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Hindutva RSS wing prescription for fair, tall ‘customised’ babies

I dont know and honesty, i dont want to know. But being pale skinned guy have its own befits and loss in India.

For example during annual class decoration competition in my collage i asked for role of Adivasi/Tribal from my mates. My mates laugh and said "aavo dhoro aadivasi thodo hoi ?" "Itne gore aadivasi/tribal hote hain kahi ?"

I was given role of a doctor and needless to say i set there while my friends who were tribals has blast. :(

Aren't you are rana from haryana?
Yes sir I was. I have wheatish skin, though not short in height. Want to kick that doctor, feeling like disgraced from his act.
Why be defensive? Chill. :D
Chances are that Indian babies may be free of genetic disorders. We will reap the benefits. Along with the rest of the world, provided this pilot works as claimed. It is very very unlikely that IR Pakistan will adopt these measures anyway (even if successful).

But , by customizing Hindu babies, isn't it against the Hindu concept of karma - where genetic disorders, birth inequalities (e.g lower caste, lower IQ etc ) are attributed to past lives sins ?

By genetically engineering Hindu babies to be Aryan replicas i.e "uttam santati" (physically/mentally better i.e taller, fairer, 'improve IQ' and stronger) Hindutva is negating its own core Hindu Karma doctrine through genetic modification thus proving that karma (in this case - birth inequalities) is a Hindu hogwash to suppress/oppress the underdogs.
So the Indian Hindutva are advocating consummation of marriage based on how the moon and stars align so they can have taller and fair skinned babies.... So they look more Pakistani? The irony...
RSS’ grand plan to help Indians bear fair, bespoke babies exposes Hindutva’s obsession with race
Nineteenth-century ideas of race from Europe are still a part of the Sangh Parivar’s thinking in India.

The influence of race theory

First, it means little in terms of actual babies. Unlike Nazi Germany, which really was at the cutting edge of many fields of science, the RSS is – not to put too fine a point on it – not. However, what this fiasco does shine a light on is the role of 20th century ideas of race in shaping the concept of Hindutva.
Race in 20th century Europe had an intensity that will be difficult to reproduce today (thankfully). While Nazism was the most egregious expression of race theory, it had wide currency as a scientific theory across much of the Western world. The British Empire itself was based on theories of race, where the White man conquered India and Africa as a birthright. Phrenology, the study of the measurements of the human skull, was instituted as a field of scientific enquiry in order to explain the difference between races – a practice so widespread that it gave rise to its own phrase: having your head examined.

As could be expected, these ideas filtered down to Indian society too. The biggest recipient of these ideas was the budding Hindutva movement in colonial India.

Creating a Hindu race

Given the rapid rise of the RSS and its transformation from a small band of ideologues to India’s ruling elite, its philosophical core often tends to get overlooked in the mass media. It is therefore events like the plan to create babies via eugenics, or RSS-BJP leader Tarun Vijay’s comments in April calling Dravidian language-speaking Indians “black people”, which remind us that race as a concept might be dead in science but it still lives on in Hindutva.

But , by customizing Hindu babies, isn't it against the Hindu concept of karma - where genetic disorders, birth inequalities (e.g lower caste, lower IQ etc ) are attributed to past lives sins ?
This is a scientific pursuit. Change is expected.

The social impact is open to discussion. But that will be relevant AFTER their experiment is successful.

Yep. Watch the marchers.....
  • First issue is spindly chicken legs
  • Second issue is early balding (hence the need for topis)
  • Third issue is propensity for tumbly round tummies due to over-dependence on dhaal consumption and resulting round gasbag humpty dumpty condition.
I don't know how you can create superior (much less super) race out of these traits.....
Says a BD. @Nilgiri
. .

LOL he got owned so hard in front of every neutral so many times so he comes crawling here.

Probably mad about the well-founded stereotypes about the whole BD nation, forget a small portion of it.

