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Hillary Clinton gives clean chit to Pakistan

Anti-Americanism will not help Pakistan: Clinton
and pro Americanism destroy Pakistan as its destroying .miss Hilary pro Americanism mean end of Pakistan .:angry:
american terrorism in iraq, afghanistan, libya etc.... support for israel. disrespecting others countries sovereinty, commiting terrorism in helpless countries WILL not help america. i wish our bastard president or prime minister gave this reply to that terrorist and her disgusting terrorist goverment which is spreading terrorism worldwide. :angry:
I also think that whoever was responsible for this sudden diffusion in tension, whether it be Pakistani diplomats or 4 star generals...you literally avoided catastrophic war by the skin of your teeth.

Now use this same vigour to stabilize your nation, and you will be okay. Except for the next time you guys have bright ideas in Afghanistan... but Canada has learned our lessons, we won't take notice next time. Happy hunting.
pakistan given another chance to prove itself.basically the americans cant live a single day without pakistan help and support thats the reason for clean chits.the day americans move out of afghanistan they will start on pakistan
Strangely while I was talking to you earlier, i was not able to access the site anymore. However i want to answer your questions and continue our nice discussion so using the phone now. Difficult to use the website features so will write below your responses. Maybe difficult to read but please indulge me.

Yet the Chinese approach is much more effective. It engages everyone. Therefore no anti-chinese sentiment.


When going through a messy divorce other individuals look more sane. That is what is happening. However if you look closely, then this is the last relationship that Pakistan could actually benefit from currently. It is because everything will focussed on going against america and not pro pakistan. I hope that you will agree that in the larger scheme of things these two are not equitable outcomes. Without US economic aid and burgeoning trade negative balance (chinese incremental imports) it will not really augur well for the economy. Focus will continue to be on defence and army and real demons will not be exorcised.

How did these terrorists come about? 1980's support the mujahideen with some fanatical nonsense. Import books calling everyone a non muslim who doesn't grow a beard? China hasnt done this. so no anti chinese sentiment has been generated.

Strange that you forget that it was gen. Zia who in the eagerness of legitimizing his martial law and rule went to US with the promise of offering everything about pakistan and its society on offer. Who will not accept someone offering to risk his own country and in the course helping you. Is that not the case with pakistan's approach to china? So you can understand that the enemy of my enemy is my friend does not work. Results are there. Pakistani citizemns are living the result but army will still not understand evidently as things are developing.
and you will agree that nothing changed with US departure. Zia continues with the islamisation. The free assets were then moved to kashmir and nationalism was exploited as much as it could be. Only one thing was consistent. Army was in power. In fact the islamisation can be traced to times before US arrived. Military mullah history is not only an anecdote. It is documented chronology.

The Pashtuns are the powerholders in Afghanistan, not the Tajiks or Uzbeks. Why have they been favoured? I agree that Pakistan is needed because it has leverage over the Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Whoever has might in Afghanistan will be needed for the initial government rotations.
As much as you will blame america but the fact is that pakistani army militarized the pashtuns. Taliban was born in rawalpindi. Just grew up in afghanistan. the radicalisation and polarization of the afghan ethnicities was a byproduct of what the army loves to call a game. It was important for them to have a puppet government in kabul and not a representative one. Afterall they were looking for the strategic depth and that period is rightly known as the golden age (sic) of the pakistani army. another major fear was the pashtuns of pakistan who have really not to this day integrated in the country. We can argue all that we want about this but facts are there to see. Just check the maps and plot the taliban presence that kills pakistani citizens.

Very true. Who lines the pockets of the government? America. The Chinese try to avoid giving money directly to zardari. No anti-chinese sentiment.

