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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

I see that you failed to answer the questions, and tap-danced around them.

Try again. I'll make it simple. One question. Answer YES or NO.

Q) Did the Nazis, or did they not, commit horrific acts of genocide?

the simple answer chogy is yes. however if you were on th recieving end of western propagand (predominatly zionist owned) you would understand the reluctance for us to believe whats out there. Western newspapers remind me of the story about the child who cried wolf. I used to believe sunday times a uk newspaper when i was younger I used to think everything there was gospel. as i have growwn older I realised and come to the conclusion that one mans freedom foghter is anothers terrorists. Dont know if you will remember west describing solidarity the polish union being called freeedom fighters here in the west even though they took over a swiss embassy. at the same time in the same newspapers plo was being described as terrorists for doing exactly the same.

They say that history is written by victors. here in europe so much for freedom of speech in some countries we are not allowed to question the official version, it being termed a crime to think anything else.

I am not anti jewish by any definition or anti semitic but I can not notice the impact and effect of AIPAC on american foreign policy. can you imagine a muslim group being allowed to bribe american political leaders? even as I make the statements I have here I would be classed as anti jewish or anti semitic in western press.??
Who cares about some dead empire? Move on.

The Nazis woke up a giant for no reason, and despite their technology coupled with some weird ideology, they suffered the consequences.

Never again.
I see that you failed to answer the questions, and tap-danced around them.

Considering how your media does i thought you'd be used to it by now.

Try again. I'll make it simple. One question. Answer YES or NO.

Q) Did the Nazis, or did they not, commit horrific acts of genocide?

First of all, continue to play silly mind games like your media and i will reciprocate happily. You never asked me a single question in your previous posts, you merely stated a several questions mixed with yellow journalism propaganda.

Secondly, i have already stated my stance on the silly rumors spread by western media and as Aryan_B has pointed out, it all depends on the perspective, whether or not your on the receiving end.

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200,000-400,000 is a US figure, a figure out of horse's mouth, the independent unbiased investigations found it to be close to 1 million put it 800,000 direct and indirect exposure, 50% of cities were destroyed and you are saying just 200,000-400,000 died c'mon. The A. Bomb was 10 times more powerful then what is today it is a joke the population died you quoted. Japan prematurely for US became the testing ground of A. Bomb the full potential was at use. Aside for US nuking H-N, It is relevant to note that from February 1945 leading up to the Hiroshima attack, US bombing of Japanese cities - notably Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe - by B-29s delivered about 100 kilotons of high explosives and incendiaries to urban areas in hundreds of raids, creating huge death and destruction. Some 100 000 people were killed in a single raid on Tokyo. About 80 square kilometers of those four cities was destroyed in ten days during March. Overall 67 Japanese cities were partly destroyed, 500 000 people were killed and 5 million more made homeless. Finally do some research read the history and come back there is no point in discussing with someone who knows nothing at all literally.

The Americans were unaware of the potential consequences of the Atomic bomb. No one at that time knew how much destruction it would cause or that the effects of radiation would last for years to come.
The Americans were unaware of the potential consequences of the Atomic bomb. No one at that time knew how much destruction it would cause or that the effects of radiation would last for years to come.

Cool story bro . . . .
The Americans were unaware of the potential consequences of the Atomic bomb. No one at that time knew how much destruction it would cause or that the effects of radiation would last for years to come.

Really? Were americans that dumb.

Ah Are we still considering and giving a free hand to the american governments.

All like minded individuals have lost their credibility explaining and taking a fail stance on american illegal conquest to destroy anyone under the pretext of axis of evil.

No one can over here prove me wrong I can list you each and every incidents-planned conflict-wars by US all points at US being the culprit, objective are many, achieved barely!.

Show me one War-Conflict where US has achieved the real objective not the removal of the head of state as being the prime objective for example killing saddam did not fix Iraqi problems it was brought ruins upon Iraqi people what was left is destroyed by US-allied forces, absolutely no development economy healthcare everything is gone the promises are lost so has happened in vietnam, cambodia, afghanistan and so on. Like I told you people every conquest US lead after WWII failed the real objective have never been achieved.
These Holocaust deniers should be made to go through the medical experiments Nazis carried on Jews and Romas.

Yes I deny holocaust, what can you do about it huh.

So what better would you or those who suggest Nazi practices on other would be "abomination"?. That would make you second generation nazis or Übel Amrika imperialist.
I respect our German members for participating in what is undoubtedly an uncomfortable thread.

I watched the speech in the OP. Very interesting, but also incredibly twisted in a subtle and sophisticated manner. There was a reason Hitler and his boyz rose to power... he was a MASTER orator. He could tailor a speech for a given audience, and take feedback from that audience in real time to mold them like clay.