They are indeed well founded if anyone has any doubts:


A third of New York’s Bangladeshis suffer from diabetes, said Haq, three times the city’s average rate.

“Their food is too starchy; they eat too much rice,” Haq said.

http://www.lemosandcrane.co.uk/dev/resources/Journal of Public Health - How physically active are south Asians in the United Kingdom.pdf


For example, the Health Survey for England found that Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi men were 14, 30 and 45 per cent less likely than the general population to meet current guidelines for physical activity.

Bangladeshis had the lowest and Indians the highest levels of activity in three of these studies.15,19,20 In the fourth study levels of physical activity in Bangladeshis were around half of those in Indians.

The Health Survey for England reported low levels of heavy manual and DIY activities among Indian (19 per cent), Pakistani (12 per cent) and Bangladeshi (5 per cent) men compared to men in the general population (30 per cent).

All four studies that examined individual South Asian ethnic groups found heterogeneity, with Bangladeshis having generally the lowest levels of physical activity and Indians the highest.

Among the South Asian groups, Bangladeshis may be at particular risk.

Another post with 2 studies on the reality (that prompts this reaction from this particular member):

LOL he got owned so hard in front of every neutral so many times so he comes crawling here.

Probably mad about the well-founded stereotypes about the whole BD nation, forget a small portion of it.

They are indeed well founded if anyone has any doubts:


A third of New York’s Bangladeshis suffer from diabetes, said Haq, three times the city’s average rate.

“Their food is too starchy; they eat too much rice,” Haq said.

http://www.lemosandcrane.co.uk/dev/resources/Journal of Public Health - How physically active are south Asians in the United Kingdom.pdf


For example, the Health Survey for England found that Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi men were 14, 30 and 45 per cent less likely than the general population to meet current guidelines for physical activity.

Bangladeshis had the lowest and Indians the highest levels of activity in three of these studies.15,19,20 In the fourth study levels of physical activity in Bangladeshis were around half of those in Indians.

The Health Survey for England reported low levels of heavy manual and DIY activities among Indian (19 per cent), Pakistani (12 per cent) and Bangladeshi (5 per cent) men compared to men in the general population (30 per cent).

All four studies that examined individual South Asian ethnic groups found heterogeneity, with Bangladeshis having generally the lowest levels of physical activity and Indians the highest.

Among the South Asian groups, Bangladeshis may be at particular risk.

Another post with 2 studies on the reality (that prompts this reaction from this particular member):


That's all you got? :-)

Forward castes are all basically now Hindutva and RSS supporters. Why not? The hidden agendas arguing for the removal of reservations and imposing rightwing version of UCC are something these arya vedic fellows are supporting. It is more like Hindus (Forward caste) are attacking Hindus (SC/ST,OBCs etc). Vedic Hindu wants Dalit Hindu to be eternally poor and be slaves of their masters. Primitive bas-ds.


What they actually will eventually lead to, if allowed to stay in power and get stronger, is attack the south.

The schism between north and south was always there. A weird racial rift, cobbled together by a mishmash of Aryan Vedic concepts and native Dravidian beliefs.

Forced to grow together when mass genocide proved futile. On a land bounded by the sea on one side with not much in the way of maritime exploration and outreach/cross-polination to speak of), and by the Himalayas and Hindu Kush on the other.

A veritable social, racial, cultural, and spiritual petri dish.

It lay quiet for a thousand years, under attack by foreign races.

Its going to come forth again.

@Joe Shearer
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Here come the mighty, tall, fair and glorious marchers of the RSS Aryan Brigade. :woot:

I think they will have to start with a purge within their own ranks first.

These are actually the Dravidianized Aryans of India.

