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Hope for India

we will know where we have reached once we have crossed the bridge....
Let us see....

......why you are being so much pessimistic ?

Ok I am all in for giving them a chance
But they have strong socialist tendencies in them let's see what they will do
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Kejriwal is sensible man ...he had to play Socialism card ....he will have to take up populist agenda .

But currently he is clean ...intellectual ....

His presence in Indian politics should be welcomed ....

People who abhorr Socialism ....have never understood it in first place !

Ok I am all in for giving them a chance
But they have strong socialist tendencies in them let's see what they will do
You will receive constant updates from this Delhi Wala

we have tolerated Congress rule for 6 decades , Marxists for some 5 decades, NDA for 6 years.....why not we try AAP ???

I agree we have to give them chance to prove ....I hope they will make good use of that chance ....
Is Anna God ???

Kejriwal has taken the movement against corruption to its logical step ....

sure he was greatly benifitted by Anna's movement ....but we know how public memory is short ...after initial demonstrations ' common man ' returned to his daily chores ....
converting social movement into political movement was necessity ....

I don't know why so many people here are critical of AAP ...

credit has to be given to him for showing such courage ....
AAP will remain largely confined to Delhi and some other suburbs ...

But rise of AAP has made both BJP and Congress wary ...which is more important accomplishment ...of AAP !

where does leaving of Anna issue arises here ?

No- I think it points to a very strange problem in our country. Everywhere political office is supposed to be the tools of change, legislation is tool of change. In India do gooders think it's better to stay outside the system- it's time we changed that started believing that we have to become the system to bring in real change and not just do demonstrations. Becoming 'dirty' to try to do it is not something to be scared of. Power is not 'dirty'- it is a responsibility. Just because some people have abused it doesn't mean we should abuse the office itself- ultimately the office in the right hands can do more good than anything else.
We just need to test AAP, they are full of promises and support....if they deliver then even NaMo will start getting goosebumps

Jo Anna ke sage nahi hue, woh AAP, aapke kaise sage honge. :D
Anna ji is getting used by BJP....Kiran bedi ne un ka ache se brainwash kiya hai

i was shocked to listen VK Singh's remarks yesterday and Anna's remarks too...
we will know where we have reached once we have crossed the bridge....
Let us see....

......why you are being so much pessimistic ?
watching tv interviews of these cynical delhi babus who have turned India's saviours gives a sense of deja vu.
aap has benefit of doubt ... don't know how long can it cash in on it..such strongly idealistic parties tend to crumble down with a single internal blow.

as long as corruption remains an issue ( which is going to be the case ) and as long as AAP remains clean ( which is the challenge ) ....AAP will remain in fray !

The real challenge for AAP will come outside Delhi ....

I personally think AAP will largely remain confined to Delhi and some metrocities ....

It takes long years and pretty hard work to establish a national party...

as far as your last statement is concerned ....i have one adage to quote ...

" Some goals are so divine ....they are glorious even to fail !!! "

We just need to test AAP, they are full of promises and support....if they deliver then even NaMo will start getting goosebumps

Anna ji is getting used by BJP....Kiran bedi ne un ka ache se brainwash kiya hai

i was shocked to listen VK Singh's remarks yesterday and Anna's remarks too...

I feel sorry for Anna....He is a true patriot who cares for country ....In Anna we saw glimpse of Gadhiji ...and we thought we have a saviour ....

But Gandhiji was a shrewd politician ....which anna can't be ...

anna is being used by all and sundry ....

Good that Kejriwal extricated from Anna-team at right time ....

VK Singh has got strong personal ambitions and agenda ....he looks no better than opportunist like Baba Ramdev ....who only used Anna's image and platform to his own benefit ...
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Maybe we should petition them. AAP claims two way communication right? Maybe an online petition is what is needed.
how will petition change their political philosophy, with socialism written all over it.
How to stop corruption ? - create a super massive police force answerable to nobody
If AAP accepts it they'll loose all their credibility and also the general perception that AAP is the B-Team of congress which bjp tried to create will become more firm in the minds of people.

Not really ....so far Kejriwal has played his cards well ....He has asked Congress to agree to his 17 points ...

Imagine it was AAP which caused complete rout of Congress ...relegating them to third position.....Now is the ignomity of Congress to support the AAP - their own slayer ....

If AAP forms government - they will be able to counter the notion that they were running away from responsibility ....
If government falls as congress is likely to take out support once Shiela dikshit is targeted for CWG scam ....thy sympathy for AAP will grow and hatred for Congress in hearts of public will grow ....

that's why i call it a political masterstroke ....

Congress is on the way to committ another harakiri by giving support to AAP .....
VK Singh has got strong personal ambitions and agenda ....he looks no better than opportunist like Baba Ramdev ....who only used Anna's image and platform to his own benefit ...

It's Gen (Rtd) V K Singh not just VK Singh, please show some respect to the man who served the nation his whole life. It was a really pathetic move on the part of AAP member Gopal Rai to have a hissy fit during his speech. It was immature and little arrogant ion the part of AAP.
Delhi can't be run from Jantar Mantar so please kindly grow a pair and form a govt. and stop hopping around.
Curiosity's sake why
& will you support them in LS polls

Same thing for me
No more of that failed system
No more freebies
But after seeing their Delhi manifesto I am Concerned & Disappointed
did you voted for them
And what exactly will AAP do with all the votes it gets from LS elections ? it will go to complete waste as they will refuse to support either ..... hung assembly....third front....

We just need to test AAP, they are full of promises and support....if they deliver then even NaMo will start getting goosebumps

Anna ji is getting used by BJP....Kiran bedi ne un ka ache se brainwash kiya hai

i was shocked to listen VK Singh's remarks yesterday and Anna's remarks too...

They will not Deliver , Kejrival knows too well and is afraid of forming govt.the 700 liters of free water and 50% drop in electricity prises is down right impossible to achieve .. Its sad to see smart educated people fall for the same Socialists freebee's nonsense ...
And what exactly will AAP do with all the votes it gets from LS elections ? it will go to complete waste as they will refuse to support either ..... hung assembly....third front....
The sense of self righteousness is going to tank them. The success in the delhi assembly has gotten to their heads. And it is quite evident from the interviews that a arrogance has started to seep in already.
The sense of self righteousness is going to tank them. The success in the delhi assembly has gotten to their heads. And it is quite evident from the interviews that a arrogance has started to seep in already.

yes, they should first manage Delhi properly and prove to the populace they can govern before spreading out ...
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