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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

@ Mr Chogy:Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens':

Jesse Owens and the 1936 Berlin Olympics

“Hitler didn’t snub me—it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”— Jesse Owens, in Triumph: The Untold Story of Jesse Owens and Hitler's Olympics (Jeremy Schaap, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2007)

"At the time, it was reported that Hitler had stormed out of the stadium furious that Owens, who had just run his way to the first of four gold medals in the 100 metres, had beaten his Aryan sportsmen.

However, Siegfried Mischner, 83, said that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of Hitler shaking his hand before he left the stadium.

Owens, who felt the newspapers of the day reported "unfairly" on Hitler's attitude towards him, tried to get Mischner and his journalist colleagues to change the accepted version of history in the 1960s, the Daily Mail reports.

Mischner, who was a reporter at the time, claimed Owens showed him the photograph and told him: "That was one of my most beautiful moments."

He said: "It was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured by the world's press. But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand."
Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens' - Telegraph
@Mr Chogy: America atrocities in Afghanistan

How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses – and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime photos censored by the Pentagon.

Vietnam War atrocities:


My Lai Massacre

"The My Lai Massacre (Vietnamese: thảm sát Mỹ Lai [tʰɐ̃ːm ʂɐ̌ːt mǐˀ lɐːj], [mǐˀlɐːj] ( listen); English pronunciation: /ˌmiːˈlaɪ/, also /ˌmiːˈleɪ, ˌmaɪˈlaɪ/)[1] was the Vietnam War mass murder of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, by United States Army soldiers of "Charlie" Company of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the Americal Division. Most of the victims were women, children (including babies), and elderly people. Many were raped, beaten, and tortured, and some of the bodies were later found to be mutilated.[2] While 26 US soldiers were initially charged with criminal offenses for their actions at Mỹ Lai, only Second Lieutenant William Calley, a platoon leader in Charlie Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but only served three and a half years under house arrest."

American Planes Napalming an entire Vietnamese Village disregarding the civilians (you can see children with completely burned skin):

American Soldiers shooting random people in their cars (and then laughing about it @1:53 in the video):
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Hitler was technically not concerned with the whole race around the world but wanted to make a racial "living space" for Germanic people. Which meant that he wanted his immediate surroundings for himself. Most of his life files are covered up by Americans and British and naturally things throughout Cold War have been blown out of proportion. Hitler wasn't universal racist any more than Allies were (barring Socialist USSR who was not known for Racism). His acts of horror were indeed horrific but he was not averse to talking and forming political relations with non-white people. For example, INA (Neta ji's military) had sound relations with many top ranking officials dining with top Nazi generals and officers along with Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose himself.

Though I condemn his act of extreme purging of Jews, Poles, Russians etc (he could have simply kicked non-Germans out instead of slaughtering them like that), the Western colonial powers were no less brutal. For example, the British caused multiple famines that killed lakhs of Indians. That was never recorded because "Allies are heavenly". The Portuguese nearly exterminated all Hindus from Goa and did it for pleasure and destruction of local ancient culture. That is not mentioned too.

In short, the Allies were as evil as the Axis in terms of their conduct to colonized nations.

Of the colonials in India, French and Dutch enclaves left peacefully and had a more civilized approach (discounting whatever France did in other parts of the world), while we had to kick the Portuguese out with force.

I'd put the Allied nations (USA, UK, France, etc) in the same pedestal as the Nazis and Imperial Japanese. The reality is that both sides had equally dark history. In some, the Axis was better than Allies while in the others, the other way around.

And thank goodness that the world has come a long way ahead of those insane times.
^ History is written by victors :)

If Hitler had won our history books in schools would be very different with narratives of how a leader from the free,advanced world Hitler destroyed the colonial hegemons like UK who were terrorizing the world.
^ History is written by victors :)

If Hitler had won our history books in schools would be very different with narratives of how a leader from the free,advanced world Hitler destroyed the colonial hegemons like UK who were terrorizing the world.

Hitler is not condemned in our country. Simply because he was not hostile towards us. What he did with others is not our problem just as what British/Portuguese did with us is not South Africa's or Russia's or Sweden's problem.