If you want to see a true adi-manus, take your eyes back towards the back of the left row. The guy in the mooch.
That's an assumption. RSS are not as foolish as you think, don't underestimate them....and it IS possible to vastly improve physical and mental characteristics of the baby through improved nutrition, stress reduction etc. if you take away the stuff about "planetary alignments" and such mumbo jumbo, nothing they have said is wrong....in fact in the old days in India pregnant and nursing women were given special food and they were not allowed to do housework and after a certain number of months of pregnancy they were sent home to be with their mothers for extra care and relaxation. This gave the best chance for healthy and smart babies. Nowadays mothers work till they drop their babies on the office floor, I'm sure in the long run this will not be good for the health and well being of future generations.

In fact who knows even the "planetary alignments" stuff, ridiculous as it sounds, may have something. the Chinese use a "conceptions calendar" and I am told that it works...who knows...anything is possible....let's not assume that we know everything there is to know. Our forefathers were not as stupid as we think they were, after all they survived a million years in a harsh world. They couldn't have done that if they were foolish. I only hope we leave a better world for our children as they did for us. I realize this thread was created specifically to laugh at Hindus in general and the rss in particular but actually if you read it fully, they are not wrong, just their way of saying is a little "out of date" shall we say. :-)

Actually, Indian government is harping about safe maternity for quite sometime, how a pregnant woman should take care of herself. I remember all those ads that used to come on DD nation during my childhood regarding how to take care of pregnant women. Added hinduism is I guess essential-stupidity to make it more acceptable and authoritative to the masses.

The whole 'traditional-modern' stuff is banal. If you want to know how the Chinese actually took advantage of their traditional knowledge of medicine, read about To Youyou and her Nobel Prize (http://theconversation.com/how-trad...y-of-a-nobel-winning-anti-malarial-drug-48645). Now this is the real modern usage of the traditional wisdom of one's forefathers. We are progressing because we can stand on our forefather's shoulders and not because we can only reach up to their knees. This whole 'our forefathers were wiser' narrative and veneration of past needs to be moderated.

The funny thing is that this entire 'Master Race' creation program forgets the role of nurturing the child AFTER birth.

And yeah, planetary stuff is mostly stupid. At best planetary alignment can help determine someone success in life due to vary different way which has nothing to do with the planets itself. Planets form proxy for seasons and months in a year. We know that children born into few specific months turn out to be more successful because of the yearly AGE-cutoff at which children are admitted into the schooling system. These children are a bit older than most of their peer and they perform better because of having more developed brains and bodies. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outliers_(book))
This whole 'our forefathers were wiser' narrative and veneration of past needs to be moderated.

Our forefathers were obviously not as technologically advanced as we were. But in some areas esp. health and wellness, they had perhaps better information than we do currently. Modern medicine does some things very well such as cure bacterial infections or stitch up a person after severe trauma but a lot of what it does is just symptom control not actual cure. As a result large percentage of the population is suffering from chronic illnesses ranging from diabetes to auto immune disorders to obesity have their symptoms managed but never cured.

The earlier approach to some diseases involving very elaborate protocols such as fasting, herbs, strict dietary control, massage etc did get the body to cure itself. I personally know a family friend who was at an advanced stage of heart disease. the doctors wanted to open him up . he actually cured himself through a very complicated regimen involving mostly raw foods, a lot of coconut, early morning sunlight and various other things. It was hard, but not as hard as having a surgeon crack open your rib cage....and surprisingly his heart problem was actually cured not just patched up.

The funny thing is that this entire 'Master Race' creation program forgets the role of nurturing the child AFTER birth.

They will get to it I'm sure. Traditionally again nursing mothers were fed special foods, babies massaged in the early morning sunlight, toddlers had stories narrated to them etc. only recently has modern science realized the overarching importance of vitamin D, much more than just a vitamin. Yet through generations grandmas used to take babies out in soft sunlight and give them an oil massage, bathe them, feed them and put them to sleep. An excellent practice.

planetary stuff is mostly stupid.


