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There are other proven design, like the tri-plane's in the sukhoi's; But they didnt use that..EF, J-10, Rafale, Mirage etc etc are all pure delta's; The question is WHY go for a Delta design with all its flaws. What I am getting at is; How does this design help the role intended for the LCA ie a Point Defense Fighter.

IMO every wing and shape design has its pro's and con's. Also since most grass roots designs such as LCA are a compromise to meet ' terms of reference', as long as the plane meets all the designed objectives, which by the way also incudes cost per unit; does it make a difference what shape its wing is??.

An example is that both yf-16 and y-f18 were originally designed to meet a US Defence 'RFP' ( request for proposals) mainly to replace heavy and big fighters such as F-4 and F-14. After these two designs were short listed and prototype flown against each other in a comptition. USAF opted for F-16 and USN went for F-18.

Why chose a delta wing??. May be the the chief of the design bureau has a liking for Delta. Swept wing has also inherent design flaws, it is an age old debate. Wish I knew the answer.

I just found some info on the Avro Arrow which is also a Tail less delta and very good one at that. It got some good judgements on the design like

"There is no well-defined stall for a tailless delta and this is perhaps the outstanding feature. It permits flying the airplane to much lower speeds compared to straight or sweptback wings. Minimum speed is usually determined by sink rate and/or minimum control."

Ground Effect - (An aircraft experiences an increase in lift when flying very close to the ground, caused by a distorted airflow or air cushion; this disappears when the aircraft is a half wingspan above the ground.)

LCA is the smallest light weight multirole combat aircraft in the world. Incorporating state-of-the-art technologies in every aspect of design and development, this single-seat single-engine tactical fighter from India is among the best in the world.

LCA is India's first modern fighter aircraft, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the Indian Air Force. LCA brings together decades of scientific and technological research in this country. From test facilities to computer simulation and composite materials to digital flight control system, world class technologies have been established in the country for the LCA programme. These form the foundation for future combat aircraft projects of India. Development work on a fully operational LCA trainer version and an LCA naval version capable of operation from aircraft carriers are presently on hand.

Aero Dynamics

LCA aerodynamic configuration has been evolved to meet the demands of modern combat. Extensive wind tunnel testing on scale models and complex computational fluid dynamic analyses have optimised the aerodynamic configuration of LCA, giving it minimum supersonic drag, low wing loading and high rates of roll & pitch.

The tailless compound delta planform helps in keeping LCA small and light. It also means fewer control surfaces, wider choice of external stores and better close combat, high-speed and high-alpha characteristics.

LCA has been designed to be unstable. Relaxed static stability gives improved aerodynamic efficiency and enhanced agility and manoeuvrability.

The wing shielded side mounted bifurcated Y-duct air intake with optimised diverter configuration ensures buzz free air supply to the engine, at acceptable distortion levels.

A number of aerodynamic devices have been developed to further improve aerodynamic efficiency and performance of LCA.

AIRFRAME & ALL-weather capability

Advanced composites constitute more than 40% of the LCA airframe including wings, fin and fuselage, resulting in significant weight reduction. Co-cured cobonded technology for fuselage components, fin, rudder, elevons, airbrake and landing gear doors has ensured cost-effectiveness. The radome is made of Kevlar. The airframe has been strengthened to withstand high 'g' manoeuvres during close combat. Static and fatigue strength studies on finite element models, and aeroservoelastic studies have optimised the airframe for high strength and durability.

LCA is designed for active combat in any adverse weather condition. The composite materials used for airframe construction, and all the software driven processor based electronics need to be protected from lightning strikes. Lightning protection schemes have been developed based on high-voltage and high-current tests in the Lightning Test Facility set up at Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS).

Power Plant & Fuel System

LCA will be powered by a low bypass augmented turbofan Kaveri engine developed by Gas Turbine Research Establishment. This features a Full Authority Digital Electronic Control Unit and a flat rated thrust at high ambient temperatures to enhance combat power. A jet fuel starter is used to start the engine on the ground, and also for relighting during flight.Fuel tanks are integrated into the fuselage and wings. For extended range, additional 800 lt / 1200 lt fuel tanks are carried at midboard / inboard wing stations and also at centreline station under the fuselage. The inflight refuelling probe further extends the range and endurance.

Weapon System

For a modern combat aircraft, successful deployment of weapons is its primary misssion. LCA is a precision weapon launch platform with multirole capability.

A choice of three hard points below each wing, and one under the fuselage gives considerable flexibility to carry a variety of missiles, bombs and rockets, as per mission requirements : air-to-air, air-to-ground or air-to-sea. High manoeuvrability and carefree handling capability of the aircraft combined with advanced cockpit, digital avionics and weapon system interface give LCA very good point and shoot capability with quick turn around time.

