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Hey Indians, beware of America.

India has always been a vassal state of the US. So India has no choice but to do America's bidding. When has India ever had an independent foreign policy from western powers? NEVER!

India has been used by western powers like Britain and US for 300 years as a western proxy in Asia.

This is why literally every single neighbour of India wants closer relations with China to keep the Indian regime in check. Just look at how Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal and Bhutan are all getting close with us. They despise Indian thuggery and bullying.

India can never be a great power because it only acts on behalf of the most powerful western power of the time. This is why despite having a similar population to us, India is never relevant geopolitically because everyone knows India will automatically follow western orders like the vassal state that it is.

1)Yeah thats why we carved out East Pakistan and made them Bangladesh from West pakistan while the USA 7th Carrier fleet was in Indian Ocean and the West pakistanis (Pakistan right now) were the lapdogs of Usa then.

Watch that video you proxy flagger. ;)That was our foreign policy don't think we are gonna go soft as time passes.
2)Oh i forgot the maldives ex- president takes refuge in our embassy and indian election officials are present in maldives for fair election.
3) I would laugh to your rants please carry on we are having a good laughter show. ;)
This guy was my teacher of Pakistan Studies and he researches well. I can tell you that he is one for Indo-Pak cooperation so his article is well intended.

His hair is grey,in sense he had lots of chances to reason for indo-pak cooperation before why come up with this article now? cos pakistan is on verge of balkanization?

You guys are committing a logical fallacy. You are defaming the source rather than the material. Just because he is Pakistani does not mean that his words should be put to shred. His article places forth an opinion which is legitimate. Why are you guys targetting him rather than his article?

What do you mean, sir, it would help if you are clearer using words rather than emoticons.

No we don't mean disrespect,the author made public his views we got to respect that, we know what you went through.
But please remember if Usa thinks of making us another Pakistan in its war with terror sure we will play along as long as it suits our nation.We as a civilization continue and flourish, such things, come and go, its just a tiny speck in our timeline.
The writer just wasted his time on that article. It would have been better to just take the day off instead. How dare he a Pakistani journalist try to write on a topic concerning India and that too highlighting India's judgement and error vis a vis USA.
If Indians are comfortable with USA using them as a proxy against China, they why not? After all, US did a U-turn on its Nuclear policy by helping India with transfer of civilian nuclear technology even after not signing the NPT by India. It is a reward. And many more will be given to India for its subservience.

But ofcourse, when I read news like the article below. I get a smile and then just shake my head. Ofcourse, thats what Uncle Sam does to its friends. But I guess its alright for Indians. Sub chalta hain. I guess.

U.S. spied on Indian embassy too, says report

The U.S. National Security Agency snooped on the Indian embassy and considered it a “target” along with 37 other embassies and missions here, according to the latest revelations by The Guardian, which has steadily been trickling out data obtained by the fugitive whistle-blower Edward Snowden.

This week, the newspaper reported that the NSA used “an extraordinary range of spying methods” against the Indian and other diplomatic posts in the U.S., deploying everything from bugs implanted in electronic communications gear to taps into cables to the collection of transmissions with specialised antennae.

U.S. intelligence bosses, including National Intelligence Director James Clapper, have defended the Obama administration’s mega-scale surveillance of global Internet and telephone communications authorised by the shadowy Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court as a necessary process for protecting American national security interests.

However, this week, the news that foreign embassies of allied and friendly nations were also put under surveillance here caused outrage, with a spokesman for the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, warning that “bugging friends is unacceptable.”

While the Indian embassy could not be reached for comment in time for this report, The Guardian exposé on the spying methods used against embassies said a key method was code-named ‘Dropmire,’ which, according to a 2007 document, is “implanted on the Cryptofax.”

This is said to be a reference to a bug placed in a commercially available encrypted fax machine used at missions such as that of the European Union.
It is unclear whether the Indian embassy uses such a device.

