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Destruction Of Hindu Temples By Muslims - Part III

This is Part III of the series of articles on destruction of Hindu Temples by Muslims.

Here too, I shall continue to provide the vast amount of literary evidence available to us. This evidence is taken directly from the books written by Muslim Historians themselves who glorify the horrific deeds of their Islamic heroes.

Name Of The Book: Nuh Siphir
Name of the Historian: Amir Khusru
About the Author: The above mentioned book is the fourth historical mathnavi which Amir Khusru wrote when he was 67 years old. It celebrates the reign of Sultan Mubarak Shah Khalji.
The Muslim Rulers he wrote About:

Sultan Mubarak Shah Khalji (AD 1315-1320)
Warrangal (Andhra Pradesh)
"They pursued the enemy to the gates and set everything on fire. They burnt down all those gardens and groves. That paradise of idol-worshippers became like hell. The fire-worshippers of "Bud" were in alarm and flocked round their idols.."

Name of the Book: Siyaru'l-Auliya
Name of the Historian: Sayyed Muhammed bin Mubarak bin Muhammed
About the Author: He was the grandson of an Iranian merchant who traded between Kirman in Iran and Lahore. The family travelled to Delhi after Shykh Farid's death and became devoted to Shykh Nizamu'd-din Auliya.
The Muslim Rulers he wrote About:

Shykh Mu'in al-Din Chisti Ajmer (AD 1236)
Ajmer (Rajasthan)
"..Because of his Sword, instead of idols and temples in the land of unbelief now there are mosques, mihrab amd mimbar. In the land where there were the sayings of the idol-worshippers, there is the sound of 'Allahu Akbar'...The descendants of those who were converted to Islam in this land will live until Day of Judgement; so too will those who bring others into the fold of Islam by the sword of Islam. Until the Day of Judgement these converts will be in debt of Shaykh al-Islam Mu'in al-din Hasam Sijzi..."

Name of the Book: Masalik'ul Absar fi Mamalik'ul Amsar
Name of the Historian: Shihabu'd-Din 'Abu'l Abbas Ahmed bin Yahya.
About the Author: He was born in AD 1301. He was educated in Damascus and Cairo. He is considered to be a great man scholar of his time and author of many books. He occupied high positions in Syria and Egypt.
The Muslim Rulers he wrote About:

Sultan Muhammed bin Tughlaq (AD 1325-1351)
"The Sultan is not slack in Jihad. He never lets go of his spear or bridle in pursuing jihad by land and sea routes. This is his main occupation which engages his eyes and ears. Five temples have been destroyed and the images and idols of "Budd" have been broken, and the lands have been freed from those who were not included in the daru'l Islam that is, those who had refused to become zimmis. Thereafter he got mosques and places of worship erected, and music replaced by call to prayers to Allah... The Sultan who is ruling at present has achieved that which had not been achieved so far by any king. He has achieved victory, supremacy, conquest of countries, destruction of the infidels, and exposure of magicians. He has destroyed idols by which the people of Hindustan were deceived in vain..."

Name of the Book: Rehala of Ibn Battuta
Name of the Historian: Shykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Lawatt at-Tanji al-Maruf be Ibn Battuta.
About the Author: He belonged to an Arab family which was settled in Spain since AD 1312. His grandfather and father enjoyed the reputation of scholars and theologians. He himself was a great scholar who travelled extensively and over many lands. He came to India in 1325 and visited many places. He was very fond of sampling Hindu girls from different parts of India. They were presented to him by the Sultan Mohammed bin-Tughlaq with whom Ibn Battuta came in close contact. He also married Muslim women wherever he stayed and divorced them before his departure.

His Travel description:
"Near the eastern gate of the mosque, lie two very big idols of copper connected together by stones. Every one who comes in and goes out of the mosque treads over them. On the site of this mosque was a bud Khana that is an idol-house. After the conquest of Delhi, it was turned into a mosque..."