Effective pilot-vehicle interface for easy interpretation of targets, a host of sensors ensuring early threat detection and a low visual signature give LCA an upper hand in close air combat. Supersonic speeds at all altitudes and the availability of high performance radar give effective Beyond Visual Range (BVR) attack capability to LCA.For futher enhancing mission effectiveness and multirole capability, additional sensors for guidance, navigation, reconnaissance and electronic warfare are carried.


Avionics plays a major role in a modern combat aircraft. The Integrated Digital Avionics Suite of LCA is characterised by its interface with all other aircraft systems such as Utility Systems Management System (USMS), Proplsion System, Electrical System and Flight control System.
LCA Avionics architecture is configured around a three bus system (MIL-STD-1553B) in a distributed environment. The heart of the system is a 32-bit Mission Computer (MC) which performs mission oriented computations, flight management, reconfiguration / redundancy management and in-flight system self-tests. In compliance with MIL-STD-1521 and 2167A standards, Ada language has been adopted for mission computer software.Accurate navigation and guidance is realised through RLG based Inertial Navigation System (INS) with provision for INS / Global Positioning System (GPS) integration. Jam resistant radio commumication system with advanced Electronic Warfare (EW) environment. In the EW suite, Electromagnetic and Electroptic receivers and jammers provide the necessary "soft-kill" capability.

Cockpit & Radar

The new-generation glass cokpit of LCA incorporates latest Avionics systems and an effective pilot-vehicle interface. Two Multi Function Displays present required information to the pilot. Critical information required in close combat situations is flashed onto the Head Up Display. Hands on Throttle and Stick (HOTAS) concept ensures availability of every control needed during a critical combat situation, right under the fingers of the pilot.

A bubble canopy provides excellent all-round view to the pilot, which is very critical during close air-to-air combat.The advanced multi-mode radar takes care of detection, tracking, terrain avoidance and delivery of guided weapons. The track-while-scan feature keeps track of multiple targets and also allows simultaneous multiple target engagement. Pulse-Doppler gives the look-down shoot-down capability. Ground mapping feature, frequency agility and other ECCM techniques make the radar truly state-of-the-art.

The Environmental Control System (ECS) is designed to give a high degree of comfort to the pilot and to provide adequate cooling to all onboard electronic systems. The compressed air for pressurisation of cockpit, radar and fuel tank is also supplied by ECS.

Flight Control System

Digital fly-by-wire Flight Control System is another advanced feature of LCA. The unstable configuration of LCA demands a highly efficient Integrated Flight Control System (IFCS) to fly the aircraft. Control law resident in the flight control computer synthesises inputs from pilot's stick and rudder pedals with flight parameters from inertial and airdata measurements to generate commands to the actuators that move various control surfaces. The design of the control law is evaluated susing real-time flight simulator for acceptable flight handling qualities. The IFCS ensures stability, agility, manoeuvrability and carefree handling over the entire operating envelope of LCA. The Digital Flight Control Computer (DFCC) is the heart of IFCS, and uses a quadruplex redundant system to achieve high reliability and safety.

Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) activity is an integral part of the Software development process. From requirement specification to final testing, IV&V ensures correctness, consistency, completeness and adherence to MIL standards of the software.

The flight control system along with all the associated software is tested and validated at the iron-bird rig.

On paper it appears to be very good. I hope Kaveri engine is upto the job. Does India have sufficient experience designing Jet engines ab initio or this engine is based upon a proven US Engine ???
On paper it appears to be very good. I hope Kaveri engine is upto the job. Does India have sufficient experience designing Jet engines ab initio or this engine is based upon a proven US Engine ???

It doesnt. And thats why its looking for co-operation. Snecma is one of the constestants for the deal.
There seems to be issues with weigth for th current design. It was heavier than intended.
There is a need for high end materials to bring the weigth down to acceptable levels.

Add to this read in some reports that they were able to achieve the thrust level up to 90-95% of the planned specification.
On paper it appears to be very good. I hope Kaveri engine is upto the job. Does India have sufficient experience designing Jet engines ab initio or this engine is based upon a proven US Engine ???

No sir, It is compeletly new design, Its is going to take a long time, Its going to take some time before they make it work, I expect the atleat the first two squadrons to be Ge-404.
Air Force To Deploy First LCA Tejas Squadron in Tamil Nadu By 2010

The first squadron of the indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) named Tejas will be deployed down south in Tamil Nadu, when the first batch of the 20 fighter aircrafts are expected to be inducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) in 2009-2010.

The IAF is zeroing on three places Thanjavur , Sulur and Tiruchirapalli for its possible deployment highlighting the new strategic concerns in Indian establishment 's regarding country's security, particularly with the growing importance of Indian Ocean region and the maritime security.

Sources in IAF said that Tiruchirapalli could be the place for possible deployment of Tejas, which are expected to replace the MIG-21 aircraft, which have been phased out.

