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Hamas now has 100km range rockets confirmed by IDF


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Hamas: Our Rockets Will Reach North of Tel Aviv - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas member of parliament and senior figure in the organization, threatened increased Hamas missile range in the next confrontation, saying that if Israel struck Gaza, Hamas would fire missiles at "targets north of Tel Aviv."

Al-Masri, who spoke at an event organized by Hamas students to commemorate a year since the IDF's Operation Pillar of Cloud, claimed that Israel "will be surprised by the abilities of the Al-Qassam Brigades."

On Monday al-Masri similarly claimed that Hamas now has missiles with 100 kilometer (62 mile) range, putting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in their sights.

The threats were confirmed last Friday when Colonel Amos Hacohen, head of the IDF's Southern Gaza Brigade, assessed that Hamas continues to greatly expand and improve its missile arsenal. The missiles are largely produced in Gaza following Egypt's crackdown on Sinai smuggling.

Al-Masri extolled the young generation of Hamas, saying "these youths present at the event...are a generation educated in the mosques that learned the Koran by heart."

The senior Hamas figure then threatened Israeli leaders, and particularly Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, telling them "to run away before the new generation of Al-Qassam Brigades reaches you."


It's true, when I was in Gaza over the past summer I heard explosions several times where both Hamas and PIJ were testing rockets. PIJ was testing 30km rockets I believe and Hamas was testing these rockets they produce in Gaza. I'm not sure if they are yet very accurate though. Also unsure of the damage.

@al-Hasani , @ResurgentIran , @haman10
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Keep in mind they're progressing at a slower rate than before and they are not yet as strong as they were considering the regional state.

Also, this won't make much of a difference unless they can make them accurate and target sensitive locations.

This rocket is used rather than other rockets because it's shorter length. Other rockets cannot be concealed and this serves the purpose to maintain the arsenal in case of confrontation.
Fantastic news! Whats the payload?
In any case, this will be great deterrent and make Israel think twice about doing anything foolish.
these will hardly be any threat for IDF, hamas can only threat random infrastructure with these
Fantastic news! Whats the payload?
In any case, this will be great deterrent and make Israel think twice about doing anything foolish.

It's confidential I believe, they haven't really set forth on producing them in larger, more accurate and more efficient quantities as of 2012, since 2013 this may be something they are working with as we're speaking.

They've only used it in its early stages during the last conflict and put it to test. It was aimed at the Israeli Knesset.

Ever since then they have modifying them. So we don't really know how much of a threat they can be.

these will hardly be any threat for IDF, hamas can only threat random infrastructure with these

Really, tell us what you know about it. I never knew you had inside access to Hamas's rocket program.
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It's confidential I believe, they haven't really set forth on producing them in larger, more accurate and more efficient quantities as of 2012, since 2013 this may be something they are working with as we're speaking.

They've only used it in its early stages during the last conflict and put it to test. It was aimed at the Israeli Knesset.

Ever since then they have modifying them. So we don't really know how much of a threat they can be.

Really, tell us what you know about it. I never knew you had inside access to Hamas's rocket program.

Hopefully they can work on guidance system to better target military targets and sensitive infrastructure.
May be possible. Depends what they have to work with.

Gaza is doing wonderfully, considering the blockade from both sides. Remarkable resistance.
Hats off to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Now we just have to hope that Fatah (the traitors) in West Bank gets thrown out, like they got thrown out in Gaza.
Imagine a fully united Palestinian people under one representative political group and government in all of Palestine.
Insha'Allah it will happen.
This a pure terrorist weapon, since the rocket does not have any targeting mechanism. It is meant to cause civilian death & destruction, rather than hitting at enemy's military/strategic assets. Even a suicide bomber picks and chooses his target, but Hamas rockets just wreck terror randomly.
Anyone who lauds this achievement of Hamas is infact supporting terror activities.