Name of the Book: Tarikh-i-Firuz
Name of the Historian: Shams Siraj Alif
About the Author: The author became a courtier of Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq and undertook to complete the aforementioned history of Barani who had stopped at the sixth year of Firuz Shah's reign.
The Muslim Rulers he wrote About:

Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq (AD 1351-1388)
Puri (Orissa)
"The Sultan left Banarasi with the intention of pursuing the Rani of Jajnagar, who had fled to an island in the river...News was then brought that in the jangal were seven elephants, and one old shoe-elephant, which was very fierce. The Sultan resolved upon endeavouring to capture these elephants before continuing the pursuit of the Rai... After the hunt was over, the Sultan directed his attention to the Rai of Jajnagar, and entering the palace where he dwelt he found many fine buildings. It is reported that inside the Rai's fort, there was a stone idol which the infidels called Jagannath, and to which they paid their devotions. Sultan Firoz, in emulation of Mahmud Subuktign, having rooted up the idol, carried it away to Delhi where he placed it in an ignominious position."

Nagarkot Kangra(Himachal Pradesh)
"..Sultan Muhammed Shah bin Tughlaq and Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq were sovereigns especially chosen by Almighty from among the faithful, and in their whole course of their reigns, wherever they took an idol temple they broke and destroyed it.."
"A report was brought to the Sultan that there was in Delhi an old Brahmin who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house; and that people of the city, both Musalmans and Hindus, used to resort to his house to worhsip the idol. the Brahmin had constructed a wooden tablet which was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objects..An order was accordingly given that the Brahmin, with his tablet, should be brought into the presence of the Sultan at Firozabad. the judges and doctors and elders and lawyers were summoned, and the case of the Brahaman was submitted for their opinion. Their reply was that the provisions of the Law were clear: the Brahmin must either become a Musalman or be burned. The true faith was declared to the Brahmin, and the right course pointed out, but he refused to accept it. Orders were given for raising a pile of faggots before the door of the darbar (court). The Brahmin was tied hand and foot and cast into it ; the tablet was thrown on top and the pile was lighted. The writer of this book was present at the darbar and witnessed the execution. The tablet of the Brahmin was lighted in two places, at his head and at his feet; the wood was dry and the fire first reached his feet, and drew him a cry, but the flames quickly enveloped his head and consumed him. Behold the Sultan's strict adherence to law and rectitude, how he would not deviate in the least from its decrees !"

Here Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq glorifies his own criminal acts in Bharat as sanctioned by the "holy" Koran.
Name of the Book: Futuhat-i-Firuz Shahi
Name of the Historian: Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq
About the Author: Sultan had got the eight chapters of his work inscribed on eight slabs of stone which were fixed on eight sides of the octagonal dome of a building near the Jami Masjid at Firuzabad.

Prayers of Temple-destroyers in this Book
"The next matter which by God's help I accomplished, was the repetition of names and titles of former sovereigns which had been omitted from the prayers of Sabbaths and Feasts. The names of those sovereigns of Islam, under whose happy fortune and favour infidel countries had been conquered, whose banners had waved over many a land, under whom idol-temples had been demolished, and mosques and pulpits built and exalted..."

Delhi and Evirons
"The Hindus and idol-worshippers had agreed to pay the money for toleration (zar-i zimmiya) and had consented to the poll-tax(jiziya) in return for which they and their families enjoyed security. These people now erected new idol-temples in the city and the enviorns in opposition to the law of the Prophet which declares that such temples are not to be tolerated. Under divine guidance I destroyed these edifices and I killed those leaders of infidelity who seduced others into error, and the lower orders I subjected to stripes and chastisement, until this abuse was entirely abolshed. the following is an instance: In the viallge of Maluh, there is a tank which they call kund (tank). Here they had built idol-temples and on certain days the Hindus were accustomed to proceed thither on horseback, and wearing arms. their women and children also went out in palankins and carts. Then they assembled in thousands and performed idol-worship....when intelligence of this came to my ears my religious feelings propmted me at once to put a stop to this scandal and offence to the religion of Islam. On the day of the assembly I wnet there in person and I ordered that the leaders of these people and the promoters of this abominations should be put to death. I destroyed their idol-temples and instead thereof raised mosques."

Gohana (Haryana)
"Some Hindus had erected a new idol-temple in the village of Kohana and the idolators used to assemble there and perform their idolatrous rites. These people were seized and brought before me. I ordered that the perverse conduct of the leaders of this wickedness should be publicly proclaimed, and that they should be put to death before the gate of the palace. I also ordered that the infidel books, the idols and the vessels used in their worship, which had been taken with idols, should all be publicly burnt. The others were restrained by threats and punishments, as a warning to all men, that no zimmi could follow such wicked practices in a Muslaman country."

