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'Headley says Ishrat was Lashkar suicide bomber'

What do you say about the 4 year drama that Congress did with Kasab? They freaking gave him a lawyer after hundreds of witnesses were there including CST CCTV cameras that caught him butchering innocent fellow Indians.

It was not the congress that gave him a lawyer, it is the law of the land. Everybody is entitled to legal representation and a free and fair trial. The congress has no say in that. As for the case taking four years, you can blame the judicial system for that.
A system developed to pacify terrorists and hang patriots...no wonder most fellow Indians suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

Funny how this judicial system failed to give the much touted justice to so many who died in countless massacres across the country including the ones as late in Assam and KPs in Kashmir.....

Your judicial system..... :coffee:

presumption of innocence is bedrock of our justice system. You cant just randomly get people and say they are terrorists. That will not reduce terrorism. You need better evidence gathering technique.
Its the prosecution that fails, not judge.

tell me what will you do if they take you tomorrow to jail for whatever reason. how will you defend yourself.
sorry, laws do not run on emotions, you can change the law btw to say police can kill any terrorist they find. No need to go to court. Will you support such a law.

Laws run on rationale but not with a regime that bats for anti-national elements and a law that has so many loopholes. Look at what's happening in your UK. Half of those who run away from our neighbourhood have turned your living country into Europe hub for terror attacks...

Be careful, you might be bumped off by a policeman because he does not like you. Its easy to brand somebody terrorist, which is why we have courts.

All I am asking you is one thing:

Why 2 different standards for Kasab and the ones who were instantly hanged on IG's assassination? Or for that matter why was the LTTE female spared when she killed Rajiv Gandhi?

Don't you smell take-me-for-ride in the system?
Wow! since when did a terrorist and suicide bomber started getting so much respect?

Stop loving terrorists.. it is better for the country. Otherwise if you love them so much, tear your Indian identity and move to an anti-India nation.

This form of cheap treachery is against the dignity of the people who have died over the years in jehad.

Now i Have told you earlier too................My Fore Fathers were Indians much before Sikkim & you become Indian...........................................
what do you suggest then?mob justice??If a person is accused terrorist,they have to produced before court,undergo a trial..and the state have to prove that wether he is guilty or not..This is how a Judicial system in modern society works..
Haha..+1 to that
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presumption of innocence is bedrock of our justice system. You cant just randomly get people and say they are terrorists. That will not reduce terrorism. You need better evidence gathering technique.
Its the prosecution that fails, not judge.

Then on what basis did the court presume Kasab to be innocent when even NDTV and other media channels recorded him and his cronies live?

If the system still presumes him innocent, then anti-terror laws severely need to change because if they cannot brand a terrorist caught live in the act as a terrorist (not just someone who has been framed), they can never deliver justice to any Indian in the future.

Let me tell you one fundamental concept about the world and its political systems:

Systems are designed and developed so that there is an organized manner in which issues can be solved and sorted out.

If a specific system fails to deliver time and again what it is supposed to, correctly AND in time, then it is useless and has to be amended.

That is how countries around the world run whether it is Europe, USA, Canada, Russia, Japan, Israel or any other nation.

Justice delivered late is justice denied.
Laws run on rationale but not with a regime that bats for anti-national elements and a law that has so many loopholes. Look at what's happening in your UK. Half of those who run away from our neighbourhood have turned your living country into Europe hub for terror attacks...

All I am asking you is one thing:

Why 2 different standards for Kasab and the ones who were instantly hanged on IG's assassination? Or for that matter why was the LTTE female spared when she killed Rajiv Gandhi?

Don't you smell take-me-for-ride in the system?

Are you telling me that the judge in case of kasab was delaying the verdict? Each case is different. Even two murder cases take different time.
Now i Have told you earlier too................My Fore Fathers were Indians much before Sikkim & you become Indian...........................................

Your forefathers were Indians but you are not...that's the difference.

Sikkim was always affiliated to the Indian soil. We had kings who paid tribute to large Indian empires and allied with them or were in some or the other form virtually autonomous.

So please don't tell me about your forefathers as a justification for what it means to be Indian.

Are you telling me that the judge in case of kasab was delaying the verdict? Each case is different. Even two murder cases take different time.

No. Then what caused 4 effing years for a judge to pronounce a death sentence to a terrorist who had tons of proven evidence against him?

You tell me.
Some circus from the CIA double agent Headly, Never ever trust USA.

Deal with the terror domestically with out any external suggestions or help :cheers:

Most important point is never anger minorities based on USA's dubious suggestions. This will only damage the harmony and peace of our society
Then on what basis did the court presume Kasab to be innocent when even NDTV and other media channels recorded him and his cronies live?

