations of the different objects when the kill vehicle encountered them. radar will be unable to reliably sort out warheads from swarm of decoys.

How will the kill vehicle will identify warheads?
reply in detail so I can reply

The fact is countermeasures for BMD are far more easily developed
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