However, the IAF also remained sceptical that the much delayed LCA will stick to its renewed schedule, as Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA)- an autonomous society under the Department of Defence Research and Development (DRDO) working on the LCA project- has been failing to meet the deadline for years.

Last month, Chief of the Southern Air Command, Air Marshal Y.R. Rane had publicly told of moving more 'combat assets' to south India.

Air Marshal Rane had then hinted at developing air base in Thanjavur for hosting long-range multirole fighter aircraft, such as Sukhoi-30.

The LCA project, which was initiated in 1983, has failed to meet its deadline three times, and the first test flight was conducted as late as 2001.

The untimely delay and the persisting 'certain complexities' as stated by the DRDO in Tejas, have raised doubts in the IAF, which placed the orders for only 20 aircrafts instead of 220 as envisaged by the ADA.

The initial operation clearance (IOC) for the LCA, expected to be conducted next year, will be keenly watched by everyone as the fate of the LCA's induction into the IAF and subsequently into Indian Navy will depend on this.

The single seater-single engine supersonic light-weight multi-role combat aircraft will be powered by US F404-GE-IN20 engine and advanced electronically scanned phased-array (AESA) radar of Russia.

The IOC followed by full operation clearance will put to test any glitches in aircraft's aerodynamic, aero-mechanical, combustion and structural Integrity, apart from its avionics software.

I read the article but couldn't figure out who issued this informtion?
Is it official news or individual analysis?
LCA to be equipped with VTAS, so far F22/Typhoon have em.


Check this,

AERO-Elastic tests

Dr.Upadhya is one of the few specialists in the country in the multi-disciplinary field of Aeroelasticity. His major contributions to Aerospace research and development and industry, many of them as first in the country are listed below :

(i) Transonic buffet Testing of Launch Vehicle Models at NAL, Bangalore .

Transonic buffet is a serious problem for launch vehicles with bulbous nose and strap-on boosters. The problem is not amenable for easy mathematical modelling because of the complex nature of the unsteady, aerodynamic flow involving shack-boundary layer interaction and flow separation. Hence the problem was studied by aeroelastic modelling and testing in wind tunnel scaled aeroelastic models simulating the external aerodynamic shape and structural dynamic characteristics were designed and built. The model was supported internally on specially designed flexible spring—moments on a wing tunnel sting so as to simulate free-free dynamic behaviour of the vehicle. The model was instrumental and calibrated to measure dynamic bending moment distribution in the vehicle in its vibration modes due to aerodynamic buffet excitation in the wind tunnel. The wind tunnel tests in the transonic regime in the NAL 1.2 m transonic tunnel yielded valuable data on the dynamic structure to buffet and adequacy of structural design. Such models and tests were done for the first time in India for ASLV by Dr.Upadhya which were later adapted by NAL for PSLV and GSLV buffet testing. VSSC was very appreciative of the effort.

Earlier to this, Dr.Upadhya was involved as a member of the tests at NAL in the SLV-3 body divergence and fin-flutter modelling and testing.

Aeroelastic Design studies on LCA

Aeroelastic interactions played a major role in the design of LCA as it employs many advanced technologies such as carbon fibre composites in its airframe, digital fly-by-wire flight control systems, unstable and dynamic configurations etc. which cause interaction between aerodynamic, structural dynamics and control systems dynamics affecting loads, flutter, FCS stability and response etc. Dr.Upadhya ked a team of engineers which analysed these problems in a very detailed manner and gave valuable inputs for design and certification.

Maneuver Loads for structural design

Manueuver loads computations were done synthesising steady aerodynamics inputs from CFD Wind tunnel test group, Finite element model and mass data. Effort of aeroelastic differentiation on the air loads differentiation was taken into account. Hundreds of load cases were guaranteed correspond to cover points of load envelopes and during flight conditions out of the a few critical ones, from design point of view were selected for using new selection procedure based on weighting function approach for detail design/optimisation. Finally, elaborate design slate on aeroelastic efficiency on aerodynamic derivation were generated for use by control law design groups.

Aeroelasticty tailoring of CFC wing skins.

Aeroelastic losses in control effectiveness is very significant in combat aircraft. Attempts to decrease the losses leads to weight penalty. However, with composite skins, an opportunity to tailor the number of layups in the chosen films directions in the different regions of wing was available and this was effectively utilised in the structural optimisation process, thus meeting the weight targets and control requirement simultaneously.\

Tests Analysis.

Analysis of structure control aerodynamic interactions became very important in LCA due to the reasons mentioned above. An integral ASE model was developed using component models from structural FE vibration analysis, unsteady aerodynamic Actuator dynamics, FCS dynamics etc. Detailed response calculations at the motion sensor locations were done in the frequency domain, determining structural mode participation in the response. Extensive parametric studies were conducted to get full envelopes of the gains and phase response. This data was used by the control law team for preliminary design of NFs. Such analysis was used for extrapolation or read across of data for tests to internal configurations.

