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Happy Independence Day Bangladeshis!

Pakistan army started all the trouble by initiating an ill-conceived 'Operation Searchlight' on March 26, 1970. They were here to punish the Bangalis for voting for a Party that only wanted a limited autonomy for east Pakistan within the framework of Pakistan. But, Yahya Khan sent his army to punish us for making a crime in the election.

What course did we have other than to repulse the PA attack with .303 or with bare hands. Some posters are insulting our hundreds and thousands of Shaheeds who sacrificed their bloods to create a separate country that would be ruled by democracy and democratic institutions. We have not yet reached all the goals, but we are moving towards these goals one by one. I personally expect a great future for the country.

And why not? Bangladesh has come a long way, and is destined to go further on that track towards Progress and Prosperity in an atmosphere of Peace.

About "Operation Searchlight"; that was a terrible crime committed on the people of the erstwhile E. Pakistan. I have met survivors of that organised action (pogrom would be a more apt expression) in Bangladesh and they will find it impossible to erase that memory from their minds.
I have also met the young students who formed the enthusiastic ranks of the Mukti Bahini and fought with the minimum arms and training against a ruthlessly professional Army led by a Gen. Tikka Khan who had earned a (dubious) reputation in Balochistan. Incidentally, I would like to remind the Bangladeshi members here, a great deal of those young men became casualties to mines (anti-personnel and claymore). Since mines were extensively laid in the country-side, especially the border districts. Many of them in the flower of their youth lost limbs and became paraplegic and even quadriplegic, and a good many of them were only a little older than boys. I have seen them too, waiting to be fitted with prostheses and undergo rehabilitation. It was only uncommon courage(maybe bordering on an inspired madness) that motivated them. Please go and spend at least a little time with them to understand (if possible) a little of what happened during that momentous period, and you will understand how precious is the Independence that you live in.

আমার দেশ আমি তোমায় অনেক অনেক ভালবাসি--

স্বাধীনতার চল্লিশ! ভাবুন তো আপনি দেশকে কি দিতে পেরেছেন?
হয়তো অনেক কিছু! কিন্তু দেশের দিকে চেয়ে দেখুনতো!!--

ত্রিশ লক্ষ শহিদের রক্তে
গড়া এ দেশ খান খান..
জীবন দিয়ে রাখতে হবে
শহিদের সম্মান

একদিকে খাবারের জন্য হাহাকার আর অন্য দিকে সেই হাহাকার দুর করার জন্য অর্থের পাহাড়ে বসে আলোচনা চলছে!
একদিকে গনতন্ত্রের কথা বলছে আর অন্য দিকে পবিবার তন্ত্রের জাল শক্ত করে বাধা হচ্ছে!
একদিকে মানুষকে ধোকা দিয়ে অন্য দিকে প্রতিশোধের রাজনীতির প্রকিৃয়া শক্তিশালী করা হচ্ছে!
তরুন দের মাথায় কাঠালঁ ভেঙে নিজেকে তথা ক্ষমতার দিকে বুড়োরা আগুয়ান হচ্ছে!

প্রকৃত স্বাধীনতা- যেখানে থাকবেনা কোন ক্ষুদার জ্বালা, জনগণের মাথায় কাঠাঁল ভেঙে ক্ষমতা নিয়ে কাড়াকাড়ি থাকবেনা, ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করে নিজের প্রাসাদ তৈরীর মানসিকতা থাকবেনা,হবে প্রতিশোধের রাজনীতির ধংস।

গনতন্ত্র আনছি করতে
দেশের ও কল্যান
দুর্নীতি বাড়ছে তাতে
দেশের ও অপমান..

নিজের দেশকে কটু কথা বলার আগে একবার ভাবুন আপনার পরিচয়টা কি!
আপনিও তো দেশেই একজন! তাহলে কেন নিজের দেশকে বাজে কথা বলবেন?গালিটা তাহলে কাকে দেয়া হল!
আগে ভাবুন আপনি কি করেছেন বা কি করছেন দেশের জন্য! অন্যের কথা বাদ দিন।

আমি আমার মাকে ভালবাসি
আমি আমার দেশকে ভালবাসি
তাই আমি আমাকে ভালবাসি...

প্রকৃত স্বাধীনতার প্রত্যয়ে সামনে আসার সময় আমাদের- কেন অসুস্হ রাজনীতির মাঝে নিজেকে বন্ধী রাখবো,কেন অন্যায়কে প্রশয় দিবো ?
দেখুন না আপনি কি করতে পারেন আপনার দেশের জন্য!
প্রতিদিন সকাল থেকে রাত নিজের দেশের ভালোর জন্য তথা মানুষের ভালোর জন্য আপনি কি করতে পারেন তা একবার ভাবুন আর ঝাপিয়ে পরুন।

প্রতিরোধে যুব সমাজ
হওরে আগুয়ান..
দেশপ্রমের মহিমায়
দিব জীবন প্রান

তরুন শক্তি , তরুনরা প্রত্যয়ি, দেশকে সুন্দর করে সাজাতে বদ্ধ পরিকর।
দেশপ্রেমের মহিমায় দেশ গড়তে করবে নতুন যুদ্ধ। এই হোক সকল তরুনের তথা তরুন মনের শপথ।

তোমার মাঝেই স্বপ্নের শুরু
তোমার মাঝেই শেষ
ভালবাসা ভাললাগা আমার
Shilaidaha Kuthibadi a historic place associated with rabindranath tagore and a tourist spot. It stands on the south bank of the river Padma in Kumarkhali upazila in Kushtia district and is five miles north of the district headquarters across the Gadai and opposite to the Pabna town on farther north across the Padma. Shilaidaha is also famous for the kachhari (office) of the Birahimpur zamindari and the historic kuthibadi of the Tagore family of Jorasanko. Shilaidaha is a relatively modern name; its old name was Khorshedpur.

