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Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with 'Om' in Tando Adam

We are not doing any favour we are doing what we have to do and stand for right against the wrong.

You represent the rationalist voices, which is drowned by the end of spectrum noises that builds the negative perceptions. It's great to see such views.
if i am not mistaken this law dates back to British India to discourage faiths from insulting each other and cause undue workload for the empire

Yep, Brits gave us the Victorian era laws and because of our inferiority complex we pretend like its our own and nothing foreign about it. Abusing any religion is plain stupid but IMO valid criticism should be allowed. Again, my apologies if I offend you but rules made 5000, 2000, 1500 years ago are barely relevant today. Similarities between the lifestyles and attitudes are may not be even 5% then and now.

I am not hell bent on type of punishment but it should be consistent and not discriminatory . say if Allah was written on shoes and the shop run by a member of a minority community then the shop, the shopper and his family and relatives his friends etcv all would have been burnt alive or lynched by now and if somehow they would have escaped the wrath of the faithful (who neither give charity, nor perform any other social obligations preached by their faith) then the law would have sent him behind bars.
a shia guy some time ago wrote something objectionable in face book and he has been jailed fined and he and his family lives in perpetual fear of death and he will most likely get killed in jail.

In Pakistan's case maybe, I am not exactly in a position to judge. Hate begets hate and violence begets violence. Not really a difficult concept to comprehend.

In India's case, let me give you some examples.


This woman is a Muslim and known Modi baiter. Her NGO's registration was cancelled recently and there was a lot of BS doing rounds about "suppressing the dissent". This is a part of her "dissent" and nobody did jacksh!t because even after legally pursuing the case, a billion Hindus would have become the intolerant as*****.


This guy is supposedly a "Hindu" and no legal action was taken against him for the reasons mentioned above. What's even funnier is that he apologized to a Bishop for making Pedo jokes about Catholic Church.:)

@Spring Onion These are not some random people, they are the so called "elites". The only reason you see this is because its on social media. MSM do not cover these "inconsequential" things. Now imagine this happening day in day out for 70 years and lack of social media to voice out your anger.
He said criticize not abuse !!

dont try to twist his words . and yes being a hindu i can critize our gods.:coffee:

A person who criticizes a Hindu God will find his limbs cut off or his church burnt to ashes. People are driven by nationalistic thoughts and fanatical religious fever. India isn't an exception.
A person who criticizes a Hindu God will find his limbs cut off or his church burnt to ashes. People are driven by nationalistic thoughts and fanatical religious fever. India isn't an exception.
hindus can get away with it... there was much more room earlier but now its getting smaller and smaller as hindus are competing to get offended...
It is very Disturbing for me....I suggest Life Imprisonment for such provocative steps
:) For example what is criticizing in this case ? I mean how can you Hindus criticize your gods? do you call Krishana a thief while a kid without offending other Hindus?

We are not doing any favour we are doing what we have to do and stand for right against the wrong.

You do realize that Krishna is called "Makhan chor". :P Google it.
I agree with our Hindu brothers here. There is no room for insult to any religion.

The Pakistan Hindu Council should file a case against the shopkeeper under blasphemy law.

No, hindus can protest but no legal action should be taken. Religion should not be enforced legally. And all protests must be peaceful. No violence.
It is very Disturbing for me....I suggest Life Imprisonment for such provocative steps
life imprisonment for wearing a pair of shoes? bit too much.. I would say..
just ask him to deposit his shoes with the promotion of virtue prevention of vice department :)
I agree with our Hindu brothers here. There is no room for insult to any religion.

The Pakistan Hindu Council should file a case against the shopkeeper under blasphemy law.
this is so ridiculous. they need to confiscate the inventory.
Should make the owner/seller wear a hundred around his neck and beat him with the same chappal
:lol: are you sure a Hindu is allowed to abuse his gods?
YES!! And it is not abuse. It is like getting angry, complaining, throwing tantrums, using the words like tu instead of aap I do and in fact many in my state odisha do. Our GOD here is Lord Jagannath and it is said that only he can do all those thing who is a true devotee.
No, hindus can protest but no legal action should be taken. Religion should not be enforced legally. And all protests must be peaceful. No violence.

using legal right is peaceful not violent.

