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Hindu conversion issue, incidents, rebuttals, court cases, rights activists

these are just to show some facts , don't be so flamed about us.
a case in court has inflamed u that much....
no true PAKISTANI or MUSLIM lend countenance to such things.....
same is my view about other nations

but in other nations - minority population is protected and increased. that's not the case is with your pure land.

so such things are more pronounced in india.........

mate- i can come up with the videos too. you'll also find videos Muslims killing other religious people.
but that's not relevant because the numbers and decline of minority in Pakistan speaks for itself.
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open your ears and listen.. @21:39 the thing of raping women and splitting the stomach of pregnant women and killing fetus... such things never happened during Guj riots.. they are just for creating a scene. there were 750 muslims killed and 350 hindus killed in the riots add another 59 in the train.. so 750 muslims and 400 hindus were killed in the riots.. case closed
isn't what i said is true?
isn't the Hindu population decreased?

i am just sayin that the "subject" of this thread (forced conversion to Islam) could be one of the reasons of decreasing Hindu population.
the land of pure failed to protect the minority.

I am asking you really? You said something you should prove it....After all i am from Land of pure... i only know how to force convert women and rape them ohh and also how to blow up.....
I thought a non Hindu couldn't convert to Hinduism?? Anyway if a non Hindu can convert to Hinduism can that person choose to be say a Brahmin
Forced conversions hike Pakistan minorities’ fears

Rinkal Kumari addresses a press conference with her husband at Karachi Press Club.—File Photo

LAHORE: It was barely 4 am when 19-year-old Rinkal Kumari disappeared from her home in a small village in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province. When her parents awoke they found only her slippers and a scarf outside the door.

A few hours later her father got a call telling him his daughter, a Hindu, had converted to Islam to marry a Muslim boy.

Only days later, Seema Bibi, a Christian woman in the province of Punjab, was kidnapped along with her four children after her husband couldn’t repay a loan to a large landlord. Within hours, her husband was told his wife had converted to Islam and wouldn’t be coming home. Seema Bibi escaped, fled the village and has gone underground with her husband and children.

Hindu and Christian representatives say forced conversions to Islam have become the latest weapon of Islamic extremists in what they call a growing campaign against Pakistan’s religious minorities, on top of assassinations and mob intimidation of houses of worship. The groups are increasingly wondering if they still have a place in Pakistan.

”It is a conspiracy that Hindus and Christians and other minorities should leave Pakistan,” says Amar Lal, the lawyer representing Kumari in the Supreme Court. ”As a minority, we feel more and more insecure. It is getting worse day by day.”

In the last four months, Lal said, 51 Hindu girls have been forcibly converted to Islam in southern Sindh province, where most of Pakistan’s minority Hindu population lives. After Kumari disappeared from her home on Feb 24, Azra Fazal Pachuho, a lawmaker and the sister of Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari, told Parliament that Hindus in southern Sindh were under attack by Islamic extremists.

Kumari’s family has gone to the Supreme Court to get their daughter back. But the case is hotly contested by the Muslim family, who say Kumari’s conversion was voluntary. They say the couple had known each other and exchanged Facebook messages and phone calls before she converted and they married.

On Monday, the Supreme Court ordered Kumari kept in a women’s shelter in southern Karachi until it resumes hearing the case on April 18.

”Christian and Hindu girls are targeted more and more,” says Father Emmanuel Yousaf, who heads the National Commission for Justice and Peace, an organization born out of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference.

Yousaf, in the Punjabi capital of Lahore, said his group was helping Seema Bibi and a number of other Christians who had to leave their villages because of threats from extremists. Some of them were girls who were forcibly converted and others, he said, were falsely accused of acting against Islam for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad or abusing the Quran.

There are dozens of cases of minorities being accused of insulting Islam under the country’s blasphemy laws. Often the cases are rooted in disputes with Muslim neighbors or as coercion to convert, and judges often feel intimidated by extremists into convicting accused blasphemers, said Yousaf.

