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Hindus, Muslims are separate nations: Geelani

first of all Kashmirs don't want to live with you and you dreaming about Tibet............

who said all kashmiris did they come and tell you if all of them wanted by now there would have been riots in whole of J&K but its happening in only some parts and now everything is under control and in 1947 we didnt took J&K rightfully not forcefully like china did to tibit and even many revolutions happened in tibit for their freedom but there army suppressed it
Originally Posted by Jana
Indians are responsible for so many killings of Kashmiris.

More Muslims have died in uighiri part of China ruthlessly without provocation - what has pakistan done?

No outcry no outburst!
"Hindus, Muslims are separate nations: Geelani": So,now this old fellow is being a racist!!!!
He's saying religion = culture, ethnicity and language (the definition of nation)

Then he's saying nation = nation state

Its obvious how wrong and simplistic he is in both his assertions, like others before him. One more failed religious bigot soon to be relegated to the black pages of history.

That person is a ISI bought slave... why do we have to discuss about him??.. His house was raided by IT department and he has got lot of gifts from GoP... that shows his attitude... He has to be vanquished and should be made beggar ... by taking his wealth and distributing to the school or other NGO's
Geelani is right... and that is why Pakistan was created. So those self-appointed "true Muslims" who're crying for "independence" feel so bad staying with us "kafirs", they're free to go to Pakistan which was created as a land for south Asian Muslims.

Kashmir stays ours and anyone can dare and try taking it from us... the results won't be very good for that entity whoever it is.
Indians are responsible for so many killings of Kashmiris.

It wont be surprise after Indian invaders have kept him jails almost half of his life.


I can argue the same way Jana jee.... What about ISI/Army of Pakistan?? They too killing them by making them suicide attackers.. Last in Kargil war they did a genocide by sacrificing 2000 Kashmirs of P0K... how do you justify this?

This mindset is the core of the whole kashmir Problem.

Now one can decide what will the nature of future Azad kashmir and the 40% minirites in it including the Shia muslims and Bakarwals who are considered as non muslim by Sunni ideologue like Mr Gillaani.

This also lead to create an impression that wherever muslims are in minority they ask for secularism and but whereas they are in majority they demand Islamic state and Sharia law.
yes living with you by force.......go and ask kashmiris people :sniper:
And this is told by a couple of lakh separatists? Compare this to the total population of the state of which 76% last year voted.

There goes your lies down where it should :tdown:.

Besides, if they feel religiously unique, why not call them to Pakistan? After all your country was created for South Asian Muslims specifically isn't it? Rather than howling day and night, just call these separatists. They will be happy and so will we be happy.

We're not donating anymore land. Ask your new friend for it.
This mindset is the core of the whole kashmir Problem.

Now one can decide what will the nature of future Azad kashmir and the 40% minirites in it including the Shia muslims and Bakarwals who are considered as non muslim by Sunni ideologue like Mr Gillaani.
He and his cohorts can take their bag baggage and leave our country. We'd happily even give him the flight tickets with government expenses. He and his self-appointed pure Muslims can live in Pakistan.
More Muslims have died in uighiri part of China ruthlessly without provocation - what has pakistan done?

No outcry no outburst!
That's because they cannot bite the hand that feeds them. Dragon is not like USA who will sit and discuss with dialogs. The next thing after biting the hand means lifeline investments, economic and military assistance dries up.

In other words, it is a matter of hypocritic convenience.
That's because they cannot bite the hand that feeds them. Dragon is not like USA who will sit and discuss with dialogs. The next thing after biting the hand means lifeline investments, economic and military assistance dries up.

In other words, it is a matter of hypocritic convenience.

Well said.. Dragon is there only trusted ally and they cant raise there hand... Back in late 1950's i guess there was talks where Pakistan wanted to Join hands with India for Kashmir issue or some issue against China.. But latter they sacrificed there own land to China .... Can you believe they Sacrificed :blink:
Lets take your argument as an example... Oke they are living with force.. atleast they are living like human beings ... not converted to terrorist....

An indian saying this.....oh man

Joke of the year

first of all remove your 700,000+ army from kashmir and then talk
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