Name of the Book: Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi
Name of the Historian: Yahya Ammad bin Abdullah Sirhindi
About the Author: The author lived in the reign of Sultan Muizu'd-Din Abu'l Fath Mubarak Shah (AD 1421-1434) of the Sayyid dynasty which ruled at Delhi from AD 1414-1451.
The Muslim Rulers he wrote About:

Sultan Shamsu'd-Din Iltutmish (AD 1210-1236)
Vidisha and Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh)
"In AH 631 he invaded Malwah, and after supressing the rebels of that place, he destroyed that idol-temple which had existed there for the past three hundred years. Next he turned towards Ujjain and conquered it, and after demolishing the idol-temple of Mahakal, he uprooted the statue of Bikramajit together with all other statues and images which were placed on pedestals, and brought them to the capital where they were laid before the Jami Masjid for being trodden under foot by the people

Name of the Book: Tarikh-i-Muhammadi
Name of the Historian: Muhammed Bihamad Khani
About the Author: The author was the son of the governor of Irich in Bundelkhand. He was a soldier who participated in several wars. His history covers a long period - from Prophet Mohammed to AD 1438-39
The Muslim Rulers he wrote About:

Sultan Ghiyasu'd-Din Tughlaq Shah II (AD 1388-89)
Kalpi (Uttar Pradesh)
"In the meanwhile Delhi received news of the defeat of the armies of Islam which were with Malikzada Mahmud bin Firuz Khan...This Malikzada reached the bank of the Yamuna via Shahpur and renamed Kalpi which was the abode and center of the infidels and the wicked, as Muhammadabad, after the name of Prophet Muhammed. He got mosques erected for the worship of Allah in places occupied by temples, and made that city his capital. "

Sultan Nasiru'd-Din Mahmud Shah Tughlaq (AD 1389-1412)
Prayag and Kara (Uttar Pradesh)
"The Sultan moved with the armies of Islam towards Prayag and Arail with the aim of destroying the infidels, and he laid waste both those places. The vast crowd which had collected at Prayag for worshipping false gods was made captive. The inhabitants of Kara were freed from the mischief of rebels on account of this aid from King and the name of this king of Islam became famous by this reason."

Another Moghul ruler by the name of Babur who was in love with a young boy named Baburi glorifies his lecherously Islamic deeds in the Babur-Nama

Name of the Book: Babur-Nama Name of the Author: Zahiru'd-Din Muhammed Babur About the Author: The author of this book was the founder of Mughal dynasty in India who proclaimed himself a Padshah (Ruler) after his victory in the First Battle of Panipat (AD 1526), and a Ghazi (killer of kafirs) after the defeat of Rana Sanga in the Battle of Khanwa (AD 1528) While presenting himself as an indefatigable warrior and drug-addict he does not hide the cruelties he committed on the defeated people, particularly his fondness for building towers of the heads of those he captured as prisoners of war or killed in battle. He is very liberal in citing appropriate verses from the Quran on the eve of the battle with Rana Sanga. In order to ensure his victory, he makes a covenant with Allah by breaking the vessels containing wine as also the cups for drinking it, swearing at the same time that "he would break the idols of the idol-worshippers in a similar manner". In the Fath-Nama (prayer for victory) composed for him by Shykh Zain, Allah is described as "destroyers of idols from their foundations" The language he uses for his Hindu adversaries is typically Islamic.

Zahirud-Din Muhammed Babur Padshah Ghazi (AD 1526-1530)
Chanderi (Madhya Pradesh)
"In AH 934 (AD 1528), I attacked Chanderi and, by the grace of Allah, captured it in a few hours..We got the infidels slaughtered and the place which had been a daru'l-harb for years, was made into daru'l-Islam."

Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)
"Next day, at the time of the noon prayer, we went out for seeing those places in Gwalior which we had not seen yet..Going out of the Hathipole Gate of the fort, we arrived at a place called Urwa.. Urwa is not a bad place It is an enclosed space. Its biggest blemish is its statues. I ordered that they should be destroyed..."

