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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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So you are admitting that India is a lawless wild land where murder and revenge are the norm?
Where if someone commits a crime, the only justice is to repay it 10x?

I sure hope you guys put that on your tourist brochures.
Who wouldn't want to visit such a lawless place? :whistle:

Riots are India might not be the norm but killing in Karachi and killing of Shias, Ahmadis and attack on their mosques are a daily event in lawless Pakistan. In case of India, we are talking about an event that happened 10 years back.. The due steps were taken post 2002 so that extremists can be kept in check and they do not indulge in burning of other trains..

Ram being worshipped at the site of a mosque destroyed in the 2002 riots
y stop a 57 only y not go beyond 2002 .

Btw maoist is not communal movement as you trying to paint cleverly. Maoists voilence is class movement and its requried to clear the weeds in elites class.just like Tsarists family and nobles were removed in russia.
What weed of elites.....how are Maoists different, just coz of misplaced sense of classification, does it matter they kill for their rights or for their religion......for you its freedom fight...for those Hindus it was misplace sense of duty to take revenge.......

Doesn't the family of those soldier's matter.....just coz you opted to go for violent route rather than non-violent and stood against the very own country which feeds you....if all people who suffers due to corruption, discrimination, reservation, picks up guns to get their rights, there will be 1.2 billion dead bodies..or a foreign country ruling us and we will see who got the freedom..and I wish and hope people won't think like you and Maoists do....

Stop being posing as neutral one when you are biased.

you are comparing Czars and Nobles with democracy...that's quite a comparison....atleast pick examples in better fashion...
I must comment that people should consider the following:

1) 1000 years ago the society was totally different.
2) People around the world and in subcontinent were barbarious and were aligned as per tribes.
3) Hinduism was n't there in 2000 years ago. There were no idols of hindu gods like vishnu, etc & No ramchitmanas, arties, etc.
4) There were lot of different philosophies astik (dravid, Shaktiv , old vedic i.e. indra as supereme) and nasktik(Budda, Jain, mimansa, Shankya, etc)
5) The concept of religion as brought by arbhramnical religion was absent.

Coming to Ashoka:
He might be a great king but the system (as happens to the most) was very corrupt by the time he died, the buddhisht monks had gained power and were indulging in debauchery and exploitation. The killing of the king by Sungh and removal of monks was a political struggle.

A TEMPLE IN the making at the site of another demolished mosque, at Paldi in Ahmedabad.
Go through her post....revenge is the purest emotion....that's what people feel and blindly start being one sided......Its you who can't understand the situation....coz it doesn't happen in your country.........whereas such incident happens in our country as the population of minorities are more and fanatics number of both the communities' are more......

So I am not the clown, you are,...just supporting OP coz she is against us right now....and you don't have any reason else.....

All I am pointing is the most important common denominator between her and those people....Revenge.....

Go on buddy...learn some psychology...

1. I agree revenge is a strong emotion, what is why in civilized countries it is highly highly frowned upon, to the point where you can end up in jail. So simply saying "I was emotional and wanted revenge" is not good enough. Nothing justifies the killing of 57 people OR 1000 people. Both are just plain wrong

2. Why are your minorities getting more fanatic? Could it be because the majority are getting more fanatic? look inside yourself first.

3. I support the OP because I agree with her points. I fully agree that you people are always on here bashing Islam, and bashing Muslims. But as soon as someone puts a light on you people you all go into a frenzy. If you cannot handle being criticized then don't do it to others in the fist place. It's just like all those threads where Indians bash Pakistan, but don't seem to realize that we can do the exact same things!!

4. No! you are making a false analogy of her opening a new thread to mass murder. You are trying to shame her and her supporters by making them equivalent to mass murderers and using this tactic to get them to shut up.

5. I have taken some psychology and nothing that I have learned about says that opening a new thread is equivlent to mass murder....but then again what do I know? I only went a world class western Uni, not to a local swami who taught me about my glorious Hindu background.
Actually a lot of our Chinese deities originated from the Vedas and Hinduism. :woot:

Guan Yin and Yan Wang, to name two of the most well-known ones.

Go ahead and start a serious discussion. ajtr is known to be an incendiary. Even a serious topic initiated by her is not likely to remain serious.

Ram being worshipped at the site of a mosque destroyed in the 2002 riots
troll.. 90 % of mosques built during foreign rule from 700-1800 was on places ram used to be worshipped. so most likely its returened to its original state
how is that considered blasphemy?
She merely pointed out that Hindus are not some angelic people who were only victims to invasions.
She is showing the other side of the shoe where you people were just as aggressive and "barbaric" as others.

The reason you think this is blasphemous is because your whole narrative, even your identity, is based on the victim card. that you were blameless people and only other people did bad things to you.

Which is as true as "Gandhi won independence with non-violence"

What is the Blasphemy? Bashing other's religion or it gets changed according to your definition?

The Victim card is played only by religion that We have been labelled as "Terrorist" and "Whole world is behind us to destroy" and that's surely not Hinduism.
We need to demolish all the Mosques forcibly built on Hindu Temple ruins.....and restore our ORIGINAL Heritage....
Start a new thread, titled Why Did Buddhism Disappear?

Frankly, Buddhism is not pro-active enough, compared to the Abrahamic religions.

My parents are both Chinese Buddhists, but they never bothered about which religion I would follow. They went crazy over things like me getting good grades at school and extra-circular activities, but they were never really focused on religion.

In contrast, Abrahamic religions are actively growing throughout the world, including in China itself.
And another pakistan will be created coz you are being oppressive dont light up sparks..

I am sorry to say that is not even a possibility.. Not going to happen try what ever you wanna do.. the sparks will doused in tons of water and will be mellowed down to talk in the way they are expected to be..
I must comment that people should consider the following:

1) 1000 years ago the society was totally different.
2) People around the world and in subcontinent were barbarious and were aligned as per tribes.
3) Hinduism was n't there in 2000 years ago. There were no idols of hindu gods like vishnu, etc & No ramchitmanas, arties, etc.
4) There were lot of different philosophies astik (dravid, Shaktiv , old vedic i.e. indra as supereme) and nasktik(Budda, Jain, mimansa, Shankya, etc)
5) The concept of religion as brought by arbhramnical religion was absent.

Coming to Ashoka:
He might be a great king but the system (as happens to the most) was very corrupt by the time he died, the buddhisht monks had gained power and were indulging in debauchery and exploitation. The killing of the king by Sungh and removal of monks was a political struggle.

A partial picture but much more accurate than assuming that what Hindus do today they did 2000 years ago.
So says a Pakistani..Comm'on look at your own country ..you guys are a complete mess..even though you have manage to reduce your minorities to a bare minimum ..you still manage to make enemies with in your own faith..you guys are still blowing up, your own worship places based on sectarian differences and you call India a lawless place!!

Pakistan is the worst place on earth, where dragons eat babies and babies eat dirt.
now back to the point.
You obviously agree with my assessment of India since you did nothing to refute it.
It's good to know that you are coming back to reality of your Hindustan, where life is cheap and murder of 57 people is "Avenged" by the murder of a 1000 people
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