According to The Guardian, the NSA documents noted that the machine was used to send cables back to foreign affairs ministries in the home countries.

In addition to India, nations friendly with the U.S. were placed under surveillance, according to the NSA documentation, and these included the EU missions and the French, Italian and Greek embassies, as well as a number of other American allies, including Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and Turkey. “Traditional ideological adversaries and sensitive Middle Eastern countries” were also on the list of targets, the report noted.

Source: : web.thehindu@thehindu.co.in Copyright© 2013, The Hindu
His hair is grey,in sense he had lots of chances to reason for indo-pak cooperation before why come up with this article now? cos pakistan is on verge of balkanization?

No we don't mean disrespect,the author made public his views we got to respect that, we know what you went through.
But please remember if Usa thinks of making us another Pakistan in its war with terror sure we will play along as long as it suits our nation.We as a civilization continue and flourish, such things, come and go, its just a tiny speck in our timeline.

I agree with your latter points as regards to the author then I must tell you that he has been clamouring for a while on these prospects in the print media as early as 1999, I'm not sure if his orginial articles would be available online but do search Dawn, he has written about that. He has pointed out in some previous articles about the US's imperial behavior and its consequences upon us.
India should think of her own interest but its unfair to say US never took care of her allies. Not many country fight wars to save their allies. Compare them to Russia or even china now.

The US takes care of it's assets, it doesn't consider anyone it's friend or ally. That's actually quite common for a superpower, and ever superpowers before it has done the same. It will go to war when it feels that it's assets are threatened, but it will instantly leave you, if it feels that either you're a lost cause, or it has no use for you. A simple and recent example is the so called "Arab spring"; The US sided with Bahrain, who crushed innocent protesters, while it abandoned Mubarak, because he was a lost cause. Currently, they looking to replace Mubarak (and his successor, Morsi) with someone who's pro-US (Gen. Sisi).

No superpower acts without making sure it has something to gain, it's why the US controls all the worlds oceans and shipping routes.

Please don't think I'm bashing the US, because I'm not. It's doing what it has to, in order to stay on top, no one can argue against that.
@Lightningbold 's statement is not completely false. Historically our region has been used for Imperial and then Cold War political proxy projection of power. Why not we develop a more indigenous model of political diplomacy rather than one influenced by the West? Population, economics, raw materials all empower Asia within the next century with India and China as her forerunners as of now, do you guys really think that American and Western powers do not realise than and have not placed policies in place to make sure their hegemony over global power remains?

Dost, we are all for developing good relations with everyone,we tried your friendship and got backstabbed all the time, once a fool is ok, twice a fool ok, thrice a fool = ok but Don't think us as total fools we gave you all the room for friendship you used the last and now there won't be any unless that gesture comes from you;_

1)Forget Kashmir its ours(period).
2)Stop training terrorists in your nation, dismantle all terror camps.
3)Hand over the culprits hiding in your nation who bombed our nation like Dawood Ibrahim etc...

If you care to listen to Mr. Modi speech he said pakistan is on a wrong path, they tried terrorism for 60 years it failed we won all wars.Just for 10 years please stop sending terrorists and try to development and friendship with India and see how good you will be.(there is your answer for indigenous model of political diplomacy.

Afterall we have to live with our Neighbors (USA IS NOT).We all want peaceful relations.

If you can do these then we will be willing to talk as a gesture of your goodwill.
Other than that its all baloney We learnt to see through your fake talk.
Good luck though!

You should be worried about USA as they will tear you apart to pieces, look at their symbol the Eagle .Did you ever see Eagle in nature hunting it's prey and then leaving it as act of mercy ?If you do then please post me a video!

While look at our national Animal Tiger.What picture comes to your head first?

