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Ok so this is fed to you..that since we are NOT a democracy we are much better..you dont know the taste of democracy..chinese ran like rats when china took over hong kong every body immigrated to western countries, currently also..see around you ..most chinese flags are mixed your also..if you where such a lover of your country you would have stayed their..did not like the commies..?

Lol, I "don't know the taste of democracy". Lmao, I live in the stupid West (born in the West, my parents are MIXED marriage) but travel to China twice a year. Been studying in Shanghai for a year(Exchange with my university). I've been to those stupid democracies, and having no food, no job, no education is not really a democracy. Yes, you are free to starve to death, and you are free to rape and kill around like in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and India. No problem. You see a woman, you sure like to rape them, it's freedom, right? ;)
kid please answer my question, can you tell me which media is not controlled by the state?

or you deliberately avoiding it or you are just intellectually incapable```well considering your average education and IQ````

'..privledges are for the few only'

you got this right``hope you are in the high caste just like the guy keeps supplying leather in India for me``:D

Boy! your IQ is way beyound my imagination..my house maid is higher cast than you in terms of IQ..

Lol, I "don't know the taste of democracy". Lmao, I live in the stupid West (born in the West, my parents are MIXED marriage) but travel to China twice a year. Been studying in Shanghai for a year(Exchange with my university). I've been to those stupid democracies, and having no food, no job, no education is not really a democracy. Yes, you are free to starve to death, and you are free to rape and kill around like in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and India. No problem. You see a woman, you sure like to rape them, it's freedom, right? ;)

I can understand now..why you cant understand democracy..since your mind is also mixed..

I can understand now..why you cant understand democracy..since your mind is also mixed..

Lol, You gotta love racist Indians. How about we agree on this; you can be the biggest "democracy" and we will soon be the biggest economy in the world, how does that sound? I think it sounds great ;)

Seems like you don't like that, why is that? I guess empty words about "democracy" doesn't add 8% to the GDP each year? ;)
Lol, I "don't know the taste of democracy". Lmao, I live in the stupid West (born in the West, my parents are MIXED marriage) but travel to China twice a year. Been studying in Shanghai for a year(Exchange with my university). I've been to those stupid democracies, and having no food, no job, no education is not really a democracy. Yes, you are free to starve to death, and you are free to rape and kill around like in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and India. No problem. You see a woman, you sure like to rape them, it's freedom, right? ;)

Mixed people like you are never true to the country you are born in ( which your comments can show) and to the country you share your ethinicity and facial patterns with

Lol, You gotta love racist Indians. How about we agree on this; you can be the biggest "democracy" and we will soon be the biggest economy in the world, how does that sound? I think it sounds great ;)

Seems like you don't like that, why is that? I guess empty words about "democracy" doesn't add 8% to the GDP each year? ;)

Looks like you are very sensitive on your mixed heritage..Indians are the most diverse country in the world..you are the rac&&t not me
Boy! your IQ is way beyound my imagination..my house maid is higher cast than you in terms of IQ..

so you are high caste in India (can afford to have maids)```just like all my suppliers in India```you are lucky, but I don't think those 90% dispensable Indians have the luck you have``

btw, in order to keep indulging the delusion, please do not let your kids to do and PISA tests by any chance, coz your kids will be intellectually humiliated by that tests, hence start doubting their real IQ
Mixed people like you are never true to the country you are born in ( which your comments can show) and to the country you share your ethinicity and facial patterns with

Looks like you are very sensitive on your mixed heritage..Indians are the most diverse country in the world..you are the rac&&t not me

Haha, omg, this is way too funny. I love it, hope this can stay so that People can see how racist and ignorant those like you are. Keep on "mate". Lol at "most diverse country in the world".
Mixed people like you are never true to the country you are born in ( which your comments can show) and to the country you share your ethinicity and facial patterns with

to others knowledge the reason those Bollywood stars and high caste Indians are generally lighter than others, is because they are the offspring of former foreign rulers```so how do you feel your originality ?
Haha, omg, this is way too funny. I love it, hope this can stay so that People can see how racist and ignorant those like you are. Keep on "mate". Lol at "most diverse country in the world".

