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one thing to consider - you don't need to wait another 5 years to get this, much cheaper than LCA, and the performance is even better.

Deal! You, sire, can go convince the Chinese govt to sell aircraft to India! :yahoo:
Deal! You, sire, can go convince the Chinese govt to sell aircraft to India! :yahoo:

It's just another copy work of china.

And India definitely not interested to buy a copycat junk.:argh:
ok so umm...

F-404: total thrust # 17,700 lbf (78.7 kN) with afterburner
RD-33: 8,300 kgf (81.3 kN, 18,285 lbf) with afterburner

and these are from the "official" GE and Kimov sites

and if lca weighs less than the jf-17, either there isn't a problem with the lca, or there is a problem.

but that means if there is a problem with the lca and not with the jf-17 than that must mean all of those pakistani generals must making false statements about the jf-17. if 17k lb thrust is enough for jf-17 to carry full weapons load than why cant the lighter lca carry the same?

and idk anything about g-limit or anything...

but TVC will solve all of those problems

You can ask these questions to LCA Chief director and ask him why LCA cant pull more then 6Gs and 17+ degree AOA! plus LCA has also gained alot of weight over the past years!
on 23rd march 2007 (public display) JF-17 finnished a 360 degree turn in same amount of time as F-16 pulling 9Gs! As for now for the first 50 JF-17 batch, RD-93 is a decent engine. the block 2 (2012) will have a european or a more powerful chinese engine.

You are Missing one Basic fact.
LCA is NOT going to be India's Prime Defence while JF-17 will be Your Main Fighter Jet.
Where will JF17 Stand when Its Knocked down by Mig-29 BVR ( Leave aside the Mighty SU- 30 MKI infront of it ) ?

LCA will replace the MiG 21s.. Its Mainly for Number and to Boost the MCA Project.

What utter nonsence! who told you that? JF-17 and LCA both have same role which is to replace aging fleet and keep up the squadron numbers up! We also have F-16 MLU/52+ and FC-20 as front line fighters along with JF-17 which btw will be well capable enough to engage just about any non stealth fighter india will pitich for next 2 decades! As for Mig-29 lol. let me ask you, how will Mig-29 cope with JF-17 smaller RCS, MICA, (maybe AIM-120C5) A-Darter, Data linked with AEW&CS, and in the hands of supirior pilot?
JF-17 is not some cr@ppy looking fighter that you see in your bhratrakcha.
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WHat? who told you that? Are you really dumb or you are just pretending to be one? looks like your knowlage is limited to your surroundings only.

1. jf-17 cant be datalinked with eyrie, only to Y-8 which is inferior to eyrie.

Only First 50 Batch of JF-17 wont be datalinked to Erieye because they will be basic version with chinese avionics, radar etc, however starting from 2011 next 100 JF-17 batch will incooperate French RC-400 radar, european avionics, and definatly this version will be data linked to both Erieye and ZDK-03 like ACM of PAF said in one of his interviews.

2. chinese engines aren't better than Russian engines

Chinese WS-13 engine is a candidate for next JF-17 batch which btw is a diverdent of AL-31!

3. European engines=too expensive and no news report confirming it
very poor information you have!:disagree: French have offered pakistan M53 currently used on Mirage-2000.

4. F-16 although good isn't the best F-16 out there and ur neighbor has experience training with it
Once they are given MLU they will be more advance then any of your 4th generation MRCA and lol that joke LCA comes no where close to it. well buddy just to let you know, PAF has had more experiance with your Fighters we literally know mirage-2000, mig-29, su-27 inside out! lol

5. jf-17 and j-10 aren't compatible with American weapons
well ya kind of.

6. paf pilots aren't superior, for 1 reason: money with a 3 billion dollar budget for armed forces 1/3rd the size of ur neighbor, u need 10 billion to do what ur neighbor can.
lol... :woot: you got to be kiddin me?!

Pakistan's Professionals.
"Overall the PAF are a highly professional air force and this is reflected in their high standards of instructions and flying training."
(Steve Bond commenting about PAF's flying training program. Journal: Air Forces Monthly, May 1990.)

Airforces Monthly
Article in the May 1993 issue (pages 46-47 by Sergey Vekhov)

An article in the May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, a reputable UK-based air defence magazine, written by a Russian aviation writer, Sergey Vekhov, for the first time in public, provided a first-hand account about the PAF's pilots:

"As an air defence analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defence analyst commented to me in 1997, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind".

Jane's International Defense (June 24, 1998)
The PAF, although outnumbered by IAF, has at least one qualitative edge over its rival: Pilot Training. The caliber of Pakistani instructors is acknowledged by numerous air forces, and US Navy pilots considered them to be highly 'professionals' during exercises flying off the USS Constellation (as co-pilots). The IAF is in an unfortunate position: it lacks an advanced training (and multi-role combat aircraft

7. rcs doesn't matter if there are 6 Phalcons with 500 km range looking into pakistan
6? first of all only 3 by 2012
Phalcon has as much range as Erieye
and India is not gonna pitch all of its AWAC at pakistan as you will have alot of gap holes in other parts of india.

u think just b.c. paf has bvr means it can challenge anyone, that my friend is wrong. bvr is very complex, after u fire and ur enemy fire, u must dodge it, deploy ew countermeasures/flares, and guide ur own missiles. many many more factors, since mig-29 is larger it has more electronics, and that's what its all about nowadays.
:crazy: okay no comments on that..
BTW you are really dumb.:enjoy:
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5. jf-17 and j-10 aren't compatible with American weapons
Thats such a thick head statement! what do you mean!?