Decide for yourself which is better,you as a citizen can judge it better.
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The writer just wasted his time on that article. It would have been better to just take the day off instead. How dare he a Pakistani journalist try to write on a topic concerning India and that too highlighting India's judgement and error vis a vis USA.
If Indians are comfortable with USA using them as a proxy against China, they why not? After all, US did a U-turn on its Nuclear policy by helping India with transfer of civilian nuclear technology even after not signing the NPT by India. It is a reward. And many more will be given to India for its subservience.

But ofcourse, when I read news like the article below. I get a smile and then just shake my head. Ofcourse, thats what Uncle Sam does to its friends. But I guess its alright for Indians. Sub chalta hain. I guess.

You should know its not a reward.We would develop eventually Thorium based fast breeder reactors courtesy of Shri.A.P.J Abdul Kalam sir,
What makes you think it was a reward?When we can develop alternate technologies?Chandrayan-I launch was to ascertain if moon had adequate stores of thorium.Do you think we only disclosed the presence of H20 on moon?

If it makes your day,We Indians fool Uncle Sam like no one, blast our Nukes and then our PM announces on TV that we exploded Nukes, Then Uncle Sam checks his apparatus and says W-T-F , i didn't knew it happened?;).
The US takes care of it's assets, it doesn't consider anyone it's friend or ally. That's actually quite common for a superpower, and ever superpowers before it has done the same. It will go to war when it feels that it's assets are threatened, but it will instantly leave you, if it feels that either you're a lost cause, or it has no use for you. A simple and recent example is the so called "Arab spring"; The US sided with Bahrain, who crushed innocent protesters, while it abandoned Mubarak, because he was a lost cause. Currently, they looking to replace Mubarak (and his successor, Morsi) with someone who's pro-US (Gen. Sisi).

No superpower acts without making sure it has something to gain, it's why the US controls all the worlds oceans and shipping routes.

Please don't think I'm bashing the US, because I'm not. It's doing what it has to, in order to stay on top, no one can argue against that.

Thats where you guys - including the author are wrong - Bahrain, Pakistan, Arab lands are dependant on the US for their protection from a bigger and powerful enemy neighbor - other than that they have nothing in common with a multicultural, multiethnic America.

Contrast this with Indo soviet relations, we did not depend on the Soviets, neither did we ask for anything free of cost from them - we havent taken aid from them. The same will be followed with all nations.
India's true policy to side with USA can't be seen as the role to play against China .India will never play the dockward for US army for china encirclement as they earlier denied for afganistan
Thats where you guys - including the author are wrong - Bahrain, Pakistan, Arab lands are dependant on the US for their protection from a bigger and powerful enemy neighbor - other than that they have nothing in common with a multicultural, multiethnic America.

Contrast this with Indo soviet relations, we did not depend on the Soviets, neither did we ask for anything free of cost from them - we havent taken aid from them. The same will be followed with all nations.

I don't see how any of that has to do with my comment, but okay.
Even when we had a foreign policy that was independent we could not use the US for our advantage. For us it was more about surviving than thriving and the US has chosen to be a selective partner than a more constructive one. Still, your point is valid about my country, yet, it does not change the probable cause of US directed plans for our region which includes an aggravation of the Sino-Indian rivalry.

I dont see US gaining anything from Sino-Indian rivalry...but a question, by rivalry do you mean a military conflict/war?
theres nothing like india is a "proxy" of u.s ..india is vary of u.s.and always cautious about its approach with u.s.these apprehensions date back to pl480 and further back to cold wars..which is why we developed a system which is self sufficient with out the help of others.there are many occasions when india voted against u.s and most of the occasions where india favoured u.s has more to do with internal politics than international pressures.its funny how countries who doesnt even understand the meaning of democracy criticize us..:coffee:

By:Basharat Hussain Qizilbash

Will India act as a US proxy?

“May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.” These precious ‘pearls of wisdom’ of the French philosopher Voltaire are quite relevant to India, today.