His comments: "Roosevelt has no business commenting on the affairs of central EUROPE." Sounds good, right? Think about it... EUROPE was not then, never was, a monolithic entity, and Germany had no right to comment on other independent nations either. Roosevelt has as much right to comment on Czechoslovakia and Poland as Germany does.

Hitler spins the classic image - Roosevelt as the top-hatted capitalist elite. Before the National Socialist Party focused on Jews as the scapegoat, believe it or not, Capitalists were the perceived enemy of the Nazis. Look into the history of Goebbels, the propaganda minister. In the early 1930's, his writings were rants against the capitalist system. Only after Hitler convinced him did he become a raving anti-semite.

The Nazis manipulated the German people in ways never before or since seen.

As for Post WW-2 and the actions of the USA - how quickly people forget about the USSR. The Warsaw pact had hundreds of motorized divisions poised to pour into West Germany. They started dozens of wars big and small by ideological proxy. The U.S. (and NATO) strength was devoted and formed to counter this.

Perhaps a bigger picture was drawn by Des Griffin in his book "Descent into Slavery?"


Check this additional theory of Illuminati conspiracy out. :lol:
What sources you have available in favor of Hitler ?

Open your eyes and look at reality.

It's amazing how peoples' minds work. They can look at the hundreds of thousand of eyewitness testimonies, the physical evidence, the mass graves; photographs, films, hard evidence. And still declare it all to be "A plot of the victors. A Western fairy tale."

I refer not only to the holocaust, which I agree has been overdone from an informational point of view, but to Nazi barbarities in general, especially in Russia and the other Slavic countries.

They declare "Hitler was a great man. He took Germany in economic woes and made it a power." I would suggest these people look to Japan and the Meiji Restoration. What the Japanese did makes the Germans look like little children. Japan went from swords, clogs, and human-drawn carts in the late 1800's to an industrial giant with battleships and aircraft carriers in just a handful of years. This near-miracle in Japan was 100X as impressive as what Germany did.

From THIS:


To this, in 30 years:

i like George Galloway a lot. Speaks very well and is candid. Makes good arguments in favour of Palestine and Lebanon, and the region.

he did have a strange relationship with Nawaz Sharif though --some kind of mini scandal

by the way, he is too emotional on this last clip. Usually he's more collected
It's amazing how peoples' minds work. They can look at the hundreds of thousand of eyewitness testimonies, the physical evidence, the mass graves; photographs, films, hard evidence. And still declare it all to be "A plot of the victors. A Western fairy tale."

It is all western fairy tale actually, you just choose to ignore the reality. Its funny you actually believe all of those made up sensationalist lies.

They can look at the hundreds of thousand of eyewitness testimonies, the physical evidence, the mass graves; photographs, films, hard evidence.
I'm sure the bodies in those mass graves had the cause of death written on them, which is why you are so sure about what caused their deaths.

I refer not only to the holocaust, which I agree has been overdone from an informational point of view,
Watch the video i posted in my post #153, the old French Jewish professor interviewed in the video participated in the French Underground resistance against the German occupational forces, he will tell you how much truth that Holocaust claim holds.

but to Nazi barbarities in general, especially in Russia and the other Slavic countries.

Come on Chogy, really? I already refuted these silly claims of yours, and the fact that neo-NAZIs are in growing numbers in the Slavic countries contradicts your silly claims. Hitler has more admirers in Russia and other Slavic countries than anywhere else on earth, not to mention more than a million Russians and other Slavic groups fought alongside Germans during WW2.

They declare "Hitler was a great man. He took Germany in economic woes and made it a power."

Which he was and which he did!

I would suggest these people look to Japan and the Meiji Restoration. What the Japanese did makes the Germans look like little children. Japan went from swords, clogs, and human-drawn carts in the late 1800's to an industrial giant with battleships and aircraft carriers in just a handful of years. This near-miracle in Japan was 100X as impressive as what Germany did.

What a silly comparison. Although i'm not trying to undermine the Japanese achievements during the Meiji Era, you seem to have failed to take into consideration the humiliating conditions imposed on Germany post-WW1, and the massive amount of war reparations Germany was forced to pay (today its in the trillions), on top of that Germany went bankrupt, not to mention the German armed forces were cut down to size, German industry almost completely halted. When Hitler came to power he turned all of that around.

Now Mr Chogy, tell me, why did your hypocritical Government support Al-ciada in Libya? Answer my question and don't cower away.
Hitler's speech in which he demands Palestine's independence:

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In order to understand the National Socialist (NAZI), one must understand National Socialism

This is National Socialism:

The man they call the Devil:

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