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Help me Identify Gog Magog People (Yajooj Majooj) Races


Nov 6, 2013
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YA’JOOJ MA’JOOJ (Gog and Megog)

God created a nation called Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj. In the beginning they were free. King Zulqarnian imprisoned up behind a wall. They are still imprisoned today, and will be freed near the Day of Judgement. They will come out and create a lot of trouble. Their population is ten times larger than the world’s population.

As we know King Zulqarnain travelled from East to West and North to South. When he was travelling the world, he imprisoned the Ya’jooj Ma’jooj behind a very thick wall. Zulqarnain went East, the people said to him, “In between these mountains, there is a nation called Ya’jooj Ma’jooj, who are like animals. Their teeth are like those of wild animals. When they come out they eat snakes, scorpions, horses, mules, donkeys, vegetables and wild animals. We will give you anything if you build a wall between the Ya’jooj Ma’jooj and us so that they won’t harm us.” Zulqarnain said, “I don’t need paying, but what I would like is that you can help me by bringing me pieces of iron, wood and coal.” When they brought these things, Zulqarnain started to build the wall. After this, he started to blow on it. When it became red-hot, he said, “Bring liquid copper.” He put this liquid copper on the wall and made it very strong. Then he said, “They will come out from behind the wall, when Allah wants them to”

The Ya’jooj Ma’jooj will come and eat the people in the world. They will drink all the water from the East and all the water from Buhaira Tabria. Wherever there is water, they will drink all of it. If they find any humans they will eat them. People will be scared and will hide. When they don’t see a person on earth they will say, “We have finished all the people on earth now we will fight the people in the sky.” They will shoot arrows towards the sky. Allah will make their arrows red and send them back, and then they will be happy and say “ That we have killed the people in the sky also”. At that time, Prophet Isa (alayhi salaam) will be on the mountain. There will be a shortage of food. Prophet Isa (alayhi salaam) and the other Muslims will pray to Allah, “Oh Allah! Save us from them.”

Allah will listen to their prayers and create a spot on their necks. With that, they will all die. Then Prophet Isa (alayhi salaam) and the Muslims will come down from the mountain, they will see that all the ground is covered with bodies and a dirty smell will be spreading. They will pray to Allah, “Oh Allah! Save us from this dirty smell.” Allah will send birds whose necks are like camels’. They will take all the bodies and throw them on mount Nimbar, this mountain is in Palestine. After this, Allah will send rain. With this, all the ground will be clean. Then Prophet Isa (alayhi salaam) with his people will stay on the ground and the shortage of food will finish. Allah will send blessings in everything. There will be so much blessing that one pomegranate will be enough for one tribe, and one pomegranate’s peel will make one big tent enough for a group of people to stay under. In this way, one cow’s milk will be enough for one tribe. All these blessings will come when all the Ya’jooj Ma’jooj are dead.

Gog Magog were released in Waves one follow another and these Waves like Tsunami Waves hit all of World Populated and not Populated Areas especially Arabs and Muslims but they will hit Arabs (Muslim Arabs as well as Christian Arabs and other Non Muslim Arabs) more severely then these Waves hit other Muslims and other parts of Human Race, First Waves hit Arabs and Islamic World were First Crusades and other Crusade Waves come after first Crusades, 2nd Waves were Mongol Invasions and Mongol wars and Invasions continue for at least 100 years in which they wipe out Most of Arabs living in Babylon and other parts of Arab lands
so you can say Gog (Yajooj) people are white Caucasian + Aryan races but not all Europeans White Race but most of East Europeans like people from Ukraine + Bulgaria + Greece + France (over 100 %) + Germans + UK (not all) + Canada + Australia + Portugal + Poland + Spain + Lebanon! (White Crusaders Hybrid Arab Race)!! (even Indian Aryans and Persian Aryan Races if they are real Aryans they are Doubtful )etc these Gog

