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Happy Raksha Bandhan

Lets the then rename it to like brothers day or sisters day like mother and father day.and tie the band.if concept is love and affection so lets rename it and change the stories connected with it of being protection to some affecton.

something to do with Shia sect ,maulana who comes teaches me quran these days mentioned it once based him same context i questioned him regarding women in islam then he told me there are accounts of Hz.Ayesha going on war.i'll clear up with him.i'm as i said just a beginner.And finding an authoritative and knowledgeable teacher is difficult .most of time i get 10 different views on a single topics which leaves me in disarray which one to go with so i try to trust my instincts on it.

If there is any religion that treats woman equally then it is Vedic Dharma...vedas even have hymns from female author like Gargi who was a great Brahmavadini...
Why did you leave Hinduism?

Probably after marriage.

Its interesting phenomenon- the after marriage conversion. One of my friends has married a muslim girl. Within an year, She knows more about Hinduism than Him and performs different Pujas almost perfectly...
Lets the then rename it to like brothers day or sisters day like mother and father day.and tie the band.if concept is love and affection so lets rename it and change the stories connected with it of being protection to some affecton.

Ajtr, you're looking far too much into this ! Behan...mittii pao and forget about it...tum mujhe haath mein 'hatkari' baand leinaaa aur iss ko 'Brothers Day' ke leina. :D

something to do with Shia sect ,maulana who comes teaches me quran these days mentioned it once based him same context i questioned him regarding women in islam then he told me there are accounts of Hz.Ayesha going on war.i'll clear up with him.i'm as i said just a beginner.And finding an authoritative and knowledgeable teacher is difficult .most of time i get 10 different views on a single topics which leaves me in disarray which one to go with so i try to trust my instincts on it.

A word of advice - Stay away from the Maulanas and the sort ! You have the ability to read - Use that instead ! Do your on reading of the Quran, of the Hadith, of Islamic History, Islamic Philosophical thought, of Quranic exegeses (tafasir !) and the works of numerous scholars but above all 'read for yourself' and 'think for yourself' - You owe this to yourself, your family and your child ! Acquire and accumulate knowledge from A-Z sources and then 'use your own judgement'....you don't need any Maulana or Molvi to come and teach you what Islam does or doesn't say ! Islam requires us to be our own Priest, Pope and Scholar all combined into one !
I've 10% of the decent cultured indians who are already my friends.As for the rest 90% uncultured etholess indian men leave me not even any cultured person will be friends with them.

Is anyone advocating Sati or Untouchability here??? Indian society is too much awakened and change as compared to a century before.
If Rakshi was anything like all the BS you say there would be hundreds of voices against it.

I consider myself among 90% if respecting good things in tradition & Culture is uncultured etholessness n blah blah.

Hey lets celebrate the untouchability or devadasi coustom shall we?:rolleyes:

Come On...Rakhi is not a thing to be compared with Devdasi & Untouchability.
Forget untouchability our constitution has rules & severe punishment for verbal abuse against Dalits under attrocity acts.
And devdasi are they seen anywhere??
If Rakhi was anything like any of them you and I would have read about it in history books.

Well about protection thing even in marraiges there are some unwritten demands like taking care & responsibilities of women by men. It will really entertaining but not knowledgeable to know what are your thought about marraige system? Why women need marraiges when they can alone take care of babies ..financially physically etc etc ;)

Probably after marriage.

Its interesting phenomenon- the after marriage conversion. One of my friends has married a muslim girl. Within an year, She knows more about Hinduism than Him and performs different Pujas almost perfectly...

I too have observed. They try to become more believers than the believers themselves.
And ajtr have come and spoiled this wonderfull thread !!!

She could have made new thread about her views or objections about Rakshabandhan but she prefered spoiling this wonderful and a readymade thread ...so intelligent na? :enjoy:

Now Mods should change the title of this thread as
" Ajtr's another series : Meri Awaaz Suno "

Probably after marriage.

Its interesting phenomenon- the after marriage conversion. One of my friends has married a muslim girl. Within an year, She knows more about Hinduism than Him and performs different Pujas almost perfectly...