Part IV of the series of articles on this subject will contain the Epigraphic evidence which is available to us. There are inscriptions on present day Mosques in India which clearly state that the Muslims have converted the existing Hindu temples into Mosques.
Muslim shrines & shops turned into 'pseudo- Hindu' temples
By Batuk Vora

Allama Takiya Masjid, Ahmadabad

Ahmedabad: People outside Gujarat may not believe this but it can be seen here with naked eyes, defiling the Muslim religious shrines and replacing them with fake Hindu gods of Sangh Parivar!

Most of the 267 shrines, mosques, dargahs, idgahs, Peer dargah and scores of Muslim owned shops and properties and even madrasas have been turned into Hindu 'temples' where people go everyday with coconuts or garlands and lamps worshipping them as if there was no Muslim shrine or shop here!!

One funny name of a stone laid on many destroyed shrines is 'Hulladia Hanuman' (riotous Hanuman), and of course, 'Jai Shri Rama' idols can be seen placed in most of the burnt down properties of Muslims, including garages, shops and cabins! One can see such an organized desecration in Eastern Ahmedabad, in particular. Paresh Tanna, a resident of Bapunagar, said "we see those saffron-banded boys of Bajrang Dal everyday with coconuts and lamps and pretending to worship those gods at burnt down Muslim shops."

Among those 55 mosques and dargahs destroyed in Ahmedabad city alone (as enumerated and identified by Bombay based magazine Communalism' Combat) are Saras Peer Mazar at Paldi, Zafar Row House Masjid at Vatva, Peer Hazrat Samsuddin dargah, 400-year old mosque at Menhdikuva in Dudheshwar, Sabarmati Highway mosque, Bibima Kabrastan dargah, Idgah Kankaria, Mariambibi historic mosque, etc.

Places and shops owned by Muslims since decades where the Sangh Parivar boys have 'proudly' placed their stone gods, are located at Thakkarbapa Nagar, Bapunagar, Rahematnagar, Naroda, Odhav, Nikol and Khokhra areas, according to local daily Gujarat Today. Police complaints made by the original owners of these properties have not brought any result so far. Affected victims have tried to remove such intrusions through collector, police commissioner or even ministers at Gandhinagar but without any success.

During a spree of announcements made by the chief minister recently, he said that destroyed shrines would be handed over to NGOs to rebuild. But not a single such NGO has come forward yet to undertake this job as the government has not allocated a single paisa for the purpose.

A Jaihind Bakery existing since last 30 years at Thakkarbapa Nagar has a temple put up overnight! Nurjehan Abdul Pathan owned this Bakery but it was looted and then burnt down on February 28 Gujarat Bandh day itself. One can see a temple over there at present. Pathan said it was in the presence of police that this property was looted and burnt down by a mob. His 26 year old son Wahidkhan and 16-year-old daughter Sairabanu are missing till today.

In the same way at Naroda Krishnanagar area Shaukatbhai Ganibhai Mansuri ran his cotton works since a decade which also has been tuned into a temple now after looting and burning it down. A 'Mini-Auto Centre' at Thakkarnagar char raasta area is also replaced by a fake temple! Police has not removed it so far despite several complaints. A non-vegetarian shop at Naroda Patiya area has also been turned into a temple. Akbar Yakub's shop at Nikol char raasta area has also become a 'temple' at present.

Worst picture one gets is on several sites of Ahmedabad's historic monuments which have been desecrated or looted and burnt down by the frenzied Sangh Parivar led mob. Some of the famous heritage monuments under the protection of Archeological Survey of India (ASI) and the state archeology department still await survey of the huge damages. Of them, Malik Isan mosque at Isanpur was supposed to be protected by the state archeology department, while Hasan Shahid mosque also known as Paththarwali Masjid was under the ASI. In the same way, Muhafiz Khan mosque is located in the hot riot area of Gheekanta in the walled city lying now desecrated.