YES!! And it is not abuse. It is like getting angry, complaining, throwing tantrums, using the words like tu instead of aap I do and in fact many in my state odisha do. Our GOD here is Lord Jagannath and it is said that only he can do all those thing who is a true devotee.

Actually we all do so in our solitary times. When we talk to God we do complain, cry, sometime get angry at Lord but end of all such emotions is we at last turn to HIM again :).

That is universal. I was questioning can you do that in public?

You represent the rationalist voices, which is drowned by the end of spectrum noises that builds the negative perceptions. It's great to see such views.

Once I was also an emotional goon (Though even then I never advocated any violence against any faith or minority), but I believe there is always a room for reforming one's self and learn in the long run.

Many emotional bunches of people on PDF outside PDF and on Indian forums as well as in normal life everywhere may one day learn to be calm and rational that is what I believe.

I have grown in an area which is considered one of the most conservative provinces BUT since childhood I have seen how Christians and Hindus in my city were used to be considered brothers and sisters. We used to eat together. But with opening up of social media, modern tech and progress in the current ear intolerance is increasing . Still my province KpK have seen less number of blasphemy cases
Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with 'Om' in Tando Adam
By News Desk
Published: June 19, 2016

Picture shows the sandal which is being sold at shops in Tando Adam inscribed with Hindu sacred word "OM". PHOTO: PAKISTAN HINDU COUNCIL

The Hindu community of Sindh is protesting against shopkeepers in Tando Adam city for allegedly selling shoes inscribed with Hindu sacred word ‘Om’.

“Since the last three years on the occasion of Muslim Eid festival, some shopkeepers in Tando Adam are offering shoes on which Hindu religious holy name ‘Om’ is displayed, Patron-in-chief Pakistan Hindu Council Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani said on Sunday. “Its purpose is just to insult the sentiments of local Hindus.”

The community has now taken up this issue and demands ban on such articles of shoes that have been causing “insult” to the locals of the area.

Removal of hate material against minorities from curriculum stressed

The picture of the sandal kept circulating on social media as different Hindu community pages posted it.

The shoe has visible inscription of the word “Om”, which the community has termed as blasphemous.

Pakistan Hindu Seva, a group working for religious harmony in the country, has urged the locals of Tando Adam to address this issue by remaining “within the jurisdiction of law to avoid any violence”.


Statement released by Pakistan Hindu Seva on their Facebook page

“As ‘Om’ is the sacred religious symbol of Hinduism which talks about the oneness of God, let’s protect this oneness peacefully for the progressive and positive face of Pakistan. Let’s appeal the authorities concerned to take notice of the matter immediately to override any expected mistrust within the locals,” said the statement released by Pakistan Hindu Seva.

Should be removed from the shelf's ... a strict action must be taken against the makers & shopkeepers need to be warned to avoid showcasing, Holy Symbols from any religion should not be used on footwear...
It is a deliberate act should be dealt under blasphemy law.
using legal right is peaceful not violent.

Actually we all do so in our solitary times. When we talk to God we do complain, cry, sometime get angry at Lord but end of all such emotions is we at last turn to HIM again :).

That is universal. I was questioning can you do that in public?

Once I was also an emotional goon (Though even then I never advocated any violence against any faith or minority), but I believe there is always a room for reforming one's self and learn in the long run.

Many emotional bunches of people on PDF outside PDF and on Indian forums as well as in normal life everywhere may one day learn to be calm and rational that is what I believe.

I have grown in an area which is considered one of the most conservative provinces BUT since childhood I have seen how Christians and Hindus in my city were used to be considered brothers and sisters. We used to eat together. But with opening up of social media, modern tech and progress in the current ear intolerance is increasing . Still my province KpK have seen less number of blasphemy cases

Relegion and laws don't mix.
using legal right is peaceful not violent.

Actually we all do so in our solitary times. When we talk to God we do complain, cry, sometime get angry at Lord but end of all such emotions is we at last turn to HIM again :).

That is universal. I was questioning can you do that in public?

Hinduism does not prohibit anything. The word "blasphemy" does not exist in Hindu dictionary.

Having said that we do have ignorant Hindus who may act otherwise due to influences from and interactions with other religions.
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