I too have observed. They try to become more believers than the believers themselves.

Its like Nayi dulhan baar baar Aaina dekhti hai or Naya Mullah masjid mei zorse azaan lagata hai

thats the beauty of converts they love their present and feel blessed & enlighted by disregarding their old identity & finding satisfactory reasons in their new identity to feel proud.
I think, We're giving too much importance to a convert...
I don't understand what's the need of explaining Hindu customs and rituals to a person who was previously a Hindu(assuming the person was)....

It's better to explain different aspects of Hinduism to an original Muslim or to a person who doesn't know anything about the religion......

New converts are often more enthusiastic then the old/original ones.....they tend to overlook all the -ve aspects of the adopted religion...................until they face reality....
simple answer ek se bhala do aur do se bhale char:cool:

since when telugus started celebrating rakshabandhan?

I asked simple question: As to when Andhraites started celebrating the festival of rakshabandhan?

I think this has been going on from ages in south India.

As for sisters praying for brother well being there is another another festival called bhai -dooj thats celebrated 2 days after diwali.but there they dont emphasize sister's role as protector over her brother.

As far as i know bhai-dooj is not celebrated over south.its celebrated only among north indian hindus...

Bhai Phota in Hyderabad is celebrated with much splendor. The ceremony is marked with many rituals along with a grand feast arranged for the brothers.

Bhau-beej - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lets the then rename it to like brothers day or sisters day like mother and father day.and tie the band.if concept is love and affection so lets rename it and change the stories connected with it of being protection to some affecton.

You know absolute equality beetween gender which you are talking about is impossible because men and women might be equal but they are not the same..there are roles where women get higher status and there are others things where men get higher ranks. Men and women are compliment to each others. Rights comes with responsibilities and more rights mean you have more responsibilities as well..for examples in islam it say that paradise lie under the feets of mother and her ranks is double than that of father now here should we complain that why not father was given higher status when he also take all the burden of financial respobsibilities for his family be it mother, sister or daughter as well as childrens. We also admit mother bear more pain and give more sacrifice for kids so she deserve this higher rank. If islam has given status of protector to men than its beacause he has given your financial responsibilities and he was the ones who fought wars on front lines and got killed in order to save children, women and weak older peoples of his nation. I know many asians women cry about equality of western women but then those women also share the responsibilities equally from paying for food,bills,rent etc to taking care of house,kids,bringing household things , marrige expenses etc..I personally think women enjoy more benefits than men..

I dont believe in rakhi or karwa chaut stuff because i dont think i need any special day to remind my sisters that i care for them and will look after them in the time of needs.i also dont believe in father or mother day for the same reasons. To have respect for these relationship and to think about their welfare is natural things which all hindu,muslims,sikhs,athiests do without need of any advertisement or show off on one specefic special day ..secondly rakhha bandan or kurva chuat has nothing to do with male domination..so if a brother tell her sister that he care for her and will protect her honour then how its a bad thing and how you make it male vs female thing. Rest if you need clarification about jung e jamal then i can pm you as this is not right topic for that discussion.
well For showing sisterly love or brotherly love and care brother and sisters have every day.but Rakshabandhan was made to emphasize upon the role of man over woman as brother being protector.

As for sisters praying for brother well being there is another another festival called bhai -dooj thats celebrated 2 days after diwali.but there they dont emphasize sister's role as protector over her brother.

As far as i know bhai-dooj is not celebrated over south.its celebrated only among north indian hindus..

if i can be cyber jih@di then sure you can be hindu ....:P

Auntyji , Thanks for your insight about "MY FESTIVAL". Can you please shed some light over how this started and how it should be celebrated so next time I will take care of all those things? Anyways, Your logic is as stupid as it happens in your most of the post.

Never come up and say that you were HINDU. you simply born in hindu family never understood it and moved out of it. Your choice, no comments but then from a confused person like you, I am least interested. I have my sisters (including cousins) and I love to get Rakhis from them while I am away from my country.

Just to share, my daughter (5 months old) send Rakhi (of course she can't, I have send) to her cousin and celebrated rakhi first time in life.

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