In fact, Hitler despite being a superpower of his time was ready to support a small resistance (Azad Hind Fauj) in our freedom fight. That is the reason why in India there is some amount of admiration for the man (not the stupid anti-semitic mentality that most westerners assume). In fact, it was Hitler's bombing of London that pressed UK to leave our country rather than that stupid Congress' Nehru-Gandhi duo who claimed all the credit for something they didn't even intend to do except on propaganda.

Western members here must understand something they may have mistaken falsely:

I don't know about Pakistan, but in India, Hitler is not viewed as an evil person. He was not against us in any manner and his direct and indirect actions were actually good for us Indians. Which is why he's got a slightly brighter image here compared to Europe or USA.

It has nothing to do with Anti-semitism.
I agree.

Hitler & WWII were one of the main factors we achieved our independence.
A NAZI German poster accurately depicting the Americans during WW2:

Answering Roosevelt’s charge that an (unidentified) African nation had its independence curtailed by Germany: “As for the fact, however, that one nation in Africa is alleged have lost its freedom – that too is but an error; for it is not a question of one nation in Africa having lost its freedom – on the contrary practically all the previous inhabitants of this continent have been made subject to the sovereignty of other nations by bloody force, thereby losing their freedom. Moroccans, Berbers, Arabs, Negroes, &c., have all fallen victim to a foreign might, the swords of which, however, were not inscribed ‘Made in Germany’, but ‘Made by the Democracies’.” – Hitler’s Reply to Roosevelt, Reichstag 28 April 1939.
Hitler was no friend of humanity...the Muslims would surely have been in his cross-hairs, especially given their reasonably substantial presence in EU. Had he been alive today, he would have been anti-immigration, anti-everything basically.

he meant well for his country, and he was charismatic as a leader.....he had a vision and fought for it ---may not be a vision we agree with or would endorse
I don't know about Pakistan, but in India, Hitler is not viewed as an evil person. He was not against us in any manner and his direct and indirect actions were actually good for us Indians. Which is why he's got a slightly brighter image here compared to Europe or USA.

It has nothing to do with Anti-semitism.

This is true.
economic conditions were AWFUL in Germany around the time Hitler lobbied and did his rallies, eventually becoming a leader...World War I and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles (around the same time as great depression) had painful impact on nazi germany...

the value of their currency was peanuts; people were using wheel-barrow to carry money to buy food at the store
DF, your replies are juvenile, and barely worthy of reply.

Again, the topic is Hitler. American atrocities are utterly meaningless, and off topic. How do American atrocities affect what Hitler did in history? They don't.

And because some Americans at some time did something like My Lai, does that mean I must remain mute? Of course not. I have the right, the duty, to comment on ALL of it.

Hitler and his armies of goons were monsters out of a nightmare. Your goose-stepping heroes were responsible for immeasurable human suffering.

On their 450 mile drive from the south of France to the Normandy invasion area, the 2nd SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich' (15,000 men aboard 1,400 vehicles, including 209 tanks) under the command of SS General Lammerding, arrived at Limoges, a town famous for its porcelain. In the small town of St. Junien (30 kilometres from Limoges) the 'Der Führer Regiment' was regrouping. Following many encounters with the local maquis in which two German soldiers were killed, a unit of the regiment arrived at ORADOUR (believed to be a hotbed of maquis activity) in a convoy of trucks and half-tracks. At about 2 PM on this Saturday afternoon the 120 man SS unit surrounded the village ordering all inhabitants to parade in the market place for an identity check. Women and children were separated from the menfolk and herded into the local church. The men were herded in groups into six carefully chosen local garages and barns and shot. Their bodies were then covered with straw and set on fire. The 452 women and children in the church were then suffocated by smoke grenades lobbed in through the windows and shrapnel grenades that were thrown down the nave while machine-guns raked the interior. All flammable items in the church then caught fire.

