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'Headley says Ishrat was Lashkar suicide bomber'

Who is abusive?

I simply highlighted that he should stop ranting anti-national nonsense against the country and stick to the topic.

He called me an RSS agent (the typical dread of secoolar dodos :D), abused Marxist.
I asked everybody not you...

here is my question.. if police catch you tomorrow and lock you up accusing of any crime, would you rather given a fair trial (your lawyer presents case and other side does his) , or a trial in which police sidee is considered right by default (and your lawyer trying hard to prove your innocence)

Which one would you prefer.
You are nothing else but an idiot,a traitor who is trying to divide this country on religious basis.We doesnt have anything to prove to communalist biggots like you

My community have contributed more to nation building than a bunch of traitors working very hard to incite commual violence in Indian society..So STFU and GTFO

melal ithu polathe '' th nthayillarika parayaruthu!!padavalam mulacho,payaru kilirthoo ennu nokki jeevichal poredo thanikku...

@Tshering22 Haha abusing marxist...haha.he deserves more..Just check out the links he posted yesterday and you ll find out how much he hates christian minority.

Just check out the posts of these 'patriotic' posters like marxist..hahaha..these guys are only intrested in Religion based topics,they start dragging minority communities to every discussion and start doubting their patriotism...They are not even intrested in issues of national intrest..

njan enthu cheyanamennu njan nokikolam nee padipikan verenda
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I asked everybody not you...

here is my question.. if police catch you tomorrow and lock you up accusing of any crime, would you rather given a fair trial (your lawyer presents case and other side does his) , or a trial in which police sidee is considered right by default (and your lawyer trying hard to prove your innocence)

Which one would you prefer.

What are the odds of a normal law abiding citizen being caught for terrorism charges?
Assume her to be terrorist, How can police kill her in Fake encounter..............So asking this anti national since it doesn't suite BJP.....Read this....................Ishrat Jahan case: No one has license to kill, says Gujarat High Court; raps CBI for delay | NDTV.com .............. So the Judge who asked Gujarat State this question should also be anti national

There are a lot of things courts say even today that the ruling regime doesn't follow.

Where was the court when the cases of LTTE and assassination of Indira Gandhi was done?

Why not raise hue and cry equally over there?

Double standards don't you think?

I am a Leftist and i Know whom he follows so leave that...................

Well then how did you come to a conclusion that I am an RSS agent?
Assume them to be terrorist....................But that's not license to kill a young lady in a state sponsored cold blooded murder (Fake Encounter).............
Huh? And this young lady has the license from God Almighty to kill hundreds of innocents in suicide bombing? What kinda logic is this? A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. He/she needs to be dispatched to their makers in quick time, fake encounter or not, resulting in one scum of the earth less in this world.
What are the odds of a normal law abiding citizen being caught for terrorism charges?
plenty actually, if you match the criteria. In case of terrorism if you are muslim. Incase of petty crime, if you belong to specific caste, or social strata, live in specific neighbourhood/bastii that has criminals.

Our police gets it wrong quite a lot of time. And giving them free hand is just going to make sure they dont improve policing and do it on haunch, random guess, or beat a few people up to see where it leads them to.
Well then how did you come to a conclusion that I am an RSS agent?

You only just now wrote that you are Buddhist & Rss Follower... I am in PDF since 2009..............So i know Marxist too.......................
even if she was a terrorist, law of the land is to be followed.By killing her in a fake encounter you destroyed all the useful info you could have accessed to arrest other terrorists too.
Like? Care to highlight?

And what is wrong with you? He's not even fighting you.

First of, stop this victimization thing. No one is against anyone without a reason.

We are talking about a threat to India who was snuffed and this guy infinity is simply defending terrorists.

I presented the example of Kasab (you surely know what happened), and he's still singing hymns about him.

If this is not treachery, what is?

There is nothing wrong with me,I dont necessarily stand and watch injustice

If you are Intrested in contribution of My community,Well many freedom fighters in Kerala were Kerala christians,The head of Operation flood and Agni V were also Kerala christians.there are several more examples.

You can check out the links he posted..He is usually intrested in villifying christian minority,using the word 'mlecha' often and attacking the beleifs of Christians

And no one is defending terrorists.Thiss is how the law in this country works.
Huh? And this young lady has the license from God Almighty to kill hundreds of innocents in suicide bombing? What kinda logic is this? A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. He/she needs to be dispatched to their makers in quick time, fake encounter or not, resulting in one scum of the earth less in this world.
Read Post #59................Ask this question to Gujarat High court too...................
njan enthu cheyanamennu njan nokikolam nee padipikan verenda

Ee kayyilirippu vachu naatukaru padipichukollum.!!:omghaha:

What are the odds of a normal law abiding citizen being caught for terrorism charges?

There is no need to take issues of terrorism..Imagine if some one is accused of 'molesting a women' ...What will happen??For our general public and media ''accused = guilty''
You only just now wrote that you are Buddhist & Rss Follower... I am in PDF since 2009..............So i know Marxist too.......................

Well yes, they have earned my respect. I used to also believe all the crap that some media say in a biased way against them. But after seeing what they actually do and did in the past, I respect their dedication to the country.

The latest example was when fellow NE Indians were being subjected to false mass rumours and even beaten up really in some parts of the country, RSS didn't see what religion they belong to and came forward to help.... unlike the "messiahs of Secularism".

Read Post #59................Ask this question to Gujarat High court too...................

Funny how you have so much faith in Gujarat High Court on this but cannot trust the same when it cleared Modi ji of charges....
We need fast track courts to give justice these people within a month or so... Now before some one pounces at me...i will repeat "FAST TRACK COURTS"
even if she was a terrorist, law of the land is to be followed.By killing her in a fake encounter you destroyed all the useful info you could have accessed to arrest other terrorists too.
This is the Exactly the point i was trying to say..................But our fellow Indians labelled me anti-national and gave me advice to shift to enemy country...........

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