”They know where you live and where your children go to school,” he said.

Roughly five per cent of Pakistan’s 180 million people belong to minority religions, which include Hindu, Christian, Shia Muslims and Ahmadis, according to the CIA World Factbook. Ahmadis are reviled by mainstream Muslims as heretics. Over recent years, violence against the minorities has increased, as Islamic hard-liners’ influence over the country has strengthened.

In May 2010 gunmen rampaged through an Ahmadi place of worship in Lahore, killing 93. In February this year, gunmen stopped four buses in northern Pakistan, picked out those with Shiite-sounding names and shot them to death, killing 18. Last year, a provincial governor who criticized the blasphemy laws was killed by his own bodyguard, and the government’s only Christian Cabinet minister _ also an opponent of the laws _ was gunned down by militants.

”In Pakistan one’s religious faith, or lack of one, has become sufficient to warrant execution and murder,” Pervez Hoodbhoy, a physicist and peace activist wrote in a column earlier this month. ”The killers do their job fearlessly and frequently.”

The violence has cowed Pakistan’s liberals and frightens even many Muslims.

”Extremism is a problem that is not just targeting the minorities. It is now a general problem in our society,” said Ijaz Haider, whose Jinnah Institute’s website carries an Extremism Watch documenting cases of attacks and intimidation by militants.

”The liberal mindset has had a severe setback and the government has no strategy. It tries to do damage control, and damage control is to placate these groups.”

Critics say the government is too afraid and weak to respond or in some cases is even complicit as it panders to extremist groups for votes.

A report released last week by Yousaf’s justice and peace commission laid out a series of grim statistics about minority women in Pakistan. The study surveyed 1,000 women, three-quarters of whom said they had been sexually harassed at the workplace, discriminated against in schools or pressed by teachers to convert to Islam.

Yet they rarely complained. “They sense security in being silent as disclosing it might bring shame on themselves and their family,” the report said.

Mohyuddin Ahmad, the information secretary for the Punjab Provincial government, says politicians and police are afraid.

“If you are killed by a terrorist, no one will come for condolences,” he said.

Even incremental steps have to be taken slowly and silently so as not to ignite a firestorm by extremists, said Ahmad.

The provincial government has quietly sought to increase women’s participation in the work force, he said. It requires that a third of the members on government corporations and boards be women; all government offices must have day care centres; 15 per cent of all government jobs have to go to women; free land given to the poor is shared 50/50 by husband and wife; and acid throwing on a woman is now a terrorist act.

But incessant bickering among political parties, the judiciary, federal government and army have worked in extremists’ favour of extremists, Ahmad said.

“The provincial governments and the federal government know they are the scum of the earth but we don’t agree on strategy,” said Ahmad. “We have no unity of command.”
Rinkle Kumari and her precedents

By Hasan Mujtaba

( I wrote this story about forced conversion of Hindu women in Pakistan of 1994. So far forced conversion of Hindu women nothing has been changed. Even the modus operandi of forced conversions and its operaters remain as the same)

On January 19, a Hindu girl named Daya Bai disappeared from her house in Daharki, district Ghotki (Sindh, Pakistan). She surfaced ten days later outside the deputy commissioner’s office, wearing bridal clothes,and accompanied by several hundred strong gathering (MANY OF WHOM WERE ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS) led by pirs of Bharchundi chanting Allaho – Akbar. During the nikah (wedding) that followed, Daya Bai’s mother wept inconsolably, repeatedly striking her head on the floor in anguish,”let me meet my daughter even if she is getting married’ she implored but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