People actually mix with lot of White Natives of Europe so they are not really remain Gog People but Hybrid of Gog people and these Gog people have already released just after the death of Caliph Omar r.a
and Magog (Majooj) people are Mongol and Chinese Races and their Hybrids like Vietnamese,
Burma (Myannmar) + Thiland + Indonesians + Japanese+ Cambodia etc

Only Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala Knows all Truth but this is my Intelligent guess Work but Time will tell and it is not very Far anyway next 50 years will in reality shows real Horror of Gog Magog esp. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Yemen and other Arab Islamic lands will surely see Wars from Gog Magog on them for their Oil and other Resources! Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala gives me some power and I am giving out this info to my Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters about a Destruction from Evil Imperialist Racist Nazis Crusaders

Supremacist Rapist War hungary Greedy Demons out of Hell Gog Magog Races of World who are really more then other Human Races like said in a Hadiths

Gog and Magog are two groups of Turks, descended from Yaafith (Japheth), the father of the Turks, one of the sons of Noah. At the time of Abraham (p.b.u.h.), there was a king called Dhool-Qarnayn. He performed Tawaaf around the Kabah with Abraham (p.b.u.h.) when he first built it; he believed and followed him. Dhool-Qarnayn was a good man and a great king; Allah gave him great power and he ruled the east and west. He held sway over all kings and countries, and traveled far and wide in both east and west. He traveled eastwards until he reached a pass between two mountains, through which people were coming out. They did not understand anything because they were so isolated; they were Gog and Magog. They were spreading corruption through the earth, and harming the people, so the people sought help from Dhool-Qarnayn. They asked him to build a barrier between them and Gog and Magog. He asked them to him to build it, so together they built a barrier by mixing iron, copper and tar.

Thus Dhool-Qarnayn restrained Gog and Magog behind the barrier. They tried to penetrate the barrier, or to climb over it, but to no avail. They could not succeed because the barrier is so huge and smooth. They began to dig, and they have been digging for centuries; they will continue to do so until the time when Allah decrees that they come out. At that time the barrier will collapse, and Gog and Magog will rush out in all directions, spreading corruption, uprooting plants, killing people. When Jesus (p.b.u.h.) prays against them, Allah will send a kind of worm in the napes of their necks, and they will be killed by it.

Another relevant Hadith:
Ibn Mas'ood reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "On the night of the Israa' (night journey), I met my father Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and they discussed the Hour. The matter was referred first to Abraham, then to Moses, and both said, 'I have no knowledge of it'. Then it was referred to Jesus, who said, 'No one knows about its timing except Allah; what my Lord told me was that the Dajjaal will appear, and when he sees me he will begin to melt like lead. Allah will destroy him when he sees me. The Muslims will fight against the Kaafirs, and even the trees and rocks will say, 'O Muslim, there is a Kaafir hiding beneath me - come and kill him!' Allah will destroy the Kaafirs, and the people will return to their lands. Then Gog and Magog will appear from all directions, eating and drinking everything they find. The people will complain to me, so I will pray to Allah and He will destroy them, so that the earth will be filled with their stench. Allah will send rain which will wash their bodies into the sea. My Lord has told me that when that happens, the HOUR WILL BE VERY CLOSE, LIKE A PREGNANT WOMAN WHOSE TIME IS DUE, BUT HER FAMILY DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHEN SHE WILL DELIVER." (Ahmad, Musnad 1/375. Similar Hadith in Ibn Majah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadith 4081), 2/1365, 1366)


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France's (Part of Gog Magog) Alledged Algerian Genocide

