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Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with 'Om' in Tando Adam

Well jailing him is not going to achieve anything other than incurring the wrath of JEI types for sending a man (read Muslim) to jail over an "innocent mistake". Breaking his bank however is a more convenient solution and that money can be used for setting a charity trust or whatever.

This is sub continent so FOE can only go so far so we are in agreement there.

We had registered such cases against Muslims on request of our Sikh Pakistanis or Hindu Pakistani and did not see any backlash. But as far as what you suggest well yes why not I repeat again our Hindu community should start asserting their power just like our Christians who showed immense power in Punjab

People of interior sindh dont even know the first kalima, i dont think they did it intentionally.

That is why I said I am afraid if he knew it but still we can stop it and find out the origin of the shoes and people behind it.
Well that is Very wrong .........
I agree with our Hindu brothers here. There is no room for insult to any religion.............
What path you suggest?
You should boldly accept whether the act is RIGHT Or WRONG, irrespective of ifs and buts

Why have an escapist attitude.

If someone's religion does not forbid these acts then why condemn such acts. BE True to your Ideology
You should boldly accept whether the act is RIGHT Or WRONG, irrespective of ifs and buts

Why have an escapist attitude.

If someone's religion does not forbid these acts then why condemn such acts. BE True to your Ideology

You need to read all my posts from start with open eyes to understand that I BOLDLY stated that the act is WRONG.

And for information of ignorant people like you my religion Islam clearly states in Quran that do not abuse gods of non-believers.
You need to read all my posts from start with open eyes to understand that I BOLDLY stated that the act is WRONG.

And for information of ignorant people like you my religion Islam clearly states in Quran that do not abuse gods of non-believers.
Thank you for very much for being generous enough for not abusing the gods of non believers.

FYI we Hindus believe every religion is a path which leads to Supreme which is called by different names by different religions.

My point is you don't believe in worshipping idols or symbols and your constitution strictly adheres to Islamic laws then why are you condemning this act which is enacted in Islamic republic of Pakistan ?
Remove that garbage. All stocks should be burnt. Were they made in Pakistan? I doubt that. I feel they were imported and designed elsewhere i.e. some idiot didn't do his research and thought it was an "exotic" symbol.
I agree with our Hindu brothers here. There is no room for insult to any religion.

The Pakistan Hindu Council should file a case against the shopkeeper under blasphemy law.

Should be investigated first if this was by error or on purpose before a serious action
Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with 'Om' in Tando Adam
By News Desk
Published: June 19, 2016

Picture shows the sandal which is being sold at shops in Tando Adam inscribed with Hindu sacred word "OM". PHOTO: PAKISTAN HINDU COUNCIL

The Hindu community of Sindh is protesting against shopkeepers in Tando Adam city for allegedly selling shoes inscribed with Hindu sacred word ‘Om’.

“Since the last three years on the occasion of Muslim Eid festival, some shopkeepers in Tando Adam are offering shoes on which Hindu religious holy name ‘Om’ is displayed, Patron-in-chief Pakistan Hindu Council Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani said on Sunday. “Its purpose is just to insult the sentiments of local Hindus.”

The community has now taken up this issue and demands ban on such articles of shoes that have been causing “insult” to the locals of the area.

Removal of hate material against minorities from curriculum stressed

The picture of the sandal kept circulating on social media as different Hindu community pages posted it.

The shoe has visible inscription of the word “Om”, which the community has termed as blasphemous.

Pakistan Hindu Seva, a group working for religious harmony in the country, has urged the locals of Tando Adam to address this issue by remaining “within the jurisdiction of law to avoid any violence”.


Statement released by Pakistan Hindu Seva on their Facebook page

“As ‘Om’ is the sacred religious symbol of Hinduism which talks about the oneness of God, let’s protect this oneness peacefully for the progressive and positive face of Pakistan. Let’s appeal the authorities concerned to take notice of the matter immediately to override any expected mistrust within the locals,” said the statement released by Pakistan Hindu Seva.

Should be removed from the shelf's ... a strict action must be taken against the makers & shopkeepers need to be warned to avoid showcasing, Holy Symbols from any religion should not be used on footwear...
this is disgusting
a severe punishment must be given

Modi should call Nawaz and threaten him with confiscating one of his businesses in India Unless he takes direct action on this and jails the scumbags who came up with this malicious idea.

shameful act and sorry that Hindu community had to face this.