The day before the massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane, the SS murdered 99 men in the town of Tulle in central France. This was in response to activities by the local FTP resistance groups who had attacked and taken over the town. When the 2nd SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich' took over the town they found 40 dead bodies of the German 3rd Battalion/95th Security Regiment garrison troops near the school, their bodies badly mutilated. Other bodies were found around the town, bringing the total German dead in Tulle to sixty-four. Next day, the reprisals began. All males in the town were gathered together and 130 suspects were selected for execution. A number were released because of their youth and the remaining 99 were executed by the Pioneer Platoon of SS-Panzer Aufklarungs Abteilung 2. Their bodies were hung up on lamp-posts and from balconies along the main streets of the town in the hope that the hanging bodies would deter future attacks by the Maquis and the FTP. More would have been hanged had not the SS ran out of rope. Instead, they rounded up 149 civilians and deported them to Germany for slave labour. Of these, 101 did not return.

There are hundreds of examples. I can go on indefinitely and never repeat any of them.

@ Mr Chogy:Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens':

So what if he did? What on God's green earth does this have to do with Hitler the megalomaniacal leader of a twisted regime? Does it excuse him?

Admit it - your secret fantasy is the death of every Jew in the world.
I respected the Axis proxy efforts against colonialism in my part of the world.

But those bigots just had to waste time and resources on randomly killing people for no reason. Bigots like that do not have my respect :tdown:
DF, your replies are juvenile,

The topic of this thread is Hitler's speech regarding American governments hypocrisy and its nature of sticking its nose in others affairs.

and barely worthy of reply.
As if you were already replying to me refutations of your posts point by point.

Again, the topic is Hitler.
The topic is Hitler's regarding American Governments hypocrisy and double standards as well as its nosy nature of sticking its nose in others affairs.

American atrocities are utterly meaningless, and off topic. How do American atrocities affect what Hitler did in history? They don't.
No, they are completely on topic, since this thread is about American Government's hypocrisy and double standards.

Speaking of Hypocrisy and Double standards, tell me Mr Chogy, what is your opinion of American Governments support for Al-ciada?

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph

Libyan War: The Truth -- US Supporting al Qaeda Insurgents Against the Will of the Libyan People

Why is the United States Helping Al Qaeda in Libya? | UNCOVERAGE.net

More links below:
Libya: the West and al-Qaeda on the same side - Telegraph

» U.S. Government Backs Libyan Al-Qaeda While Hyping Terror Attacks Inside U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaida commander backs Libyan rebels in message

Truth Revealed: Al Qaeda Part Of Libyan Rebels, U.S. Helping Fighters Who Killed Americans In Iraq! at Pat Dollard

And because some Americans at some time did something like My Lai,
Don't try to make it sound as if it was an isolated incident, American Military atrocities are well kept hidden and only few manage to make out to the public.

does that mean I must remain mute? Of course not. I have the right, the duty, to comment on ALL of it.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Hitler and his armies of goons were monsters out of a nightmare. Your goose-stepping heroes were responsible for immeasurable human suffering.

But what about America's #1 Ally israel and the "immeasurable human suffering" it caused upon the Palestinians??

Where is the justice for these people Mr Chogy?


Continuous israeli settlements on Palestinian land (Where's America now?):

There are hundreds of examples. I can go on indefinitely and never repeat any of them.

So what if he did? What on God's green earth does this have to do with Hitler the megalomaniacal leader of a twisted regime? Does it excuse him?
But according to people like you, isn't Hitler supposed to be that racist white man who didn't congratulate Jesse Owens due to the fact that a black man beat an Aryan??

Admit it - your secret fantasy is the death of every Jew in the world.
Mr Chogy, you and the Western media/governments have a habit of accusing others of doing things that you yourselves indulge in. For example, you accuse Pakistan of supporting Al-Ciada, while you yourselves provided them weapons in Libya. And then you wonder why i label you hypocrites??
There are hundreds of examples. I can go on indefinitely and never repeat any of them.

Mr Chogy, i'm sure the Japanese Women and Children as well as non-combatant Males would not have complained to you at all of their situation in the aftermath of American Democracy deliverance on their cities.

Aftermath of American Democracy deliverance over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, permissible, according to the likes of Mr Chogy:


Mr Chogy, i'm sure this boy would not have complained to you of his condition, and in fact he probably thanked you for Democracy:

Look at all of those burnt up, charred up bodies! Of course, this is not genocide or mass murder, this is ok since America was spreading Democracy, according to Mr Chogy


Democratic Allies at their finest:


All Germans believe Hitler to be a maniac

Most Pakistanis go to great lengths proving Hitler was the good guy -.-
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