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Hindus consider themselves INDIAN in Bangladesh. Questionable alliance?

Bangladeshis who have their alliance with India has become a concern of national security for Bangladesh. Hindus fit the profile, followed by communists and socialists....not saying all of them, but they all need to be checked and doubled checked for their true alliance.

First off...

Remove the Communists and Socialists out of the political equation. They have no contribution to the nation whatsoever. Eigoolaar kaye daye kono kazh nhai......seriously...

Apart from that, all Bangladeshi nationals should come under the security watch regardless of religion, and dealt with accordingly.

Bangladesh need to come up with a common defense and national security policy soon if it is to be secured.

By the way, the article is pretty much nonsense :lol:
why? no room for freely practicing their faith?

Yes they have. Why not. We have a very good communal amity.
GOB ensured national holidays to all the big religious events.
We cared every rights to them. We also go to visit their events.
But leave some attacks by fundamental extremists. They r the culprit of islam.
Where majorities r different and Muslim culture is so enhanced minorities converting to islam.
But converting to christian is different case.
Christians offer different profits which make them to convert.
ya sure, whats wrong with that...Why can't I adopt from social life which are essentially harmless?? My religion is my ideology, it helps me develop my ideals, my principles on which I will stand all my life...It essentially tells what is wrong and what is right...it does not tell me how to dress up or how to travel or whom not to meet, etc.

always think and observe the things from the initial and basic point ....who put in the mind of ur ancestors that they should cover their body parts ?who said them to hide their body parts from others ? ??the good things that peoples have adopted in the past have also come from religion ........Religion is the education which was taught by certain peoples,Good things always comes from religion and bad things from satan (iblees ,shaitan:lol: ).its up to the peoples how they take it and learn from this education ....even the first step of humanity came in the world from the education of religion ....

if some thing is good even in ur hindusium(way of life),it means some of ur ancestors have adopted it(directly or indirectly) from this education and was transfered it generation to generation ........
We should not do religion based profiling, rather allegiance to the country and no allegiance to any foreign country, specially India, should be the measuring stick. Many Muslims have caused our people more harm than any Hindu, who at most provide a supporting role for these Muslims.

Having said that, if AL or any other party unfairly promoted someone because they are Hindu and more loyal to AL, that allegation of wrong doing has to be looked into and corrected.

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