Should be investigated first if this was by error or on purpose before a serious action
it is a very recognizable sign and clearly shows malicious intent. it puts the perpetrator in the same league of those who made toilet papers with Quranic verses in America
this is blasphemy and appropriate law should be applied
In Hinduism, Om is one of the most important spiritual symbols (pratima). It refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge).The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu texts. It is a sacred spiritual incantation made before and during the recitation of spiritual texts, during puja and private prayers, in ceremonies of rites of passages (sanskara) such as weddings, and sometimes during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga.

Actual Aum represents God (energy). Even though it is written/denoted with the symbol, it is the energy which is the key.

It represents the energy that caused the Big Bang and thereby causing the Universes to come alive, It represents that energy which is making the universes to expand and it is that energy that would make the universes to collapse one day completing the full cycle. Note that Hindus believe in circular time calendar (Yugas).

When one chants AUM (sometimes written as OM)

1) A - First the closed lips open (representing the big bang) - This is represented by Brahma (The Creator)

2) U - Then one continues the sound (representing the expanding universes) - This is represented by Vishnu (The Sustainer)

3) M - This is when the lips close back (representing the collapsing of the universes) - This is represented by Shiva (The Destroyer)

The trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva are together represented as Adhi Shakti (representing all forms of energies in ensuring that this cycle continues)

Many uninformed people think that Hindus believe and worship multiple gods where as the truth is that Hindus worship the energy (in various forms) that keeps this cycle of universe running.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but transforms from one form to another is the underlying concept on which Hinduism is based on.
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I may not like it, but I think its overreaction... people have pics of jesus .. everywhere.. nobody cares.
Its more in the west , Christians in the sub continent may object . We are touchy when it comes to religion :)
Can you sue for monetary compensations instead? That would be more useful than getting the dude jailed.
i understand what you are saying. but a shame is also must. i wold say .. seek the person who designed it.. had it made or imported it.. hit their bank and give some compensation from the penalty charge to Hindu council
It is impossible to 'insult' Bhagwan or holy religion. If this was done to insult anything or anybody, it only insults people and hopefully they will take care of that without resorting to violence.

That said, even if it was done without knowledge or with full knowledge, Aum will make whoever says it a better soul. The visual symbol actual does not matter - it is uttering it that makes Aum Aum.There are other symbols that work by visual form, Aum works by the saying of it whether with or without voice amplitude
It is impossible to 'insult' Bhagwan or holy religion. If this was done to insult anything or anybody, it only insults people and hopefully they will take care of that without resorting to violence.

That said, even if it was done without knowledge or with full knowledge, Aum will make whoever says it a better soul. The visual symbol actual does not matter - it is uttering it that makes Aum Aum.There are other symbols that work by visual form, Aum works by the saying of it whether with or without voice amplitude

Absolutely true.

Its more in the west , Christians in the sub continent may object . We are touchy when it comes to religion :)

It is a tragedy when people do something without knowing the reason or purpose or the goal.
Actual Aum represents God (energy). Even though it is written/denoted with the symbol, it is the energy which is the key.

It represents the energy that caused the Big Bang and thereby caused the Universes to come alive, It represents that energy which is making the universes to expand and it is that energy that would make the universes to collapse one day completing the full cycle. Note that Hindus believe in circular time calendar (Yugas).

When one chants AUM (sometimes written as OM)

1) A - First the closed lips open (representing the big bang) - This is represented by Brahma (The Creator)

2) U - Then one continues the sound (representing the expanding universes) - This is represented by Vishnu (The Sustainer)

3) M - This is when the lips close back (representing the collapsing of the universes) - This is represented by Shiva (The Destroyer)

The trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva are together represented as Adhi Shakti (representing all forms of energies in ensuring that this cycle continues)

Many uninformed people think that Hindus believe and worship multiple gods where as the truth is that Hindus worship the energy (in various forms) that keeps this cycle of universe running.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but transforms from one form to another is the underlying concept on which Hinduism is based on.
For those who does not want to get confused with Hindu mythology, here is the simple experiment:

cover your ear using an empty vessel and listen to the sound of space

that very sound is prevalent throughout our universe.
i understand what you are saying. but a shame is also must. i wold say .. seek the person who designed it.. had it made or imported it.. hit their bank and give some compensation from the penalty charge to Hindu council

The reason I am not all for sending this guy to jail is that it is not a part of the religion. My apologies if I offend you but blasphemy is a part of Abhrahmic religions not Dharmic. But now that RW in India who cannot name author of Bhagwat Gita are the thakedars of the religion, things are changing.
Modi should call Nawaz and threaten him with confiscating one of his businesses in India
Why involve the big guns for such trivial matters.

Can't Doval and Janjua settle this issue :o:

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