For the Hindu community in Sukkur and Larkano, Daya Bai’s disappearance, conversion to Islam and subsequent marriage with a Muslim in suspicious circumstances is not unpresedented occurance. Between January and February at least 3 Hindu girls, Daya Bai from Daharki, Shakuntala from Pano Aquil, and Bhagawanti, the daughter of a Larkano professor were allegedly kidnapped from from their homes at the gunpoint. Of the three, Daya Bai and Bahgawanti converted to Islam and married muslim men whereas Shakunatala’s whereabouts are not known. Shakuntala, allegedly kidnapped from her home by a man named Kalhoro, she embraced Islam and married to someone other than her abductor. Speculation abounds that she may have been sold. The story of the daughter of Koro Mal, Hindu trader from Larkana, is similar. THERE ARE SEVERAL SUCH INSTANCES IN WHICH GIRLS BELIEVED TO HAVE ELOPED WITH THEIR MUSLIM LOVERS ARE NOT MARRIED TO THEM BUT WERE EITHER MARRIED OFF TO SOMEONE ELSE OR KILLED.

The increasing incidents of forcible conversions and marriages of Hindu girls have compelled some Hindus to migrate to India to protect their daughters and family honor. ‘The parents of girls who have met this fate are like the living dead’ says Ghanshyam Das a social worker in Kashmore.

Similarly, as Mukhi Nihalchand, a Hindu community leader in Rohri points out forcible conversion of Hindu men continues unreported and unabated. The conversion at Bharchundi of a Hindu boy from a wealthy Umerkot family sometime back is a case in point. After a while, the boy reconverted to Hinduism and migrated to India with his family.

The history of forcible conversion of Hindus dates back to PRE-TALPUR PERIOD WHEN A HINDU WAS CONSIDERED CONVERTED TO ISLAM ON THE FLIMSIEST OF PRETEXTS: for instance if he pronounced the word ‘raso’(string), bystanders would swear that he had said Rasool (prophet) and had become a Muslim. Excesses against Hindus increased during Talpur era. Any Hindus seen riding a horse would be immediately converted by force because it was believed that the horse was an Islamic means of transportation. Naunmal, one time loyalist of the Talpurs and a traitor in the eyes of the Sindhis, encouraged British to attack Sindh because some of his relatives had been forcibly circumcised by the Muslims. The first British spy, James Burnes in fact wrote in ‘The Court of Mirs’ an account of his travels in Sindh: ” I fail to understand how Hindus still prefer living in Sindh despite all kinds of atrocities perpetrated against them”

Some shrines in Sindh such as those of Makhdoom Muhammed Hashim and Hafiz Mohammed Siddiqui in Bharchindi, Mosques in Thanvi and Madrassas in Matiari and Amrot have acquired reputation as centers for forcible conversion.The pirs of Bharchundi have continued to patronise excesses committed against Hindus by the majority Muslim populace. In the early ’70s A MAN WHO MURDERED 7 HINDUS IN A TEMPLE IN SUKKUR WAS ACCLAIMED AS A HERO BY THE RELIGIO-POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE AREA.

Communist activist Sobho Gyanchandani recalls an incident during the early ’50s when he was summoned by an intellegence officer for his political views. “The officer told me: YOU HAVE COMMITTED 3 CRIMES. YOU ARE a Sindhi, a communist and ABOVE ALL, A HINDU. AND THERE IS NO PLACE FOR HINDUS HERE”. Sobho was jailed along with faiz Ahmed Faiz and others in the famous Rawalpindi conspiracy case.

During the ’65 and ’71 wars, Hindu governement servants living orposted along the Pak-Indian border in Sindh were transferred to farflung areas.

The darkest period for Sindhi Hindus in recent history, however was when dacoits held the province to ransom and forces of religious ethnicity and religious fanticism predominated. Vitriolic tirades against Hindus such as those by Dr. Israr Ahmed published in leading daily ‘Jang’ , helped to spread message of hate. General Zia’s patronage of mullahs encouraged Jamaat-i-Islami to launch organised campaign against Hindus in Sindh. AS A RESULT RECENT YEARS SAW THE LARGEST MIGRATION OF HINDUS TO INDIA SINCE THE EXODUS AT PARTITION.