"No work of survey had been started as yet" admitted D.R.Gehlot, "due to the prevailing volatile situation." Initial damage at Malik Isan mosque was considered to be worth Rs 12 lakhs, according to Y.S.Rawat of the state archeology department. He said it could take five years to repair it if funds were available and peace prevailed- nothing of which permeates the situation at present. There are scores of other sites which lie in ruins all over the state. q
The Destruction Of Hindu Temples By Muslims - Part IV (The Epigraphic Evidence)

The Ram Janmabhumi temple at Ayodhya is just one of the Hindu temples among thousands of others which were converted to Islamic structures by the barbaric Muslim Invaders. The famous Islamic scholar Maulana Abdul Hai has admitted this fact himself in his research work Hindustan Islami Ahad Mein (India Under Islamic Rule). Much of the attention has recently been focused on how many of the Hindu temples were converted to mosques, however, as Sita Ram Goel says, "The more important question, namely, why Hindu temples met the fate they did at the hands of Islamic invaders, has not even been whispered."

Many Hindus seem to cater to popular opinion that Islam preaches that its followers should not build Islamic structures at other religious sites. However, such people are grossly mistaken. To quote further from Sita Ram Goel:

"Hindu leaders have endorsed the Muslim propagandists in proclaiming that Islam does not permit the construction of mosques at other people's place of worship. One wonders whether this kowtowing to Islam is prompted by ignorance, or cowardice, or calculation, or a combination of them all. The Islam of which the Hindu leaders are talking exists neither in the Qur'an nor in the Sunnah of the Prophet."

The point made above by Sita Ram Goel is exactly what I have voiced in my previous articles titled, Destruction of Hindu Temples by Muslims. The evidence which I have presented is of purely Islamic nature and cannot be refuted. The crucial question: why the Islamic invaders did what they did can be clearly seen by reading the evidence. The evidence basically consists of Muslims glorifying their heinous tasks by invoking the name of Allah and verses from the Koran. They justify their barbaric deeds of loot, plunder, rape, torture, murder and destruction by saying that they do Allah's bidding and for doing so their reward will be paradise with countless houries, untouched young boys, rivers of wine, variety of fruits and abundant water. (To understand more clearly why such a paradise attracted Muslims read my article, The X-Rated Paradise of Islam).

In my preceding articles on this topic I have presented the vast amount of literary evidence which prove to us that the Mosques and other Muslim structures present today in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were originally Hindu places of worship. The greedy and the lustful Islamic invaders inspired by the Koran and out of utter disrespect looted these sacred places and converted them into Islamic structures. These existing Islamic structures are harsh reminders of the bloody Islamic invasions and the oppression, torment and torture that these invaders brought with them.

This article will focus on the epigraphic evidence associated whith the Islamic structures existing in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. All the proofs that I have presented in my other articles concerning this topic have been taken from purely Islamic sources and as this epigraphic evidence constitutes of inscriptions left by Muslims themselves the evidence presented in this article is also of purely Islamic nature.

Some of the inscriptions on the mosques have been published by the Archaeological Survey of India in its Epigraphia Indica-Arabic and Persian Supplement, an annual which appeared first in 1907-08 as Epigraphia Indo-Moslemica.

I have selected only a few inscriptions which have been thoroughly researched by the following: Arun Shourie, Harsh Narain, Jay Dubashi, Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel. They have presented their research work in two volumes titled, Hindu Temples: What Happened To Them.

The following is the narration of the "pious performance" by Muslims of plundering and converting Hindu temples to mosques and other Islamic structures.

Name of the structure: Quwwat al-Islam Masjid
Location: Delhi in Uttar Pradesh

"This fort was conquered and the Jami Masjid built in the year 587 by the Amir(*), the great, the gloriuous commander of the Army, Qutub-ud-daula wad-din, the Amir-ul-umara Aibeg, the slave of the Sultan, may Allah strengthen his helperes. The materials of 27 idol temples, on each of which 2,000,000 Delhiwals(**) had been spent were used in the construction of the mosque."

*The Amir mentioned above was Qutubud-Din Aibak, slave of Muhammed Ghori.

**"Delhiwal" was a high denomination coin current at that time in Delhi.

Name of the structure: Mansuri Masjid
Location: Vijapur in Gujrat

"The Blessed and Exalted Allah says, 'And verily, mosques are for Allah only; hence invoke not anyone else with Allah.' This edifice was originally built by the infidels. After the advent of Islam, it was converted into a mosque. Sermon was delivered here for sixty-seven years. Due to the sedition of the infidels, it was again destroyed. When during the reign of the Sultan of the time, Ahmad, the affairs of each Iqta attained magnificence, Bahadur, the Sarkhail, once again carried out repairs. Through the generosity of Divine munificence, it became like new."