It was in wikileaks in dawn yesterday that both the civilian government and the army do not trust each other when it comes to the us free money. In fact shauqat tarin is quoted to say that they can find only 350 million out of 6 billion spent on the pakistan army from the military aid finds till 2008.
if US influence in pajisyan is equated with lining pockets of rulers the clearly army has been lining pockets since 1951. Even by your logic choose your lesser evil.

true and pakistan knows this. How do you get peace when Afghanistan has been destabilized a) through radicalizing everyone in the 1980s b) through invading them twice c) through putting Tajiks (a minority) in power at the expense of the majority in a highly tribalistic country? China has not done this. No anti-chinese sentiment.
I wrote about this earlier above

ToT is important for self reliance and if you think India has no desire to attack Pakistan if it could, you're living in a dream. That will never wash with the people of Pakistan.

What use is ToT of planes. Ask china to manufacture in pakistan and not just take the raw materials away for processing. Please ask at your own peril. Only yesterday there was a piece in dawn saying that due to the new leverage that china has over a hapless and optionless pakistan the projects are being accepted on adverse conditions.

Regarding the attack from india that you are waiting for a few decades, well i am and indian and it is unfair for me to comment. Just to say that i hope that i could have convinced you in believing me that prosperity is more important than honor in india. Else there would have been a different indian response after the parliament attacks and also mumbai. But you could choose honor of gen. Kiyani.

Aid to Pakistan from the US does not all arrive. The Luger-Kerry Bill provided hundreds of millions a year and tens of milions arrived. The WoT is expensive for Pak. China is not asking it to do anything and still gives Pakistan aid. No anti-chinese sentiment.

China does not give aid my friend. Like i said you cannot balance your budget with their money. The money from china are soft loans. There are no free noodles in china. What do you want a lower fiscal deficit or an increasingly negative number on the current account??

You have the right to trash all i said.
So I tried bro.
Destroy all US bases in the middle east, carpet bomb every single US soldier in Afghanistan with Depleted uranium and send Hilary back in a bodybag.

Who in the world is ready to do that? And, who is ready to be wiped out of the globe by retaliation from USA?

.US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday told Pakistan that the country needed to understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not end its problems.

"Pakistan should understand that anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories will not make the problem disappear," Clinton told a news conference following talks with Pakistan's military and civilian leaders.

Pakistan was left humiliated and angry after an American raid killed Osama bin Laden two hours' from the capital on May 2.

The unilateral operation has fuelled widespread anti-American sentiment in the country, which has long been high over a covert CIA drone war against militant commanders in the country's northwestern tribal belt.

The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who accompanied Clinton in her meetings pleaded for greater co-operation between the two wary allies in the war against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Clinton denied that the meetings, held under blanket security, were tense and said she had heard Pakistan commit to "some very specific action", saying the country deserved more credit for its efforts in the war on militants.

"I return to Washington ever more committed," to the relationship, she said.

Anti-Americanism will not help Pakistan: Clinton - Yahoo! News

In her dream she cant think like that....:smitten:
Yes! Anti-Americanism...is the onlydrug to soothe our injuries....:azn:....Excellent ...Masha-Allah
Americans are at the doors step because they want something from you. Don't explain anything and demand your fair share of profit, Pak! Your sovereignty is violated. Any discussion other than Pakistan sovereignty is garbage. Vialation of any country's soverignty is an act of war. Don't take it lightly. Or the world will be disappointed and ask questions: is Pakistan still an independent country?
Did you see that blonde witch wearing orange...
Are you feeling ok?

What will murdering thousands of American going to achieve for Pakistani's apart from millions of deaths.

You can sit in the UK but many others will feel the brunt of your wishes in Pakistan.

With the way it is going at the moment Pakistan is headed for a pathetic end to its life as they slowly disintegrate us from within until we are tiny little manageable chunks of land. How about rather we go out with a bang!

Expats are of different nature to you lot down there, if they all came back to Pakistan we would get it moving forward asap on all fronts.

Going by ARY News you guys are too busy listening to Altaf Hussain :rolleyes:
I failed to understand why posts like these are always posted by Indians? Obtaining a clean chit doesn't make any sense, does it?
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