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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

Whether he is better or not , or what you think of him is your right , and what I think of Hamid Mir is Mine , neither can I nor can you interfere in that . however on the other hand you branded Musharaf a Traitor , and a Criminal (which is actually punishable by law) , without it actually have been proven . You CANNOT brand someone Criminal until he is sentenced by the court for the said Crime .. Know the difference between Mulzim & Mujrim . and try harder next time .

Must be the Geo news ticker on his Mujrim status..

However, you can brand someone anything you want and accuse him of criminal or traitorous intent. You have the choice to take them to court over it and they have they choice to pursue you for defamation. And there is no trying here, its just a difference of opinion and a deluded mindset of a "holier than thou" attitude of certain military personnel and their supporters that warrants an opposition.
& on this sold out scumbags, HM?
why are you always furious:undecided:
i believe Journalists should be given freedom to practise their profession ....without being tortured or threatened....we already have a very bad reputation in the world for being the most dangerous place/country for Journalists to carry on their activites freely here...so many have been killed in the past....i may not agree with them or may have strong opinion against them but hey killing is not the solution...
Posttraumatic questionmark disorder?
Post of the day on that one in my view. :rofl:

Regardless, this to and fro opinions exchange only gives you an indication of inflexibility and rather emotional attachment to figureheads in our nation. Be it Musharraf, IK or Bhutto for some.
However, you can brand someone anything you want and accuse him of criminal or traitorous intent. You have the choice to take them to court over it and they have they choice to pursue you for defamation. And there is no trying here, its just a difference of opinion and a deluded mindset of a "holier than thou" attitude of certain military personnel and their supporters that warrants an opposition.

No you cannot , .. only state has the Right to prosecute in such cases , you can file for it(tell state to do it) and that is all you cannot accuse him , You can think what you want no one can stop you from that , however if you say it out loud then you are technically breaking the law yourself .
why are you always furious:undecided:
i believe Journalists should be given freedom to practise their profession ....without being tortured or threatened....we already have a very bad reputation in the world for being the most dangerous place/country for Journalists to carry on their activites freely here...so many have been killed in the past....i may not agree with them or may have strong opinion against them but hey killing is not the solution...
if journalits cant protect the national intersts, sure there will be no one to save them in pakistan , they should move to india or west? fast
reported for offtopic posts, deralling the thread by using the status givin by PDF admin?
its for the gus like you, who thinks whole world is right?
How old are you bhai.
If ttp or any other terrorist org has attacked him that means ,he must be doing something right for the country,unless you think terrorists are fighting for Pakistan.
Does make a lot of sense when he categorically mentions to his family that he is under threat and if he is attacked than it has to be treated as done by whom he refers to, but then I don't see anyone going to the extent of endangering his life to increase his ratings. Pray tell me, how does him or his brother or his channel targeting the much beloved ISI improve his ratings?

I too agree that it is too early for anyone to pass a judgement including me too.

If a terrorist sympathizer and an Al Qaeda sympathizer cries over allegations like ISI is the boogeyman. Tell me who would you support? A person who idolized AQ or the TTP? I wouldn't. ISI isnt the only enemy he has, trust me. A LONG list of people. From MQM, to TTP to ISI to normal terror victims of Pakistan.

But one cannot be sure, just yet. The best way to cause issues for a 3rd party was to strike now.
if journalits cant protect the national intersts, sure there will be no one to save them in pakistan , they should move to india or west? fast
that Profession doesnt run like that...they are not state sponsored beings...plus you need to have tolerance towards different opinion/views...one cant control each and everything in Media
No you cannot , .. only state has the Right to prosecute in such cases , you can file for it(tell state to do it) and that is all you cannot accuse him , You can think what you want no one can stop you from that , however if you say it out loud then you are technically breaking the law yourself .

Not correct, you can go ahead and call someone a criminal or traitor but it is up to the state to decide if you broke the law.
case in point
Muslim extremist fined £50 for burning poppies on Remembrance Day | UK news | theguardian.com

Additionally, in Musharraf's own words in court.. he referred to people calling him a traitor.. if he wishes he can take defamation action against them. Why does he not?
or a posttrumatic, overeducated dissorder, that im know all & i m the new prophet , sent to teach pakistanis?:woot::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

go to west, how the journalits defend or even preasured to take national intersts at large?
if they can, even in the west they are not wellcome?
try it?
not all...only some of them....
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