India has many friends but the one with which she will have to be very watchful is the United States.
Americans have no qualms about changing friends. During the Cold War, they treated India as the ‘Other’ for supporting the cause of non-alignment in international relations and for maintaining closer ties with the erstwhile Soviet Union – the underlying premise being that “my enemy’s friend is my enemy”. After humbling Soviet Russia, the Americans have created a new enemy in the form of communist China. No wonder, there is a lot of chatter in the US media, intelligentsia and political elites from Hillary Clinton to President Obama magnifying the ‘ominous’ rise of China which needs to be contained like the USSR. The planned containment hinges around the policy of ‘Asia pivot’ under which, in addition, to yoking the South-east Asian nations in the Chinese neighbourhood into pro-American alliances, the two bigger states that are expected to play a key role in conjunction with the US against China are Australia and India. This time the US premise with regard to India is “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”: it being so because not only are India and China giants in terms of size and thus obvious rivals as ‘regional hegemons’; the two have fought a war in 1962 and stake contentious claims on a very large area of their contiguous borders.

Americans are making a conscious effort to convince Indians to join hands with them to ‘contain’ China because if they would then their “Pakistan problem” would be automatically addressed.

In the twentieth century, the US joined hands with UK to fight the ‘evil’ of Soviet communism; in the twenty-first century, “India must become America’s new Britain”. This is an “obligation” that India owes not only to its 1.2 billion citizens but to all those in the world who look towards her as a ‘beacon’ of “freedom, liberal values, pluralism and democracy”. To assume this grand role, India should formulate a geopolitical strategy of global dimension and renounce the Gandhian philosophy of non-violence because pacifism suits only those people which struggle for independence and not those nations which have attained independence. To become a top class world power, a country must have an invincible military which in turn requires a healthy economy. Never mind the enormous current poverty under which 400 million Indians live on less than $1.25 per day.

The point is that India has the potential to become a great military power but it cannot become one unless it overcomes two obstacles: its defence industry is weak yet it can be built by building stronger ties with the US military-industrial complex. The relationship between the two countries has gone through a transformation: from indifference in 1990s after the end of Cold War to mistrust after India conducted nuclear tests in 1998 to a common purpose after the 9/11 in US and 13/12 in India, i.e., the terror attack on the Indian parliament. In fact, Avery proposes that the new motto of US and Indian intelligence should be: “Your terrorists are our terrorists.” The emphasis on India is to increase her financial allocations in intelligence and defence establishments because while the intelligence budget of US for 2010 was $53.1 billion; India’s Research and Analysis Wing’s (RAW) budget for 2000 was a paltry $150 million.

It seems the Americans are poised to pit India against China.

Presently, it seems an uphill task because if China continues with what it has been spending on its defence in the first decade of this century; its defence outlay will reach $225 billion in 2020 and $425 billion in 2030 and to close this arms gap with China by 2030, India will be required to spend at least $380 billion on its defence between 2010 and 2030. Will India fall in this trap? There is at least one published report in the ‘Economic Times’ of 15 February, 2010, that does indicate that India plans to spend about $200 billion on defence equipment between 2010 and 2022.

Reading such works provides a window into the American thought processes about the likely power rivalries in Asia in which China is projected as an imperial power whose ambitions can be neutralised by propping up India as an American proxy. Whether India will bite the bait or not will depend upon the wisdom of those who will rule her in the coming years.

Hey Indians, beware of America | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

:D :D

I am sure the author's concern comes from the goodness of his heart.

@Bang Galore, @Srinivas, @Jade, @karan.1970, @jayron, @NotSoSuperstitious, @hinduguy, @kaykay and others.

The author did not go through alot of points, it is an amateurish stuff, few events/policies includes,

-U.S jet failure in MMRCA contract.
-They gave us nuke deal, what have we given back?
-Indian stance on Palistine issue.

Americans knew that they can't influence like they do Britain and Canada. It is the second populated country in the world and biggest democracy.

RAW budget is $150 million?

It is not even disclosed in parliament or audited..How the author came to k ow about it?
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