Name of the structure: Masjid at Manvi
Location: Manvi in Karnataka

"Praise be to Allah that by the decree of the Parvardigar, a mosque has been converted out of a temple as a sign of religion in the reign of the world- conquering emperor, the Sultan who is the asylum of the Faith and the possessor of the crown, who's kingdom is young, viz. Firuz Shah Bahmani, who is the cause of Exuberant spring in the garden of religion, Adu'l-Fath the king who conquered. After the victory of the emperor, the chief of chiefs, Safdar (the valiant commander) of the age, received the fort. The builder of this noble place of prayer is Muhammad Zahir Aqchi, the pivot of the Faith. He constructed in the year 809 from the Migration of the Chosen (prophet Muhammdad) this Ka'ba like momento."

Name of the structure: Mausoleum of Shykh 'Abdullah Shah Changal
Location: Dhar in Madhya Pradesh

"The centre became Muhammadan first by him(*) (and) all the banners of religion were spread... This lion-man came from the centre of religion to this old temple with a large force. He broke the images of the false deities, and turned the idol temple into a mosque. When Rai Bhoj saw this, through wisdom he embraced Islam with the family of his brave warriors(**). This quarter became illuminated by the light of the Muhammadan law, and the customs of the infidels became obsolete and abolished."

*Shykh 'Abdullah Shah Changal

**In this case the Hindu King was Bhoj II and during his reign Jalalu'd-Din Khalji (AD 1290-1296) of Delhi invaded Malwa. Changal was the Muslim missionary who accompanied Khalji's army. This army after plundering and looting the kingdom of Bhoj II converted a Hindu temple into a mosque and forced the ruler and his subjects to accept Islam.

Name of the structure: Jami' Masjid
Location: Malan in Gujrat

"...(The Prophet), on him be peace, says 'He who builds a mosque in the world, the Exalted Allah builds for him a palace in Paradise.' In the auspicious time of the government and peaceful time of Mahmud Shah, son of Muhammad Shah, the sultan, the Jami', mosque was constructed on the hill of the fort of Malun (or Malwan) by Khan-i-Azam Ulugh Khan...at the request of the thandar Kabir, (son of Diya), the building was constructed by the son of Ulugh Khan who is magnimonius, just, generous, brave and who suppressed the wrteched infidels. He eradicated the idol-houses and mine of infidelity, along with the idols... with the edge of his sword, and made ready this edifice... He made its walls and doors out of the idols; the back of every stone became the place for prostration of the believer..."

Name of the structure: Jami' Masjid
Location: Amod in Gujrat

"Allah and His grace. When divine favour was bestowed on Khalil Shah, he constructed the Jami' Masjid for the decoration of Islam; he ruined the idol-house and temple of the polytheists, (and) completed the Masjid and pulpit in its place. Without doubt, his building was accepted by Allah."

Name of the structure: Shrine of Shah Madar
Location: Narwar in Mdhya pradesh

"Dilawar Khan, the chief among the king's viceroys, caused this mosque to built which is like a place of shelter for the favourites. Infidelity has been subdued, and Islam has triumphed because of him. The idols have bowed to him and the temples have been razed to the ground along with their foundations, and mosques and worship houses are flowing with riches."

Name of structure: Hamman Darwaza Masjid
Location: Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh

"Thanks by the guidance of Everlasting and the Living Allah, this house of infidelity became the niche of prayer. As a reward for that, the Generous Lord constructed an abode for the builder in paradise..."

Name of structure: Jami Masjid
Location: Ghoda in Maharashtra

"O Allah O Muhammed ! O Ali ! When Mir Muhammed Zaman made up his mind, he opened the door of prosperity on himself by his own hand. He demolished thirty-three idol temples and by divine grace laid the foundation of a building in the abode of predition."

