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Gujarat HC raps Narendra Modi govt for 'inaction' during post-Godhra riots

Why modi, the responsibility is collective. Whole Gujrat Govt shall be book for negligence.

bcoz modi was the CM of the state and is responsible for maintaining law and order in the state...Just like Modi is praised for all the good work being donw in Gujrat the same way he will be cursed for bad things...You cannot have both the ways...

Along with Gujrat govt, central govt too was responsible, infact Sonia Maino too was responsible for it.

We can even blame US for that but it will not change the fact...As per consitution central govt has no role whatsoever when it comes to maintaining law and order...Center will step in only if it finds that state machinery has collapsed...In such a case emergency can be declared in the effected state and center will take the charge until an alternative is sorted out...

When Train was burnt, The parlimanet was in session, I watched the session, Sonia and opposition didn't said a word to condemn the brutal attack. Infact she and congress waited for situation to worsen,If they have forced central govt, central govt could have sent paramilitary forces hence riots could have been averted.

As said center cannot act on its own...b/w train incident was a surprise act. Unfortunate but kind of unavoidable....However even an elementary kid can figure out that post godhra, riots are on the cards...It is unfortunate to its core that rioters were allowed to have a free run...

Sonia, Bajpai, Kongress, BJP, Hindu Muslim, Mulayam, laloo all were responsible for Gujrat riots, All must be made accountable for their crime.

As said we can blame sun/moon for that too...but being the CM onus lies on MODI..Period!!!
Wait! Who said Modi has been absolved of all the charges?
He's still to come out clean in the Aarushi case says Kapil Sibbal
^^ Thanks but no thanks.

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------

Oh don't say that; after all mainstream Hindus and Dharmic faith people are expendable. They don't count at all especially in cases that happened much earlier than 2002.... you're wasting your time explaining how right you are to them.

The problem in all these cases is that most Indians tend to take a strong stance against the people who appear to be the aggressors. While they could be right in some instances, they were wrong in other too. But justice has to be done giving utmost respect to the principle "Prove criminality beyond doubt". That's my point. And Modi has already lost his PM chances for life. I am just not sure if he had done so stupid things that people accuse him off, considering the fact that he was CM already, he could have used the Train burning incident for Political ends instead of making it a life long liability. understand what i mean?
take a look back @ the pre-independence days politics of India & tell me something honestly are you so naive that you fail to see the analysis of which is that this very nonsensical predominant theory of your is the biggest & i repeat the biggest threat to the very unity & security of India & the South Asian region & large

fact of the matter is whether you like it or not but the reality of the demographic politics of South Asia have always been interlinked so in simple terms the fact of the matter of the demographic strength today in the region are for of 807 million Hindus you also have a rapidly growing population of 500 million plus Muslims that is 807/500 = 1.6 which is less then a ratio of 1/2 which simply means that never in the history of the Indian subcontinent has the demographic balance been so even as it stands today. now having said that do you even realize that by holding onto you stubborn & destructive revisionist theory what type of volatile situation you are inviting for India & South Asian @ large

hinduism (sanatan dharma) plays a role in the life of an Indian that no other religion plays.....indian culture is rooted in hinduism just like arab culture is rooted in islam and western culture is rooted in christianity...thats the simple truth for you....

the other religions just play side role in india....islam was and will always be a foreign religion....brought to the subcontinent by invaders....

as fr the demography we are acutely aware of the growing muslim population...and secondly thank god most of the muslims went away to two different countries....
Not condemning the attack was the best thing to do in that situation. Narendra Modi purposely inflamed the situation by saying that "It was a pre-planned act. The culprits will have to pay for it. It was not communal violence. It was a violent, one-sided, collective act by only one community.".

you idiot the godhra carnage was a pre-planned act....and what did they expect laddus and rasgollas after they burnt alive 59 hindu pilgrims...? ofcourse there would have been a backlash.....there was nothing modi did not do to stop it...but the emotions were too high to be contained.....

and it was communal riot....the muslim mobs too indulged in rioting in areas they were in majority... seriously...where do you people read your news from ?

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------

Oh so you're a fascist now.

telling the truth makes me a fascist ?? ....so saying western culture is rooted in judeo-chritian values makes me a fascist...telling arab culture is rooted in islam makes me a fascist....

seriously...stop the crap...the 5000 year old indian culture is indeed rooted in sanatan dharma....india is politically/constitutionally secular...but culturally its dharmic...roooted in sanatan dharma...
Why are people mad at HC :undecided:
Good decision at-least he had the responsibility of maintaining order in the state....if he's clean he should be alright.
You mean pseudo-secularists? I'd rather support a Hindu-hater than a fascist, as the Hindu-haters don't necessarily go around massacring people..

ok so the muslim mobs in godhra and the assorted jihadi groups go around distributing mithai to all....seriously you spewing all this crap about hinduism in a hindu majority country is a testimony to our patience...dont press your luck....
take a look back @ the pre-independence days politics of India & tell me something honestly are you so naive that you fail to see the analysis of which is that this very nonsensical predominant theory of your is the biggest & i repeat the biggest threat to the very unity & security of India & the South Asian region & large
fact of the matter is whether you like it or not but the reality of the demographic politics of South Asia have always been interlinked so in simple terms the fact of the matter of the demographic strength today in the region are for of 807 million Hindus you also have a rapidly growing population of 500 million plus Muslims that is 807/500 = 1.6 which is less then a ratio of 1/2 which simply means that never in the history of the Indian subcontinent has the demographic balance been so even as it stands today. now having said that do you even realize that by holding onto you stubborn & destructive revisionist theory what type of volatile situation you are inviting for India & South Asian @ large

What are you suggesting?