I feel, this is actually good news for Israel. Smaller rockets are easy to hide and transport whereas bigger rockets are more cumbersome. It'll be easier for Israel to locate the manufacturing and launch sites of these missiles and destroy them..
This a pure terrorist weapon, since the rocket does not have any targeting mechanism. It is meant to cause civilian death & destruction, rather than hitting at enemy's military/strategic assets. Even a suicide bomber picks and chooses his target, but Hamas rockets just wreck terror randomly.
Anyone who lauds this achievement of Hamas is infact supporting terror activities.

I feel, this is actually good news for Israel. Smaller rockets are easy to hide and transport whereas bigger rockets are more cumbersome. It'll be easier for Israel to locate the manufacturing and launch sites of these missiles and destroy them..

We didn't know you had inside information on Hamas's just military capabilities. Maybe you can tell us about it?

Way to miss the point too, this rocket is a portion larger than a grad rocket. It can't be easily located.

We support resistance against an illegal occupying nation. This conflict needs research on the background and context applied to it.

Give that a shot then come back here so we consider your statement any but credible.
great !! huhaha !!

100 km !! your building quite a missile power !!:butcher::butcher:

so you now have to work on the accuracy !! with maybe a little help from friendly countries ? :partay:

inshaallah , i hope before my death i could see the excision surgery of the cancerous tumor by palestinian youth all with my own eyes !!

i wish i could help a little bit ! although i'm no one but all i can do is cyber support ! :lol: for my brothers in palestine !! :wub::wub:

p.s you guys can now strike enemy in the most sensitive parts of israeli regime ! u know , ..... dimona .... and stuff :laughcry::laughcry:
This a pure terrorist weapon, since the rocket does not have any targeting mechanism. It is meant to cause civilian death & destruction, rather than hitting at enemy's military/strategic assets. Even a suicide bomber picks and chooses his target, but Hamas rockets just wreck terror randomly.
Anyone who lauds this achievement of Hamas is infact supporting terror activities.

I feel, this is actually good news for Israel. Smaller rockets are easy to hide and transport whereas bigger rockets are more cumbersome. It'll be easier for Israel to locate the manufacturing and launch sites of these missiles and destroy them..
how about when US used these kind of rockets against japan ? how about russia ? when it comes to muslims it's a terrorist weapon but when it comes to US even having nuke is peace full . world is full of $hit these days.
how about when US used these kind of rockets against japan ? how about russia ? when it comes to muslims it's a terrorist weapon but when it comes to US even having nuke is peace full . world is full of $hit these days.

I swear, it's bizarre, they still use strategies which is to devastate civilian cities and towns in order to achieve maximum damage against any military targets. The US used napalm on civilians and many massacres were committed by western forces all around the world.

This guy is close minded, there's no room for education, he should take a history course or something.

Israel also used to strike targets with full knowledge of civilians being around. They did this with Ahmed Yassin, fired a missile while he and other civilians were walking out of a mosque.

That's such a terrible argument.
Really, tell us what you know about it. I never knew you had inside access to Hamas's rocket program.

Well for one he isn't delusional like you. Rockets, unguided one at that, are good for propaganda for Gaza residents, but do nothing for Israel.

great !! huhaha !!

inshaallah , i hope before my death i could see the excision surgery of the cancerous tumor by palestinian youth all with my own eyes !!

Only the end of days will you see an Israel wiped out, but long before that we'd be dead. Really in the past 30 years all we have seen is Israel grow stronger leaps and bounds.

The delusion is depressing with you guys.
Well for one he isn't delusional like you. Rockets, unguided one at that, are good for propaganda for Gaza residents, but do nothing for Israel.

Only the end of days will you see an Israel wiped out, but long before that we'd be dead. Really in the past 30 years all we have seen is Israel grow stronger leaps and bounds.

The delusion is depressing with you guys.

What's the purpose for your jealousy? You sound like depressed one. Muslims stand together. You don't reflect Muslim behavior. Get lost.
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