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Hindu conversion issue, incidents, rebuttals, court cases, rights activists

Its actually not there fault they are just trying to dig up such news to make us feel bad. its our newspaper agencies fault for giving them a reason to entertain themselves
Its actually not there fault they are just trying to dig up such news to make us feel bad. its our newspaper agencies fault for giving them a reason to entertain themselves

Great logic

The video posted is from March 10th.

Here is the latest news about Rinkel Kumari.

KARACHI - There was a new twist in the tale of Rinkle Kumari alias Bibi Faryal Shah on Sunday as the young woman, whose relatives claim she was abducted and forced to convert to Islam from Hinduism before her marriage to a Muslim man, said at a press conference that she never met her husband Naveed Shah before her conversion.
Previously, Kumari had said on several occasions that she loved Shah and that is why she married him.

Kumari is to be produced before the Sindh High Court on Monday (today) in the case of her alleged kidnapping.
However, she and her husband addressed a press conference at the Karachi Press Club, where a large number of supporters of the Pirs of Bharchundi Sharif were also present.

Kumari said she was inspired by the teachings of Islam that she came to know about through her friends and television programmes and she converted after understanding the religion. But now, she claimed, her parents were forcing her to become a Hindu again.
During the press conference, the young woman from Mirpur Mathelo in Ghotki district was bombarded with questions by reporters and she was not able to name any Islamic book she had read do far.
Replying to a query, Kumari said she was moved by verses from Surah Ikhlas in the Holy Quran, but when she was asked to recite them along with their translation, she remained silent.

Kumari said that after her conversion, she called up the Pirs of Bharchundi and asked them to support her. When asked how she obtained their telephone number, she said one of her friends gave it to her.
She said she did not know Shah before her conversion but her parents have claimed in an FIR that he kidnapped her with the help of his friends.

“I am now married to Naveed and I will request the court to send me with my husband instead of sending me to a shelter home,” she said.
After the press conference ended, many reporters wanted to talk to her separately, but she was immediately taken to a car that was escorted by a police van

So earlier story was she loved the guy and converted now it got changed to she got inspired by Islam but when asked to tell about one Islamic book she did not had any clue. Also when asked to recite Surah she went silent.

As expected, she was surrounded by the supporters of Pir. And when reporter asked to talk to her separately, she was driven away..

This sure tells us what the story really is and who deserves the slap..
we can just have sympathy towards the girl..we cant do anything..its the job of the pakstanis after all.
Neither she is our citizen nor we can do anything.so no need to say anything about it..
More on the story.........

KARACHI: “My name is Syeda Faryal Bibi, I have embraced Islam without any force and have married Syed Naveed Shah of my own free will,” said a visibly shaken teenage girl during a hurriedly called press conference at the Karachi Press Club on Sunday. “Earlier my name was Rinkle Kumari,” she added.

A couple of bearded people, who said they were from Dargah Bharchundi Sharif, kept on giving notes to the girl during the press conference. A woman, who said she was a police constable from Sukkur, was also present at the press conference, which was abruptly cut short. A police mobile which had come with them, remained parked at the press club and left with them. The girl could not respond to questions asked by journalists and kept on saying that she had embraced Islam without any force and married of her own free will.

Her parents are claiming that she had been kidnapped, converted and married off. They have launched a protest movement.

The court taking taken notice of the matter and has directed the authorities to produce her Monday.

Addressing the press conference, she said she had not been forced by anyone to change her religion. She liked the teachings of Islam and, therefore, she converted and married Mr Shah.

She said she was 18 years old and an adult and free to decide what she wanted to do. She said she did not want to go to Darul Amaan and wanted to live with her husband. “That is what I am going to say in the court tomorrow,” she added.

When asked how did she leave her home, she said she left the home at around 4am and went to Bharchundi Sharif. Responding to another question, she said she had telephoned the Dargah people and they had come to take her there.

She said she used to watch Islamic television channels, read a lot of religious books and other material and discussed with her friends and then decided to convert.

When asked if she could recite any surah and tell its meaning, she said she would recite surah Ikhlas but could not recite. She looked at her husband sitting next to her but even he could not help her.

When asked for how long she had known Mr Shah, she said she did not know him or had never met him earlier. After embracing Islam she married him.

At this point one of the two men came forward and said that the press conference was over. They held her arm and took her away while Naveed Shah remained there.

Before the man and the girl could reach the door of the room, the mediapersons asked that why a person associated with a Dargah, a religious place, was holding the arm of a non-Mehram adult girl and dragging her, he only said that “she is my sister” and when confronted how could she be his sister as she had embraced Islam only a few days ago, he said: “she is my Islami sister.”

They boarded a waiting car and left along with a police mobile which was parked outside the press club.

we can just have sympathy towards the girl..we cant do anything..its the job of the pakstanis after all.
Neither she is our citizen nor we can do anything.so no need to say anything about it..

But its a shame none of the Pakistani member has commented in her favor..

First they came up with Love affair story and now finding all the videos to claim what ever happened to her was rightful..

