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Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

how is this related to your drivel:

Communists always do that.

Once There Was Tank Man, Now There is House Family


Surprisingly, the government hasn’t just bulldozed the place (yet). Building a highway seems like a legitimate use of the eminent domain power of the state. The problem in this case is that the state does not want to properly compensate the family. The article suggests another problem in the case – but one that impacted their neighbors, not them, from the looks of things. Namely, a lot of the takings appear to have been for a new business district rather than for public use. Remind you of any place?

So let’s not forget that what happened to Susette Kelo in New London, Connecticut was far worse than what the Chinese government is trying to do to this particular family. Unfortunately, the same probably can’t be said for their neighbors and so many others in China (and elsewhere around the globe) where property rights have been violated and trampled upon by the government and their crony capitalist friends.

Here is a great quote (one of the only?) from Sandra Day O’Connor on the subject: “The specter of condemnation hangs over all property. Nothing is to prevent the State from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory.”

Once There Was Tank Man, Now There is House Family | Pileus
Communists always do that.

Once There Was Tank Man, Now There is House Family

Surprisingly, the government hasn’t just bulldozed the place (yet). Building a highway seems like a legitimate use of the eminent domain power of the state. The problem in this case is that the state does not want to properly compensate the family. The article suggests another problem in the case – but one that impacted their neighbors, not them, from the looks of things. Namely, a lot of the takings appear to have been for a new business district rather than for public use. Remind you of any place?

So let’s not forget that what happened to Susette Kelo in New London, Connecticut was far worse than what the Chinese government is trying to do to this particular family. Unfortunately, the same probably can’t be said for their neighbors and so many others in China (and elsewhere around the globe) where property rights have been violated and trampled upon by the government and their crony capitalist friends.

Here is a great quote (one of the only?) from Sandra Day O’Connor on the subject: “The specter of condemnation hangs over all property. Nothing is to prevent the State from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory.”

Once There Was Tank Man, Now There is House Family | Pileus

the indian government is going to make you a statue beside this mass grave:

Complete News - Number of mass graves increasing in Indian-Controlled Kashmir

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the indian government is going to make you a statue beside this mass grave:

Complete News - Number of mass graves increasing in Indian-Controlled Kashmir


Stop tolling with off topic posts .......:wave:
China Human Rights Abuses: Report On Horrifying Conditions At Masanjia Labor Camp Sparks Outrage

China's human rights record has attracted criticism from around the world for many years. David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has been urged to tackle the issue on his trip to the country.


Here is Amnesty International's list of the 10 biggest problems, with an indication of which ones are getting particularly worse.
The death penalty
China executes more people each year than any other country and while official statistics remain secret, Amnesty’s figures show that China executed at least 1,718 people in 2008, nearly three-quarters (72%) of the world’s executions. Earlier this year, the number of offences that carry a capital punishment was cut from 68 to 55 – although the reality is that this will have little impact on the net number of executions.
"Re-education Through Labour"
People are detained in "Re-education Through Labour" camps for up to four years without any trial, often with harsh conditions. It is frequently used against petty criminals, critics of the government or followers of banned beliefs.Harassment of people who stand up for human rights
People who speak out on politically-sensitive topics are frequently put under house arrest or imprisoned. They include defence lawyers, journalists, workers’ rights activists, villagers protesting against land seizures and relatives of people killed in Tiananmen Square.
Internet repression and media freedom - *worsening*
Hundreds of websites are blocked or banned in China. Search results are filtered, and websites censored, including those using words like "freedom", "human rights" and "Amnesty International". With around 30 journalists and 50 Internet users known to be behind bars, China has been described as "the world’s leading jailer of journalists".
Unfair trials
China’s judicial system falls way short of international standards. Failings include lack of access to a lawyers, extracting confessions through torture and political interference in the judiciary.
Persecution of people for their beliefs
Members of unofficial Catholic churches or underground Protestant "house churches" are frequently detained in violation of their rights. Muslims in Xinjiang are persecuted as well: some books are banned and mosques have been closed. Tens of thousands of members of the banned Falun Gong movement have been detained labour camps, prisons and psychiatric hospitals.
Torture and ill-treatment is widespread and methods include electric shocks, suspension by the arms, kicking, beating and food- and sleep-deprivation. Those detained for their political views, human rights activities or religious and spiritual beliefs are at high risk of torture in custody, particularly if they refuse to recant or renounce their beliefs.
Tiananmen Square protests
Dozens of people are believed to remain in prison 20 years after the crackdown on the 1989 pro-democracy movement. Calls for a full investigation are ignored and any public discussion of the events of 4 June 1989 remains censored from newspapers, websites and other media. Some Chinese people are totally unaware of the truth of what took place.
Workers’ rights denied
Independent trade unions remain illegal in China. Low wages or non-payment, mass lay-offs, poor working conditions and corrupt management practices have led to a wave of labour disputes in China which have often been met by the authorities with intimidation and sometimes arrests and long prison sentences.
Tibet - *worsening*
In Tibet freedom of expression, religion and association continue to be severely restricted. Dozens of prisoners of conscience, including Buddhist monks and nuns, remain in prison. In late 2008 four Tibetan children, all aged 15, were detained on suspicion of writing pro-Tibetan independence slogans. Amnesty received reports that electric prods were used to torture the children. Other Tibetans, including monks and nuns, have been shot.

China and human rights: the biggest issues - Telegraph

right at your bullseye!

one (indians) who live in much larger glass houses dont throw stones!

Stop being a troll, google human rights and find out yourself about CCP atrocities.


The picture you posted indicated the humanity and the humility of the Chinese civilization.
The TianAnMen protests had to be stopped or China would descended into chaos because China was not ready for democracy and the students' world views about democracy was immature, mostly from Hollywood movies after China's sudden open door.

However, the Chinese government was very inexperienced in dealing with protests since they never had to deal with them previously. Thus, they used inappropriate forces and means on civilians. They paid hefty prices for their mistakes and their image in history will be forever linked with TianAnMen crackdown/massacre whatever word you want to use.

As I said in another thread, the government has not matured enough to take responsibility for its action but instead, trying futilely to cover up, suppress discussion. This will further tarnish its image in the eyes of our future generations.
The TianAnMen protests had to be stopped or China would descended into chaos because China was not ready for democracy and the students' world views about democracy was immature, mostly from Hollywood movies after China's sudden open door.

However, the Chinese government was very inexperienced in dealing with protests since they never had to deal with them previously. Thus, they used inappropriate forces and means on civilians. They paid hefty prices for their mistakes and their image in history will be forever linked with TianAnMen crackdown/massacre whatever word you want to use.

As I said in another thread, the government has not matured enough to take responsibility for its action but instead, trying futilely to cover up, suppress discussion. This will further tarnish its image in the eyes of our future generations.

nah this is just part of the problem

I repeat there is a missing piece in the whole puzzle: Who was behind all the organized protests which aimed to topple the Government and turned it into Libya, Tunisia, a disintegration of Yugoslavia, Soviet Union .. ?

Most of the students were tragic pawns. Dont be naive!
when will the indian kids be properly fed? women not getting raped or tortured? dalits get free? Insurgents get their independence? Kashmir get their lands back? ...

even sub saharan African people has gained freedom but Chinese still waiting for their freedom..:china:
even sub saharan African people has gained freedom but Chinese still waiting for their freedom..:china:

a very large populations of indians are as poor as sahara people. they dont have the very basic thing for survival; FOOD and HYGIENE!What about your undernourished kids?
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