Apart from that, Your line of thinking ''demographic Balance" is regressive. labeling people by their religion for political ends is the most intellectually bankrupt thing to do. That's what people are still resorting to in whole of continental India. People should understand that there could only be positive political grouping like financial status, intellectual status, political leaning among secular ideas) and negative political grouping like Sikhs Muslims Christians Hindus etc., by their religion. It's so because these groups are not monoliths and serve no purpose.

Just for example:

Educated and affluent Muslims don't go around calling ban on Books and people for writing things that they don't like. It's only the uneducated, dumb and educated mullah types that incite hatred that do those things. Nobody will have issues with people that behave civil.

And you are simply accusing him of clinging to revisionist history . whatever you mean.
ok let me tell you the essence....majority of the hindus now support modi just like minority groups support Congress, MIM,IUML etc....thats it..we support what we support because we feel he can better our interests...now move on and stop whining...
hinduism (sanatan dharma) plays a role in the life of an Indian that no other religion plays.....indian culture is rooted in hinduism just like arab culture is rooted in islam and western culture is rooted in christianity...thats the simple truth for you....

You're conflating the Hindu religion with Hindu culture here. Hindu culture is no more a religion than say Confucianism. Hindu religion's influence is confined to those who believe in it (incidentally, many "Hindus" are actually atheists or agnostics). On the other hand, Hindu culture influences everyone in India, as evidenced by the strong Hindu-like Sufi element in Indian Islam.

On a side note, to say that Arab culture is rooted in Islam is insulting to the many Christians in the Arab world.

the other religions just play side role in india....islam was and will always be a foreign religion....brought to the subcontinent by invaders....

You must be another of those Aryan-invasion deniers.

---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------

ok so the muslim mobs in godhra and the assorted jihadi groups go around distributing mithai to all....seriously you spewing all this crap about hinduism in a hindu majority country is a testimony to our patience...dont press your luck....

You seem to be under the misconception that I'm a Muslim. I'm an atheist and as far as I know, and as far as I know, my grandparents were all Hindus.
You're conflating the Hindu religion with Hindu culture here. Hindu culture is no more a religion than say Confucianism. Hindu religion's influence is confined to those who believe in it (incidentally, many "Hindus" are actually atheists or agnostics). On the other hand, Hindu culture influences everyone in India, as evidenced by the strong Hindu-like Sufi element in Indian Islam.

On a side note, to say that Arab culture is rooted in Islam is insulting to the many Christians in the Arab world.

You must be another of those Aryan-invasion deniers.

---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------

You seem to be under the misconception that I'm a Muslim. I'm an atheist and as far as I know, and as far as I know, my grandparents were all Hindus.

By now you would have figured out why some people try to use this Hindu thing to define India and it's culture(whatever it means). It's because of the events in the recent history. The Muslim nationalism.(They are balance). It's just paranoia of some people that if any other religion demographically dominates, other than Dharmic religions, it could some how destroy liberal pluralist society of India. i know some professors that expressed this type views on many occasions. ( they are Muslims)
ok so the muslim mobs in godhra and the assorted jihadi groups go around distributing mithai to all....seriously you spewing all this crap about hinduism in a hindu majority country is a testimony to our patience...dont press your luck....

now, you are testimony to intolerance of Your own self. You just lost me there. He was trying to comment on Modi not India or it's culture. why bring it in and waste yours and his time.
You're conflating the Hindu religion with Hindu culture here. Hindu culture is no more a religion than say Confucianism. Hindu religion's influence is confined to those who believe in it (incidentally, many "Hindus" are actually atheists or agnostics). On the other hand, Hindu culture influences everyone in India, as evidenced by the strong Hindu-like Sufi element in Indian Islam.

hinduism was always culture oriented way of life until these islamic invader and later the britisgers came....they who practised organized, rigid religions were not able to understand that unlike theirs
hinduism was just a way of life of people in the subcontinent and named that a religion....

and who denies that religion does not influence culture...? for example the root of the arab culture is islam and western culture is based on judeo-christian values....similarly indian culture is rooted in sanatan dharma...

i dont know why people are so ashamed to own their history and accept the truth that hinduism (dharmic religions) define indian culture...they might be influnced by other religions..but the root of that still remains same

On a side note, to say that Arab culture is rooted in Islam is insulting to the many Christians in the Arab world.

the operative word is pre-dominant....what is the % of muslims among arabs...like 96% ? that defines their culture..

You must be another of those Aryan-invasion deniers.

you must be one of those romila thapar alike...stuck up marxist revisionist historians.....stop believeing all the colonial crap the english peddled to justify their invasion of india.....

You seem to be under the misconception that I'm a Muslim. I'm an atheist and as far as I know, and as far as I know, my grandparents were all Hindus.

a marxist atheist is more dangerous than any one else....
And the time this news comes out proves a point that how fair the election process is in India.. Watch past few days of news paper you will see BJP & its leaders in headlines. Seriously, can't believe how shrewd these people are and how stupid the populace is?
By now you would have figured out why some people try to use this Hindu thing to define India and it's culture(whatever it means). It's because of the events in the recent history. The Muslim nationalism.(They are balance). It's just paranoia of some people that if any other religion demographically dominates, other than Dharmic religions, it could some how destroy liberal pluralist society of India. i know some professors that expressed this type views on many occasions. ( they are Muslims)

that is no paranoia....examples are there all over the world.....tell me one islamic country in the whole wide world that is secular , liberal,pluralistic and tolerating of other religions....none....nilch...nada....

want india to go down that route ?
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