Shameful and Sick are the two words to define such a behavior of the people towards fellow citizen who happen to belong to minority religion..

The Hindu : News / International : Forcible conversion of Hindu girls on rise in Sindh: HRCP

On an average around 20 to 25 Hindu girls are being forcibly converted to Islam every month in the southern Sindh province, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has said.

How come Hindu men aren

' Their logic is hard to argue with: why are Hindu men not converting? Why is it that only young girls of a marriageable age are surfacing in these cases? And if these girls are so keen to convert, why don’t they go to madrassas, learn the religion and then go through with it?'

It is possible that some hindu girls convert on their own free will but that is certainly not the case by the vast majority as proved by the above sources .

The slapped one will be you and your country if you continue to remain in denial about extremism in your country as has been happenning for quite some time now .
Sir many Hindu men are also converting but they are not being reported because this will not make master of these traitors media Happy
Sir many Hindu men are also converting but they are not being reported because this will not make master of these traitors media Happy

No one against the conversion but it should be forced on young hindu girls in pakistan. This is disgusting and shameful to say the least.
Yeah rite...a simple threat to harm her family unless she "recited" before the media that she converted out of her own will (laughable) is enough for a woman to do as she is told..

But then what more did the Hindus expect when they chose to stay on in Pakistan..that they will be treated as equal...in an Islamic country..a country that itself was formed on the premise that Hindus and Musslamans cant live together..? C'mon.
Listen if you want to make your county only of and for Muslims then I urge you to send all the left over Hindus back to India. It just pains us seeing them suffering like this..
Listen if you want to make your county only of and for Muslims then I urge you to send all the left over Hindus back to India. It just pains us seeing them suffering like this..

Listen bro in Karachi there is a Hindu temple which I have seen many times in driving. And listen, my dad used to be friends with a hindu pakistani.
How this video evidence hurt INDIANS hahahhahahahhahahhaha
She is 17. In India, that would still mean a minor. While I'm not very clear on Pakistani law on this subject, the question that needs to be asked is at what age a minor is allowed to take her/his own decisions? In India, a case of kidnapping would have been made out & the girl returned to her parents. The gleeful response of some Pakistani members here saddens me. How much hatred/dislike must be in the hearts of those who cheer an otherwise despicable act? The girl's statements in a crowd could hardly be accepted as clear-cut proof, surrounded as she is by a group. If such incidents are a source of joy & a sense of satisfaction for some here, they have to be pitied, not resented.

16 is the marriageable age for Pakistani females. So she can decide that legally. I would have posted the wikipedia link but I can't post links till 5 posts or something and this is my first ever post. In-fact I found out these forums when I was searching for info on Faryal Shah (Rinkle Kumari).

Believe me, I know my fellow Muslim Pakistanis better than you. I have spent my whole life here. And first thing which I thought when I saw this case was, there they (Muslims) go, defaming name of Islam again due to their stupid prides and ignorant minds. But frankly, I can't see anything to fault at the moment from the Muslim side.
India-Pakistan infighting aside... we need to solve our problems. This is no competition. If India did Babri, Gujarat, 1984 and Kandhamal the last thing we need is to follow them. We were minorities in India ourselves and we must give minorities equal rights in our own land.

If its true that she was forced she should be helped. The question is, would Pakistan Hindu Council and Pakistani Hindus know her situation better or would the girl herself know it? I think, girl would know better. Now remains the conditions of her not being pressurized. The problem is, she accused her own uncle of being a threat on her own life. Now that makes the situation even more complicated. She can't and imho she shouldn't be returned to her family for now. But to confirm that she isn't being pressurized by the Muslims she should be given the right time, atmosphere and the security. So she could tell the truth and the case should be decided on that.
The Kidnapping and conversion of Rinkle Kumari

In the court Rinkle denied converting and cried and begged to be allowed to go with her parents. However Mian Mithoo slapped her in front of the Judge who adjourned the court for two days. On 27th February the new judge gave a ruling in favour of Naveed Shah saying the only house of Rinkle is now Naveed Shah. He took her away to Barkandi Shareef then and married her.

Extremely disturbing that helpless minorities are slapped in from of Judges!

This seems to be another Fatima Bibi case -


A Sikhnee Called Fatima Bibi


Lahore, Pakistan

On Friday, I went to attend the book launching ceremony of Jaswant Singh's book on Jinnah and the Partition of 1947 at a local private golf club. As I had read the book when it was first launched, a question lurked in my mind about what the future held for the ‘sub-continent of hate' that we live in.

As the book launch was consigned to ‘partial chaos' as participants launched, on invitation, into tea and cakes before the ceremony began, it was best to quietly leave and ponder over the suffering the partition of 1947 had brought to the poor of our land.

As the posh of Lahore tucked into sweet delights, outside the heat beat down harsh and fast. My thoughts swayed from my usual Sunday article to focus on the outcome of a remarkable person we are researching with regard to the events of 1947, a ‘holocaust' the sort the world has seldom seen, definitely the largest exodus in human history and one that our elders are still ashamed to discuss openly. For this I condemn my elders, for they have not been truthful about our past.