Before the Thakurs of Jorasanko acquired the village in the middle of the 19th century there stood an indigo-Kuthi reportedly built by a planter, named Shelly. A deep daha (whirlpool) was formed there at the confluence of the Gadai and the Padma, and hence the village came to be known as 'Shelly-daha', which ultimately took the form of 'Silaidaha'.

Shilaidaha Kuthibadi, Kushtia

dwarkanath tagore, grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore, became the owner of this zamindari in 1807 by means of a will executed in his favour by Ramlochan Tagore. Rabindranath assumed the responsibility of looking after the zamindari and came to Shilaidaha for the first time in November 1889.

Rabindranath Tagore in his adolescence and even later occasionally stayed there during his periodic inspection of the zamindari estate. But later the Padma began to devour its banks during high flood close to the old Kuthibadi. Alarmed at the devastating erosion it was dismantled and its building materials were used for the erection of the new Kuthibadi. There the poet lived for more than a decade at irregular intervals between 1891 and 1901. During his stay there, eminent scientists, litterateurs and intelligentsia of Bengal such as Sir jagadish chandra bose, dwijendralal roy, pramatha chowdhury, mohitlal majumder, Lokendranath Palit visited him on various occasions. Sitting at his desk in the Kuthibadi or on a boat on the Padma, Rabindranath wrote a number of masterpieces: Sonar Tari, Chitra, Chaitali, Katha O Kahini, Ksanika, most of the poems of Naibedya and Kheya, and the songs of gitanjali and Gitimalya. It was here, in 1912, that the poet started his translation of Gitanjali into English, which earned him the Nobel Prize in 1913. Rabindranath had a deep attachment for Shilaidaha and the Padma, which is evident in his Chhinna Patrabali. The poet once wrote in a letter, 'The holy place of my literary pursuits during my youth and middle age was the village of Shilaidaha kissed by the waves of the Padma'.

BANGLAPEDIA: Shilaidaha Kuthibadi

This is for Zakira and others who want the Bangladesh national anthem changed because if is by a Hindu, West Bengali!!

Rabindranath Tagore is from Silaidaha in Kushtia in Bangladesh!

The above is from Banglapedia!
This is for Zakira and others who want the Bangladesh national anthem changed because if is by a Hindu, West Bengali!!

Rabindranath Tagore is from Silaidaha in Kushtia in Bangladesh!

The above is from Banglapedia!

Na mate its because its dull, boring and lifeless. Even rule Britania has more zing to it. We really need to change it.
Na mate its because its dull, boring and lifeless. Even rule Britania has more zing to it. We really need to change it.

I think our anthem is very melodious and patriotic
Why should we change it?
dull and boring isn't reason enough
And change it to what? any suggestions?
ANYTHING, that does not put me to sleep. Seriously it is hideously crap, a children nursey rime sound better then this. It's none inspiring, we need something that inspires and uplifts the people, something that portarys strength and vigor, not this namby pamby crap.
This is for Zakira and others who want the Bangladesh national anthem changed because if is by a Hindu, West Bengali!!

Rabindranath Tagore is from Silaidaha in Kushtia in Bangladesh!

The above is from Banglapedia!

Why should we bother if they want to change their national anthem? Although I do understand the sentiment that you have for BD, that being your birthplace.
Happy Independence day to Bangladesh to its people and to all Bangladeshi members here enjoy your day and may GOD bless.
I couldn't care less if tagore was a hindu or not, its just a crap anthem, it should come with a warning sign: This song/music might send you into a coma or depression.
Of course it is boring and listless.

How about something from Britney Spears?

Would be great on videos!

How about Eminem?

Solid lyrics to wake up the dead!

Rather appropriate, what?

Keeps to the aggressive aspirations of the BNP and Razakar supporters, what?
couldn't be any worse. or we could have Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire, that would wake people up.
BTW, having seen the posts of most BD chaps here, led by Bangla Bhai Zakira, I wonder if it is all that bad the way BD is at the moment and it was better to be with Pakistan, why are you hesitating to rejoin Pakistan?

I think that would solve of his identity vacuum that you are experiencing.

And let me tell you, it would be ideal and better for BD to go back to be a part of Pakistan as before.

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

couldn't be any worse. or we could have Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire, that would wake people up.

And enimems F you?

And why are you so chary in not reuniting with Pakistan since that is what is the real salvation to your identity crisis!

It is only your figment of imagination that they treated you as second class like they do the Mohajirs.

You are first class is what I say.

What is wrong with Urdu as your language.

After all, Bengali language is but a Hindu conspiracy!

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