Approximately 5 million Algerian Muslim Arabs (half of Algeria Population at that time) were tortured and massacred under the French rule according to the Algerian sources 5 million dead, while French officials estimated it at 350,000. [Algeria Independence France 1954-1962 Algeria Independence France 1954-1962] Algerians argue that the massacres should be named as genocide and France must apologise from the Algerians. However the French do not accept the claims. Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika says that French colonization of his country Algeria was a form of genocide. In memoirs, some French officers have described torture of Algerians during the war, however France has never accepted its responsibility in tortures and massacres in Algeria. Paris says that the past should be left to historians. French President Jacques Chirac, upon harsh reactions to the law encouraging the good sides of the French colonial history, made the statement, "Writing history is the job of the historians, not of the laws." Writing history is the job of the historians" According to Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, "speaking about the past or writing history is not the job of the parliament."[Haber, Haberler, Son Dakika - Zaman Gazetesi France in Favor of So-Called Genocide Resorts to Historians]

The Algerian president [[Bouteflika]] said in a speech in Paris on [[17 April]] 2006 "We no longer know whether we are Berbers (indigenous North Africans), Arabs, Europeans or French. France committed a genocide of Algerian identity during the colonial era. Colonisation brought the genocide of our identity, of our history, of our language, of our traditions."[Algerian leader calls colonisation 'genocide' - The Scotsman Algerian leader calls colonisation 'genocide', Scotsman]

[[Algeria]] first became a colony of France in 1830. After a war which ended in Algeria's independence in 1962, eight million Algerian residents were deprived of French nationality and hundreds of thousands of 'pieds noir' (French who settled in Algeria and were re-patriated at the end of the war) were forced home to a place which was not home.

[[Algeria]] called on [[France]] to apologise in 2005 for crimes committed during the colonial era. Bouteflika also urged Paris to admit its part in the massacres of 45,000 Algerians who took to the streets to demand independence as Europe celebrated victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. French authorities then responded by playing down the comments, urging "mutual respect".

Source: Wikipedia, April 2006
Shock of All times!!!!!!
Racist Aryan Races in India, Iran and other parts of World can be part of Gog Magog too!!Racism in Paradise: India banned the caste system 60 years ago, but it lives on in Metro Vancouver

For most of her life, Kamlesh Ahir has been trying to escape the caste system that’s defined her from birth
She went to university, abandoned her religion, and, in 1994, left India for Canada, a new land offering a fresh start
Or so she thought

To an outsider, Ahir is no different than the more than 200,000 people of South Asian heritage who call Metro Vancouver home
Yet among her own people, her last name brands her as a dalit, the people formerly called Untouchables.

Dalits occupy the lowest rung in the caste system, a rigid class structure rooted in Hinduism that dictated occupation and social status.
Condemned to live on the margins of society, they used to be denied access to schools and temples. They were confined to jobs deemed unclean, such as handling human waste or dead animals, and could be punished for letting their shadow fall on someone of an upper caste.

The Indian government banned castes more than 60 years ago, and gave dalits substantial rights. But discrimination remains widespread, especially in rural areas. Even in Canada, ingrained attitudes, centuries old, are not easy to change.
“They think we are bullshit. We are zero. We are a dog, less than a dog,” says Ahir, born to the chamar caste.

“They think we are nothing. It doesn’t matter if we are a doctor, teacher, because we belong to the lower castes.”

“I’m in Canada,” she continues, frustration in her voice. “But the bullshit castes are still here. We live it every day.”

New immigrants can face as much discrimination within their own ethnic communities as they do from mainstream society.

It’s a discrimination based not on race, but on a variety of factors such as class, colour, caste, economic status, politics, or region of origin.

It’s manifested in the stereotypes traded between Hong Kong Chinese and mainland Chinese immigrants; or when Canadian-born descendants of immigrants look down on newcomers as “FOBS” or “fresh off the boat;” or when new immigrants call their Canadian-born brethren arguably derogatory names like “banana” or “coconut.”

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For the estimated 25,000 dalits in the Lower Mainland, the barbs are often subtle.

They come in seemingly innocuous questions about your family village or last name — two markers that can identify a person’s caste.

They show up in careless conversation, among friends, behind closed doors. A messy house is referred to as a chamar house. An upper-caste woman might tell her unkempt daughter to tidy herself up so she doesn’t look like a chura, another dalit group.