Testing full scale flight for vibrations and structural control coupling evaluation.

Analytical prediction methods for these aero-servo elastic interactions have been developed by the team at ADA . However, they are not adequate for airworthiness certification. Specialised tests on the full aircraft are called for to asses the structure control coupling characteristics and take remedial action to suppress this coupling. Such specialised tests are Ground vibration Test and Structural coupling Tests for generation of relevant design data and alter for certification. These tests were successfully conducted on LCA by a team of ADA Scientists led by Dr.A.R.Upadhya.

The Ground Vibration Test (GVT) was conducted to evolve the modal vibration characteristics of the aircraft which formed the basis for all interactions with FCS and unsteady aerodynamics. This involved exciting the aircraft with electro-dynamic shakers located on wings, fuselage and fin, and acquisition and analysis of response data on the aircraft at nearly 250 locations using accelerometers. A state-of-the-art multi-input multi-output (MIMO) GVT system was used for this purpose. A novel technique of suspending the aircraft on rubber bunge cords from a rigid suspension rig to simulate free flight condition was used. Perhaps, for the first time in aircraft development, random excitation technique was used in testing. This saved valuable test-time and avoided fatigue damage. It also made possible extraction of all the modal data from a single test. The test results were extensively compared with analytical predictions of the team, showing good correlation.

The Structural Coupling Test (SCT) was conducted in two phases. The first phase(SCT1) involved ‘Aircraft Identification’ wherein the coupling of structural vibration response with the aircraft motion response as measured by the FCS sensors was characterised. This test generated data for the design of notch filters to be implemented in the Flight control Computer(FCC) to suppress undesirable response. After implementation of the notch filters in the FCC, the second phase of the test (SCT2) was conducted to verify that adequate gain and phase margins were represented at the structural mode frequencies. Both these tests involved excitation of the primary control surface actuators through the FCC using sweep sine excitation, and measurement of the frequency response characteristics of the aircraft motion sensor responses or the actuators demand signal from the FCC. In order to overcome a likely situation of poor signal to noise ratio in the actuator demand signal due to the presence of the notch filters, an innovative technique of profiling the excitation signal amplitude was used in the tests.

The highlights of the work are:

1. Conducted for the first time in the country perhaps only second or third in the world.

2. Tests done on a flight standard aircraft

3. Extensive and efficient coordination with several design groups involving airframe, FCS on-board and ground based systems.

4. Development of the computer controlled Ground Check-out System(GCS) for definition, execution and control of tests and on-line data analysis and display.

5. Ensuring safety of aircraft during tests using a specially developed Loads Monitoring System and FCS Health Monitoring

6. Extensive post-test data analysis and synthesis and correlation with computational predictions.

7. Provided all the data for the design of notch filters in the FCC

8. Confirmed adequacy of FCS margins.

The tests were also most essential from airworthiness point of view. The Expert Review Committee which reviewed the procedures and results specially complimented the team for their excellence of work in a difficult and challenging technical area. The efforts of the team has resulted not only in establishing facility for such large scale tests bug has generated expertise to asses vibration characteristics and structure control interactions for any complex flight vehicle with confidence. The techniques and facilities developed such as the Aircraft Suspension System, Random Excitation Technique, the Ground Checkout System and SCT techniques are innovative and unique and are perhaps the best in the world.


Reminds me of the experimental F-16 AFTI.


Neo iirc LCA's FBW was tested in Vista which was supposed derivative of some sort of F16XL? have to do some homework in this i think.

LCA's cockpit is very interesting as well, just for example LCa's cockpit and Raptors cockpit looks similar :P

2 SSDU's and 3 MFD's with HOTAS (not hotass ;) ) , VTAS and HMDS and HUD.

i would love to see LCA VTAS working seamlessly with HOTAS which will greastly reduce pilot work.

but then again I'm one of those who still feels analog+digital is better in cockpit just incase you know the mfd gets blackened out the metres would never betray you.

the SSDU's are places for that specific purpose i guess for backup display?
Neo iirc LCA's FBW was tested in Vista which was supposed derivative of some sort of F16XL? have to do some homework in this i think.

Yes indeed, the Vista is supposedly a derivative of the F-16XL - AFTI, thats why I posted the second picture.

The AFTI (Advanced Fighter Technology Integration) /F-16XL program was a joint NASA/USAF effort evaluating advanced digital flight controls, automated maneuvering, voice-activated controls, sensors, and close-air support attack systems on a modified F-16. Research and test results could be applied to existing or future aircraft.
Finally I know something you don't know...yay! :bunny:
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