That is why what Jaswant Singh has to say in his book needs much deeper and honest appreciation by all, especially Indians.

Sadly, both sides have their eyes shut tightly to the reality of partition.

Let me dwell on my research subject, and as she lives on the edge of Lahore, her story needs to be described. We must not make the mistake our elders have made. We must confront the truth, and face it for a better future.

Last month, while on a research visit to a village near Cheechon-ke-Malian, just 18 miles outside Lahore to the west, I set off in search of an old woman a worker in my place of work described as a ‘Sikhnee'. The description had an allure to it, and as we are researching the subject, it made sense to meet this ‘Sikhnee'.

At first her son, the bearded village ‘mullah', refused to let us talk to the old woman. After a considerable persuasion, we managed with the promise not to direct others to their house, and that we would not name him or his mother. To this promise we stick.

We met this old woman, aged approximately 78 - if our calculations are correct - whose sun-tanned skin had freshness to it. The wrinkles on her face depicted her silent suffering. Maybe it was a thought in my mind. She was not bent as old women tend to be, but was a strong, well-set healthy woman used to working hard in the fields and in the house.

Her name now is Fatima Bibi. Her husband was also the village ‘mullah' and she married him in 1947. He died almost six years ago. "Jeth de pehli nu moya si," said Fatima Bibi. 'He died on the first of the month of Jeth."

She served me with a cold drink, and her great grandson also got one in the bargain.

Her story goes like this.

Her real name was Jindan Kaur and her father's name was Heera Singh Bhatti. They belonged to a village outside Sheikhupura just before Jandiala a hundred yards from the main ‘moogha' (water channel) as she put it.

In August 1947, their village was attacked by a Muslim mob. A few Sikh elders - aniticipating the usual brutalizing of women by the mobs - killed their daughters before the mob could reach the young girls. Ultimately, they were saved by the army who came in two trucks full of soldiers. The entire village of Sikhs was taken to the Sheikhupura railway station and they were put into a railway bogey stuffed like animals and bound for Lahore, from where they were to go onwards to Amritsar in the new India, their new home.

Jindan then described the blood-curdling event of how their train was attacked near Cheechon-ke-Malian railway station. Every male member, as well as children and old women, were hacked to pieces.

"Tottay kar ditay sadday!"- We were hacked into little pieces!

The young Jindan was taken away by the local toughs and they did what frenzied men do. "Javani lut lai-ee. Kakh na chaddaaya. Rool ditta. Jeenday jee maryaa ve nahi." - They looted our youth. Didn't even leave its ashes. Ruined us. Left us neither living nor dead!

There were no tears in her eyes, for mine had welted on listening to her description of events. She looked at me and said: "Baoo, athroo da koi faida nai jaddon mera bapoo tottay ho gay"- Sir, what's the point of tears when even my father was hacked into pieces!

The fate of her dear father had sealed time for her. She was the 15-year old Jindan when she talked lovingly of him. Her son was getting uneasy as she started to open up. I changed the topic to calm him. The ruse work well. After a while I started off again to listen to what happened to Jindan Kaur alias Fatima Bibi.

The train had about 105 women, most of them young. Jindan was then a mere 15-year old.

She was raped by a number of men, she does not recall the number. The young village mullah took her to his house after the ‘animals' had satiated their lust. He nursed her to health. He then advised that she convert to Islam and he would marry her.

It was a noble deed by any reckoning. He took her glazed eyes and her silence as acceptance for his offer. A year later, soldiers came to the village and offered all kidnapped Hindu and Sikh women to get on an army lorry to be taken to India. They, however, warned, that Sikhs were killing all their own women who had been dishonoured. [A ruse to terrify such women further - tens of thousands of them - so that they would not avail of the bi-national exchange scheme and opt for staying in Pakistan!]

Life continued to offer no choices.

Jindan was pregnant. She had no family to go to. Life did not offer a choice. For her life began and ended that fateful day. The rest has been mere existence and she waits for the day when she will be released from her mortal remains. The old Punjabi woman described her fate as only she could:

"Baoo, mera akhri saah barra mitha hoyay ga." - Sir, my last breath will be a very sweet one!

Her son scolded her for the remark.

The victims of 1947 abound in the villages of Punjab.

In 2010, they are forgotten.

The description ‘Sikhnee' is a slur that she bears without malice. Her four sons and five daughters do not like the way people call her. Hate has an unforgiving element. Inconspicuous references hide a story, often one of pain and suffering.

If only she could again call herself Jindan Kaur with pride and without feeling guilty. That day will surely come, of this I have no doubt.

There are thousands like her in Pakistan and India. They are the forgotten people our elders shut their eyes to. That is why preserving the truth of 1947 is critical if we are to claw our way back to normalcy.

That is why what Jaswant Singh has to say matters too.

That is why I left the ‘tea and cakes' mob to think about Jindan Kaur.

Life still does not offer her any choice.

[Courtesy: The Dawn]

April 27, 2010

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