Some dalits interviewed, including Ahir’s husband Sutey, shared stories of how they were called slur words by fellow Indo-Canadians.

One man recounted listening to colleagues, who did not know he was dalit, exchanging crude jokes about dalit women and rape.

Another woman recounted how her best friend, a woman from what was considered a higher caste, was divorced by her husband who couldn’t stomach their friendship.

Activists say some dalits who own businesses are scared of being outed in case customers stop patronizing them. Many change their names.

Divisions on the basis of castes are also visible in the temples or gurdwaras. Ironically, Sikhism recognizes all people as equal. Officially, there are no castes. But reality is different.

The dalit gurdwara in Burnaby was founded in 1982 after dalit temple-goers felt unwelcome in an upper-caste temple.

In between preparing samosas with mint chutney and piping hot cups of chai tea, Ahir explains why she abandoned Hinduism and converted to Buddhism.

The Hindu gods kept her people down, she says scornfully.

The only reason she was able to go to school, get a passport and immigrate was because of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the chief architect of India’s constitution, revered by dalits as a hero.

Racism is something she can understand, says Ahir, because people look different. “But god, my colour is the same. My language is the same. My living standard is the same. But still they are discriminatory to me.”

Dalit activists say casteism is worse than racism — and harder to eradicate.

“It is not easy to identify. But you feel it,” said Varinder Dabri, a Surrey veterinarian born a chamar.

“When you are working with mainstream society, no one asks you your caste. But when you are working with people from India, the first thing they want to know is the caste.”

Jai Birdi of the Chetna Assocation, which seeks to raise awareness of casteism in B.C., said it is difficult to identify the scope of the problem: “It’s like any other invisible disability. If you can’t see it, it’s hard to do anything about it.”

Nowhere is caste bias more pronounced than in marriage. Many parents still prefer their kids to marry within their own castes; matrimonial ads in Punjabi-language publications still specify castes among the must-haves in prospective spouses. Birdi believes there are more interracial marriages than inter-caste unions in the Indo-Canadian community.

Many upper-caste Indo-Canadians The Province talked to — mostly Jat Sikhs, traditionally farmers and landowners — say there is still prejudice against dalits, but its existence and depth vary among families.

Some say they use caste only as a marker of their roots, but do not use it to judge other people.

Many stress that caste bias is more prevalent among their elders and is dying out among the younger generation.

Others say education and wealth can sometimes smooth out any differences in caste.

Such an attitude is Ahir’s hope. She and her husband didn’t tell their two kids about the caste system.

They are, they tell them, simply Canadian.

Their son, who is going into his first year at university, says he has only felt “a little bit” of discrimination against him because of his caste.

Adds Ahir: “Maybe our grandkids and our great-grandkids, they won’t know what it is about anymore.”
Their is no point obsessing about the signs of end-times. What shall happen, shall happen without any regard to what you can or can not do. Your personal feelings and any preparations are insignificant in this. If your Iman is strong, then you need not fear.

Moreover, this forum is not the right place to discuss religious matters. There are too many people who are ready to make fun of anything that you may say. Hadith requires a respectful attitude, and that is absent on this forum.
It's a Hebrew pun word , Ma'gog is like Ha'shim , Gog and Magog means everyone who leaves in central asia , according to Hebrews. There's only Gog who were Goth , no Ma'gog.
Is it something like Muslims vs Christians? :/ or whole middle east going to conquer Israel? :/
Is it something like Muslims vs Christians? :/ or whole middle east going to conquer Israel? :/

I don't know what will happen to Israel , I personally think white Israelis will leave arab Israelis behind , But gog and magog are historical question which is interesting to me too , I stated my personal opinion on gog and magog.
I don't know what will happen to Israel , I personally think white Israelis will leave arab Israelis behind , But gog and magog are historical question which is interesting to me too , I stated my personal opinion on gog and magog.
it is propaganda shit...dont fall for it

things like these is ridiculous
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