Hindus were also primarily on the receiving end from dacoit gangs infesting Sindh at this time. The first victim of kidnapping was a Hindu trader from Daharki. Hindus were easy prey because they had no access to state machinary’ Says a Sindhi feudal who is suspected patharidar.Wealthy Hindus had to pay protection money to the dacoit gangs and their patrons to avoid being kidnapped.”Some Sindhi nationalist organizations were also hand in glove in kidnapping them or receiving protection money” says a bitter young Hindu whose father was kidnapped.

Recently, in the backlash to the Babri incident, MQM processionists led by Shabbir Hashmi attacked a temple at Pucca Qila and looted a considerable quantity of gold from there. “There is irrefutable evidence of abetment by religious and ethnic organizations, intellegence agencies, and local influentials of those who attacked the lives, properties and temples of Hindus” states Sobho Gyanchandani.

Unlike other parts of Sindh, Hindus living in Sukkur and Larkana dominate grain and agriculture market. Until partition many of the Hindus lived in surrounding rural areas. Those who did not migrate to India relocated to the urban centers. Their uneasy relationship with Muslim neighbors is manifested by the fact that instead of residing inindividual residences scattered over a large area, they usually live in sprawling havelis comprising of a hundred or more dwellings. “We feel isolated and insecure” says Darshan Lal, a young businessman in Ghotki.Even young Boys are rarely seen walking alone.

IN FRIDAY SERMONS IN MANY TOWNS ACROSS SINDH JEHAD IS OFTEN DECLARED AGAINST HINDUS, AND MUSLIMS ARE EXHORTED TO CONVERT HINDU WOMEN TO ISLAM BY MARRYING THEM. ” Such words influence the thinking of even simple Sindhi Muslims” says Rochiram, a senior lawyer and human rights activist in Mirpukhas.

(Reproduced with courtesy ‘Newsline’, Karachi, March 1994)

RInkle Kumari and her precedents | Indus Asia Online Journal (iaoj)

Courtesy: Brown Pundits

Brown Pundits » Brides of contention

2004: Sindh's Stolen Brides
Sindh's Stolen Brides | Mariana Baabar

It is also not surprising that Sindhis have the maximum hatred for pakistanis and hate them viscerally.
Yes , Now its high time that India should open the door and offered citizenship to these and rehabilieate them in kashmir. Its loud and clear Muslims don't care about other religion.
I thought a non Hindu couldn't convert to Hinduism?? Anyway if a non Hindu can convert to Hinduism can that person choose to be say a Brahmin

Technically there is no way by which you can "convert" to hinduism. If you know hinduism on tips you can be a muslim and still be a part of hinduism. No one asks you to do a specific pooja or follow someone specific or any specific practise to be a hindu. you can very well be a muslim following allah and still i can tag u as hindu. Just follow the codes of a brahmin and you are a brahmin....
Technically there is no way by which you can "convert" to hinduism. If you know hinduism on tips you can be a muslim and still be a part of hinduism. No one asks you to do a specific pooja or follow someone specific or any specific practise to be a hindu. you can very well be a muslim following allah and still i can tag u as hindu. Just follow the codes of a brahmin and you are a brahmin....

can i be hindu muslim,sikh, christian simultaneously?
can i be hindu muslim,sikh, christian simultaneously?
The simple answer would be, I am a HINDU, i studed in a Christian School and have gone to the Church with fellow Christians and had praied to Jesus, I have many Muslim Friends and I have accompanied them to Mosques and have prayed to Allah and no one has questioned my behaviour in my family. But can you do the same being a muslim can you come to a Hindu temple and see Allah residing in Lord Vishnu or Shiva.
But we can, we see God resides every where and he is no where, that is the reason we have more religious tolerance in INDIA. You'll immediatly come up with links showing -ve about INDIAN religious tolerance, I have an answer to that too.
India is a nation of over 1.2 billion and too has a few fenatics in every religion who are funded to talk hate on each other so that the hormoney is put to test, but we have passed the test that these fools have broguth to our doors and will pass in the future too.
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