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Hatf IX Nasr Missile Tested by Pakistan

My friend the only weapons that ever saw a CONFLICT were the Fat Man and Little Boy designs. Yet the US produced hundreds of designs and thousands of nukes. :disagree:
And wat dose your point has to convey to me ?? :what:

1. Cost issues? Pakistan's SPD receives enough funds to do more than maintaining the minimum deterrent capability. Remember, NESCOM is not DRDO. Their claims are solid, and are only made once the product is successful.
Let me say this again. More Clearly, 425,000 USD in 1973 is 40.6 million PKR. For a scale its roughly 0.02% of Pakistan's GDP (as of data till 2010) and NESCOM may have a Pandora's box worth of budget from govt but at last PA has to buy these from it. And this just the warhead, I have not included any other expenses like the R&D for the same. Army also has to provide with delivery systems hence the pay for it.

For your comment on DRDO, I won't troll back on u. Pls refrain from doing so again while replying to me. Also it asks for counter troll from Indian side.
2. Yeah thats the point. Scare the enemy, thats what it is about. You see, Nasr and other TNWs are all about bringing the nuclear threshold to the minimum level.
Radiation is non discriminatory for who it is irradiating. It is harmful for any aggressor forces as well as for the defending forces too. Remember Pu-239 has a half life of 24,100 years. If the aggressor forces full back then even then PA can do much from that region.

3. So you think safe guards can only be employed inside a weapon? What about the outside? Can't they be safeguarded in secure containers? Don't tell me that you think that someone is going to walk out of a SMG base with a Nasr warhead in his backpack. :hitwall:
My point was that every nuclear device has a fail-safe lock-down mode that is even after being launched if deemed necessary the nuclear core can be shutdown. Also this system is at work when not launched hence it prevents any tampering to be device itself. And this adds weight to the already heavy weapons packaging (wrto Nasar's payload capacity)

You guys just consider the SIZE before while raising the concerns. Maybe you think that the 'bigger cousins' are too heavy to be carried away quietly, eh? :hitwall:
No one can use Pakistan's nukes without authentication, NO ONE. Not only we have multi-layered outer protection, but also PAL-based triggers and multiple arming codes. All those things require a freakin' authentication from a dozen freakin' Armed Forces personnel.

Yeah, now you are going to say that 'what if that 'dozen' goes rogue?'
Well, sweet dreams. :rolleyes:

Did u have any problem getting my point ? By security I donn mean 4 armed guards sitting over the device. I mean the non-tamparable security features that are embedded with the warhead. With its "bigger cousins" having no restrictions on size and volume hence highly efficient security systems can be embedded with it. Smaller nukes, like W-54 used in the Davy Crockett recoilless rifle had very stringent requirements and hence it was forgone with little or no security.:coffee:
You should have thought more before writing those lines. Dude, it's all about priorities and strategic needs, Is there any country near to USA who have CSD? That's why they abondened the project coz they don't needed that small warheads.

So, as per your idea one should develop a TNW only when one has a neighbor with CSD ? :laugh:
Jokes apart, USA has a expeditionary force. This clue might help you finding the flaw.
How far do these travel? Can they reach Israel?
kṣamā;3158106 said:
And wat dose your point has to convey to me ?? :what:

My point was in response to your following statement:
Now its should be noted that these people at UCRL (creators of W-54) were the aces of the game, then why did they abandoned the project and non of them saw a conflict, not even at sea or anti-sat role??
Perhaps you wanted to say something else but didnt use the right words.

Let me say this again. More Clearly, 425,000 USD in 1973 is 40.6 million PKR. For a scale its roughly 0.02% of Pakistan's GDP (as of data till 2010) and NESCOM may have a Pandora's box worth of budget from govt but at last PA has to buy these from it. And this just the warhead, I have not included any other expenses like the R&D for the same. Army also has to provide with delivery systems hence the pay for it.
Is this amount for ONE weapon?
Look, this 'miniaturization' of nukes was a very difficult and expensive task in 1970s because the technology they used was inefficient. The equipment, machines used were of primitive designs. Now, times have changed. If you take a look at our nuclear weapons program, it achieved its goals using the minimum financial resources among all the nuclear nations.

R & D? Again, we are not re-inventing the wheel. Some prior knowledge is obtained by legal/illegal means and more work is done on it.

The Army doesn't provides anything. It is the end-user.

For your comment on DRDO, I won't troll back on u. Pls refrain from doing so again while replying to me. Also it asks for counter troll from Indian side.
I wasn't trolling. I was stating a fact. I meant to say that these guys mean serious business, there is no bluffing involved.