If the system still presumes him innocent, then anti-terror laws severely need to change because if they cannot brand a terrorist caught live in the act as a terrorist (not just someone who has been framed), they can never deliver justice to any Indian in the future.

Let me tell you one fundamental concept about the world and its political systems:

Systems are designed and developed so that there is an organized manner in which issues can be solved and sorted out.

If a specific system fails to deliver time and again what it is supposed to, correctly AND in time, then it is useless and has to be amended.

That is how countries around the world run whether it is Europe, USA, Canada, Russia, Japan, Israel or any other nation.

Justice delivered late is justice denied.

We cant have a media trial because media can be biased and may not know legal cases. When you make law, it cant be changed for specific case.
I am not sure whether they accept video as evidence, if they did, they must have taken video that was presented by prosecution.

Are you saying judge should watch NDTV and say, OMG, this is easy... he is the killer. Death.
In Uk, jury are shielded from media so that it does not bias their opinion, there is a good reason for that.

Its the job of prosecution to present evidence in court,get it cross examined. Judge has to set the accused free, even if he thinks he is guilty, if prosecution is unable to push charges.

This is rule for all, including murderers.
@Tshering22 On the Basis of what,do you assume that 'we' are not Indians anymore??
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collecting information on people is differernt from bumping people off. If you know how inefficient our agencies are, and the margin of error they operate in, you should oppose anything like that.

Just meet the police constable and inspector of nearby thana and tell me whether you will trust him, if he takes a dislike on you. They already weild too much power.

I just hope you are on wrong side of law once, you will see that you want justice. I know a case when a petty theft(of a laptop) ended in a dead guy in police station (oh, he hanged himself, so convinient)

I know our police system very well. And I know how corrupt they could be. But this case is not about Police. So lets not bring all that in.

Its about IB. There was a specific input saying that a Sucide bomber is in a car from IB. The State Police followed the car and shot at it. The terrorist died. Lets focus our attention here.

Now tell me do you really think our legal system can convict such poeple. I can bet that had if Ajmal Kasab was caught with an AK 47 on 26/11 just before he shot one person he would go scot free after 5 years. Thats the kind of legal system we have. And apologists would be drumming up that they sentensed an innocent Pakistani Muslim for 5 years. President should pardon him for better relationship. And the Congi Govt would have done it so that they would get Muslim votes in UP (just like doggy singh went to azamgarh to apologies for Batla House Encounter). This lives of Indians is dirt cheap for these politicians. Hunderds of POlicemen die (by naxals and terrorists) no one gives a ****. One terrorist gets killed in encounter she becomes a Martyr.

Now this is the kind of pathetic system we live in. Good for you you are in UK.
what do you suggest then?mob justice??

Swift deliverance of justice.

It should not take more than a month max to deliver a sentence to a terrorist who was caught live by dozens of sources massacring innocent fellow countrymen.

If it is not the case, then the legal system is flawed and needs to be changed.

If a person is accused terrorist,they have to produced before court,undergo a trial..and the state have to prove that wether he is guilty or not..This is how a Judicial system in modern society works..

Kasab was not accused... he was proven already by his actions.

I don't understand why you are batting for terrorists..
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A terrorist killed ...good ....in a fake encounter ...bad. its as simple as that.

If she was a terrorist so what else should have been done to her? She was laid to rest before she could have made many innocent her suicide bombing victim. Also whether the encounter was fake or not is yet to be decided by court so lets not jump the gun.
We cant have a media trial because media can be biased and may not know legal cases. When you make law, it cant be changed for specific case.

What about CCTV footage? What about the dead bodies that were strewn across the railway station and the blood? What about live images from the station's camera where he and his cronies were caught with AK-47s in their hands shooting?

I am not sure whether they accept video as evidence, if they did, they must have taken video that was presented by prosecution.

Then there is something wrong with the system simply.

What else are CCTVs meant for? Watching people blow snorts?

Are you saying judge should watch NDTV and say, OMG, this is easy... he is the killer. Death.
In Uk, jury are shielded from media so that it does not bias their opinion, there is a good reason for that.

Don't put words in my mouth mate. NDTV was just an example and every Mumbaikar knows what happened that day.

I would like to see what you'd have said if your near and dear ones had undergone that pain..

Most people talk and justify the system only when their own haven't suffered the terrible fate. But all that changes when their own are involved.

Emotions or not, if cold and hard evidence of live details whether by media or by CCTV footage cannot be considered as evidence apart from 150+ dead bodies of those whom the 10 terrorists shot, then the law is flawed.

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