Name of structure: Gachinala Masjid
Location: Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh

"He is Allah, may be glorified..During the august rule of...Muhammed Shah, there was a well established idol-house in Kuhmum...Muhammed Salih...razed to the ground, the edifice of the idol-house and broke the idols in a manly fashion. He constructed on its site a suitable mosque, towering above the building of all."
Such are the blood thirsty hindu vampires are that for 57 dead bodies in train they kill 1000

oh so Islamists fanatics seems to have gotten some kind of right to burn 57 people in a train alive.. What a low life comment!!
I thought you were going to sleep but you keep coming with your BS :no:

Trust me never ever any western talk anything negative about Islam or Pakistan with me and i have many serious debate with them as i am not the guy who say no politics and religious discussion. I love theology and philosophy and its good to hear different views and opinions but difference between you and them is that they dont do criticism just for sake of it and for fun. They are also less emotional and sensitive compare to Indians who get personal during debate as we have seen how all of you started attacking Ajtr for her different views

That is why you can't have a real discussion with any of these internet Hindus.
They don't discuss the points, what they do instead is question the source, question the author, question the poster and then finally, personal attacks on poster/supporter of the argument.

There are plenty of sane and rational Indians who you can have these kinds of discussion, they are just no online as much as these Internet Hindus are.
we should have killed more.....enough of being secular, moderate Hindus and being ruled by outsiders....
You will end up creating more pakistans then.....choice is yours.

oh so Islamists fanatics seems to have gotten some kind of right to burn 57 people in a train alive.. What a low life comment!!
yeah same right that hindu fanatics got to murder muslims and christians.
Even Auraingzaib thread was allowed you tho bash muslims. when shoes is on other foot it pinches you.
So you admit you wanted to put people in other's shoes.....I mean revenge...what's the difference between you and those Hindus who killed 1000, both wanted to make others feel what they felt...
Muslim shrines & shops turned into 'pseudo- Hindu' temples
By Batuk Vora

Allama Takiya Masjid, Ahmadabad

Ahmedabad: People outside Gujarat may not believe this but it can be seen here with naked eyes, defiling the Muslim religious shrines and replacing them with fake Hindu gods of Sangh Parivar!

Most of the 267 shrines, mosques, dargahs, idgahs, Peer dargah and scores of Muslim owned shops and properties and even madrasas have been turned into Hindu 'temples' where people go everyday with coconuts or garlands and lamps worshipping them as if there was no Muslim shrine or shop here!!

One funny name of a stone laid on many destroyed shrines is 'Hulladia Hanuman' (riotous Hanuman), and of course, 'Jai Shri Rama' idols can be seen placed in most of the burnt down properties of Muslims, including garages, shops and cabins! One can see such an organized desecration in Eastern Ahmedabad, in particular. Paresh Tanna, a resident of Bapunagar, said "we see those saffron-banded boys of Bajrang Dal everyday with coconuts and lamps and pretending to worship those gods at burnt down Muslim shops."

Among those 55 mosques and dargahs destroyed in Ahmedabad city alone (as enumerated and identified by Bombay based magazine Communalism' Combat) are Saras Peer Mazar at Paldi, Zafar Row House Masjid at Vatva, Peer Hazrat Samsuddin dargah, 400-year old mosque at Menhdikuva in Dudheshwar, Sabarmati Highway mosque, Bibima Kabrastan dargah, Idgah Kankaria, Mariambibi historic mosque, etc.

Places and shops owned by Muslims since decades where the Sangh Parivar boys have 'proudly' placed their stone gods, are located at Thakkarbapa Nagar, Bapunagar, Rahematnagar, Naroda, Odhav, Nikol and Khokhra areas, according to local daily Gujarat Today. Police complaints made by the original owners of these properties have not brought any result so far. Affected victims have tried to remove such intrusions through collector, police commissioner or even ministers at Gandhinagar but without any success.

During a spree of announcements made by the chief minister recently, he said that destroyed shrines would be handed over to NGOs to rebuild. But not a single such NGO has come forward yet to undertake this job as the government has not allocated a single paisa for the purpose.

A Jaihind Bakery existing since last 30 years at Thakkarbapa Nagar has a temple put up overnight! Nurjehan Abdul Pathan owned this Bakery but it was looted and then burnt down on February 28 Gujarat Bandh day itself. One can see a temple over there at present. Pathan said it was in the presence of police that this property was looted and burnt down by a mob. His 26 year old son Wahidkhan and 16-year-old daughter Sairabanu are missing till today.

