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LCA and it’s never ending IOCs!!!...wondering if it is being tested to fight against any omnipotent aliens from Mars...I would rank LCA project as Junk and IAF bosses as arrogant brokers of foreign defence suppliers..

Please do not take Tejas Fighter Aircraft Project as a simple project …It will make India self dependence…If something good is going to happen, it takes time…Do not give up your hope…
Proof you can see …These Chinese and Pakistani guys are getting more frustration as India inching towards success.....Do not forget your signature....Success is never final, failure is never fatal

Please do not take Tejas Fighter Aircraft Project as a simple project …It will make India self dependence…If something good is going to happen, it takes time…Do not give up your hope…
Proof you can see …These Chinese and Pakistani guys are getting more frustration as India inching towards success.

Dude, learning is okay but too much learning in class room, labs and even under the open sky under the pretext of learning is not a good sign….learning is never ending process, so lets not expect these folks from DRDO should master everything and then only rollout the LCA…haven’t we achieved the maturity that LCA can even be inducted as a third generation fighter?
If we plan to produce our very first fighter jet comparable to best in class in the world, we are making a big mistake by overestimating ourselves and over stretching our goals..

IMO, we should have inducted LCA as G-3 fighter with GE engine couple of years back, and all current efforts and research should have been made for the up-gradation to LCA G-4.

Remember, your work and research don’t count until your product or service see the light of live production environment!
Dude, learning is okay but too much learning in class room, labs and even under the open sky under the pretext of learning is not a good sign….learning is never ending process, so lets not expect these folks from DRDO should master everything and then only rollout the LCA…haven’t we achieved the maturity that LCA can even be inducted as a third generation fighter?
If we plan to produce our very first fighter jet comparable to best in class in the world, we are making a big mistake by overestimating ourselves and over stretching our goals..

IMO, we should have inducted LCA as G-3 fighter with GE engine couple of years back, and all current efforts and research should have been made for the up-gradation to LCA G-4.

Remember, your work and research don’t count until your product or service see the light of live production environment!

Then tell IAF to induct LCA in as it is condition...

Pakistan inducted its co-developed plane without many 4th gen feature. USA is ready to induct F35 with IOC standards (not FoC std).. China inducts J10 and J11 without many 4th gen feature..

IAF is villain, I will recommend to scrap IAF and fire all IAF personal. give 20 Squadron to IN and 20 to IA... IAF is useless..
Then tell IAF to induct LCA in as it is condition...

Without a radar? It is evident that one of the core problems is still the indigenous radar development, that DRDO still seems to hope for. That should be the reason why Derby still is not integrated or tested yet and without IAF logically won't induct it.
They of course have their share too, but it's naiv to belive that that is the only reason and the recent remarks of the DM wrt ADA and DRDO confirmed that too.
Without a radar? It is evident that one of the core problems is still the indigenous radar development, that DRDO still seems to hope for. That should be the reason why Derby still is not integrated or tested yet and without IAF logically won't induct it.
They of course have their share too, but it's naiv to belive that that is the only reason and the recent remarks of the DM wrt ADA and DRDO confirmed that too.

Don't spread misinformation, Radom has the problem not radar. Elta 2032 (if I am not wrong) is ready, put it in LCA. take 20 LCA (train your pilots, make them familiar with LCA flight envelope). In the mean time Radar and Missile will be integrated with LCA..

That's why I am saying terminate IAF and share 20 - 20 Squardon of Fighter plane each with IA and IN. What is the use of incompetent, arrogant IAF which lack pragmatism.
IAF officials do party with weapon agents (Dalal), what do you expect from such IAF ? IAF was never serious on LCA... It was Bajpai and Saint Anthony due too whom LCA is here....

The defense dalal lobby is very powerful, they can kill us (ppl who are against them), they can sabotage projects (LCA, Arjuna and many) they can delay projects, they can deny programs.. They are more powerful than Prez Obama..
Don't spread misinformation, Radom has the problem not radar. Elta 2032 (if I am not wrong) is ready, put it in LCA. take 20 LCA (train your pilots, make them familiar with LCA flight envelope). In the mean time Radar and Missile will be integrated with LCA..