That is a true statement. If you have to integrate American missiles onto Chinese A/C, the americans have to get involved with Chinese made jets. Why do you think that American will collaborate with Chinese in this matter.

But you can integrate missiles from other western countries though, like french ones.
L&T to set up research facility for weapons systems developed by DRDO

Mumbai, Jan 22: Heavy engineering giant Larsen & Toubro (L&T) will set up a major research facility that will conceptualise weapons systems developed by government agency DRDO for commercial production.

"We are not looking to set up something parallel to the DRDO. It will be complementary," L&T Board Member M V Kotwal said.

"As far as investments are concerned, we are ready. Once the green signal is given (by the government), then we can work on it," he added.

Elaborating on the research facility, he said the DRDO will play a valuable role if it restricts to real cutting edge high-end technologies, which India is yet to acquire. There are huge facilities and capable people in the DRDO, Kotwal said.

L&T would concentrate on applying the high-end technologies developed by DRDO, he said. "We can take up that role rather than DRDO wasting its time."

The premier defence research agency should look at the front-end, which requires large investments, because that is what it already has, he said. "DRDO has huge facilities and capable people," the L&T official said.

But as far as applying those technologies are concerned, L&T can take up that role, Kotwal said.

"We are geared up for things."

The heavy engineering firm is also planning investments at its manufacturing base in Coimbatore where various divisions of the company are setting up a unit.

The Coimbatore facility was mainly for defence and aerospace equipment manufacturing, Kotwal said, adding, "The facility would concentrate on high precision manufacturing."

Also, it being a base for high-precision manufacturing, the company has set up two modules there, he said. "We have capacity to add on because it is a very large area."

The private company is looking at building aircraft as well at Coimbatore, but it depends on government policies, he said.

As there is no road map for aircraft manufacturing, "Today we are talking about precision manufacturing. We are supporting a large number of Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd (HAL) programmes. Not only metallics, but composites," he said.

"We intend growing in that area. The base at Coimbatore can build towards aircraft manufacturing."

"There is a potential to go into full aircraft manufacturing in the years to come. We are progressively going in the direction. But there is no immediate plan to get into the commercial aircraft business," the L&T board member said.

As of now, HAL in Bangalore is the only aircraft maker for air force. L&T has been working for HAL to make sub-assemblies.

"In addition to Coimbatore, we have got a facility in Vadodara. That has been expanded to take up composite manufacture, which are used for aircraft and missiles," Kotwal said.
WHat? who told you that? Are you really dumb or you are just pretending to be one? looks like your knowlage is limited to your surroundings only.

Only First 50 Batch of JF-17 wont be datalinked to Erieye because they will be basic version with chinese avionics, radar etc, however starting from 2011 next 100 JF-17 batch will incooperate French RC-400 radar, european avionics, and definatly this version will be data linked to both Erieye and ZDK-03 like ACM of PAF said in one of his interviews.

Chinese WS-13 engine is a candidate for next JF-17 batch which btw is a diverdent of AL-31!

very poor information you have!:disagree: French have offered pakistan M53 currently used on Mirage-2000.

Once they are given MLU they will be more advance then any of your 4th generation MRCA and lol that joke LCA comes no where close to it. well buddy just to let you know, PAF has had more experiance with your Fighters we literally know mirage-2000, mig-29, su-27 inside out! lol

well ya kind of.

lol... :woot: you got to be kiddin me?!

Pakistan's Professionals.
"Overall the PAF are a highly professional air force and this is reflected in their high standards of instructions and flying training."
(Steve Bond commenting about PAF's flying training program. Journal: Air Forces Monthly, May 1990.)

Airforces Monthly
Article in the May 1993 issue (pages 46-47 by Sergey Vekhov)

An article in the May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, a reputable UK-based air defence magazine, written by a Russian aviation writer, Sergey Vekhov, for the first time in public, provided a first-hand account about the PAF's pilots:

"As an air defence analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defence analyst commented to me in 1997, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind".

Jane's International Defense (June 24, 1998)
The PAF, although outnumbered by IAF, has at least one qualitative edge over its rival: Pilot Training. The caliber of Pakistani instructors is acknowledged by numerous air forces, and US Navy pilots considered them to be highly 'professionals' during exercises flying off the USS Constellation (as co-pilots). The IAF is in an unfortunate position: it lacks an advanced training (and multi-role combat aircraft

6? first of all only 3 by 2012
Phalcon has as much range as Erieye
and India is not gonna pitch all of its AWAC at pakistan as you will have alot of gap holes in other parts of india.

:crazy: okay no comments on that..
BTW you are really dumb.:enjoy:

1. WS13 is a mixure of CHina's aborted project of TS21 and RD93,instead of "diverdent of AL-31! "
And, China's aborted project of TS21 was a candidate engine for CHina's 5G aircraft J13/14. But it was aborted ,then CHina applys some tech of TS21 to WS13.
In fact, WS13 should be a bit better than RD93.
This is good that LCA crosses Phase - I and 1000 sorties.

But I think the main thing is the number of test point tested in these sorties.

Do you have any idea or information that how many test point for LCA in IOC.

And how many get tested?
Regarding the number of test points there is no information in public domain. So really Can't help you much in this area. But check the LCA director's interview in this thread (post 603) it should clear lot of doubts.
i read that thread, but not much information is given reagarding no. of test point for IOC.

But one thing is sure by this testing india going learn many things and gain precious experience for thier future model of testing.




LiveFist: Photos: Tejas completes 1,000 test-flights


  • 7bee4cd58d5a83009ff543796d1c7f82.jpg
    7.6 KB · Views: 15
Nice pics,just saw it in BR,by the way,the cockpit displayed here is a mockup,the current cockpit is much better than this one.
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