In the same way at Naroda Krishnanagar area Shaukatbhai Ganibhai Mansuri ran his cotton works since a decade which also has been tuned into a temple now after looting and burning it down. A 'Mini-Auto Centre' at Thakkarnagar char raasta area is also replaced by a fake temple! Police has not removed it so far despite several complaints. A non-vegetarian shop at Naroda Patiya area has also been turned into a temple. Akbar Yakub's shop at Nikol char raasta area has also become a 'temple' at present.

Worst picture one gets is on several sites of Ahmedabad's historic monuments which have been desecrated or looted and burnt down by the frenzied Sangh Parivar led mob. Some of the famous heritage monuments under the protection of Archeological Survey of India (ASI) and the state archeology department still await survey of the huge damages. Of them, Malik Isan mosque at Isanpur was supposed to be protected by the state archeology department, while Hasan Shahid mosque also known as Paththarwali Masjid was under the ASI. In the same way, Muhafiz Khan mosque is located in the hot riot area of Gheekanta in the walled city lying now desecrated.

"No work of survey had been started as yet" admitted D.R.Gehlot, "due to the prevailing volatile situation." Initial damage at Malik Isan mosque was considered to be worth Rs 12 lakhs, according to Y.S.Rawat of the state archeology department. He said it could take five years to repair it if funds were available and peace prevailed- nothing of which permeates the situation at present. There are scores of other sites which lie in ruins all over the state. q

Few got changed 10 years ago and you have suddenly got so much pain. You can imagine Hindu's aggression when they see thousands of temples' demolition happened.
yeah same right that hindu fanatics got to murder muslims and christians.

Well if you put fuel on the fire what do you expect in return.. If you burn and kill 57 people of the majority who anyways hates you then what do you expect in return. garlands!! Such a big time victims you people are who first kill people and then cry when they are attacked.

Remain with in your limits and control your extremism and everyone can live peacefully..
So you admit you wanted to put people in other's shoes.....I mean revenge...what's the difference between you and those Hindus who killed 1000, both wanted to make others feel what they felt...

you really getting desperate there buddy.
You are comparing the creation of a thread to MASS MURDER.

Take a break man, go outside, get some dinner, and maybe then a sense of rationality will come back to you.
Right now you are just coming across as a clown with no sense of scale.
That is why you can't have a real discussion with any of these internet Hindus.
They don't discuss the points, what they do instead is question the source, question the author, question the poster and then finally, personal attacks on poster/supporter of the argument.

There are plenty of sane and rational Indians who you can have these kinds of discussion, they are just no online as much as these Internet Hindus are.

There is difference between crossing your limit for posting your views and what ajtr does is considered as BLASPHEMY in Pakistan. Think over it, If you have opinion and confusion over religion it can be discussed and you know it can be easily understood but attacking on one religion specifically makes it "Trolling" and nothing else.
So according to your logic Maoists are blood thirsty vampires coz govt. oppressed them (not kill them) and started shooting them when they started being violent.....Maoists killed thousands coz they didn't get rights leave aside "57 dead bodies reason"

Ma'am, start being logical...at one place you apply different rules just like any other hypocrite.

You and I both know how riots start....it doesn't matter whether some killed 57 and other killed 1000, as Hindus were in majority they were overwhelmed and huge in number....you think those people would have stopped at 57 revenge number.

Start being neutral, first call those who killed 57 people blood thirsty.....

There was no difference what both communities' people did.....both did shameful act...Period.
y stop a 57 only y not go beyond 2002 .

Btw maoist is not communal movement as you trying to paint cleverly. Maoists voilence is class movement and its requried to clear the weeds in elites class.just like Tsarists family and nobles were removed in russia.
Well if you put fuel on the fire what do you expect in return.. If you burn and kill 57 people of the majority who anyways hates you then what do you expect in return. flowers!!

Remain with in your limits and control your extremism and everyone can live peacefully..

So you are admitting that India is a lawless wild land where murder and revenge are the norm?
Where if someone commits a crime, the only justice is to repay it 10x?

I sure hope you guys put that on your tourist brochures.
Who wouldn't want to visit such a lawless place? :whistle:
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