I have heard lot of news about chinese immigrating to west and send all the secrets to their home country and then getting caught.. you guys dont have the decency to be faithfull to the country who accept you with open arms and pay you well and then you ditch themm.. I guess in it is in your blood..

to others knowledge the reason those Bollywood stars and high caste Indians are generally lighter than others, is because they are the offspring of former rulers```so how do you feel your originality ?

former rulers..hahahaha...your former and current and future rulers are your generals which will never change atleast are govt changes every 4 years and the former rulers did as well..
I have heard lot of news about chinese immigrating to west and send all the secrets to their home country and then getting caught.. you guys dont have the decency to be faithfull to the country who accept you with open arms and pay you well and then you ditch themm.. I guess in it is in your blood..

Lol, aaawwww, poor little thing. How about that deal, you are the biggest democracy, and we can be the biggest economy. WHY don't you like that DEAL? LMAO :D

I mean, China is being nice here; imagine if China also took the "biggest democracy" from you, lol. Don't worry, we won't, since we can see it doesn't work, lmao.

Now now, don't be so soar. Go and make me some curry, please.
I have heard lot of news about chinese immigrating to west and send all the secrets to their home country and then getting caught.. you guys dont have the decency to be faithfull to the country who accept you with open arms and pay you well and then you ditch themm.. I guess in it is in your blood..

former rulers..hahahaha...your former and current and future rulers are your generals which will never change atleast are govt changes every 4 years and the former rulers did as well..

sigh``you keep avoiding my questions kid``

can you tell me which media is not controlled by the state?
how do you feel about your originality
Lol, aaawwww, poor little thing. How about that deal, you are the biggest democracy, and we can be the biggest economy. WHY don't you like that DEAL? LMAO :D

I mean, China is being nice here; imagine if China also took the "biggest democracy" from you, lol. Don't worry, we won't, since we can see it doesn't work, lmao.

Now now, don't be so soar. Go and make me some curry, please.

haha you guys have no integrity and self respect I guess..boy ..I think it is better your generals rule you..democracy is not for you guys///

sigh``you keep avoiding my questions kid``

can you tell me which media is not controlled by the state?
how do you feel about your originality

You questions are avoided since I dont answer foolish questions..mod please get rid of these fools from this forumn..you are the real kid on this forumn..kiddish questions..kidding IQ..what did you eat today- insect or snake or frog??
haha you guys have no integrity and self respect I guess..boy ..I think it is better your generals rule you..democracy is not for you guys///

Haha, says a racist from the "high caste" who looks at their own People like rats. The "untouchables". Such a disgusting democracy. Raping women each day, torturing Dalits, and discriminating many other minorities.

We have a lot more self respect than you will ever have. Take a look at the latest survey, boy, have you checked it out? Indians like Chinese, lmao, but we don't like you according to the same survey:D

You want to be like us, but you never will;)
I never saw a general being caught and openly hanged..this is all common people. Have you ever prosecuted any of your military commy ..the blind activitist who ran away to US, is always scared of his relatives back home being harassed ..why ? because he told the truth now his relatives are facing the persecution..the reality is never shown in China's media since it is state controlled,,,if your generals are true heros they should decentralize the media and take care of their people ..

how much do you know about our affairs and said you never saw a high ranking official being put behind bars?
Just recently former mayor of Chonging Bo Xilai and the Head of the HSR are in jails now!
haha you guys have no integrity and self respect I guess..boy ..I think it is better your generals rule you..democracy is not for you guys///

yeah sure we like to be developed, making more money, $hit and **** in the toilet and use paper to clean, we like neet organized city with well planned future, we like to be the best of everything and striving for that``

so yes, you are right, we do not want your indian 'democracy' which makes the country the joke of century````\I guess those youtube funny India 'future' 'superpower' videos are very mentally arousing for deluded and inferior complex indians
how much do you know about our affairs and said you never saw a high ranking official being put behind bars?
Just recently former mayor of Chonging Bo Xilai and the Head of the HSR are in jails now!

ok good for you..it is a start..how many days are they in the jail though..1??

Haha, says a racist from the "high caste" who looks at their own People like rats. The "untouchables". Such a disgusting democracy. Raping women each day, torturing Dalits, and discriminating many other minorities.

We have a lot more self respect than you will ever have. Take a look at the latest survey, boy, have you checked it out? Indians like Chinese, lmao, but we don't like you according to the same survey:D

You want to be like us, but you never will;)

looks like you are in lot of pain..I was just telling the truth..calm down boy
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