The Israeli radar is, not our own and none of them is fully integrated yet, otherwise we would alrady have at least made some tests with the Derby's or at least the R77s that initially should be integrated. An nobody will induct a fighter into any force, if the radar is not integrated, most won't even without BVR missiles.
It's on DRDO to provide, then LCA finally can be inducted and if necessary MoD can then add more pressure on IAF, but with this speed up of development and production, IAF already has no points anymore to slow the induction down, more difficult for MK2 is the IN and their requirements.
Without a radar? It is evident that one of the core problems is still the indigenous radar development, that DRDO still seems to hope for. That should be the reason why Derby still is not integrated or tested yet and without IAF logically won't induct it.
They of course have their share too, but it's naiv to belive that that is the only reason and the recent remarks of the DM wrt ADA and DRDO confirmed that too.

For radar, we can go for 2032, but it seems its dome which limits radar capability need to be rectified immediately as per the latest information.

The Israeli radar is, not our own and none of them is fully integrated yet, otherwise we would alrady have at least made some tests with the Derby's or at least the R77s that initially should be integrated. An nobody will induct a fighter into any force, if the radar is not integrated, most won't even without BVR missiles.
It's on DRDO to provide, then LCA finally can be inducted and if necessary MoD can then add more pressure on IAF, but with this speed up of development and production, IAF already has no points anymore to slow the induction down, more difficult for MK2 is the IN and their requirements.

Then how PAF inducted JFTs? even IAF will get the SP-1 & SP-2 with IOC2 standard and the BVR integration is FOC achievement only.
but it seems its dome which limits radar capability need to be rectified immediately as per the latest information.

The dome issues have nothing to do with the EL 2032, but with design and material issues that might limit the performance of any radar. Maybe drag reduction is an aim too, but that's also a problem that needs to be solved for useful induction into service, the sad thing is only, that ADA seems not to be able to solve the issue alone.

Then how PAF inducted JFTs? even IAF will get the SP-1 & SP-2 with IOC2 standard and the BVR integration is FOC achievement only.

Full induction of BVR capabilities is needed FOC only, but we didn't even made basic tests to integrated the missiles yet, let alone in combination with a radar and IAF has different requirements than PAF, so you hardly can compared that.
Full induction of BVR capabilities is needed FOC only, but we didn't even made basic tests to integrated the missiles yet, let alone in combination with a radar and IAF has different requirements than PAF, so you hardly can compared that.

What missiles are you talking about? I thought R-73 was already tested way back in 2010 IIRC. I presume some more would have been done by now. But then again we are talking about LCA.
What missiles are you talking about? I thought R-73 was already tested way back in 2010 IIRC. I presume some more would have been done by now. But then again we are talking about LCA.

R60 and R73 were tested, but both are IR WVR missiles, while no BVR missile was integrated yet, especially the Derby missile IAF and IN intends to use on LCA versions.
R60 and R73 were tested, but both are IR WVR missiles, while no BVR missile was integrated yet, especially the Derby missile IAF and IN intends to use on LCA versions.

Is it really that tough to integrate a BVR missile as compared to a WVR missile? I presume the flight characteristics would have been calculated by now.
Is it really that tough to integrate a BVR missile as compared to a WVR missile? I presume the flight characteristics would have been calculated by now.

The problem is with the Radome and not with radar. Large percentage of transmission loss has been found which may effect the normal functioning of the radar. Thus it is not wise to perform BVR tests using this problem as there is every chance of a failure.

Then tell IAF to induct LCA in as it is condition...

Pakistan inducted its co-developed plane without many 4th gen feature. USA is ready to induct F35 with IOC standards (not FoC std).. China inducts J10 and J11 without many 4th gen feature..

IAF is villain, I will recommend to scrap IAF and fire all IAF personal. give 20 Squadron to IN and 20 to IA... IAF is useless..

If India has inducted LCA as it is then they probably be in very strong position to recommend the desired changes and advancement in next block...honestly speaking I personally dont understand what India will achieve delaying a induction.
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