Unfortunately we mix up good sense with superstition so much so that no one can tell the difference anymore. I will check out the link you provide, maybe the Chinese have done it better than us.
Our forefathers were obviously not as technologically advanced as we were. But in some areas esp. health and wellness, they had perhaps better information than we do currently. Modern medicine does some things very well such as cure bacterial infections or stitch up a person after severe trauma but a lot of what it does is just symptom control not actual cure. As a result large percentage of the population is suffering from chronic illnesses ranging from diabetes to auto immune disorders to obesity have their symptoms managed but never cured.

The earlier approach to some diseases involving very elaborate protocols such as fasting, herbs, strict dietary control, massage etc did get the body to cure itself. I personally know a family friend who was at an advanced stage of heart disease. the doctors wanted to open him up . he actually cured himself through a very complicated regimen involving mostly raw foods, a lot of coconut, early morning sunlight and various other things. It was hard, but not as hard as having a surgeon crack open your rib cage....and surprisingly his heart problem was actually cured not just patched up.

What you are alluding is to lifestyle disorders. Modern science has a lot of answers to this, and those answers are just next to your home probably. That is called a Gym. Modern science have found ways in which you could exercise without much risk of serious injury or degradation of joints/bones. If you cannot run due to weak knees, you can do elliptical trainer. If elliptical trainer is too much of a trouble, you can do rowing, without even getting into water where you can possible drown. If you have too much trouble climbing a steep slope, modern trademills will adjust the slope to exactly the level which will allow you to have your exercise but without exhausting you early.

If you visit any diabetes doctor with a somewhat elevated blood sugar, first thing they will make you do are lifestyle changes then they will think about any medication. It is a myth that modern medicine only thinks in terms of surgery or medical intervention, the doctors usually do a lot of counseling around what and how you should eat. Modern science does not throw away ancient wisdom or experience but they test it and those which make the cut is then used to develop recommendations.
What you are alluding is to lifestyle disorders. Modern science has a lot of answers to this, and those answers are just next to your home probably. That is called a Gym. Modern science have found ways in which you could exercise without much risk of serious injury or degradation of joints/bones. If you cannot run due to weak knees, you can do elliptical trainer. If elliptical trainer is too much of a trouble, you can do rowing, without even getting into water where you can possible drown. If you have too much trouble climbing a steep slope, modern trademills will adjust the slope to exactly the level which will allow you to have your exercise but without exhausting you early.

If you visit any diabetes doctor with a somewhat elevated blood sugar, first thing they will make you do are lifestyle changes then they will think about any medication. It is a myth that modern medicine only thinks in terms of surgery or medical intervention, the doctors usually do a lot of counseling around what and how you should eat. Modern science does not throw away ancient wisdom or experience but they test it and those which make the cut is then used to develop recommendations.

Just cut out carbs and cycle.

13 kilos in a little over a month now.

6' 95 kilos to 6' 82 kilos.

Gym is inescapable I guess as I move to heavier hill climbs, but I swear I get brain dead inside a gym. Even with visual stimuli.
What you are alluding is to lifestyle disorders. Modern science has a lot of answers to this, and those answers are just next to your home probably. That is called a Gym. Modern science have found ways in which you could exercise without much risk of serious injury or degradation of joints/bones. If you cannot run due to weak knees, you can do elliptical trainer. If elliptical trainer is too much of a trouble, you can do rowing, without even getting into water where you can possible drown. If you have too much trouble climbing a steep slope, modern trademills will adjust the slope to exactly the level which will allow you to have your exercise but without exhausting you early.

If you visit any diabetes doctor with a somewhat elevated blood sugar, first thing they will make you do are lifestyle changes then they will think about any medication. It is a myth that modern medicine only thinks in terms of surgery or medical intervention, the doctors usually do a lot of counseling around what and how you should eat. Modern science does not throw away ancient wisdom or experience but they test it and those which make the cut is then used to develop recommendations.
Except of course the very term "gym" - short for "gymnasium" - comes from Ancient Greece.

Very very ancient.

And if you look at their statues and compare them with modern body builders, I would say they knew much more about how to make a perfectly proportioned male body than we do know.

Look at below.

Who looks better proportioned and more beautiful?

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