Radiation is non discriminatory for who it is irradiating. It is harmful for any aggressor forces as well as for the defending forces too. Remember Pu-239 has a half life of 24,100 years. If the aggressor forces full back then even then PA can do much from that region.
Agreed. You see, in a nuclear war scenario, Pakistan Army doesn't cares about the aftermath. We haven't got much to lose (speaking in terms of economy).

My point was that every nuclear device has a fail-safe lock-down mode that is even after being launched if deemed necessary the nuclear core can be shutdown. Also this system is at work when not launched hence it prevents any tampering to be device itself. And this adds weight to the already heavy weapons packaging (wrto Nasar's payload capacity)
That is what I meant by "Arming codes" (locks). Yes, Pakistan's nuclear delivery systems have multiple arming locks.
So you mean to say that since somehow the weapon becomes "overloaded", Pakistanis decide to remove those arming locks, eh?
By the way a ~60-80 seconds flight time doesn't really requires an on-board arming lock :P

Did u have any problem getting my point ? By security I donn mean 4 armed guards sitting over the device. I mean the non-tamparable security features that are embedded with the warhead. With its "bigger cousins" having no restrictions on size and volume hence highly efficient security systems can be embedded with it. Smaller nukes, like W-54 used in the Davy Crockett recoilless rifle had very stringent requirements and hence it was forgone with little or no security.
I get your point. Since both of us don't have any solid evidence whether they do or don't employ non-tamperable security locks, we really can't say anything. However, I am pretty confident about their security (and everyone should be).
Looks like a GMLRS...


with guidance and movable fins at the nose and Warhead behind the nose...
Pakistan can do what ever it want on its own soil. We are not nuking Indians in India (which of course we will do later when the time is right) but we are defending ourselves from the Indian invasion. So this missile is for defence purpose not offence.

battlefields in pakistani or indian land will not be in uninhabited places, there is hardly any 10 km long stretch with out any kind of settlement in both countries these days. so tactical nuks or a farce unless you are intended to wipe out you own population. So what will you defend if you kill your own country men ? this strategy it self shows that how retard are pakistani policy makers and supporting pdf fan boys. one more thing, you people are openly saying that one day you will nuke india also, getting proper opportunity. Doesn't it give india a right to do a Tit for tat in advance? But relax, we are a responsible nation, we respect the value of human life. we will never commit such barbaric crime, we will wait for your PROPER OPPORTUNITY instead to achieve our aim.
battlefields in pakistani or indian land will not be in uninhabited places, there is hardly any 10 km long stretch with out any kind of settlement in both countries these days. so tactical nuks or a farce unless you are intended to wipe out you own population. So what will you defend if you kill your own country men ? this strategy it self shows that how retard are pakistani policy makers and supporting pdf fan boys. one more thing, you people are openly saying that one day you will nuke india also, getting proper opportunity. Doesn't it give india a right to do a Tit for tat in advance? But relax, we are a responsible nation, we respect the value of human life. we will never commit such barbaric crime, we will wait for your PROPER OPPORTUNITY instead to achieve our aim.

Well usually Pakistan weapons are mostly defensive in nature. Pakistan will not attack India. It is India with its COLD START DOCTRINE and what not showing its intentions to attack Pakistan. (So much for responsible nation and value for human life).
Anyway, MAD is a very important word here. Pakistan and India has to make sure that they keep to it. (Hoping that you know what the word means).

NASR missile is a tactical weapon intended for use against specifically for the opposing army. It means that we dont want the CIVILIANS in the enemy country to get killed.

Pakistan successfully conducted the test fire of indigenously developed Short Range Surface to Surface Multi Tube Missile Hatf IX (NASR) today.

Do i see four tube launchers on the vehicle.

i suppose there is good chance that there isnot 4launchers on one vehicle bt there r two vehicles standing side by side.....
i suppose there is good chance that there isnot 4launchers on one vehicle bt there r two vehicles standing side by side.....
hahahahaha quite a eye u got brother .............there is only one vehicle
Well I had say that every nation is entitled to its protection in whatever way it deems necessary unless it affects others.
But on the issue of tactical Nukes, Its just something to keep on table and tell the other side that "just dont do something foolish."
But if your policy makers seriously believe in using them then I had say
1. Get ready for indian as well as International backlash. Today Even uncle sam cant use any nukes cause of international pressure and international image. so its a tightrope to walk on for your policy makers.
As for cold start doctrine :- I think its partially true and partially a Bogeyman.
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